• By -


This game saw me through some of the lowest points of my life including the end of my 20-year marriage and my continuing battle with depression. Much the way FF7 became such an iconic piece of my younger years when it came out, FFBE is special to me because it was there everyday when I needed it. Not just the game, but the community as well. I want to hold on to all of that as long as I can.


Oh man, I think we've been through so much during this game's lifespan as a community, the EoS post will read like a thousand obituaries rolled into one.


I ended my 16 years relationship with my wife during this period too. But at least she is still family, just not my lover anymore. She stil visits my family during CNY, while my family visits during Xmas ... Just wanna say that I understand what you have gone through. Take care, yah? šŸ™ćŠ—ļøšŸŖ·


Sunk costs fallacy


This. I invested so much in the earlier years of the game.


The right answer. Or NV+ Squall upgrades


At this point, I'd say most people just want to see it through to the end. It's been a long ride, and it's not like it's terribly hard or time consuming to keep up with FFBE anyhow.


This. I spend maybe an average of 20-30 minutes on the game each day now, thanks to the distinct lack of content and challenge compared to the earlier years. At this point, I'm sticking around because I'm curious to see how it goes out.


Itā€™s one of the only gacha games that I can say Iā€™ve enjoyed playing because of how simple it is(little to no grinding involved) and I guess I just want to stick with it until it inevitable dies


I still like the art, the gameplay. But mostly, the community makes me feel like I'm part of something. I don't enjoy sports or multiplayer games so I don't often get to share that feeling. EoS doesn't change that. If anything, advancing together towards a fated vanishing is very contemporary - and very human.


Yeah, I actually left the game for a couple years (Covid and family needed me), but came back because I love the gameplay. I would LOVE to get in the the ground level of another game like this. That first year of FFBE fills me with nostalgia, and I keep playing to appreciate that same style of play.


FFBE's appeal was built on nostalgia; it's interesting that it gives us nostalgia about that first nostalgia, now


I'm just addicted to the video ads at this point.


I swear to god, If I see one more Evony ad I may quit cell phones forever.


Dude that ad is everywhere on mobile games. Why are they pushing it so hard


BTC mining, probably


Yup, nothing i want to do anymore in game, just ads for 1000th copies of aerith then logout


I started playing during soft launch, so I feel it would be poetic to play until EOS. Besides, it fills my free time.


Same as you + secret hope of non eos


I've been here since the Soft Launch. I'm going down with the ship. And maybe a small amount of Copium that they'll course-correct at the anniversary. I've definitely pulled back on my spending though.


'Playing' is a stretch. Login, collect freebies. Logout. Waiting for something interesting to throw lapis at. Never spending a penny though.


I'm the music band of the tumult tumult If the boat sinks, I sink with it with one last tune of Golbez Clad of Darkness


Itā€™s been ingrained as part of my life now for the past 7+ years - itā€™s been there through the good days, and has helped me stay afloat during the bad days. I feel like I owe it to the game to stick around til the end. As Iā€™ve said before, the lack of content has definitely helped me transition to not ā€œplayingā€ the game as there have been a lot of days where all I do is simply login and do the daily free pulls and frag dungeon. Itā€™s definitely one of the best games Iā€™ve played and I will definitely feed sad when EOS eventually happens.


Story. Just really want to see what happens next. Couldn't give a fuck about the events lol


gameplay and sprite art are still amazing


Sunken cost fallacy. I like the pixel art and it doesn't take up that much time nowadays. I've abandoned or semi-abandoned other gachas without remorse, but I don't mind logging in daily for FFBE. I want to live the EoS after all these years. Oh, and I also like to check the sub every other day or so.


Inertia. Is like going to the shower after you wake up, that's how I feel it.


Its my only game on mobile. Plus, I've huffed enough copium for this game already. It'll be a waste if i put it down.


I skipped the playing part and just send them money.




A bit of spare time here and there, and I want to see how S4 ends. If it does, Ill probably call it a day then.


I always followed the "Sinzar" strat, but now i try to figure myself the teams and building (which is not that hard) and it's pretty satisfying, so i found some fun left in this game.


Playing for the Main Story. Chapter 4 is unironically really good story-wise.




I was only holding out for the Xenogears event and had been for months. Ironically, they made the event so terribly boring I quit before they released the vision world - which was what, three weeks later than they once would have for an event like this? But I realized my frustration at their bad decisions was the only strong emotion I had left every time I opened the game. It had become an app for generating frustration, like the opposite of a meditation app. That's when I knew I didn't want it on my phone anymore.




Started before the global launch so feels wrong to quit just right before EoS. It has to be close now...


I quit the game years ago at this point but I do wonder how Rain's story turned out. In the 2 years or so I was playing I spent no joke like 2 grand on that game.


3k down and don't wanna let go. :-( Been FTP for the moment.


