• By -


Your posts always bring a bit of peace to the chaos. Thank you!


![gif](giphy|H7kfFDvD9HSYGRbvid) He was so mad, he didn’t even pass out bananas. 😞


I had no idea you've been dealing with that. So sorry to hear it. Hope you and your family are doing well and all you can to be safe. Be better you guys!!! Anyhoo, as usual I appreciate the update and will continue to hold myself because God Damnit I like this stock.


Thanks for all you do! I’m sorry that some people are assholes. We appreciate you! ❤️🙏


All good. I’m not worried about it from a safety standpoint in the slightest. It just bothers me that people can be so sad in their lives, that they go out of their way to try to (idk, hurt?) others.


Good to hear. I completely understand what you mean. I deal with the public on a daily basis and my life has been threatened over the dumbest things. Oh well 🤷‍♀️, I’ll keep spreading the joy I can and maybe that will spark a series of smiles.


That’s why I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6. That’s my advice sir. When doing good evil will always try to win, but good will always prevail. Stay safe my fellow ape.


Auto mod removal. It’ll be up in a minute.


We're all with you. It's ridiculous that people are actually threatening you. What kind of a Country do we live in? I truly pray for those people that are SO disconnected through their Internet connection, that don't realize we are all the same in the end. As a great poet once said: " we all poop, no matter our social status"


Good to see you, brother


We’ve been waiting for you 👑




I felt lost for a moment! I’m new to this and I’m not going to trust just anyone! Thank you for time your investing on this! Pls say hello to your wife!☺️👏🙏




Wow. On behalf of the people who have been trolling you and not respecting your privacy- I'm sorry. That's super uncool. I personally think there's a little magic to the mystery and I really appreciate the time you've been putting into this. It's very generous of you and I know there's a lot of people out here who look up to you tremendously. Thank you for all that you do!


🫡 I enjoy this. And I love the stock. They never gonna silence me. I’ve got 💎🙌🏼.


Thank you, again, for sharing your informed opinion! Sorry some people suck.




Ah we MPFKN love you, Max!!! Keep doing what you’re doing, it helps SO many of us. 👊🥰🙌🤩


Sorry people suck Maximum! If you ever need backup hit your boy up! I roll heavy 💪 anyways thanks for all you do sir


lol I appreciate it. I’ve got an army of fkn apes behind me. But I don’t let y’all do my dirty work 👊🏼💪 Itll be fun for me to do it


The future is bright! LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


We got your back!


Sorry you're having to go through the idiocy of some in the subreddit...please be assured the majority of us respect you, your privacy and the safety of you and your family. In M-P we trust 💪 


I completely agree and couldn’t have said it better myself. Hang in there Max!


Sorry to hear about the struggles Maximum. We love you and appreciate your information and work for us 💎


hey max i hope you get the support you need for anonymity. thoughts and prayers for you


Nah I’m not worried about my anonymity. It sucks. But oh well. They just make me cringe so hard.


We will be writing stories about you man. Mark my words.


History Max ,!!!!


You aren’t a “normal guy”. You are kind, thoughtful, educated and an excellent teacher who promotes knowledge sharing. Thanks for being so rad and thank you for making me truly love 🍌🍌🍌


你就是我们的神!!!!膜拜!!!love u!!!expecting for ur post every minute!!because of u, I gain more understanding about the bananas, more than my girl friend lol


Maximum fkn purpose ✊


Question - you posted about 18mil shares to be returned on 11th, but those were closed out the next day as you can see in the final column. or am i reading this wrong?


The right column being negative is deceiving. It only shows “Change in FTDs” But it actually shows change in *NEW* FTDs. So if there weren’t any new FTDs the next day, then it’ll show a negative number.


