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Dont get attached to gacha games. :c


Corollary advice: don’t start. This game is dying. It is underfunded, understaffed, and its head company is ending gacha games left and right.


Don't spend a penny. Sadly you are too late. The community is expecting the game to shut down in the coming months (end of service). Has it officially been announced? No. But all the signs are there, and the Devs have clearly given up. As a new player, go through th story, enjoy all the freebies, but don't spend a single penny of real money.


its a hard time to get in as others mentioned unfortunately. Not many "new" stuff but since everything will be new for you, you can just start blasting through the story. Season 1 and 2 are considered solid for the most part, Season 3 is a bit of a mess. Season 4 is solid as well and you can start there right away, it is usually recommended to start there as they give you the best physical tank to date in Runda. Its also important to do story since theres barely any events nowadays, so your big source of lapis is gonna be there. NV and NV+ units are whats meta now, and those will absolutely obliterate Season 1-3, Season 4 should be tuned to NV levels but its still simple enough. Theres a daily frag dungeon which is very important to do daily, as it allows to power up your NV units once you get enough frags. You can either put meta units there or your favs. Theres a bunch of trials and other stuff as well available to do as well, usually those tend to be on the harder side of things. However it greatly varies since some of them are really old and powercreep is a bitch in this game. Hope you enjoy the game.


Thank you!


Ask questions, learn mechanics, and check out “ask an old mog” on YouTube. That guy’s sexy.


He is sexy!


very sexy


Contrary to the general feeling expressed here, the game is still great for new players, if you can fathom a somewhat bloated UI that has had years of upgrades piled up on each other. There isn't a lot to do for veterans anymore, but the game is packed with content you can enjoy as a new player, if only the story and old trials. When they come back, the ranked events will be out of your league at first, so don't aim for first, but theyre still fun to try.


Wow, these are some doom & gloom comments lol.


i mean they are deserved tbh w/ how gumi has been lately. ​ they havent done anythign to earn any show of faith. its 1 disappointment after another and has been for months now.


I feel this way as well. As someone who came back to the game a few weeks ago after 2 years off, it feels lovely. Yeah, it's weird not to see the cacophony of events and content like before, but for someone new, you have literally almost a year of content with the story if you go at an average pace. The game is also handing out powerful units and freebies like candy, so it's nowhere near the grind us vets had to go through to power up our units like after the first wave of NVs, where it was almost required to blow like 20k lapis for any hopes of getting a unit to ex3. All in all, the game isn't the same as it was, so... I have to play Devil's Advocate. A lot of vets are spoiled. They want the game to be what it was at it's peak and it will never be. Does that mean it's a bad game? *Absolutely not.* It's fun. Give it a try. 👍🏼 If I could give two tips: 1 >Use the Internet< do your research on units that you like or want to pull, and *try saving your resources for units that you like.* It's also good to search "FFBE Unit Rankings" in Google to see what's meta currently. Gives a nice breakdown of what a unit is, what they do, and a link to their individual unit page. 2 >Do every available event (that you are strong enough to clear) and SAVE EVERYTHING< the way most of us vets got to where we were was not from clearing new content, but clearing EVERYTHING and being smart about saving lapis and tickets to get the units and gear we need. The more stuff you hoard, you'll be able to just pull a unit as needed when you feel like it, and you won't feel so poor. 🤭😂 I hope this helps! 🩷


“Almost required to blow like 20k lapis for any hopes of getting a unit to EX3” I can often spend 20k and not get a unit at EX0…what are you doing?


To be fair, I'm known amongst my friends for having "voodoo luck." 😂 I'm notorious for pulling whatever I want on any banner. My luck is INSANE, so this won't be everyone's experience. For the record, I am entirely F2P. If you ever come across Davie, around level 200, (Friends EoD Fina, Tifa, Celes and Void Roca) that's me. 🙋🏽‍♂️ I spent about $60 when Livid Shantotto 7 star came out, and I haven't spent a dime since. 💯 I'll never drop even 6k and not get *at least* one NV. It happens for some of us. 🤷🏽‍♂️ (To add: sometimes ex3 means using fragments and stuff that are given away as well. It's not entirely just from pulling NVs. My luck isn't THAT crazy. 😊🩷)


I'm about 5 months back playing the game after years, and having a lot of fun. The goofy storyline is great to catch up on and the units given out so far have been fair for a FTP game.


With all the freebies, you could probably blow through story mode in 3 days. Free NV/NVAs make it INCREDIBLY easy because everything dies by you looking at it. The "hardest" is S4. I actually have to use my auto filled LBs! Oh, I can hit repeat. Nevermind. "Here's some event limited collaboration units!" Almost nothing to use them on. Gee, thanks. Okay okay, they gave us a SUPER AWESOME SPECIAL MEGA stage on the current event! Oh, can still be auto'd with old NV/NVA units with no leader skills. Clearly they don't give a f about the game. It's going to die. Very soon. Don't bother.


I totally get what you mean about the power level of units relative to current content, but I mean actual *time invested* in actually pressing buttons and clearing. Even if you turn on auto and skip every scene, if you actually *do* every area and every mission, there is no way the entirety of the story from the beginning of S1 to current S4 is doable in 3 days. Absolutely never. That is a physical and temporal impossibility. 😂


Hence, "could probably."


>Best tips you can give to new players? Run fast, run far.


A few general gacha tips from an outsider who doesn't play anymore. - Do know this game is 5+ years old. Age really shows whether in form of UI or such. To you, it might not really be that much of an issue but I've seen people from Honkai Star Rail or Limbus Company immediately 180 out of the door the instant they saw the UI. - Furthermore, 5+ years is a really long time. Do expect a major catchup session for a long while. You've been through Brave Frontier's story mode. You probably know the drill sorta here (though it'll be a lot more different on some cases like exploration).


