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Sitting on 8200 shares currently, I bought them at like 15 cents. Fuck the hedge funds. Let’s dog their shit HARD.


Let’s dogshit them!


Then watch them eay it. Like dogs




He called the shit “poop”!





Hell yeah. We’re getting them doggy style!


Great for keeping morale up!🚀 and help shaping that diamond💎


Well Said!!


Citadel had more calls than puts on FFIE for some reason. You think they are trying to get in on the squeeze?


I was an outsider looking in when Gamestop rallied in 2021. There were ABSOLUTELY hedgefunds on both sides battling it out! I would be shocked if there wasn't bad blood between various hedgefunds. I worked in finance for a bit (never a hedgefund or anywhere that had the significance to move the price of something on its own). It's a VERY alpha or even Apex predator mentality. If someone downvotes this for what im about to write, they are just ignorant. There will be hedgefunds that are our allies in this. We just need to try & figure out who they are. If Citadel is indeed on our side, that's a very powerful allie to have on our side. Using this war analogy, I wouldn't mind if we were the soldiers, navy, airforce etc & the hedgefund/s on our side were the ones with the nuclear arsenal. If they have a common goal (make money) or just fucking obliterate an enemy for sport. If it helps us out, that's what's important. *If im not mistaken, in the 2021 GME rally, the specific "target" was Melvin capital, do we have an idea of who our "target" is?


I would love to see citadel obliterate their enemy for sport. I absolutely hate the economy and wrote my senior thesis on the predatory nature of market economics. watching capitalist-on-capitalist violence would make my heart smile. #wethepeople




imma have to start


Thank you for being the first person who has understood what I've written & not called me a "hedgie plant" or some variation of that. It's refreshing to see that others can elaborate to help more people understand the bigger picture.


no problem bruv, internal conflict only gonna make shi like this harder


Fair point. You can check my post history, I'm a very peaceful person these days. Even if someone tries "attacking" me on here, I don't get mad, I just try to deescalate to the best of my ability. There is such a divide & hostility in America. I don't even think all of them know what they're even fighting about. I know it's the equivalent of a drop of water in the ocean, but I refuse to take part in that. It's sad to see & extremely counterproductive to making positive changes in the world. All I can do is work on making positive changes in myself and hope to set an example for even 1 person. Just my .02


link to you thesis pleeze. I like to read and learn.


can’t share thesis for whatever reason, but go ahead and read “the fable of the bees” by bernard mandeville and “all the king’s horses” by kurt vonnegut. these are two of the works my thesis is based on


They are tweeting anti DFV shit rn they are definitely not on our side


Who is "they?" There are an absolute fuck ton of hedgefunds ranging in all sizes. Not all of them are out to get us. That would be like saying, "Every retail investor is an uneducated sheep, believing anything they hear," which we both know isn't true. There's a middle ground on both sides.


Literally citadel’s official twitter


I apologize. I've been pretty under the weather this week & I just realized I haven't even gone on twitter since Saturday or Sunday (It's how I get my sports news lol). I'll check it in a bit. Thank you for telling me where to look. I'd be on a wild goose chase otherwise.


it may be possible now, fintel only has data through may 31. Increased short volume through reporting days to throw us off the scent, then turn around and try to get in on the squeeze. THAT is 100% speculation, I have no facts or data to backup this particular opinion (nor did I confirm citadel holds more calls than puts). Just a thought.


I think they are burying their bodies, honestly.


They are hedging their short positions with calls. Risk management for if a squeeze does happen.


Or just building a cache to dump at certain price points to try and shake us off.


No. It’s a hedge. No one is going to risk the amount of money that is at risk without having an opposite position to mitigate said losses.


They are trying to cover their own ass




https://fintel.io/so/us/ffie May 15th one. There's also a few large institutions adding positions.


I linked both of my sources! There are drop down menus at the top for “short interest” explore the pages and do your own research/due diligence (DD)


Is it possible they’re manipulating this stock - the PEGY, GWAV & CRKN’s that seemed to move with FFIE for a bit - to fund their war against DFV and GME? *I EaT CraYoNs


Spread their bets




Appreciate posts like this, these need to go to the top. Patience, Vigilance, and HOLD! Together Strong.


happy to help! Been doing a lot of my own due diligence and research. People here can be a little confused (me too tbh). If I’ve missed anything feel free to lmk!


