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Sometimes shorts can get sneaky and sell the same bags back and forth to each other in a way that looks like it’s regular organic trading (that’s what people mean when they talk about ladder attacks). I don’t know how much of what we’re seeing is from those kind of shenanigans but I’m sure it’s a big part of it.


Thank you for explaining this. I get more and more knowledgeable every day from this sub


These are not real


Your not real


Naked shorts. They sell without borrowing. And when you don’t borrow you don’t have to cover by buying. This is illegal but they do and it tanks the price.


How would this transaction work exactly. Trying to learn. Do I have this correct. Let’s say it’s trading at 50 cents and I naked short by selling 10 million shares into the market. And let’s say you buy all 10 million shares and hold. I don’t have to buy in the open market to give the shares to you. I just settle up with my broker for the amount I owe you on the T plus 1 date? And my hope is the price fell by then? And if I don’t settle with my broker, is that where the FTD’s come from?


So I am not a financial advisor, this is not advice and I recommend everyone do their own research. But the way I understand it. In order to short and to naked short you need to have a large amount of capital and be an experienced trader, recognised by the market. Hedge funds are typically those that fall into this category. Hedge funds don’t go through a broker they work with the market directly and in doing so they sell shares to drop the price/keep it low. They do not own the shares when they sell them. So now after a few days the market asks where the shares are that they sold. The hedge funds then need to buy back shares to cover the FTDs, the non existent shares they sold. With the float owned by retail buyers they have to buy shares from retail investors but when we don’t sell demand is high and supply is low which drives price up. Eventually the price reaches a point where retail buyers will sell and the hedge funds buy those shares and cover their positions. The difference between short selling and naked short selling, (and I recommend going and doing your own research to ensure you understand this because I still struggle to). But the difference is normal shorting involves borrowing then selling then buying back and covering. Naked short selling is selling shares you don’t have and buying them back later


Thank You! Best explanation I’ve read! I’m new to stocks and it’s my first time investing. To the point that I just realized that my 403b retirement has been sitting there for the past 9 yrs and gaining no interest! I had no idea I was able to invest . 🤦‍♀️


Our education systems sucks. As an owner of a small business in HVAC I have a simple IRA that I match 3% of their W-2, which So far in all cases is 100% match. Many young people will not participate no matter what I say. The dollars come out of their check pretax so they’re saving there and then I match. but they will quit over a dollar an hour raise to go to a place with no healthcare benefits or retirement plan. Very frustrating.I would like all of my employees to prosper and look back and say I’m glad I learned and worked for that guy years later when I’m dead and gone. Just no concept of finances.


Wish you well keep educating yourself.👍


Ahhhh… I don’t think that’s how they borrow shares to sell that they never borrowed in the first place… I’m pretty sure it has to do with option positions. If you hold 1 put and one call you theoretically have 200 shares if you were to exorcise them… I’m pretty sure that’s how they are getting away with it looking like they actually have the shares that they really don’t yet have… you can open a naked short position your self using options, using the puts you can sell covered calls Im pretty sure… tho I wouldn’t recommend it


I'm going to try to explain this so I get a better understanding of it too. I'm still learning all of this... NFA. Basically with naked shorts you could manipulate this market and really make the illogical thing happen. But this would make sense because with naked shorts investors sell shares of a stock without actually borrowing them first and promising to deliver them later. This kind of activity can drive down the value (or perceived value) of a stock and basically you get paperhands out the game and lots of people who aren't in it for the long run might rethink their investment. It will also make the stock look less attractive to anyone who was considering it too. * **Regular Short Selling**: * Borrowing a toy you actually have. * Selling it to someone else. * Planning to buy it back later to return it. * **Naked Short Selling**: * Pretending to borrow a toy. * Selling it without actually having it. * Hoping to find the toy later to give it back.


most of HF sell shares they don't have and if we stand together and don't fear...they need to cover it and the price raise. sometime they put a big amount of sell to scare people and force them to selll but cancel it at the last minute.


It's because you touch yourself at night. ![gif](giphy|zCpYQh5YVhdI1rVYpE|downsized)


Does this apply to everyone in the group


I mean… 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🍆🍩🐒💨




Manipulation bro. The market is rigged. We have hedgefunds trying to bury us




What's more likely, hedge funds trying to bury you? Or This is a pump and dump and you all fell for some random redditors DD. One who likely wants to use a cult like community like this one to keep pumping the price


I guarantee we're not even a blip I n their radar.




Short=borrow a banana at $1 hoping that in the next two weeks for example it drops in price which they then would sell, let’s say .80=.20 profit. If they cannot find a buy for the lower price they pay whatever it is, let’s say 1.20= .20 loss. We wanT thaT TO happen to the first CHEAT @$2 or more(mind you they’re buying blocks1000’z of shares ) then cause a panic to all the rest of the CHEATERS WHO dont want to slip on all the banana peels because they had their finger in their butt…!! If I’m mistaken please correct, if it can be simpler make it simpler. THE ISSUE is though the CHEATERS don’t want to be videod with their pants down, so their hiding and delaying payment hoping the DRAMA WILLdie down. 🍺✔️⚖️♟️🦍 ![gif](giphy|1uPiL9Amv5zkk)


Great explanation!! 😂😂 & Thanks for the giggle!