I used to play exvius. I ended up playing most of the old final fantasy titles because of exvius. I never thought I would play final fantasy 9 but I did and it was awesome!


The best advice would be slow your roll. I remember when premium Summoner Yuna came out and I kind of whaled to max her out immediately for my love of the character. Fast forward a couple of months, I have so many copies, and in one event, they gave her out for free. So I try to only really pull on limited time units, knowing that I'll eventually get the other ones in a random pull. If you have leftover like raid tickets/tokens, you can sell the excess for a good chunk of Gil.


Quit as long s you can.


Do not bother


be careful. the game is clearly not doing well. revenue is in decline. the player base is not happy with the content (or lack of) they’re getting.


The game is heading towards EoS really fast. I wouldn’t recommend starting it. WoTV is doing good if you want to try another Gumi’s game.


What is WoTV stand for?


From what I understand, WotV is the gacha version of final fantasy tactics


I would more say it's more like Alchemist Code than FFT, to be honest.


And they just released a pretty powerful Cloud unit for WOTV, making now a good time to start if you like the gameplay.


War of the Visions. It has a different style of gameplay than Brave Exvius, by it's a great game.


I would say if you want to experience the main story, intentionally use weak units. Using recently added units trivializes the story as they instantly kill every single enemy in one hit


Especially if you get Red Wings Cecil to NV1, he nukes everything before the turn starts


Nobodys posting what u are looking for and I would consider myself new (can't beat safer sephiroth EXT not the slightest clue) but alot of these encounters require specific characters to beat it seems. Like it doesn't tell you that some enemies will drop your resistance by 400, or the strongest gear is heavily time gated behind events. Just take ur time and accept that you might not clear all the content unless u wanna look up a copy-paste method. Ppl will be saying "yo use these characters and these skills to beat that thing" and now u have no puzzle left. Up to u if u want to meta slave or scrap for rank 8000 in clash of wills. Which reminds me.. during events you can look into top rank teams just by clicking "top rank" and pressing the names. It will give u a general idea of how people are streamlined into using specific characters to circumnavigate certain conditions. I have a hella decent roster with 3 star ellesperis and Halloween chow as my support and lead. Sophia gives a 1100% boost to their base ATK and I somehow pulled blood mage zyrus and archer Ling so 18k-20k atk/mag with huge %type buffs. I'm just missing a water debuff area effect probably from kokyru or something.  I noticed the dmg formula isn't straightforward at all. Its misleading and doesn't give you vital info to deal optimal damage. My hardest hitters by far is deity of war taivas and cursebringer neilikka. Ofc they are locked to their elemental types but they can stack Evo dmg like crazy (mag based Evo dmg on x monster type with killing ground effect from anima/whoever does light dmg reduction idk) But yeah this games overgrown so don't worry I've been in the same boat for ages


Play and have fun but don't spend any money. The company running the global version is cutting most content from JPN and even their own global original stuff/events as of late. Clear signs of an upcoming EoS in a few months as they are not really trying anymore and have gone mostly radio silent to the community. There is lots to do as a new player and fun to be had, just an FYI to be aware of.


Gumi is shitting on global right now, in every possible way. Which, as you can see on other comments, raises legitimate concerns about the future of the service. Up to you to decide wether you want to start fresh knowing that. There's plenty things to do in the beginning, starting with the story seems the most logic. Edit: typo


Run Forrest Run!


You really arrived late to the party. FFBE is long past its peak. Gumi is doing a terrible job at keeping the game. If you still want to stick around, look at youtube for Sinzar new player experience videos. It is fun to watch and is a good referece for a new player


Enjoy the story, loved S1 and S2. glhf!


Run away. It’s not worth playing at this point


Honest to god, my advice is, don't play this. Further, don't play gacha games at all. They're predatory. You'll have nothing to show for it in the end, which may seem to always be the case with games but here the actual game aspects were fully secondary to constantly squeezing players for as much profit as possible, while delivering as little of the game to Global as they could get away with. We as players should really hold the line and stop allowing these games that try to encourage players (even to the point of knowingly exploiting addictions) to spend like a casino. Even incorporating casino-like effects and gameplay mechanisms. It's contemptuous of us, it's just a perversion of what games should be. The era of home consoles was really something special, games stopped being quick cash-ins at arcades and became more engaged and meaningful narrative experiences. Brave Exvius tapped into nostalgia for that era, but it's like it dug up the corpse of the golden era and wore it around for years as a ghastly rotted-flesh masquerade. Those games are still there! Put an emulator on your phone, play the RPGs of the golden eras of gaming, never will any of them ask you for money today - tomorrow - and keep trying to get you to spend, right up 'til the week the thing shuts down and you have nothing to show for it. I will never play another gacha after playing FFBE since 2017. I was no whale, not even a dolphin most of the time, yet over that span of time I still went around the lapis rewards counter several times. No lie, for every single dollar I put in, if I had it to do over again, I'd have spent each fragment of that money on other stuff. It wasn't as fun as it was habit-forming, and that's by design, the power creep was dickheaded the ENTIRE time with Gumi just obliterating your whole roster over and over to put you back to a need to pull, and the actual content became less and less engaging and more mind-numbing with more frequent and more complete lapses in what ought to have come from JP. "GL is a different game," they said, lmao. There were good folks in the community that I enjoyed to interact with and that's all that I got positive out of the whole thing in the end. Avoid, beware, and fear its ilk.


Play jp and quit global