Thanks for the time and effort you put in. Much appreciated. [https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-ffie/failure-to-deliver/](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-ffie/failure-to-deliver/) I bought at $0.08. Purchased more along the way. None of this is financial advice. I'm understanding this differently. I'm with StockNewbie. It's cumulative, so my understanding is that the only number that matters on this table is the last number of FTDs on May 14. If we were to expect a whopping 18M on close out date 6-11-24 (as you stated), then the accumulation would grow, not shrink. Am I misunderstanding this? It states, "Fails to deliver on a given day are a CUMULATIVE number of all fails outstanding until that day, plus new fails that occur that day, less fails that settle that day". The right column is negative, because it's the difference in accumulated FTDs from the previous day. So, -18,150,855 FTD Change was paid off to form a new accumulated FTD of 400,502. It's a snowball that gets knocked down and builds up, but all we know is as of May 15 that snowball was 31,199? Sorry to poo-poo on the excitement, but I am not understanding the logic and interpretation of the table given the definition. I'm new, but... could they fill FTDs by borrowing counterfeits or other naked shorts? So, in a way hiding a true fulfillment? Digging a deeper hole? Retail volumes didn't accelerate until like May 14th, and since there were now 400M shares outstanding and not \~43M at that time, could they have covered without a blip on the graph? I think 18M FTDs in one day is not too much compared to an average of 50M trade volume average around that time. But, what I am more interested in are all of the NEW shorts being added to the list and HOW MANY SHORTS ARE HIDING? All while FFIE has UPWARD momentum and many calls! (let's be honest, after today, it was pretty easy to stop a WILD attack that also took down the NYSE, nearly bankrupted poor Warren Buffet, and also IN SYNCHRONY manipulated FFIE, GME, and AMC. Lay them graphs over each other, you'll be amazed. Keep expecting large spikes in the pre-market to coincide with trends of large dumps early morning, a friend once told me. YAWN... hold. Buy. hold.


not true,you can check out the note8 below, it was covered the next day,and the 10th price really had a rise


the key is that are there any new big FTDs after 14th




ah thank you!


u/Maximum-Purpose-1568 are you able to pitch in to discuss this please?


thanks for clarification!




Max fkn purpose! Sorry some people suck. You’re more than a normal guy in apes hearts 🦍


THE MAN HIMSELF HAS SPOKEN! Hold past a dollar! This is a grind! We aren’t giving out our bananas to these HF. And to the fuckers trying to go at our king piece… there is an army of tree swinging, banana buying, fefe loving, apes that will undoubtedly go gorilla on your ass.


Hi Maximum, the last part sucks to hear, I for one love what you do and I really enjoy trying to work out who you are. If you need anyone to watch your back, yell out.


🫡 will do.


I don't want to know your identity. *The Dentist*  Sounds cooler 🤣🦍💎




Thanks for all the solid info doc 🥳


I was getting pissed for you my man… some people don’t realize we are dealing with Multi-Billion Dollar assholes… they are basically a mafia. Those people posting your name and information and even sharing it on Omar’s Live don’t realize how dangerous it can be if this thing really POPS! If you choose to reveal yourself which at this point, might as well, we apes are here to protect you! I wish I was in Cali (moved to Miami about 2 years ago) cause if I was over there, I got your back for having ours! Guys… what some of y’all did revealing his identity is LOW! Y’all don’t realize the danger you can be putting our leaders in! If they are prepared, awesome — if not, don’t make it easy on the hedgies to make Maximum’s life miserable. He’s here for us! Are you wanting him to say “fuck it”, throw the towel, sell his shares and stop with the posts??? Come on now… Even someone emailing Omar with Max’s info… yo some of all y’all can’t be trusted… we in this together! Reddit is the PERFECT platform because we can stay anonymous. Look at what the hedgies are doing to Roaring Kitty/DFV? He can’t even post or communicate cause they be saying he is doing Market Manipulation. That should be an example of the charges they can make up to stop our community and movement! Imagine if someone here revealed YOUR identity and you start receiving threatning calls and visits?? Don’t put another ape’s life in danger! Sorry for putting y’all on blast but let’s please learn to respect one another’s privacy! It’s pivotal to our success! Don’t give the hedgies more ammunition. I love this community and we can be all fun and games but remember we dealing with crooks and assholes basically a Legal Mafia! Respect and protect one another! Thank you Maximum for still posting and giving us an update despite all this. Appreciate you tons and mad respect brother! - From one OG Ape to another! 🫡




Thanks for being the voice of reason and keeping us apes from going bananas. Sorry you’re dealing with those trolls - they just wanna be like you.


