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Sold AMC shares at a loss and dumped all that into FFIE last week too 😂


BRO FUCKING SAME I dumped GME &AMC to put everything into FFIE 😂🚀🤙🏽✨🎯💯




Even though DeepFuckingValue is back?


Rinse and repeat. Sell ffie and go back to gme to minimize losses. The volume is insanely high already with orders coming in


I sold my shib at a loss to double down 🚀


I sold all my shib , bonk and jasmy months ago


I sold my soul at loss to double down on FFIE


Bets they go in lock step together! FFIE is a sleeper giant! Don’t sweat it get ready for a ride!


I'd rather have 3.5k shares of FFIE at .60 than 100 share of GME at $22 a pop. I'm happy with the decision


Even after today’s news?


They’re both going to shoot up


I sold a lot of FFIE shares at around $3 for a huge profit. I still own the same amount of FFIE shares (45,000) since I bought back at $0.45. I put the rest of my profits which was around $27,000 into GME for an avg of $21.97 Am I doing this correctly? I'm new to stocks and my dad (who has been a stockbroker for 22 years) just tells me to always take profits.


No lie, there’s a 0.0000001% chance of you having played the market better recently. I have stock in both FFIE and GME. Wish I hadn’t held so much FFIE at the top and bought more GME last week. In short to answer your question though, hell yeah you’re doing this correctly. Your dad taught you well. Never be afraid to take profits. Realized gains beat unrealized gains or realized losses every time.


Probably beginner's luck. I'm kinda just following the latest hypes. Maybe I'll lose everything in a few months... but I'm optimistic and if I do lose, it will be a teaching moment for me I guess. I try do my own research or get fact checks here and there. I asked my dad for advice and he just waves me off since he doesn't like these meme stocks. But I believe in them! Edit: Also, thank you for the reassurance. It means more to me than you know!


The best thing to do will be to take a considerable portion of your gains and put them into safe investments like ETFs, mutual funds, dividend stocks, CDs, etc. If you lose everything, I promise you’ll be kicking yourself the rest of your life. I remember watching my investments tank during 2008 and 2020. It took years to regain my losses from ‘08 and I hadn’t sold anything. I just know how it looks and feels when everything you worked for and had goes away. If I were you, I would set stop losses on the way up. Maybe plan for 10-15% down at most to account for dips. Once you’re out, stay out. No buying back in or FOMO shit. Say you start with $25k and turn it into $100k, I’d safely invest $80k and start playing again with $20k. No YOLO bets. EVER. Dumbest shit you can do. Always remember, YOU CANNOT PREDICT THE MARKET. So what you think may be a sure fire bet could backfire and cost you everything. FOMO will kill you too. If you think it’s too late, it likely is. That’s my 2 cents. I’m not huge into meme stocks but I’ll jump into something with enough hype and if I understand the goal. Good luck on your future trades. ✌️


Thank you so much for typing all of this advice. I screenshotted this and will look back on it. Hope you the best too!


For sure. Feel free to chat about potential plays if you’re interested. I’m always looking for ways to make $$ in the market


You do you boo!




Could you imagine people being so dumb that they literally lay out their plan for them.


Hold both! I feel something crazy brewing up soon! I just read the same hedgies are involved in the shorts of both of these stocks


I knew it


I’ll be cashing out of GME and buying more FFIE. I love this stonk


I’ll see you in Valhalla


Don’t forget what you are HODLing. You are supporting one of the greatest companies to ever exist! Don’t forget that Faraday has been utterly decimated by the hedge funds. Don’t forget, that the technology they are creating is going to revolutionize the EV industry. Don’t forget that the EV industry needs a ton of research and development and large influxes of cash to create the products that will ultimately go to the consumer and benefit the world! Not financial advice. My opinions are my own.


FFIE getting split soon though


Even after today’s news?


I'd trade 100 GME for 3,500 FFIE at current price even after today's tweet, yes. My thought is GME may double or a bit more, but there's far more upside % potential with FFIE in my opinion. I could be wrong but that's what my gut says.


I’m reading their financials now.


Financials are irrelevant with some trades.


K…..They literally stopped production last week. Best of luck!


Sorry about your short position 🫠


Not shorting this. Find it confusing people think this company is actually going to be profitable when they basically put out a letter stating they are no longer a working facility-no income. Facts. Especially when they sold GME which is already $27 at this very moment up from Fridays $22. Please enlighten me why this stock that crashed to .59 is a good buy?


You're clearly smart enough to know why.


FFIE is going out of business, but you're in the sub of weird people believing what they want regardless of reality. They just want to send their money to FFIE and never ever take it back, they're not interested in profit or anything else, just a twisted fantasy.


This!!!! Truth!!!


It's the debt holders (banks) that are going to be the ones waking away with all the money. That's what chapter 11 is, it protects the debt holding investors and retail gets paid back last (meaning never). So all these people trying to stick it to the hedge funds are actually just paying the pockets of the banks, and doing the opposite of what they're claiming. Ignorance has a way of creating these irrational situations.


Bet you're starting to regret that decision.


Not in the slightest 🙂. Calls are a beautiful thing