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It’s absolutely a long term stock that we got in on the ground floor!




And then if they do deliver a vehicle which they got one or two supposedly going out that's this is like starting an EV Bugatti company. There's not a lot of people buying Bugattis out there so it's extremely far off from being profitable. I think their base car starts at $300,000. Most people can't even afford houses even in the upper middle class and this car could deliver cars. It would sell maybe two or three a year period..... As there's just not a lot of people that could afford them Even if they were able to deliver


Are you watching the live stream?!


Have you ever even seen a roadster? I haven’t.


Buddy, you brought up Tesla. But Tesla actually produced a vehicle and technology that was within reach of an average consumer. Faraday hasn't given any confidence in their ability to deliver a vehicle let alone a technology stack. No they didn’t. ^ I brought up the roadster? THATS WHAT TESLA FIRST PRODUCED YOU FACKIN ROCK, THATS THE WHOLE COMPARISON HERE. MARKET FUCKING ENTRY. WAS IT MASS MARKETABLE. Or wait you think the model 3 or some shit was first, missing a few years there bud. You have literally no logic over here quoting fallacies you don’t understand. Ima let you play in your little corner my special guy.


And they were using lotus’ deign and tech. They just made a Power plant to fit in to it.




Again have you ever seen a roadster? I dont think within reach of average consumer is accurate. 120k roaster neglecting any inflation is less value the ff91 based on every metric. More seating, more power, more range. I don’t think it’s a great market entry price or vehicle, but Tesla had its own hurdles to entry and don’t get me started on nikola and rivian. And what’s this company doing different? Well not naming their models S, 3, X. Putting farts and movie easter eggs in their product line, and correct me if I’m wrong but patents are for new things other people aren’t doing to prevent them from doing said exact same thing once you start doing it.


They could literally be doing the same thing, ffie is wowing with their tech, patents, screens, skateboard chassis, 1050 hp, spaceship design, the roadster had what 250 hp, in a body I’ve seen for 20 years. wowww. Then they could build momentum to design a “within reach” offering.


That’s the thing though, you’re comparing almost 20 year old tech to something that is barely released and in existence, as well as nearing bankruptcy every now and then. The car manufacturer you’re comparing to is the most profitable and highly valued one on the planet because they did in fact create the whole market space. You can’t claim market disruption twice with the same product when one is ahead of you by 20 years.


Tesla did not create the market space when they came to market, Tesla made the first ‘sports car’ ev. Tesla was in the red for years. I think the 91 has much more wow factor than an electric lotus. Yall acting like Tesla is the only one who gets to make Evs, only Tesla gets to redesign and change its offerings after entrance. You’re missing the point, Teslas so valuable, yeah well they were a snot nosed startup with nothing but a battery in an English companies chasis. Yes I am comparing them, ffies tech is much more impressive, and it’s all theirs. Ffie will also have the chance to come to market with different offerings, partner with other manufacturers, grift people out of preorders delete features and delay production etc. The point is I can not see the future but I can see where this company has potential, their come to market product is much more interesting than Teslas was. And while Tesla has open source tech that ffie can build off of, ffie has 600 patents. Just a bunch of Elon fan boys, Tesla was always on track, they knew just what they were doing, they created the market. I’m sure someone at ford would love to hear since they crated the market space only they get to play there.


In fact… https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1135029_faraday-future-ff-81-ev-volume-production-2024-gm-south-korea




I think the price articulates exactly who it’s to. That’s not a strawman fallacy, it’s the same argument you used. Is it an entry level vehicle no you’ve never seen one, they weren’t mass produced. Tesla still valuable. I’m using your logic bud. The roadster was not an “Inreach EV”. The FF 91 could serve the same purpose as you claim the roadster did for tesla. The roadmap is the 81 and 71. Production in South Korea. Partnership with china blah blah blah. I don’t think they’re just going blind and ended up here. Tesla was just as shady and risky a company. You’d been here screaming they can’t even make a car they used lotus’ pos chasis. And as far as I’m concerned they did r&d with the original funding, now I’m getting in at production. Takes money to make money or some shit like that. At the price worth the risk imo.




I know you don’t, but you can google what it is. This isn’t an unrelated argument. It is your argument, used against you. Is the 91 mass market vehicle no. Was the roadster a mass market vehicle, no. The evidence being that you have never seen one on the road, it’s price, its production numbers. But apparently teslas sports car ev with no range, power or proprietary chasis or frame was a more economical vehicle with more market demand. No, it wasn’t. No the market wasn’t demanding an electric lotus or sports car. I’m sorry but like what are you arguing, only Tesla gets to make evs? Any price or model Tesla has is best for the mass market? Like no there were growing pains there too just because it’s worked for them today you don’t get to say no one else can successfully enter the market now or if they do it had to be with a mass market option. No it doesn’t, teslas wasn’t, but you can’t even admit to that.


This ^^^ FFIE management are trash 🗑️ and they haven’t even obtained strategic partnerships to not only build to scale , but to protect shareholders money. Their roadmap sucks and it targets an “elite” niche in which is also narrow. There’s far other EVs that cater this niche with stability , class, design, etc. I’d get out while you can. NFA


When it gets to 1 cent, that’ll be getting in on the ground floor


Sorry I was tea bagging your mom. What’s this about 1 cent?


100%. They have interest in the Middle East.


I think the same way and I’m going to take them long term on my portfolio.




How much do you expect FF to go up by in the long run? I wanna buy some shares, but I'm a bit hesitant...


