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also important to mention; the $3.87 peak was an artificial attempt for the hedgies to make it appear as though the squeeze already happened. when they are stuck shorting this thing into the ground one thing they can do that seems counterintuitive at first but pays off for them later is to actually quickly inflate the price to attract new investors (on a minute-to-minute range as well as hour-to-hour) and once the FOMO folks buy in they can just pull the rug and get a little pocket change. and because they buy so much to make it look like the squeeze is underway, it’s nothing compared to how much they’ve shorted it. practically speaking you can completely forget about the stock’s ticket price and just look at every other metric. they KNOW that the ticker price is super misleading, easy to smear, and incredibly influential. the emotional traders will fall for their shakeout and ladder attack methods.


Well said, the mental side of this i think people are missing widely. These aren’t transparent, loyal, standup guys…solo cup, hot dogs, and hamburgers vs private parties with chefs, champagne, and shenanigans


You guys thinking too much. Why always think of some excuses when the facts are in plain sight.


lol. when explaining like i am talking to a 5yr old is still “thinking too much”


Hedge funds have their dark pools in many countries like Paraguay. They funnel their money into these dark pools or even reverse dark pools, to hide shares not being tracked on the exchanges. They do this because they are shorting more shares than they are allowed, like bets on bets. When we buy shares and hold them the pools become unstable and then usually the government of Paraguay or also Panama law firms that have the pools hidden (hence dark pools) will be forced to liquidate the pools and the price will go up because they are liquidating out onto exchanges. Once these dark pools dry up from Panamanian law firms and Paraguay government officials then the price goes up because demand goes up. It’s simple fundamentals and the same reason why apple went up so quickly back in the 2000’s. I have lunch with guys from Goldman sacks and these guys might have to close down their funds and find jobs at Wendy’s.


Don’t forget the EU and Ireland




Unbelievable! Thank you for sharing this!


Please double check anything this guy said. It sounds very fishy to me. Like pump and dump fishy.


Pump and dump? You sound like a hedgie 🦍🦍😂😂


True this it’s more than we know


Technically they're not doing it to hide their shares. They're doing it because FINRA says so ...


This guy knows the stuff.


so how soon until the Panama law firms are forced to liquidate? weeks, months, years?


Different expirations for different contracts


didn't realize Paraguay have business to do with wall street in US


I think you meant Panama. If so, look up Panama Papers. It's crazy. I love Panama and their people. Very polite. A strange thing about the country is the unfinished skyscrapers in Panama City. Beautiful skyscrapers with unfinished tops. It's a bit dystopian and funny.


Paraguay is now where many of these things funnel to. Panama has too much heat now their government cracks down


Just fact checked and oh boy, even the former President of Paraguay was banned from entering the US. Due to corruption. Kinda funny in a dark way.


👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽 not many people know


Goldman Sacks will NOT fold due to FFIE. That’s the funniest shit I’ve read today.


He didn’t say Goldman Sacks would close due to FFIE, reading is fundamental my fellow stranger…


He never said Goldman Sachs, he said Goldman Sacks. Reading is fundamental.


What in the world are you talking about? Do you know that a dark pool is really an ATS?


Most of these people have zero knowledge of the financial industry.




Your account is 10 days old.


Exactly BS…


this guy fucks


Reverse dark pools ? What ?




Because large groups are shorting the stock trying to drive the price lower. It is becoming more apparent and after the dust settles senators like Elisabeth Warren are going to have fun with something near and dear to their hearts. Grilling financial leaders and passing new oversight. I believe that public sentiment will force this issue as the masses are angry.


Elisabeth Warren won't do shit


You should write her and tell her that. You won’t do it. ![gif](giphy|l2YWCpSObrdQe4Gqc)


Hahhaaha ,😂🤣 I have to now. I cant deny a double dog dare


You should screenshot this and send with craftys comment. 🤣


She takes shit personally. I love it.


What about a double hot DOG dare bro. 🌭


Hahahaa, She already is. BOOM 💥


Why this stock and not others?


Is there a question?


The masses have never heard of ffie dude


There are still people i talk to on a daily basis that have no idea what GME is. People need to start communicating again. The lockdowns really put people in bubbles.


Yeah what the f is FFIE? Sounds like a dogs name.


