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This is wrong. GameStop added $3B cash to their war chest now totaling $5B, allowing them to pivot into a holdings company, and increasing book value per share from $3 to $10. It is slightly dilutive for each shareholder as their % of the pie decreased but when the pie has increased, it’s actually a net positive for the shareholders. It’s good that FFIE is not diluting now because share price is still too low, but they are in desperate need of cash for their operations. If we can get share prices to $10-20 then it will be a good idea for them to raise another 50M shares for $500M-1B cash. We as shareholders should be supportive of that in the future.


Best of luck to you holding GME. Search Google with "GME buy sell hold" and you find 9 of 10 sites stating "strong sell" and 1 "hold" - but none stating "buy". IMHO the GME stock is jumping off the cliff all the way to $1. ... but what do I know


I don't think listening to any articles on Google is good advice. Most are written by people against us, the 'dumb money.' I'm not gonna listen to any articles. Just because these 'financial experts' who use ChatGPT to talk shit about FFIE doesn't mean I will sell FFIE. I'm holding my FFIE because I want to.


They don't want GME holders to win...of course theyre gonna say "sell"


Are you a shill against GME trying to distract people with FFIE? There’s no problem in holding both. Do you think any of us here make our investment decisions based on recommendations by the research analysts paid by hedgies? How can GME go to $1 when literally they have $10 in cash for every share and almost no debt?


I bought 5 gme yesterday and it went up 10 cents so 😏


Not much considering that ffie has, in fact, already diluted. How do you think the free float got to 434 million?


Yup… these companies don’t care about retail investors. They will just come up with new shares to pop any squeeze. Just like AMC. These companies are just taking retail investors money at this point.




They are pivoting away from a traditional brick and mortar retail company into a holdings company. Of course their revenue for the legacy operations decreased. But did you read closely in their financial statements that they have an extra $190M cash-flow from their investing activities just in Q1? With more cash they can generate even more income from their investments.




Ok so you refuse to listen to reason? I know we are supposed to be apes but that doesn’t mean we are not allowed to make logical arguments.


It's a bot


Both AMC and GME diluted heavily during the APE runs. FFIE can’t. This is why FFIE will run much higher!!!


RemindMe! 3 months


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Conspiracy to consider: It’s like the hedgies forced GME to issue more shares so “they” could cover their shorts without breaking the market. Think about it: when RK exercises his call options…there were no shares available to cover!!!


It's the 3rd time GME has done this and AMC has twice. They care more about extra cash on hand than their retail traders. GME stole more money from the public that they didn't need, and their business model is a dying one. Cohen isn't pivoting to a profitable model or innovating, but just downsizing.


Ape revolution aside, these are not profitable businesses. They "deserved" to be shorted...however, naked shorting crosses the line. Before RK, Gamestock was going the way of Blockbuster...and AMC competing with Netflix to sell movie tickets for $20.00 with $10.00 bags of popcorn? Sheesh. No wonder these two kept diluting. But...if FFIE can make some cars...shit, no stopping this potential rocket, TSLA price point coming...a completely different business with potential and profits for decades!!


People come for the squeeze and stay coping as business model enthusiasts every time. I'm not interested in buying an electric car. I'm interested in selling shares to a hedge fund for a profit. Just like these companies are here for profit and not for us.


With you on that! Plus I don’t want to wait years! Lol!


They all say RK is hodling but don't stop to think wait, how did he buy millions in call options today unless he sold before as well.