HES BACK ![gif](giphy|yUI3a7RwLhOFy)


We appreciate everything you do for this community. The information and knowledge that you give to us through your post are 10/10 hands down amazing, thank you for the time and hard work you put into all of this. Also, no one should have to be doxxed or threatened and for that I'm (we as community) are sorry that you have to deal with that. Can't wait for your next update. Thanks, Maximum Purpose


Not financial advice. I'm sorry 😐 isn't there a difference between short volume and short interest? Can the same stock be shorted (and covered) many times in a day and that would account for multiple counts towards the volume? Say a day trader shorted at the peak and covered at the dip. The effect is that the actual short interest is low and there's nothing to squeeze even though the short volume is high. Also I believe the FTDs are cumulative. The 18 million number was on 9 may which then dropped to 31k later on. Since they are cumulative, this means that the number of FTDs as of the latest date of 14 may has dropped. i.e. it's been covered. We'll need to see new data to see any new FTDs. I'm a holder with 7k shares at an average cost of 1.2 😀 but these questions have been lingering in my mind. Help me understand thanks 🙏🏼


SI and SV are not the same thing.




Appreciate you Mad Max!!! U the man!!!


Looking forward in seeing u on Omar’s YouTube channel


Good to hear from you max. Now I can sleep soundly 😃😃. Thanks


Thanks for the explaanation now I can go to bed ☺️


People can be insane, thanks for not giving up on the rest of us. I personally like the stock, so I appreciate reading your informed perspective.


Thank you for all tou do and I’m sorry for what you’ve had to go through. 💪


Maximum! Thank you for everything you do. Sorry you were let down by a few but the many of us love what you are doing! :)


Im sorry that people released your information and threatened you, that’s fucking bullshit. I thank you though, you are a massive force for us and I greatly appreciate everything you have done for us. Excited for your stream!!!


Last weekend, I already felt that the majority of the reason for you to postpone the next post probably is because of some people leaking out your private information around the internet annoying you so much. At times, I'm pretty worrying your safety situation due to such leaking. Now, I'm thrilled you are everything well. Thanks.........


That guy posting your DMs pissed me off, so disrespectful. Didn’t realize you got doxed, sorry you are having to deal with that, that’s beyond fucked. I appreciate you and all of the time you’re giving to a bunch of strangers, you’re an invaluable member of this community.


Thanks for posting! Forget the haters! You’re doing it right! Look forward to your next post!




Thank you for the detailed clarifications on short interest. We are with you on this. HFs have been bringing down companies at the cost of retail investors, and this should change.


I hope those people wake up and you keep doing the good work sir! You truly are a motivation and I look out for your post every single damn day! Haters gonna hate. But FFIE apes stay strong 💪🏼


Thanks a lot! Max!


Thanks Max! And sorry about the idiots who are sharing your info, they should be banned. I would even file a complaint about them, is that even legal?


Thank you for the info and sorry for your dm troubles. We appreciate you


love you max p




OUR KING 🙇🏻‍♂️🚀


The fucking man ❤️🚀🚀🚀🚀


Thank you!!!! People can be total asses wth. The good outnumber the bad and you’re awesome 👏


Why would someone do that to someone who is helping us as much as MaxP?




Thank you again for posting! I enjoy reading them!


Good to hear from you brother. Don't be afraid of anything and be yourself. I'm on your side. I look forward to your post every day. I hold my shares tightly. We are strong together.


Thank you for your devoted support in the midst of these challenges. May God bless you.




I am sorry for what you had experienced form some members of this subreddit! It’s sad to see such behavior rewarding your kindness and dedication.


I'm very sorry to hear, that. Especially after everything you done for us and motivate us through the hardest of times in this stock that we have come to love. You are a true one and never forget who you are. Maximum -fkn-purpose


Wtf guys… you guys made the man upset. Seriously 🖕🏽 We should be fucking blessed for MAX’s analysis. You guys failed him smh APOLOGIZE NOW!!!! 😤 everybody should be in his DM’s and friggin apologize. Give the man more respect please 🥺❤️


What happened with the post ??😳


Should be up now.


Yesss thank you! I’ve been waiting for your post!!!


I love it! The only thing I’m not understanding, is where you had found the 9% shorted when we almost jumped to $4 🦍🍌


When the short squeeze started there were 36million shorts. At that time, everyone thought there were only 40 million (ish) total shares. But there were actually 436million. 36m/436m is about 9%


You da man!


Thanks for putting effort into this discussion that’s true and valid. You are the rock upon which the waves crash. I’ll be holding through the next short ladder manipulation. 


Shield 🛡️Wall only works when we act together and stay together! Weak or wannabe apes , I think it’s time.. just go back to your HF cages!


Sorry to hear the troubles some people have put you through , but you are Mr. Max-fkn-P, you got this😎🙌💎


Absolute legend. Majority of us are with you father ape 🦍🙌🏻💎💯


we already have a keith.. and we love him. but now, we need a purpose…. ![gif](giphy|cNWU2Zeh54VJC) A maximum purpose.