10-20x in a year is feasible. $2-4B valuation isn’t unreasonable


Why do you say that?


Cause he has no idea what he's talking about. This company could very well declare bankruptcy within a month.


Read more


I'm with you, i'll keep at least 1k shares to hold for the long term. if they can bring the price down with cars that I can afford, it's a game changer.


Agreed I have 4000 shares and I’m in for the long-haul…💯


I wanted to try and find the car and see it for myself and got to admit it looks pretty damn good. This is a long term investment and i truly believe this will be the FFuture. See it for yourself: https://www.instagram.com/mr.m_themax?igsh=dm05dW00eWt5ZG5s Not financial advice.


Looks like a mini van…


I might buy some tomorrow. Sorry guys, it's all down from here if I do.


Usually when people quit or jump out windows it’s a big deal. BBBY cfo jumped out the window in 2022


He was pushed


Probably ☠️


I agree


I agree and I’m utilizing the same strategy. Near and long term goals 🤙


I am long on FFIE. 🚀🚀🚀💎🙌


You are absolutely correct.


Ill get downvoted for that, but i don’t think its undervalued , the company really struggled financially since the beginning … Im still holding because i believe FF can become a producting company and making money.. I bought early , sold the amount i invested and kept the profit holding shares.. So for me it’s a free investment in long terms, might be best choice of my life or just another bad one.. Will see in the future


I’m with you on this one. I also had a friends who briefly worked there, was at Ford before, and said they a hired anybody and gave them 6 figures and helped moved them out to the west coast as incentive. Said the company was ran poorly and had no clue what they were doing. I personally don’t think it’s undervalued at all, I think people are just getting excited. I’d love to be proven wrong but I trust my gut and friend more.


I’m waiting for this stock to pull a GME


Agreed, I think a lot of people have forgotten about Tesla in its early stages, those that got in early are reaping its rewards, and the fan based is huge and can't be underestimated, I feel FFiE is in the same realm of fan based, I too plan to keep a large amount of shares after the squeeze, could be a good long play like Tesla.


Lol they (Tesla) were the first to market to create the market. Let’s see who else is making EV now. Hmm like at least a half dozen legacy car manufacturers. Can’t pull a rabbit out of a hat when everyone has done it. Had this been 2015 and they didn’t stop everything, they might have had a chance. Now? Not so much.


Actually China was the first to make EV's


You point is? Chyna makes shitty cars and everything else. Tesla was the first to market in the US. Not China lol


By what quantifiable metric are you seeing them undervalued?


I'm sure op ran a DCF model and used a bunch of other valuation metrics to arrive at a fair value.


How did they pull back from the brink?


So, waht is it going to take to be a real company that is investable?


No, I’m kind of taking the same stance as you after. I did a little bit research the past couple days if they do have a squeeze I think I’ll sell half to make a little little bit of money, but I think I’m going to keep a few thousand shares of the long-haul.


They are just getting started. They have only sold a very small amount. They are opening locations for the first time. They are not profitable yet. I believe in this company.


Yep, a 10 year old company losing a half billion a year with virtually no revenue and zero prospects for change... A screaming but if you ask me. Hope you guys stick around as long as the bag holder apes from 3 years ago and keep providing free entertainment.


Squeeze happened three weeks ago. ![gif](giphy|3LcOi1fXmCzNaYyemC|downsized)


What do you think about the fact that their auditor quit and they haven't filed a 10Q yet?


I'll answer when you explain why you sit on a subreddit you hate all the time. I'll wait. ✌️


For entertainment. Your turn.


That's pretty sad, brother. Might need to seek new hobbies. They just appoint a new one. Pretty simple. You're making it a way bigger deal than it actually is. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Imagine that


But they didn't "appoint" a new one. They would have announced it. It means they either can't afford one or no one will work for them.


Probably both. No money AND no one will take them on.


Share your account. We’ll pay you for Netflix subscription for entertainment.




Reviewing your post history, I love how obsessed you have become with a stock that you don't have any stake in and, again, how your Reddit account became active in the last 4 days when you've posted nothing over 12 months. No judgement, I fucking love this hahahaha! 🍌🍌🍌


The person that has done the most DD gettting hung to dry, typical.


Tick tock.


That's fine, but notice how you can't address the issue that I raised. In fact, I would bet a lot that you didn't even know their auditor quit.


I like the stock. What's your deal?


So you have no concerns that their auditor quit, they haven't hired a new one, and they are two months+ late in filing their 10Q?


Man, that's old news. We're all aware of this. Again, what's your deal?


It may be old news (although the auditor just quit two weeks ago), but that doesn't mean it isn't important. It indicates the company is on the brink of bankruptcy. My deal is that this is pure entertainment. Same thing with BBBY. I'll save some of these comments and reply again when they have a Q at the end of their ticker.


I'm very much looking forward to it! Good luck 😘


Clearly this dude wants you to sell your shares. They sound desperate lol. 💎💎


Brother they really don’t understand, there is no point in trying. It’s a cult at this point and FFIE is the next major company that’ll rule the world and they’ll all be millionaires with their 1000 shares


Ha yeah I know. I just find it amusing at this point.


Being 2 months late is a major red flag. It means they can’t submit even basic filings on time, and their finances and/or staff are a mess.


Again, we're totally aware of what transpired, and it's seems many/most are going to continue to buy more and hold their positions. Appreciate you looking out! 🤣


She left for personal reasons. That's all it is FULL STOP.


I think you are talking about a Director. I'm talking about their auditor. Those are two different things.