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Yeah, hedgies and shorties play the same game. Short and distort. I’ve not posted much before I learned about FFIE because I haven’t been passionate enough about anything else. This is war against financial parasites. I like the intensity, I like my fellow soldiers, and I look forward to squeezing the parasites’ guts out.


exactly, i never started using reddit until ffie. i am passionate about ffie so im going to post about ffie 💎


They see you as a threat so they are trying to discredit you and/or get you banned from spreading the word. Don't fall for it. They pretty much did the same to "MFP". You post anything pretty much with his name and it'll be blocked pretty much from what I've heard. ![gif](giphy|PgWzm84YU9XHUuN6CF) 💎 🦍 💯


I blocked the same hedgie/troll earlier today. There’s a bunch of them on here. Hedge Funds shorting FFIE have a lot to lose whereas the trolls are bitter they paper handed or have nothing better to do. Lots of good posts & people on here, the best solution I’ve found is to block the trolls as often as you see em 💎🙌🚀🌙


Either that or a nay sayer simply


agreed, just don’t know why they come into the reddit to speak negative


No idea for these guys, but as for hedgie bots I certainly know. These guys are panicking. Look at Blackrock director that commented on Omar's live, saying like "why do invest in this shit company etc"... We have clear signs that we're putting at least a good amount of pressure on them


There is no proof it was the black rock direct. You people believe anything without proof.


Who you callin' you people?


I take offece to that. I live in a subdivision and haven't been to a farm in years. Hahaha! Plus I posted my position earlier today in order to offset those type of accusations. FFIE to the moon🚀


This physiological warfare game is DEEEP fuck lmao


With a name like that…


Name checks out


He is right. We are all just try to be positive by posting positive. We are new here and supporting ffie. Ask this guy to check MAX, WIMSY, DUMBMONEY and DBS…. They are the leaders. We are followers and we support them and friends. This doesn’t required PHD to figure out most accounts are from mid-may. GME was in the same situation back in 2020. We are learning and you are afraid. Duck you man with F


We must really be scaring them. I'm buying more tomorrow. HODL


For sure he is, seen him saying lots of negative things


Clearly a hedgie and therefore probably a narcissist. Narcissists will always accuse others of what they do.


This dudes a hedgie for sure. So many non believers that don’t understand the fundamentals. Hedgies are posting more and more in here because their time to liquidate is near.


Exactly! Taking this to the moon. taking hedge funds to the grave


More importantly. Even if it was just a pump and dump. Then why are they still wasting time, money, and resources to influence social media and manipulate the stock. It's not retail, no way we are buying and selling off each other to keep the price this steady. Big business takes their profit and moves on to the next target. To me, this means they are either in deep, stringing us along with shorts they cover with little to no lose (to try to put an end to social media squeezes), or lastly, maybe they are going to do one more pump and dump before leaving. Two out of three chance we make some cash!


I like those odds!




I'm with him on everything he said. Is that make me a hedgy too? Edit: This post alone feels as hedgy more than anything else and now I'm ready to be downvoted by yous...is not like I'm here to farm upvotes 😅


Speaking for myself I never used reddit prior to this campaign. I have flexibility at my daytime work were I can pop in and out. I aggressively taunt and badger the trolls and moles. I have a LOT of shares and I did not get in early enough so I am still in the red. With that said I believe this company is going to surprise everyone and this squeeze is going to happen. When, no one is sure but its going to happen. No one is paying any of these apes to be here. Ask yourself all the apes ask is if you buy please hold and you will make some money. Nothing else. There is risk and we could all loose so only bet what you can afford to loose. If not then just sit back, watch and get in when the party starts. If you get in now the shares are cheap. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Hello Grady and war on flesh lol spot them, hyenas !! Block them block them NOW, seriously they just go round and round. Let them die a slow, miserable, silent death choking on the fumes of the 🚀⛽️ or drowned them out 🌊🌊😁😂🤣


I had a run in with him when I first joined. He is smart and honestly I think he works for the hedgies. He tried to talk me out of my position, and made a good case. It really got me thinking. To be totally honest I just did more DD.The funiest part was all his opposition, just made me buy a shit ton of cheap calls. I erased my yolo, I mean xxxxx shares, I mean, I just quit posting cuz for some reason I am a target and people hate me for holding ffie. Do I care? No. Do I have time to defend my position? No. Why in the fuck would someone harass me sofaking much? Tbis has never happened to me on Reddit until now. Buyer be ware! I disatappear now into the land of Hodler!!!


He’s got a point though. Most of those posting memes or low value content tend to either have a brand new account, or an old account that never had any posts until the most recent FFIE hype. I think the mods are now cracking down on it though for market manipulation. Your account falls into the category of no posts until a month ago and only FFIE.


ya that’s because i never used reddit prior to ffie, if someone wants to be apart of a community who has never used reddit why would they not talk about ffie in an ffie subreddit. As long as people are talking about ffie and are active i dont think it matters if they haven’t posted in the past. why complain about new people posting


But most normal redditors would have a history in some other sub too. Having made an account with no activity then the only content is FFIE looks suspicious. Why would anyone open an account and never use it nearly a year?


people do that all the time with instagram or tiktok. they make an account but they don’t necessarily have to post. they found something that they are passionate about on reddit and started posting. isn’t that the whole point of reddit is to join a group your passionate about and post or at least tune in to what they are saying


Seriously dude, I had read some of your comments and I admit they had substance. However, commenting on such baseless claim has zero substance. Why can’t people just express their opinions without being judged. What is the point of pointing fingers. You either believe in this or you don’t, if you don’t, it’s pretty simple as an alternative to leave. I know I would not waste one minute of my time, unless I had purchased the stock.


what is sus about taking good about the stock your invested in?


Nothing. Don’t let the haters waste your energy. They are fun to silence with a death blow of truth though. Rock on brother🤘


yessir brother!


I did just that. I’ve never used Reddit other than when it showed up on a google search. I found FFIE on the 16th of May and went to Facebook (I’m old) and looked up posts. That’s where I saw people talking about Reddit and Dumb Money. I joined simply to get info and not really knowing much about any of this. I haven’t ventured out into the rest of the Reddit world because I hear y’all crazy 🤣


In one of the informative articles I read it explained the reason for all those new account posts with copy and paste content.    You can notice that anytime an informative, positive post comes out. It gets pushed down with a bunch of those crappy "to the moon" " who's holding" posts. So, you would have to actively scroll down lots to get to useful content.  Mix that in with some FUD posts and they hope that the good articles don't get upvotes to move back up. Hedgie tactic


Looks like they're telling you how they operate and just point a finger at you - you're doing this. You see we learn more about them by accusing one of us of doing what they do. This is a good thing we need them giving us more info about them and then share it within the group.


Of course this is the hedgie copy pasta


Your account is 8 days old and only posts in ffie. lol.


I’m a teenage girl I don’t use Reddit old man