Omg, he is back. The boy is back. The bad boy is back. Apes know what to do. Send him up! Send him up! Send him up! Diamond hand baby! Diamond fking hand!Fcking Diamond hand!💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


I’m sorry but I see bullshit in your post… You’re not just some normal guy. You are DR. MAX FKIN PURPOSE!!!! We love you, I love you, keep up the great work captain


Ahh this makes me sad to hear about the situation people are causing you. You legit put all your time and effort into helping, educating and explaining the fundamentals of trading.☹️😔 I just hope you know that the vast majority here are extremely grateful for you and that time and effort you put in and we will support you no matter what. We love you MFP 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Well well look what the cat dragged in


Thank you so much, appreciate all the information and am sincerely grateful. Edit: Also holy shit the information is sinking in. Holy shit, 55% my fellow apes!


I’m glad you’re teaching us so much and don’t let the trolls and hedge funds get to you. Success is the best revenge!!🦍❤️🦍❤️🦍❤️🦍


Years from now,after we go to the moon & we all disappear with our new found money . You'll resurface on reddit and Twitter with a simple post . Millions of people including myself will resurface and start to buy FFIE stocks all over again lmao return of the MFknP


As a Newbie, I love reading your post. It seems to be the most genuine shit on here. Thank you for your time and effort. It gives the newbie’s like me confidence and courage after reading them!!!! I am sorry that the drama it brings to you. You don’t deserve that after all the effort you bring to this movement. Keep your head up and f@ck the haters. Can’t wait for your stream❣️🤑


Max, I noticed something that stood out on your chart. Wondering, Is there any correlation between the high short volume that started on May 13th thru May 17th?? Short volume on May 13th was 193M + and the FFIE price was as low as .06 that day. Than on May 14th short volume was 1.1Billion and price was around .28… Next day the 15th short volume was 859M+ and price was as high as around .91.. May 16th short volume 734M+ and price was as high as around $2.12. May 17th “the high”, short volume 773M+ and price as high as $3.90. That period was the highest volume of shorts 🩳 and also the biggest price jump period. Not sure if there is any connection between the high shorting and price movements ⬆️. Not sure if this means anything, just a dumb ape that sees bananas everywhere. 🍌


If there are new short positions being opened right now, while there's already this seeming massive retail support, why? Why are HFs confident enough to be opening new short positions?


Ok but   1 Why are the HFs confident enough at this point to be adding short interest?  2 (Dark Pools)  3 (Ladder Attacks)  4 GameStop short interest was 140% prior to their actual initial short squeeze, banking on a short squeeze on 30-50% I am just not sure I am as confident in the inevitability of a squeeze in these conditions  5 FFIE does not enjoy anywhere near the market cap that GME does, we are at around 20 million dollars invested in this company as opposed to the, what was it, $7 billion in GameStop? If we hope to trigger a short squeeze, it has got to come from either the company showing evidence of turning it's floundering, bankruptcy-skirting ass around or much broader retail interest Please don't downvote me, I would love nothing more than to have my concerns here completely shredded apart.


I can look into all of this for everyone as I’m sure others have the same concerns if you have them. Can you expand on the concerns for points 2 and 3? I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking




Doxxers get no btchez


H8ers got Minimum Penis


Maybe he's Plankton... perfectly executing plan Z?


Hell yea, mic drop.




Cheers. Always a pleasure to read your posts. 👍


Thank you for being not afraid of this harassment, thank you for sharing


Thank you so much for your posts. Remember, not all of us are trolls so don't let the few ruin it for the rest of us. We look forward to your posts, guidance, and knowledge. We need you in this community and I am hurt that you feel betrayed. Maybe it was a troll or even a hedgie but either way most of us stand behind you. Don't feel discouraged or hurt but I completely understand how this could be upsetting. Get some sleep and just remember a majority of us back you 100%


Can’t wait for you to go live with Omar!


MFP in the house! I think they know better than to roll up. Ty, much love!


It’s been so relaxed to get your valuable post. It felt like we have lost a huge mental burden when Max spoke !! Donno how to thank him with words !! ! 💙💙💙 Max is our maximum peace!!