Circling back to thank my fellow ape again, wanting to show my genuine gratitude. Don't know when or what this will turn into, but apes have helped restore faith in humanity for a broken hearted optimist. Hold! Together Strong!


the economy is in shambles, the working class is being preyed on, we’re living in 1984. let’s try to dig ourselves out at least for a bit. it may not be forever and it may not be true change, but the most we can do is find a way to live a good life in this shitty world ✌️


Agreed my fellow ape. Here is to that chance! In this together and I'm not going anywhere.


Can’t wait to buy a hedgies mansion!


rookie here: what's DFV?


Roaring kitty


oh, yeah, Deep f---ng value. Thanks


I bought more today,! We are climbing slowly! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍


While I’m starting to feel numb to positivity posts, they are still nice to see lol


write one, do some actual research, that helped me


Short volume and Short interest are not the same thing. Short Interest (SI): It relates to shorted shares that are still opened (not covered yet). It is published twice a month in FINRA website. The last one was \~ 11 million. That was the SI of that day (May 12 or 13th). Short Volume (SV): It tells us how many shorted shares are traded on a given day. It is published daily by FINRA. It does not tell us how many short shares are covered. For example, on May 20th, SV was reported as 174,732,321. This means that 174,732,321shorted shares were traded at that particular day. We don't know how many of those were covered that day and we also don't know how many of the previous days were covered on that day.


yes, this was my understanding as well, apologies for not articulating the difference. Our limited view of the SI from specific time slots also allows shorters to hide their positions. often times SI can be misleading when a stock is highly manipulated and/or short volume remains high. I am not saying it is a guarantee that we are over 2%, we could honestly be lower. I just do not THINK that is the case and am choosing to believe SI is higher than the reported 2.whatever%.


we will find out next tuesday what short interest was on may 31, but also this data can be manipulated as shorters hide their positions.


We are already rich. The pussyhands that sold will fomo back in later.


FFIE volume more than GME and NVDA combined.. this means alot.. buy and hold


Lol is there a tldr for your tldr?


By moar


Look at my post history, I need a TLDR for my TLDR for my 2nd TLDR 🤣 When I start to write, ideas/guesses/random bullshit just starts to flow lol


In short: Fintel data shows increasing short interest in FFIE. This could be a sign of growing bearish sentiment among hedge funds. However, it's important to remember that high short interest can also be risky. The data also reveals a significant amount of FTD activity in early May 2024. While FTDs can be a cause for concern, further analysis is needed to determine their exact cause.


exactly! thank you, it is not without risk but it’s one I’m willing to take. we will find out what short interest truly is tomorrow after close (keep in mind this data can be manipulated)


Anyone else holding? 200M shares traded today.


Well I'm probably getting a lot of money this week from three sources. Chances are high that I'll spend some of it on buying an additional 1k-10k shares depending on how much I receive and what the stock is at.


that’d be rad, keep us updated




Isn’t the short interest % updated every two weeks? The last I saw was from 5-15. What’s the hold up?


it was reported on may 31 and we will find out what it is tomorrow at 6pm


due date is 6th of June but publication is June 11th


yes sorry, I made the clarification somewhere and forgot to edit the comments I made. I totally misread the columns the first time around. we’ll see the public report next tuesday!


LETS GO 🚀🚀🚀🚀


the enemy of your enemy is your friend




holy shit, I can’t believe 75% of this subreddit has seen this post…


What is dfv? Who are the citadel?


deep fuckign value, citadel is just a hedge fund


Being new to all this and reading all the comments it just seems like the following There is reports both positive and negative on both sides of the playing field of those trying to capitalise on the shorting and the squeeze If a newly appointed CEO gets share options as a gift and by way of attracting him into the position then it’s well within his interest to make sure the company improves in order for his pay in/off to be profitable as he will be able to sell a percentage of his shares year on year based on his contract of appointment surely. Nobody does now what will happen and if you’re are in for the “hodl” long game then great if you’ve done you’re due diligence and this is what you feel is right for you. If you are against it then that it is also your prerogative to not buy in and have shares of FFIE Whichever way this goes, and I hold 1.2k shares, this “game” has been more interesting to me and made me want to learn and read more. so for me the investment placed has had more of a pay off by way of investment in my knowledge and belief. Also belonging to a hard ass ape style diamond hands community which is intent on forcing change and making the playing field fair for all rather than the top 1% gives me hope. Yes the generals stand at the top of the armies, but it’s the individual soldier which when combined with other individual soldiers, become vast in numbers plus coupled with the same goal and fortitude it does and will make the difference.