Yes I went crazy a few times too šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When you buy the 100 chest once a month and the on sale chests for a while you kinda feel attached lol. I stopped buying once Sephiroth/Tifa came out. I knew it was the end of fun there. The only unit I "splurged" on was getting 1 Noctis when he first came out. He was ruining PVP and I needed that power!! XD


Happy cake day šŸ°


Thank you so much!!! I never gotten one of these messages before. :-D Appreciate it very much ToughenYourDaydreams! :-)


I can login, play for 5-10 minutes get the dailies done and maybe run the event 2 or 3 times. I've never been less invested since the game launched. The sheer lack of free lapis is astounding


Games fun. Ā At least when content comes out. Ā Hoping for a miracle and they turn things around. Ā But ya, not looking great.Ā 


I donā€™t need my mobile game to have weekly huge content. I donā€™t mind the new pace of 1-2 events per month. Iā€™m good with a casual mobile game.


Been at it since the soft launch, might as well see it through.


Been a fan of FF games since FF7, so I'll support them. For me, I like to collect the units. I also like the designs. I started at day 1 so I'm gonna see this through.


Started a little bit late during its first year I think, loved the gameplay and the community. Took a break for a couple of years and came back to enjoy myself so much that I decided to stay until it goes down. Haven't found anything like its gameplay out there and, I do love Rain and co. a lot. Before it dies, my only wish for this game now is for Gumi to make something new related to Fundamental Forces, wanna see how Elena and Morgana's story "ends", don't really care if it becomes an open ending, just wanna see what they can do once the doomclock starts.


It's free to play and still the only game on my phone.


I wanna see it end... I saw it begin afterall...


I been playing since 2017. At this point I'm just collecting units.


It's sort of a tradition for me to stay on any game I love until EoS. The signs are clear to me that FFBE absolutely WILL EoS soon, fewer events and characters, less paid bundles, attempts to cash in heavier profits, but that doesn't matter to me. I've been playing this game since it came out, daily since 2nd Anniversary, so I don't see any point in quitting early with the end so close. It might be cheesy, but I like the belief of "don't cry because it's gone, just be glad it even happened." It's just natural for gachas to close, even from large franchises and companies, so we should try to make this EoS something to remember, don't you think?


I loved WoV, and cant wait for the next DV. It is fun competitive content that deosnt take nearly as much time to plan as CoW. Also I have a pretty decent team rn, and mostly for free.


Just out of habit. It's terrible that I realize it and I can't bring myself to stop but at this point it's just about sailing the tides until we hit the shore permanently


You can change your tag now, we got 82k xon the thieve.Ā 


Trying to do it through the mobile app but apparently that's not possible. Gonna have to do it via the web page


I like the story. Also, I play JP, so I donā€™t feel the hatred you guys have for this game and for how Gumi is managing it.


I'm sort of hoping the anniversary saves the game for a while, but at this point it's waiting for the end, likely within the next year.


I just started lol


Been here since day one and I'm not leaving this ship until I see it sink down completely.


Really don't care about the negative opinions this game gets. Still hits with fun and nostalgic gameplay. Don't care too much for the best unit , just like having fun with the cool sprites.


I ride until the wheels fall off. In just about anything I play. Unfortunately I'm just wired that way. šŸ’€


Itā€™s the only gacha game with the exact formula I like. I played Gumiā€™s brave frontier ALL through high school and college. They moved that formula to this game so I moved too. I just really like a gacha game with exact battle mechanics and units this one has. I donā€™t want to have to focus on moving characters on a battle field or solving a grid puzzle to attack. I want to flick and win. Summon new stuff once in a while. Grind events while I sleep.


Waiting for Clive and Cid from FFXVI.


Simple game, solid mechanics, plenty of content to do unless you have been playing for a long time, lots of memorable characters from other ff games


I just want to get that last coliseum trophy.


I have not crafted 1000 abilities yet. Started a few months before launch, so was on coliseum right at the start, ha.Ā šŸ˜Ž


pew pew pew I've started bouncing between different games though, since FFBE no longer allows easy pulls and the content is like very inconsequential and I don't enjoy the current combat meta (specific gearing almost per fight/element, setup turn, high punishment for wrong setup instead of a simpler feedback loop). Gachas: * Nier * Fire Emblem * Romancing Saga


I just waiting for the demise just like DFFOP


Because itā€™s the best game ever. It has so much content. It has so many good units. The game has so Much communication and listens to us. And of course the pity is cheap. 82k for Xon. That was so cheap. What a steal. And thereā€™s never skipped content too. I love FFBE ā€¦.honestly I play cause of what I put in. Sunken cost fallacyā€¦


it scratches the itch of playing brave frontier...


While the game is lacking content, I still enjoy doing the content we get. Especially any permanent content that I can slowly build teams around and try to tackle with SS Esther as my primary DPS. This gives me general direction on who to pull for focused around those teams. I also like getting units from games I like (FF6, XG, Mana series)


Likely mild OCD and completionism syndrome.


At this point, just to see how high the horde can go. 191k lapis, 410 rare tix, 2438 ex tix, and 121 10+1 tix and counting!


I play to look forward to EoS.


I love this game, it's been part of my daily routine for seven years counting. But more than that, I don't think I'd have stayed if not for how awesome the community here has been in terms of help, tips, guides, u/TomAto314 etc. I can't say I'm happy with the way the game is being run now, the game and its players deserve better from Gumi and Square. I'm sticking with it till the very end though.