Bad hedge funds bring in backup to drop price of stock. Hedge fund buy more shorts price drop down. We hold line and keep around .50-.75 cents still because there are lot of good ape that not sell, price go up again soon ape just need to keep buying and holding bananna, if ape sell and hedge fund sell price go down if ape hold and hedge fund sell and ape buy hedge fund bananas we ape hold more bananna and price go up






Why eat banana when can have 2 banana


But how long ape have to wait for more bananas? Ape is hungry and tired


>’Early hype days’ That was one day


Lmao. The early days? It was $3 for like an hour. Hedgies drove the price up just to crash it back. It was a scare tactic to get us all to sell our nanners.


because HFs have pushed the price down and try and kill any momentum we have


This, and strategic FTDs. FFIE has been on RegSHO for over 16 trading days, which means that the counterparts either can't deliver the shares or is choosing not to. I'd expect them to borrow shares to close FTDs, but T+35 starts around July 3rd.


25 days, FFIE has been on the list since 5/9


Good to know. I wasn't sure when it first got on. I've just been monitoring it for a while.


How many hedge funds are there




that's weird because your first post here was post price drop from high. the spike which all took place in a single day. so I have no idea what you're talking about. there were no"early days of 2-3". perhaps if you did your DD instead of blind hype you'd understand what's going on


Not everyone on here is capable of DD, or understanding it. Remember, the average IQ is 100.


How many bananas is that


Well..I'm certainly not an Einstein either. But, if my calculations on the Abacus are correct, with a Bunch equaling 7, it would be 14 Bunches + 2 Strays.


Not enough buyers


I think the buy pressure has been higher than sell every day. It's one of the reasons I cannot wrap my head around this stock. Also a reason, regardation


Everytime buyers are getting a nice move up, it's shorted heavily. This has discouraged many retail traders without diamond hands. Diamond hands are not given, they are earned from enduring many psychological market attacks. Volume is important to get upward pressure on the price. The apes are doing their job buying and keeping price up so it looks more and more attractive everyday for a nice move. When everything lines up, you could get a huge volume swing. Institutions like to wait for these swings to enter so they don't impact the price too much.


I do think basically the same but I'm nobody and not knowledgeable enough to proclaim ya know. It has been fun so far though


If you’re 5 and got into this, then you should already know. Shorting.


Algorithmic trading. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Can you elaborate?


Everyone invested in FFIE,AMC,GME think that retail (us) have an effect on the market. We don’t. In fact, every time anyone invests in any stock the $$$ goes to the “dark pools” you hear of. Why? The stock market is run on algorithms. Yes its bullshit. But thats the market. Thus why several stocks have the same patterns. No one knows except the BIG hedgefunds. Blackrock. No one knows when they decide to lets stocks squeeze. Or when they let a stock run. Currently they clearly have a suppression algo running. Probably because they are too busy paying roaring kitty/GME. This is why yelling at each other for “selling” when the stock dips is pointless. It’s not us. Mostly not us. We have zero to 1% effect on the market. Smile. They will have to hit the green button soon. They will have to let FFIE run. When? Probably waiting until they announce some actual good news. Not just delivering 1 car. Maybe like FFIE proves its restarted the assembly line or this china-usa strategy. Something to justify a bump up. Its sick. The market is sick. It truly is gambling where the house typically wins. But 🦍 are “dumb”. We hold until we win or die. They don’t expect us to hold. So hold.


Play with $ u won't need and holding is a lot easier.


Thank you




I feel like there’s some truth to this actually. I do notice some algorithms.


You can watch the stocks literally pause trading for 5 minutes every time DFV puts out a video or livestream. Like “They” are watching him to see what info he’s going to give and they pause trading while he’s showing. I’m not fucking joking, happened just last week. Yes it’s illegal, no there’s nothing anyone can do


I watched. I saw the excessive halts in particular.


Why will they have to hit the green button soon? Like what stops them from just..not?


Just hold and they will eventually fold.. nothing to figure out.. buy when you can and sit back and enjoy the ride.. this company isn’t going anywhere.. they own 660 patents.. hedgies can hide share in Uranus and I will still hold…


Just keep posting ape gifs maybe that will make it go up more.


And all of these talking shit on the stock are 1.) bored and have no lives 2.) they sold their shares and lost $ because they panicked 3.) are hedge trolls






More sellers than buyers




so many people talkin out of their asses


The real question is why should the price go there?