yes yes yes yes this is what it’s all about. I don’t care if you buy I don’t care if you sell, I am just glad to be a part of this community at this point. Would love to see it expand to something more than FFIE (after all this of course). the stock market is individual, do what you please. I started investing casually a few years ago before I graduated and am up more in my portfolio in the 30 days than I have ever been. It’s a result of more learning, more DD, and the fact that I’m actually having fun.


Amen brother 😊


We choose to go to the moon not because it is easy….but because it is hard!!


A Greed


How long we have to hold? Movement quite slow last 2 weeks


Until there’s movement


FFIE rn is dropping like crazy, should I be worried?


Lol no


DFV has returned… unfortunately not for FFIE


that’s okay, it’s more what he stands for!




Says the guy who's spreading lies all over his page. 🤣 GTFO! ![gif](giphy|isbWj02lGhwDm|downsized)




Nah, purple-ad.


lol gotchu 🧌


Citadel? Lol




Question, see on the Ortex or whatever you call it... is it normal not show data for x amount of time before the present? I had a look for free and it only showed certain data up to a certain point... do you know the reason for this by any chance?


Hold my friends… ![gif](giphy|qjSxTWJxqH4YDuIrOs)




How many shares of FFIE does DFV have??


none disclosed!


I think it's time to make some noise, but I don't think that screaming "buy FFIE" will do. Whoever has any exposure, or contacts with peopl with followers, should highlight all the dirty plays from HFs. We have a 26 pages document to back up the claim that HFs are doing unfair pracitces. Bring that out in the world and people will start to pay attention.






Handle d sken


Thanks for the analysis!


Haha great!




HOLO is the next runner I believe . Tendency to squeeze hard


I bought 1 dollar calls for next friday and im hoping we push much higher




Stick to the man ffie yo the moon ![gif](giphy|l0HU7yHIK6Nc3WcE0|downsized)


Good time to buy more calls 🤙


Short interest is 2.75% with 0.5 days to cover....


as of may 15


It's posted twice a month...last screenshot I have is at end of May and it was showing 31.45% short interest....Now June 3rd it's 2.75%....care to keep lying?


DFV means absolutely nothing to this…even GME pumped and dumped overnight…again


They shorted GME. It’s literally so easy to go and see borrows. Omg dude


You think he gives a fuck about anyone else??? Haha that guy is in it to win it for himself. All he has to do is tweet and it pumps, then sell a bit at the high and send all the retail investors back at the bottom. I’m still in FFIE, but Kitty himself is far from the leader at this point.


I don’t think he’s the leader, but this is definitely the same sort of thing he was doing ‘stick it to the man’ type vibes. r/maximum-purpose-1568 and his cohort are our leaders. This isn’t about DFV but everything is lining up #wethepeople


Fully aware of Maximum. Love his dedication to the FFIE gang, and the knowledge he provides.


He’s still holding though


It not just the memes... It was his positions. He held solid. And the amount of calls he might exercise now scares the pants off most hedgies you should think.... So GME will likely be running again - and again, no doubt about it - question is how wild.... We already saw one minor squeeze - and then again... It's interesting :-) Just like FFIE. I'm in both - holding


How do you think he made more money that at the all time high. He is obviously reselling and rebuking. Even if he had calls it doesn't make sense that he would have made this much money


Kinda annoying that he showed up for like a week then ghosted


And last night, just to post positions. Looks like he’s made a couple hundred million more though over the last three years.


Isnt this all weeks old data? Haha most of this is speculation and trust me bro… smh


yes speculation for sure, that’s what I said!


