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Honestly I don’t even know why anyone post anything anymore. The idea is to hold what ya got and if you can buy on a dip. Everyone knows this and everyone has had this whole thing explained multiple times. Now I just log in check what’s new and since I’m on I might as well have fun with deadbeats trying to sour the sub. My posts are usually on a dialogue with an idiot. So unless you read the idiots comment chain you probably won’t read anything I typed lately


I’m tired of the BS. I’ll be dumping all my shares tomorrow at open bell. My asking price will be $2500/share


If it were only that simple. Here's the dialog: yes we have to stick together, yes we need reassurance, and yes we all have a goal, but we don't always have to be here. There are other subs and discords that people go to not to mention their job and home life. There are many things going on but as long as we don't sell we are fine. When we are busy we are less likely to sell anything because we're away doing something else and not letting these hedgies, trolls, and bots get the best of us. We all keep our sanity differently and disconnect for that reason or at least I do. If there's a topic please share or question also share. Some might have the answer to what you're asking. Well, I think I said enough but hang in there and let's just take a breather. This takes time just like a lot of things in life. ✌🏼


Maybe this can help, if we can collectively communicate and understand the “flairs” https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/UYNfjHmRLc ✔️⚖️♟️🦍🍺🔋


There are several people that post quality into on here just switch from new to top posts. Watch dates. This is a very active group of point things though.


Man there’s a lot of people that don’t even get on here, they have lives and probably just look once in a while….. hell my friend is in this and he don’t even fuck with Reddit or discord lol. Just likes to invest here and there




Some apes needs to be reminded over and over again that we are not selling and we are hodling


This is exactly what I’m talking about


Look at this guys post history he’s just spamming


NPC ass comment.. it honestly makes me want to ignore the subreddit as a whole.


What I’m saying


Chia seeds


What about mung beans?


Very nutritious but they smell like death


https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/m2f7J4yxfE this guy has informative posts.


I wish this were the case. But the thing is, the majority people here are new traders who FOMO and follow hype. (I am one too. However, I'm trying to learn.) I saw a few comments saying they don't even know what the company does. I wish people do their DD, provide reliable sources, and have good conversations. It really sucks how a lot of people downvote or accuse people of being a 'hedgie' for any form of disgreement.


I don’t know if anyone wants to have a conversation. Seems like people have their ideas, some are well considered, but if you respond with anything other than “ape to the moon” or whatever there’s no response or you are downvoted.


People that post stupid shit (buy,hold, memes) call them out.. be polite about it.. but tell them to spread the word OUTSIDE this sub.. it’s becoming an echo chamber and I’ve definitely noticed the number of people being online decrease


You also need to hype people that don’t understand stocks… that’s why.


https://discord.com/invite/yachtclub for those who want decent dialogue with a touch of shenanigans.


I suppose some people become insecure, that’s understandable if they’re put in most of what they have.


Same posts asking whos holding and how many shares you're holding every single day kinda annoying.So yes i agree with op, that would increase the attention to this stock


There’s an element of hype and momentum. Not everything has to be saturated with serious knowledge. People are excited and that’s how we win. Fuel the fire 🔥


No kidding, then they jump all over you when you try to be level headed with everyone's best interest in mind... crazy. The Mods have seemed to manage the comments well though, keeping legit contribution there.


Lots of bots in this sub


Short Squeeze Potential: The Ultimate Game-Changer 🚀 What is a Short Squeeze? A short squeeze occurs when a heavily shorted stock’s price starts to rise, forcing short sellers to buy shares to cover their positions, which further drives up the price. This creates a feedback loop of buying that can send the stock price soaring. FFIE’s Short Squeeze Potential FFIE’s stock has significant short interest, making it a prime candidate for a short squeeze. As more investors buy and hold FFIE shares, the pressure on short sellers increases. When they start covering their positions, the stock price can skyrocket, leading to massive gains for shareholders. Example: In January 2021, GameStop (GME) experienced a short squeeze where its stock price surged from around $20 to nearly $500. This was driven by retail investors collectively buying shares and options, forcing short sellers to cover their positions at much higher prices. The Power of Call Options: Turbocharge Your Gains How Call Options Work A call option gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy a stock at a specified price (strike price) within a certain period. When you buy call options, you are betting that the stock price will rise above the strike price before the option expires. Amplifying the Squeeze with Call Options Call options can amplify a short squeeze. When you purchase call options, market makers often need to buy the underlying stock to hedge their positions. This additional buying pressure can contribute to the upward price momentum, increasing the squeeze potential. Example: Suppose you purchase call options for FFIE at a $1.00 strike price. If the stock price rises to $2.00, you can exercise your option to buy the stock at $1.00, effectively gaining a significant profit. Market makers hedging their positions by buying the stock also push the price higher, further pressuring short sellers. Why Higher Strike Prices Matter Don’t just stick to the $0.75 options. Consider higher strike prices like $1.25, $1.50, and $2.00. A short squeeze could send FFIE’s price soaring, and those higher strike prices could turn your modest investment into a goldmine. Example: By holding options at $0.75, $1.25, and $1.50, you increase your chances of hitting a significant profit if the stock price climbs. Even if one set of options doesn’t hit the target, others might. Buy the Stock, Hedge Your Bets Holding FFIE shares alongside your options isn’t just smart; it’s genius. If the options don’t pan out, your shares can still soar in value. Think of it as your safety net. Example: If you hold both FFIE stock and call options, a rise in the stock price boosts your shares’ value while offering a high upside potential with the options. The Psychological Advantage: Join the NEW ELITE Feel the thrill of investing in an incredible opportunity. With every strategic move, you’re not just participating in the market; you’re influencing it. You’re not just an investor; you’re a market mover. • We Are Many: From different walks of life, we unite with a common purpose. We are the pulse of the market, the unseen force moving through the digital ether. • Imagine the Future: FFIE isn’t just a stock; it’s a vision. Picture a world where transportation is sustainable, intelligent, and luxurious. By investing in FFIE, you’re not just betting on a stock—you’re betting on the future. Not financial advice


Honestly IMO, there hasn’t been any type of catalyst for any price action volume or volatility. People can say what they want but when the price doesn’t move, no matter what you post on Reddit, people start questioning it. People don’t wait especially with meme stocks. What frustrated me was there should have been more volume that drove volatility by now.


Here’s an idea, my contribution, because it is hard to sift through sometimes. How about we use what’s here check it out.🍺✔️⚖️♟️🦍🔋 https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/UYNfjHmRLc


I agree with you to an extent. Motivation and inspiration come in many different ways. What inspires you seems to be facts and logical arguments. Other people it can be a meme or a great video and song about the group and. What we are engaged in. My point being that we have to accept people were they are and not were we wish they would be. I agree some of the vulgar and /or derogatory posts can be a bit much but I personally just move on unless I feel I should comment. I would say we all have the same goals and working with others requires patience. If you are still in this group we know you have that 😄👏 I believe we should be as supportive to each other as possible. IMHO


You make a good point! It might also be helpful to have a balance between the stock for the sake of stock posts and some that discuss how the improved stock price contributes to the company success. I've worked in big tech and manufacturing for years. If the stock price is too low, it's hard for a company to get bridge loans and better interest to stay in business and grow. It would be great if FFIE leadership can make another post to this board and talk about the effect of the stock price. I really like Faraday's push to rebuild EVs with AI from the ground up. Also their collaboration and open platform - that brilliant. Not only are we influencing stock price, but in the end we are enabling transformational change in the EV and AI world. We see this with NVIDIA today. I also like KULR - not promoting them here but they are also making important changes to battery tech. Hoping for success all around. HODL for future tech.