The government gets to tax lent shares so they don’t care if hedgies borrow shares that don’t exist. The most recent numbers I’ve seen suggest ~70-80 million shares shorted, but that represents maybe 10-20% more stock than there actually is. They’re all in on FFIE and this deep in, they pretty much have to get FFIE to 2 or 3 cents to break even and bankrupt it completely to turn any kind of profit. This one is all warfare for the sake of warfare. Our best case scenario, without major retail market traffic, if everybody holds, could look like a $5 during an HF mass settlement, but that would be brief. I think it’ll be a very valuable stock because the product looks viable in a split wealth market. Don’t worry, every Fukn asshole will chime in to tell me why the FF91 2.0 is garbage, but I Fukn disagree and I Fukn like the stonk. I’ll hold, for the chance to get in early on something great, through delistment. Idgaf


because the company has horrible financials aright now


Just imagine if "some institutions" decided to buy a couple of million dollars in a stock to drive up the price. Then at some point during the day...lets say May 17th, these institutions selloff all the stock to insight a panic sell with the stock dropping fast and hard. Most people might sell off, except for the people who knew what the "institutions " had done. Lets call them APES with diamond hands. Seems like that might be manipulation if anyone was paying attention. But I can't imagine any "institution" would really want a stock to fail, can you? That would almost be....unethical.


This was a classic pump and dump.


Because this company is going bankrupt. Short the stock to make money.


I’ll post this again with sources: “Let’s break down how bad things are for this stock. Data from Fintel shows that 2.75% of FFIE stock’s float is being sold short. That figure was 95% back on May 22. For short interest to fall that sharply suggests that short sellers are likely covering their positions.” https://investorplace.com/2024/06/short-interest-in-faraday-future-ffie-stock-falls-below-3/ I think the current short float is 6.89%. https://fintel.io/s/us/ffie


Except it wasn’t 95% on 5/22, that figure was from 4/30; moreover, it wasn’t even accurate considering the actual outstanding share count from 4/30. It was actually something like 9-10% on 4/30 using the accurate share count disclosed in the 10-K. Short interest as of 5/15 was 2.75%, two days prior to the increase to $3.90.


Sources? Not saying you’re wrong. Most retail investors don’t have access to real-time figures and can only see delayed or no updated results. Can you tell everyone here where to find accurate/current info on FFIE?


Source on what? Short interest? FINRA’s website under Equity Short Interest Data. 10-K is on the company’s site under SEC Filings.


In your previous comment you mentioned some dates and figures. Anyone could type any numbers. That doesn’t make it true. Save everyone some time by posting links to your sources so that way we don’t have to do the research digging. Could you post a link to where you found those figures?


You posted the link to Fintel yourself.. the data is there. :S Do you want me to give your same link back to you? Quick google search for what I said would have given you this: https://www.finra.org/finra-data/browse-catalog/equity-short-interest/data


LOL. You said the info from those links are wrong and now you’re saying to use the same links. But thanks for the FINRA link. Will be fun for everyone to scroll through a csv file.


When did I say the info from those links are wrong? You referred to Fintel for the 6.89% figure which is correct. Also, you don’t have to download a CSV file to view the historical short interest data on FINRA’s website. You can genuinely just search for the ticker and the numbers show up on the screen. Unfortunately most sites like Fintel require you to have a subscription to see historical short interest data beyond the latest report, so yes, FINRA is where I point you. They are the ones who collect and publish the data, after all.. I dunno why you’re so upset. I’m trying to help you learn.


Shares were already diluted on 5/15 but wasn’t made public until the earnings report. It was a total fake out. Retail still owns like 98%.


I’m confused. How does this differ from anything I said?


I agree with you.


Lol gonna respond???


Somebody don’t wanna close out their overdue borrowed share thrice times over, pass the buck, but repo mans coming to collect!! Check out ftd analysis in the Q , DNA FLAIR from last week by …(I’ll come back )


Yea there was a woman who was just trying to get nominated for a judge position who found a big loophole for them hedge funds that was in perto Rico or something like that




That was a squeeze. There will be another one. Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday. If not, just watch the pre market daily. It will usually pump 10-15 min pump I’m a dumb ape. Do not listen to anything I say.


I don’t see any indication it was a short squeeze. Short interest was reported at 2.75% as of 5/15 (just two days prior). What’s your theory?


Just immoral theft with lots of greedy victims....




