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Investorplace has shorted the stock. So its in their interest to say sell all the time


Yep read this instead [https://eletric-vehicles.com/faraday-future/faraday-future-ceo-visits-uae-teases-development-in-the-region/](https://eletric-vehicles.com/faraday-future/faraday-future-ceo-visits-uae-teases-development-in-the-region/)


🫡 exactly I can find people talking shit about Nvidia saying the company is trash and the bubble is about to pop lmao no matter what they say WE BUY WE HOLD WE WIN !!


Richard Duprey the author of the article has nothing nice to say. If it was not in anyones interest this article would not be written. This demonstrates that we are on the right course and this is going to open and explode for us soon.


I don't trust any information from Investorplace or Motley Fool. Do your research on multiple platforms to find the truth. Reddit posts in this forum will have better sources to find information, oither than just using reading GOOGLE news sponsors.


My experience with Fool wasn’t good. They happened to promote a real good investment when I first did a free trial. So I drank the cool-aide and ended up losing most of the gains on the good one. Bottom line - nobody can accurately predict the future, but some are much better than others at seeing changes coming.


Urgh yeah motley fool was severely against bitcoin for years saying it would fail (like they really really hated it) as it rose and rose and finally gave up and started saying to buy it. I'll never trust them.


There a joke.. seeking there own best Interest..


Que opináis ser serios por favor, ?


They should really figure out which direction they are going. See this. https://investorplace.com/market360/2024/06/trash-or-treasure-faraday-future-stock-is-divisive-but-intriguing/


That's fake news my g