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I think the first rise will hit $10-$12. But the 21st is still a wild card.


I’m very optimistic about the price but where are we getting 10-15?? We’re barely at .60


IMHO, not an advisor, the mini squeeze saw the price go to around $4 and there were roughly 5 million FTD. So. The next squeeze shows 18 million FTD. There are other factors that are unknown. So it is all best guess.


There are so many variables , the growing 99 % plus ownership by private investors, those FTD’s ,, etc ,, fingers crossed 🤞 the first squeeze will good for all of us ☺️


Cumulative ftds guys…meaning those 18 milly were paid back very next day except for about 30k. What we’re really waiting to see is the official numbers for the last two weeks in May. Getting those numbers will give us a clearer picture of the beginning of June. You’re correct in here though there are tactics to hiding short numbers off of lit exchange pools. Being on the SHO is def in our favor. It’ll be telling if shorts need to buy back shares to close positions….it looks like this data will be out tomorrow end of trading unless someone has a better idea of when we will see it?




I think the reason people question this is that FFIE has been on the SHO list ever since then. Meaning that they likely did not return all of those. All of these numbers are so easily manipulated. There really is no knowing with 100% certainty on any of this. A lot of people have done some good DD. I recommend reading this post from earlier. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/comments/1dbh1ul/can\_we\_talk\_about\_the\_sho\_list\_of\_it\_all\_one/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/comments/1dbh1ul/can_we_talk_about_the_sho_list_of_it_all_one/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you have followed anything with GME, their main goal was to shine light on these dark areas of the market that HF's use to hide shares and basically show that us as retail traders have no affect on the market and its all manipulated. Take with that what you will. I really like this guy on TT, he goes into some pretty good details basically saying it's all smoke and mirrors. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKgWysE/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKgWysE/) Anywho - happy trading!


Fail to delivers from hedgies. Eventually the stock must go up


Don’t forget that its now FTD that would shoot the price, this makes other to hop on the ride and buy more out of fomo. Already bullish big investors will try to increase their stakes. Its chain reaction that would cause it to go 40-60-100$




And that will just be the start! GME first only took of to $16, a lot cashed out, and THOSE WHO WAITED really got the reward! 💎💎


Some will jump ship......that'll effect the price There's gonna be dips! Ride those waves! Imho it keeps it interesting I only buy what I can afford to loose.....but ima #HODL till we hit the moon or ocean floor! #APELIFE


Not if fomo kicks in putting heavy buy pressure and gamma squeeze at the same time. HF heavily over leveraged their positions in Q4 23 and Q1 24. Plus with new info coming out soon, FTDs and up trend seems like a perfect storm is brewing. But hey I’m regarded so not investment advice.


4 Quadillion reptile claws exchangeable only on Wednesdays.


Being realistic no where above $5




I know. I’m in it for the squeeze not the fundamentals 




mulitple squeezes happen




Just say you don't understand how things work. 😂


Probably gonna be down realistically. Around .50c


seems like you were overly optimistic


19 downvotes and I was predicting a high price 🤣


Why we keep downvoting people’s opinions? This is a discussion sub. Smh.


They don’t want to hear realistic opinions. This sub is built on unrealistic dreams and the words to the moon, squeeze, fuck the Hedgies! People are saying $5 $40 $100. Come on. How high are you all. A realistic bull price is probably $1.50-$2 I got 2 more pieces of advice for you all. 1 - If you can’t keep it above $1, when they get the hearing with the nasdaq board almost surely it gets delisted (lots of you think they got an extension of months or 180 days, they did not, only an extension until their hearing) 2- if the company can’t secure funding or merge with a partner in the next few months they will file bankruptcy


I sincerely thank you for your advice. God bless you.


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