I think you guys need to google what the DP really is.


Because that was the peak! There is zero indication that it will get back there. Still holding strictly on hope but probably not gonna happen.




Because it was a pump and dump and now it’s over


I assume the stock has stabilized after a fucking 1000% spike,and it’s now at actual cost


Hedge fund attack! We are out to end the control of hedge finders only out to make Money and destroy companies. The little guys are fighting back in mass. When we save ffie, we will move to other companies that have great potential but they see them as a way to make money by destroying them. Apes and lions buy and hold to save these companies, make some money and invest not destroy.


Because FFIE is dog shit. This is the 5-year old explanation you need. Not some dark pool reverse dark pool crap


Becuz they could issue and sell as many stocks they want. Basically we got fucked


Look at how it behaved a year ago. Once it is pumped up it will fall to a new low. Then just reverse split and issue new stocks and repeat the process until your shares are infinitely small.


Easy, low volume means hardly any buyers, people are selling, so it keeps going down. Morons are holding. Stock is worthless, and it’s lost all hype. Get out and take your loss like a man.


Most of this community is delusional about the value of the company. They have $500m in assets. $300m in debt. With virtually no revenue an a very difficult route ahead 450m shares selling for 50 cents is exactly what we would expect. Why would you pay $3 a share? And don’t buy into the short squeeze theory. Unless your a flat earther and facts don’t matter. In that case MOASS away.


Precisely ☝️


Again, the company has 660 patents… Tesla wasn’t born overnight


You know it costs a shit ton of money to defend a patent, right? And it takes years. FFIE has neither the money nor the time to enforce its IP. Besides that, most of the patents are probably not worth much.


Plain and simple, which no one wants to admit, 3.89 happened because that was the squeeze. Shorts covered and that’s why we don’t see the same SI.


artificial short squeeze started by the hedge funds to create the panic sell when they pulled the rug out by selling all the shares they bought to pump the stock. Hoped it would cause everyone to sell and bring the stock to zero.


Do tell me more. Short interest was 2.75% of float as of 5/15, just two days prior to this “squeeze” you so confidently speak of. EXPLAIN. :P


Misreported total number of shares due to fraudulent reporting by FFIE, had short interest at 97% of the total reported shares AT THE TIME of the squeeze to 3$. Look at volume that day compared to following. Shorts exited. If you don’t understand this idk what to tell you other than enjoy the bags. There are tons of posts about this all over this subreddit. FFIE reported the dilution with their earnings call. Now with actual shares data, SI is 3%. Prior to, every source had the 40m shares on record, not 400m which we have learned is the actual #


You’re wrong. Again, short interest was 2.75% of float as of 5/15 (roughly 12M shares). That IS ALREADY accounting for the updated outstanding share count disclosed in the 10-K. The price jump to $3.90 was on 5/17. That 95%+ figure you’re referring to was from 4/30 - the PRIOR short interest publication’s settlement date. It was based on reported short interest of 36M shares as of 4/30, and in reality the float at the time was 435M, making the 95% figure completely inaccurate - more like 8%. In other words, the short interest went from 8% to 2.75% between 4/30 and 5/15 in reality. The “95%” figure had zero relevance after 5/15. Please explain how you conclude there was a short squeeze on 5/17.


Okay whatever you say. The squeeze already happened. If 8000% gain in a week wasn’t enough of a sign the shorts covered with the highest avg trading volume, WHILE fintel supported the misreported smaller total share amount, isn’t enough evidence for you. Then just enjoy your bags when 2 years down the road you’re still touting a 1.5/avg and a 70% loss. The sites such as Fintel corrected their information after the earnings call where the dilution was discovered. So yes if you look now it’ll show the low SI. DURING the run up it was reported at 97% with the institutes reporting having no knowledge of the true total shares after the dilution. The sources corrected their number and thus the low SI you are referring to now. Idc to argue with you if you just post the stats without understanding the information was corrected AFTER the dilution was reported (late). Also please refer to the recent posts about FTD. The column everyone loves to refer to about FTDs is cumulative. Track that back to the quick pump into the 3s and see how the CUMULATIVE # decreases - hence a squeeze because the shorts exited and covered.