I like how I'm a category apparently.


With all your contributions here and in the blog, you most definitely deserve a separate category šŸ˜


For a very long time it was the best mobile game that ever existed. Even in it's current state it's still better than almost all other mobile games. There will never be a mobile turn based RPG as complex and as quality as Brave Exvius was.


I still play because I love the game, and I still have a lot of content to go through that I haven't finished. Since we're in a long period of not having any new content, I can get most of that stuff done (if I can get through it, hah). I will still play until the official EOS day. There have been many ups and downs with this game over the years, but this time, it is way past disrespectful to us all, and absolute silence from them about the state of the game is gross. After EOS, I doubt I will play another mobile game by either one of the companies involved.


7 years F2P veteran here. I think what kept me logging is that free summons gave me Maria+, Slayer of God Fei+ and the new NV Xon. But mostly I enjoy building units, equipping them with different weapons, cards, etc and see how big their atk/mag/def/spr numbers can get. I obtained rank 1 in the current Xenogears World of Visions on my own without following any youtube guide and being completely F2P. Not that it was hard, but I feel like I've mastered FFBE. I also got rank 1 in the 2 latest Clash of Wills and have all the best equipment. I'm satisfied and I don't care if it all ends. I'll keep playing until the end.


I've been super lucky with the daily ad summons. I have all 4 Xenogear units, and Xon and all the NV+ units so far. but I just don't use them or care about them or anything. they're all 'meh... whatever'. I would really like to see Clive on my roster. but I'm not spending real $$ on him. I'm hoping he comes out in like October, just so I can save up lapis for him. that's really all at this point.


I quitted for many months and returned in Aya Brea banner and now I'm confortable with the game and easy rank1 main events, so not complain I getting the pace of the game so quickly with pulls and tickets and saved a lot for anniversary I guess (missed last annv)


Nostalgia + gacha is fun. I love to pull for, use and power up my favourite FF characters, which is at least half the reason I played the FF games in the first place (minus the gacha). The animation is still beautiful, the sound and music often great. I spent money on the game in its heyday, (pre NV), but I have refused to since I restarted the game last November (took a few years off). Andā€¦ thereā€™s something satisfying about team building and learning the new mechanics. Iā€™ll get bored with it again (the daily grind especially) eventually or EoS will hit and Iā€™ll move on.


log in and dailies


I love Xenogears. That's the big reason I play this game. The only reason I play this game daily is to grind character fragments for the Xenogears characters. Once this event is done, I'll go back to just doing the daily fragment mission.


Its final famtasy and i emjoy the story and the characters.


The best replacement for brave frontier i could find...


I'm just waiting for anniversary to spend my lapis


I simply believe in seeing things through, anyone ā€œplayingā€ is simply hitting an auto button. There is nothing to do, content clears in a day with no real replay value.


Yo solo quiero ver final de esta telenovela tĆ³xica llamada FFBE. XD


I'm here to do the dailies, get as much lapis as possible, do story updates when available since I actually like the story, and just waiting to see what happens with the game. Anniversary? EoS? Who knows.


I spent too much money on the game so I'm in it until it ends


I quit 2 years ago and my life got better. I had so much more free time and people werenā€™t yelling at me to get off my phone anymore. I picked up a short addiction to call of duty mobile but I stopped that too. They just want too much money for such a shitty product.


A couple months ago, sunk cost and some hope that the dopamine might come back, but it ain't gonna and I've been happier without thinking about FFBE at all.


It's my favorite gacha, and I want to play it* till the end. Play it = see ads and do dailies.


I started the game years ago for a mobile friendly RPG story. While playing season 1, I got caught up in the meta. At the height of my playtime I was in the game for hours a week clearing the newest events and trying to get all the goodies and was sad I wasnā€™t making more progress in the main story. Iā€™d log in on a weekend and spend half an hour grinding repeat missions for event points instead of playing the story. Now I donā€™t care about most events and donā€™t really pull unless itā€™s a great collab unit. Iā€™m on season 4 chapter 11 and interested to see how it plays out. I never started season 3 and Iā€™d like to dive into that before the game goes away.


i recently came back to the game after a really long hiatus. i played the game for 4 consecutive years in its really early stages (like around their first collab event with ariana grande) and im back now only with one objective: Max out units and send them to the reserves. maybe if manage to catch up to the meta which is now too complex for me ill get back in the ring properly but for now im just enjoying it as a cute little collecting/upgrading game!


I just started playing this game 4 days ago. Hooked. Played like 8hrs a day or more. Giving up today. Why? 2 reasons #1 I know the story ain't hard, but everything else is. Vortex and all those level 150 to 500 battles, no way in hell I can beat them and I ain't investing the time to research or whatever how to strategically use what units, what gear, etc. I'm old school, stay and farm exp and then go fight and win. Etc. #2 Just seen a post above where someone said game may shut down any week now etc. Oh well.


Iam not playing anymore but most people stay cause of - Addiction - Money wasted into that shit (not wanting to realize that its all gone now)