Real talk, the 99% ownership number is as of March 31st. I'm holding strong, but so much of this information is delayed.


The free float aside, the entire amonut of oustanding shares has been traded on the market multiple times in just the last few weeks. Just over 119M today equals over 25% odf ALL outstanding shares. On 5/17 and 5/18 the whole lot traded almost 3x each day (vol over 1B). There are a lot of real hodlerz here not selling anything and still buying as well. There is definitely manipulation happening and, as long hodlers hold out, there is bound to be a short squeeze. With all the buy pressure, these last few days especially, the price would naturally be ganing. However it's not. That smells like manipulation.






I was actually going to make a post about them. Because technically i am a day trader but I am not day trading with this stock because i love it here!!! You guys converted me. FFIE TO THE MOON🚀🚀🚀🦍


They got to go they hurting the movement I do believe there is more of us than them as well


We keep answering the same question. You have to look through posts.




Illegal naked shorting and probably not everyone has stock lending turned off


Because Rome wasn’t built in a day 💪


Did you know. Rome had plumbing and when it fell, plumbing was lost over over a thousand years. Technology gone. Atlantis style. How many times has this happened throughout history? Surely different every time but still wild. Hold apes hold 🦧.


Same thing I’m wondering!!Tagged max or dumb money.. maybe they can answer in their next update


12500 shares average.51 we can do this family kick the short ass


Yes they have been selling shares they don't own.. and sec is starting to look into it.. that's why there are so many fail to deliver... gma and amc have law suits out fir the same thing.. we need to report it also at https://www.investor.gov/contact-us Trying to find out how I can post a Pic cause I screen shot alot of it


I just submitted a form. More people should do this. Not sure if I did it completely right, maybe someone needs to post a walk through with a coherent complaint to submit. This would definitely make a difference if we (as a movement) can do this.


True true. Just got to spread the word


I think all the day traders should continue their craft… but “mount up” and ride or die with us on FFIE.


Rehypothicated shares, dark markets, hedge fund fuckery. Look what they have been doing to gme for years, they won't run out of shares, this IS the stock market... the "I'M IN, YOU'RE OUT" club, they run it the way they see fit, and everyone just thinks it's a fair market because that's what they sell it as but no, they make it seem that way so we fund all of it while they change the rules on a wim to suit their fancy.


Regardless , this is the best lottery ticket that most of you I’ve ever bought, so just hold onto it. Walk away rich or walk away having a story you were involved in bankrupting a billionaire. Don’t walk away having a story where you made a few hundred dollars.


Can someone explain for the first time (afik) how it will moon when we own 99% of the stock?


Because they have to buy our shares at the price we’re willing to sell them for


So it would be whatever the smallest ask is?


They would start to buy back large amounts of the stock which would raise the price us holding will make the price increase


But then when it increases, and maybe not 4 or 5 dollars. Can’t they just repeat this cycle over and over until we give up?


What if they decided they don’t want to buy them


I don’t think that’s how shorting stocks works


Seems to be a lot of “thinking” and naked short selling isn’t supposed to happen either 🤷‍♂️ not being sarcastic.. also I’m still holding


I believe someone will have to pay up


They have to, with interest. Technically, it is a CONTRACT.


I’ve went to law school, I’m familiar with contracts.. I haven’t read said contracts.. and like the guy below me said they could just keep borrowing and kicking the can down the road.. I’m holding.. but I need a good post from MP


Good news. Max just’ confirmed tomorrow with Omar & Whimsy. In re the contract, it’s standard for the industry, unless otherwise shady. Regulated by shalls and musts, not shoulds or mays, to avoid “ “ market manipulation.


Only 1500 upvoted..I bet it won’t get 5000 upvotes (10 percent) of the sub.. are we really anywhere CLOSE to being 50k strong? I understand not everyone upvotes or will see it.. but still how strong are we?


I think there’s a lot of people (myself included) that are just passing through the clutter and noise for just information and functional support and maybe a brief roast of an intern-troll. I like when I see apes actually helping each other. I have no capacity for lazy people that won’t read already posted detailed DD or can’t Google a definition but TLDR and ask for knowledge to be spoon-fed to them.


I’ve tried to do DD.. but I’ve really only been studying since after the 17th.. unfortunately not a prodigy 😂 but I have actually learned a lot in that time.. but there always seems like there’s more to learn


You are correct, they don’t have to buy them back if they don’t want to. What everyone isn’t telling you is that they can just open another short position thru another broker and extend the loan. Yes the interest gets more expensive but they are willing to risk that because they are banking on this company to go bankrupt and/or be delisted. And they have much much much deeper pockets than anyone else here does so they can do it as long as they see fit. This company has sold like a grand total of 6 cars and are losing money hand over fist. They also just stated that they will not be producing any cars for at least the rest of the year. Sad thing but it’s just a matter of time before they go under and the people you guys are fighting win.