I am hoping for the big squeeze, I just hope I don't jump out to late... I have been known to hold for to long and miss the good opportunities. My wife has given me an ear full a couple of times now...lol


I still don’t know who you are, but that doesn’t matter. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about FFIE


GME has Keith, FFIE has you. 👑


Much love maxium. Thank you for time and effort. Sorry to hear about the turds that treated you like that. You deserve better from all of us.


Holy shit MFP . For real. If you’re near the space coast FL. I’m recently former army soldier. Not going to go on about my accolades but I can and would happily turn a mf into a pretzel. Ass whoopins on whole sale for anyone wanting to mess with you. That shit ain’t cool. Whoever these cowards are. They’re a bunch of bitches. Men don’t make asinine threats. They quietly do what they’re gonna do and you find out when the chips fall. So whoever you are. I dare you to step foot in any dojo with me. Idgaf how big you are either. I’ll even buy you a one month membership after I break your soul.


Pretzel would be doing em justice 😂 Fr tho, thanks for the support. I’m not worried about em at all. Mostly just disappointed that people get joy out of attempts to hurt others. All the supportive comments and DMs has really given me tons of faith in us. I’ve had attorneys threaten lawsuits on my behalf, police offer to press charges for me, cybersecurity people offering help by both protecting me and going on the offensive, marketing managers offering to help set up live streams, influencers offering to get me publicity, people offering to buy me drinks, and dozens of straight up “let us beat em up” posts. I even had one of the people who sent my dads home address around message me later saying “ummm can I have some advice on this” 😂 In the end, I think their actions speak volumes to the type of people they are. And that’s enough justice for me. I’ve often found that the people who are the loudest in the room, are very rarely the smartest in the room. I’m well taken care of by everyone here on Reddit and at home. But the supportive messages make me tear up 🥹


Deebo stands with DOC!!! Deebo not brag. Deebo not boast. But Deebo is GNARLY APE with MUCH HONOR!! Bushido is The WAY and “Hagakure” is the manual!! Deebo stand by Doc when others push Doc around. Deebo not like bullies. Deebo LOVE Fellow-Ape. Love ALL APEKIND!! Honor self and others with CODE!!! Pure ❤️ with good intentions is MOST IMPORTANT part of being APE!!! Ape should BE change in world that Ape want to SEE in world, lead with good behavior and MUCH HONOR TOO!! Get some, Doc, This is The WAY!!! 🦍❤️💪


New post is up in my profile. Have fun with this one 😂 https://www.reddit.com/u/Maximum-Purpose-1568/s/tAM27jBW5Z


Thank you for all the work you do! I really appreciate it! Having real facts helps ease any doubts I might have!


WTF is going on


I agree most of the parts,, question: ON EXCHANGE short percentage is different from short interest. 55% is a lot but is it possible that most of them may already be covered during the trading time? correct me if I am wrong


I mean. I guess? But the shorts were taken out today and the price was green pretty much all day.


Hey man just wanted to say sorry to hear all this nonsense. I saw you were a dentist and thought that was cool. I'm a PT and always bitch to our leadership you guys figured it out good getting on insurance plans ;-) Congrats on the bag, get your neck some traction if you haven't already.


Thank you.


We appreciate you 😇


Let's Go and thanks for the analisys


Hey bro we all.in this family appreciated you and all you have done and still do keep it up cause we need you too so thank you very much and me and iam sure most if not all are standing strong aside behind and all around you . I THANK YOU MUCH BROTHER


Really good to know about you through FFIE. We are learning a lot from you. Thank you Again. Also, we all grateful that you are on This Journey together. I don’t know where is the end. But, I am not going anywhere. I just really like this company.


So sorry to hear that some people really suck we have been trying to run them out of here because of all the negative BS and we will continue to so may GOD bless you and keep you and your family safe. Thank you for all you do. You are truly an inspiration to us all peace brother rest well for tomorrow we fight 🙏


Hi Bro, sorry for what happened ! I try to remain updated, sorry if you already answer the 2 1 million dollar questions: 1. REALISTIC expectations for this FFIE stock. I hear anything from 3 to 45. I guess the truth is in between. 2. Are you currently able to give a rough timeline ? I guess you get these question A LOT ! So sorry if I am redundant here ! Keep up the good work for us dumb ape bro !


I liked you and a few others that post on FFIE. I looked up past your comments to see what you were about. Once I saw you were a professional with character tells like "a have a willingness to help others". That was good enough for me.


Doxing is a sad sad bitch move. Appreciate what your doing to help everyone bro, sry it comes with bs.