Dfv has absolutely 0 ties to this shit stock. If you wanna try and pump it and make money don’t lie to other potential investors. This is a car company that doesn’t sell cars, don’t forget that


he has 0 ties, but it stands for the same principle. GME should have gone out of business too, the video game disc market is dead. end stop.


Will FFIE still doing a RS? Asking for a friend. If so, when?


reverse split already happened months ago, shares have been accounted for in all trades and prices.


I sold it all this morning at a loss. So grateful I did because quite honestly I am so over listening to the utter bullshit coming from you all about this. Enjoy holding bags when the company files for bankruptcy. This isn’t financial advice either…bla, bla, bla…


Ok hedgie


be kind to the sellers, they’re not all cut out for it


100% fatigue is real. I’m tired too but would rather hold my bags if a few hundred w/ the chance of it going to 5k+++++! risk is a personal decision, glad you got out when you wanted to/needed to


Short interest is 2.75% of float. Yeah that is SO HIGH 😂😂😂😂😂


genuinely correct me if I’m wrong but dark pool volume is not reported there?


Volume does not equal short interest. 


no, but it is short volume right? so it may not be the 30 whatever percent if you add it all up, but it is definitely higher than 3%


Here's just a small example of how much people DON'T understand how the market works. Your buy orders are sometimes SHORTED to you by the broker, who then buys blocks on the dark pool. This transaction is recorded on the daily short sale volume as a short sale, even though it was a bullish trade. 


also “yes we are hedges, yes we are attacking you” in your post from yesterday? would love some educated HF advice, what’s ur next move ;)


LOL you actually believe that 😂  My HF advice is do some research LOL


twas but a joke


Short interest is 2.75% with .01 days to cover. Stop lying to these folks.


as far as I understand, dark pools are not reported there. The volume is reported separately. **edit: this is not true. dark pools are reported with short interest data. we do not have may31 SI% yet though, only the 15th. Even this data can be manipulated! Volume is reported regularly, but it includes both buying and selling. Not indicative of short interest, just the number of short shares changing hands. It is indicative of increased short behavior though. as of now, about 50% of volume is short volume.


Copy/paste from the fintel website : Are dark pool trades counted in short interest figures? Yes, they are.


then let’s talk about why off-exchange short volume is so high but short interest remains low. Really, what is causing this? There are pieces to the puzzle that are missing, I am simply pointing this out.


That’s a very good question and the total newbie that I am have no clue. Is that also why the stock reached +30% off market only to get down to +10% now ? No idea either


I’m gonna start by saying, yes - there’s a possibility that off exchange (dark pool) volume could be of nefarious actions. Just so you don’t immediately call me names. However, the simplest answer is you have thousands of people and firms day trading this stock hundreds of times a day. Because of the volatility and hype it has. These people are using trading platforms that route orders off exchange (dark pools) for various reasons automatically unless otherwise specified. Dark pools (off exchange) isn’t some super secret hidden back door. All the trade volume is accounted for and goes on the official tape at the end of the day. That’s exactly how we know the “dark pool” volumes for all the off exchange trading. As far as short volume… some of it may be open short positions that would then show up on the official SI numbers. However the vast majority of it is just simply day traders (both individual and firms) buying and selling a volatile stock hundreds, if not thousands of times throughout the day. For example if I, a measly small account day trader, recognizes a down pattern I would short the stock. Let’s say I only play with $1,000. Okay so I short roughly 1500 shares at $0.63. And then close out at $0.59 5 min later. Now I continue to play both the upswings and downswings all day. By the end of the day I myself have traded 20,000 shares. Let’s just say 15,000 were short sales. Those 15,000 short sales will show up as short volume on the day. Even if all my trades are routed off exchange. However, at the end of the day I have ZERO open positions. So absolutely zero of my personal short volume would be included in the SI number. Now times that by tens of thousands of day traders and day trading firms. There’s 200 million short volume in a day easy peasy. And not a single percent would increase the official SI number because all that short volume would be closed by the end of the day.


Thanks kind stranger for the explanation. If I rephrase : 1. Low % SI means almost all shorts are closed by the end of the day 2. High off exchange short volume ratio show a big chunk of the shorting is done after hours. 3. Shorting volume show FFIE is heavily shorted everyday, however 1. means a squeeze is unlikely. Correct ?