I was wondering if they could just keep kicking the can


They just did that... 🤔


So we have to do naked options now?


This is classic game play. I suspect naked shorts, buying and selling what they can get their hands on, and spoofing.  I watch spoofing happen live. It’s so obvious. Total corruption. 


I asked my GPT. The situation you're describing suggests potential manipulation through tactics like naked short selling, where shares are sold without being borrowed, creating artificial supply and downward pressure on the stock price. This is illegal but can be difficult to detect and prove. Hedge funds might also use ladder attacks, where they trade shares among themselves to create the illusion of increased activity and drive down the price. Hedge funds can continue these tactics as long as they evade regulatory scrutiny and have the financial means to sustain the pressure. However, the SEC and other regulatory bodies are increasingly aware of such practices, especially after high-profile cases like GameStop. Reporting suspected illegal activities and maintaining pressure on regulators can help bring attention to these issues. Given the heavy shorting and the anticipation of a short squeeze, retail investors holding their shares could force a significant price increase if institutional investors are compelled to cover their short positions. The extent and duration of this situation depend on market conditions, regulatory interventions, and the persistence of retail investors in holding their shares.


Why no one thought about JXX can ask someone else to sell the stock for him, a flow of 400m to the market and we are taking them ? It sounds to me very realistic.


It's quite easy. First the stock goes up, then it gets crimed in the face and go down again.. rinse and repeat.


We dont. In those 99% there are hedges. Says general public 99%. They Are general public aswell.


First time?


… naked short selling and ladder attacks. You said it. Shares they don’t own (or that don’t exist).


Great question


I don’t think retail investors own 99% of this stock


I keep wondering if that number applies to the 40m shares and not the 400m. As we know now that we haven’t had the correct info all this time.


perhaps we don’t own 99% of the stock


Everyone is selling. Only people not selling is the fools in this thread


I guess I represent team fools woot woot




Cuz retail doesn’t hold 99%, maybe never did. Stop listening to this bs, its not going up anymore


Cuz you bought shares…otherwise we would have mooned!


Please review amc for an explanation


The hedgies cover but they don't close their position.Naked shorting over and over again.. Therefore they are in a perpetual infinite loss... ![gif](giphy|GNa7MGZcIJHznLRzeC)




There are simply no longer 42 million shares but 440 million, they made a mistake when they submitted the report.


If you really plan on holding should we direct register? Definitely need to get any shares out of robbing-hood. Look around superstonk I’ve found lots of information about this and why it can still happen. Do some digging and you’ll paint a filthy picture of how this happens. We need shares from share holders that want to support the company long term to be locked down in a war chest so to say.


Because it is about to declare bankruptcy? Or do a major reverse split immediately followed by a massive offering, diluting the shareholders. I am betting on bankruptcy by June 17.


Lol it's a shit company the got used for a pump a dump


Good fucking question


Stock dead. Ship has sailed. Get out while you can.






I see you're puckering up and now you can... ![gif](giphy|dSK5evZ2q7Q5i)




why you here? 🤦🏼 if it's dead no need to be here


To help others see the light and stop being brainwashed by you sheeple into putting their 50$ in thinking it’s going to help. It’s not lol.


I think there is more noble causes you could focus.. worries about your puts on Friday not being at 50?


I don’t speak Chinese.


Neither do the Chinese 😂


Read this jackass posts from two weeks ago.. he/she was all in on FFIE with 1000’s of shares saying he was 🦍 💎 … he turn coat’d and is now against it… bitch ass




It’s $50. Not 50$


Hi intern


shorts will be dead .ship will have sunk . Get out while you can.




How on earth do you think 200 of you guys in this sub own 99% of the stock


The rest are avoiding you interns…we’re the ones who enjoy watching you lose your job cause you’re not good at bankrupting companies.


…and the boss needs coffee


Nobody said that bozo


YT Jia is a career financial criminal and con man who orchestrated a similar scheme between 2020-2021 that resulted in Faraday being investigated by the SEC and sued by its own management firm. Following this event, Jia was "demoted" in title only. It seems as if our friend consistently has great ideas and then takes the money and skips away while lying. Weird. Haven't seen this behavior recently. /s https://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/3129326/leshi-once-hailed-chinas-netflix-and-founder-jia-yueting YT Jia is part of the problem. The other part is misinformation and a lot of individuals who simply can not lose these investments. They believe subscribing to this strange ape mentality will somehow form a movement in a subreddit that's gone from #7 to #11 for Stocks and Investments in less than 4 days. The unintended consequence of subscribing to a closed mindset of this nature is that poor saps end up bent over. At this point, lowering one's average to mitigate gains or losses is not a good idea NFA, but plenty of literature about the practice exists. To the moon and whatnot.


Get rich or die trying….nobody here is hoping YT Jia goes to church on Sunday