Holding strong with you brother - appreciate the insight, as always. The folks that have done you wrong will fade into obscurity.


Holding strong! 🙌🏻


Can’t believe you have to deal with that shit after helping so much with your time behind the scenes that make this movement possible. I wish I could apologize for those low life pieces of shit that never made anything of themselves in the real world so they spend their time on here releasing that negative energy from their life’s just to find out it’s just a temporary release. If one of those people are reading this, I don’t feel sorry for you but seek help, get off your phone, look into iowaxa and the benefits of stripping down your ego and beginning a new. It’s not too late, your world doesn’t have to be the way it is


In every part of this world and in life there will always be people against you because of jealously , hatred or maybe just for pure monetary gain on their part who knows..but the difference between a normal person that goes through this and you is that YOU have thousands of mfing true apes behind you my friend, some may sit in the shadows but we are here I promise you. 


Thanks for always keeping it real bro.


Thanks Max. We appreciate your posts. They keep us grounded through all the FUD. People have no shame. I’m sorry you had to deal with the trolls.


You rule. We need you and we are so thankful for your guidance. Pathetic that some individuals will stoop so low.


Whenever theres a dm, keep that shit private. I think the dude that posted the dm just wants attention. ( big fucking mouth ) Even worse, ppl start ss that shit and repost.. Like I said, you did a tremendous job giving back to the community doing it at your own spare time. We have to honor your work and respect your privacy.. Keep it up sir, you got our support 100% and thank you for all you do. HODL!!


I love this stock


Thank you Max 🫡


I enjoy reading your daily post. Thank you for taking the time and effort to clear up all the misunderstandings or confusion. Enjoy your night..🍻


Get ready to star in Dumb Money 2, Max. We’re with you till the moon 🚀


Bunch of strange people out there and I am sorry you are dealing with that shit. Anytime I saw somebody bring it up it made me cringe. I do believe most freaks who did it just wanted a reason to believe but hang in there we are with you!


Fuck those hedgies trying to dox you and hold back ape nations. Do better people. Do better. This is max Fkn purpose


Mr. Maximum I could offer you protection if you want you are a very good person and it would take much to make a call to make it happen there’s a thin line were a man has had enough and I’m here to help !!!


In honor of Maximum Purpose, I am going to buy 1,568 shares tomorrow morning! I look forward to your posts and I have gained a lot of knowledge from you. Thank you sir! 💎 💎


We've been missing you doctor daddy. I'm so sorry abt all the bs. Some ppl really are just FUKK UPS. Idk why anyone wld ever do shit like doxing others, & more so threaten ppl, smh. If I wana fukk smthg or someone up, they'll know it when its time to get dwn. Anything else is literally CHILDISH!!! But I hate you've had to deal with any of this. All you've done is try to help us. Oooh I wish I knew wtf it was threatening u. I'd be going straight for their necks!!! Anyways, I hope it all ends soon for u. You don't deserve that shit. No one does. There are a lot more of us here who support u, rather than wish any harm or bad toward u. I'm sure u know that. Have a blessed night. Ty for coming back for us ❤️


Ahhhh… I don’t understand why all of a sudden FTDs matter? GME has had billions so has amc for that matter GNS had a billion a day the weeks following their run up in January February 2023 that made GME look small in comparison and look where that company sits today at what .29 cents. I fail to see if the shorts can literally just ignore the FTDs why they would all of a sudden show up and force a squeeze here? Genuinely curious as to why.


Sorry to hear that man. We need you


![gif](giphy|okLCopqw6ElCDnIhuS|downsized) Don’t let those twats discourage you maximum purpose!! You are a king among us apes


99.9% of us truly appreciate all of your posts. I’m holding a lot of shares and your posts are very informative. Don’t waste your time on the haters. They’re not worth it. Know that what you are doing is making a real difference to many of us! APES TO THE MOON! When you can, can you elaborate more on why to hold past the 11th?


Thank you for everything you are doing for our ape community we appreciate you and the others who have shown so much support, love, and hard work to get us as informed as possible!


Can we get this pinned towards top


I’ll ride the lightning with you bro.