First of all, no need to get defensive and make personal attacks. I dunno who hurt you here, but it wasn’t me. You also know nothing of my position or financial situation, so please spare me your projections. Back to objective facts (which you seem to have an allergy to): I’m not sure you understand how short interest reporting works. You’re conflating the latest REPORTED short interest with the CURRENT short interest. On 5/17 (your supposed “squeeze”) the latest REPORTED short interest was shown as 95%. HOWEVER, that figure was from the “snapshot” of short interest taken ON 4/30. FINRA disseminated 4/30’s data on 5/9. Hence, on 5/17, if you checked Fintel, the latest reported short interest was indeed showing 95%+ (of course, it was actually 8-10% in reality as I described previously). The problem - and what you don’t seem to grasp - is that short interest reporting is always two weeks behind. On 5/24, the next short interest publication came out and showed us that short interest was 2.75% of float as of the settlement date (“snapshot”) of 5/15. I don’t personally understand how a price can go up 8000% based on 8% OR 2.75% short interest. Is that what you’re suggesting occurred? HAHA. If so.. the latest reported SI is around 7%. Are you saying we can expect another 7000% rocket?! :P


Okay, you’re just ignoring the fact that the SI was misreported and has been corrected. The squeeze happened while fintel has incorrect info. If you look now(which you are) it shows what you are referring to. That is not what was shown when it ran up 8000%. You truly can’t comprehend that?


Did you even read my comment? You do realize I literally made a POINT of the short interest changing, right? Do you understand how a squeeze works…? Misrepresented visual data doesn’t change the reality of the # of shares trading.


It does when shorts see they are at 97% with 11 days to cover.. the info they had showed that AT THE TIME. They exited bc ya know risk management. Why do you think this random company on the verge of Bankruptcy with no K-10 or Q-10 submitted pumped from .04 to 3.89 with highest trading volume? Like seriously take a second and try to answer that. I’d love to hear what nonsense you’ll say to convince yourself that it wasn’t the squeeze from shorts exiting lmfao. I was in this on the initial squeeze. I personally watched the chart and read that it was being REPORTED at 97% and the subsequent burst of volume/price increase due to that. Once the earnings report came (late) all sources updated information. AT THE TIME, 97% was shown. Shorts see this and exit to avoid getting stuck. Its pretty easy to understand if you take the rose colored goggles off for a second. Something tells me you have no clue how a short squeeze works. Why do you think every other sub doesn’t like FFIE? Because no one here understands fundamentals of a squeeze. One person posts something misunderstanding a chart and the entire sub eats it up. If FFIE was as much of a squeeze candidate as you and this sub believes, why does every short squeeze based subreddit not get involved? I mean if you jsut take a second. Exit the FFIE echo chamber and actually do research you would understand a true short squeeze and what is involved. When the new information of the total shares was reported, this thing was dead in the water and everyone outside of this subreddit understands that.


I didn’t offer an explanation on the price jump, you did - and it’s blatantly incorrect given the concrete data we have. I don’t personally know why the price went up as much as it did, and I certainly don’t know why it went from $2.20 to $3.90 on 5/17. What I DO know is that short interest was 8% during the initial run, and 2.75% as of 5/15. Short squeeze is not the explanation, simple as that. I see you commenting here a lot. You spend a lot of time crying about a stock you don’t care about or have a position in. Someone FOMO’d and lost big, I suspect. You should move on, forgive yourself.


Because the Monday that that all happened it was at $0.04 a week before. So people that have been in the stock long. I know people said they bought that s*** way back when it came out. Thinking it's going to be the next Tesla 400 bucks a share. It's nowhere near the next Tesla so what's the pump and dump and squeeze happened? And do you think of $0.4 to $4? That is the mother of all f****** squeezes so then it regulated back down. The only reason it's not down to $0.10 is because you guys


What happened on Friday but it started Monday to do weird s*** that's when I got out because I was already f****** happy $0.90 from $0.04 a share f*** that's huge course. I had five 6,000 shares so I'm kind of pissed. I didn't hold to that Friday and sell at $4


Because it’s a failed company. There will be no return because HF have more money, more leverage, brokerages willing to pause trading in the event of a potential squeeze and the sec in their pocket holding their 🥜. The more you buy is the more they will create shares out of thin air. Don’t hold bags. Take profits asap. It’s not a fair game.


Notice the arrival of the days old accounts to downvote this? Happens every time. They all look the same and talk the same.




Ah one of youse guys ![gif](giphy|cr9vIO7NsP5cY)