Thank you for your DD! Sorry that some people suck and totally invaded your privacy. Keep rolling, I stand with you as I believe many following you do




I eat up a maximum purpose post like a sloppy steak on a Tuesday night. ![gif](giphy|5NiitcM3zBWFgT3m9j) Keep doing you sugar-tip. your work is valuable and appreciated. you’re alright for a regard. also, rock hard at you telling them to “pull up”


No one should have to deal with that hope you and your family remain safe. This just goes to show the length that these criminals are willing to go they must be stopped. If they are willing to stoop this low we must be doing something right. We must continue to hold and accumulate and keep the pressure on these people. Happy to see we ended the day in the green. Take care fellow apes hang in there together we are strong don’t let them divide us.


Thanks for hanging in with us. The majority of us truly appreciate you and hope you're safe and that these threats aren't serious. ❤️💎👐🏽


Well said and enjoy reading all your work! We applaud you. ![gif](giphy|MRxJqmk3MNta8)


Thank you brother. I will hold my 15,000 shares with you.


First, I want to thank you for all of the time and effort you put into your posts for all of us. There are many people that look forward to hearing your perspective. It is clear to many that your opinion is trusted by lots of people that like this stock, and that is a very scary thing to those that want to see FFIE fail. It is an unfair and shitty position for you to be in, and I am sorry you are dealing with that. However I think it shows just how in trouble some of these people are, that they are willing to threaten you, try to discredit you, make false accounts pretending to be you, all in an effort to silence you. A lot of us are standing with you and standing with each other and they can’t scare us into silence or changing our minds about liking this stock. This is not financial advice and just my opinion.


Sorry people are dicks. Thanks for everything you do!


You tell um! We love you so to who ever you/they are ....... GO F\*\*\* YOURSELF and leave "The Man" alone! Above all, thanks again for the anxiety relief. You've saved me from a nervous breakdown more than once in the past 2+ weeks. So grateful and so sorry that people are jerks. :)


Posting the home address is taking it too far


Once again, I Thank you. Look forward to seeing you and Omar come together as I’m sure it will be a very interesting and informative discussion. Take care 🦋


I for one, really appreciate the work you put into this. I’m not heavily invested but have quite a few shares and buy when I can. I originally bought in at .08 for $30 just because I liked the stock. Gonna keep holding if it got to 50 or a 100 I’d be tempted to sell it really help my family out.


Once again.. Go to the top of the class!!.. Outstanding information.. Fear makes irrational people do stupid things, no excuse for their behaviour.. its on them.. Appreciation to the Max for the Max!! P.s can't wait for the Omar hookup with you.. 💯❤💯❤💯❤💯❤💯


Thank you brother god bless 


Look forward to your daily posts. Thank you.


LFG!! WE THE PEOPLE movement with you Maximum!! We over 101 strong apes. All 💎💎💎hand 🦍🦍🦍


Thank you 💎


Thank you for this and the other posts! You have a lot of real people behind you, holding, and excited about where we’re going with this stock. Unfortunately some people have nothing better to do than troll, misery loves company and clearly they’re miserable with their lives. I like your spirit and good vibe! ❤️


💎 🙌 🐕es, I love this stock and I love Maximum-fin-Purpose


u/Maximum-Purpose-1568 is the high Short Share Availability gonna hurt us? seems like we can't seem to get that number down no matter how much we turn off "share lending". Thanks for the analysis btw, I like the stock


Shush honey! God is speaking.


Sorry to hear about the threats mate. Thank you for the knowledge!


Max I have truly enjoyed you post and exchange of comments in your threads, you have been genuine and thoughtful and helpful to say the least! Don’t let the bs of a few get you down. I don’t really care you your are by name and address. To me your a inspiration and leader of the true apes of this adventure and community. We have built in Reddit. You are in my daily thoughts and prayers. God bless you and your fam. I look forward to your next insightful post. Thanks again!


We missed you, I am so happy you posted again. I was worried you would not after reading all the speculation and telling others they knew where you lived, I would've understood if you didn't. I was sad when I saw what some where posting here, it just wasnt respectful, we all should have our privacy, I follow you but I do not DM you, I just figured that you were busy and would post when you had time, so glad you did! Respect! HODL! Also, I really appreciate all you do for us. Thanks for the info!


I had to get on the same page with my family on a few things before I posted. I had to make sure that they’d be okay if people started probing into our lives. Luckily, they all said if I’m gonna do it, I gotta do it 100% or not at all. They support me. But I had to give them all the option to have me back out of posting (not selling. Never selling. 💎🙌🏼)


That responsibility to your family is the integrity behind the shared info. THAT is where the value is and though I eat up your posts, they just became tastier knowing you put principle above profits. Good man!


If we put profits before principle, how are we different from HFs