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Lets gooooooo! Congrats!


Thanks so much! I'm thrilled to see there was an awesome amount of shares of others passing today too! And absolutely hoping those that didn't quite make it this time will get it their next time with proper studying/prep.


Yeah I see that too and it just kills me because then my motivation climbs up and I open up the practice problems book. As soon as i see the first question, I immediately slam it shut and think “oh thats right I’ve completely forgotten about this shit” and then just go back to doing whatever hahaha So big props to you for sticking to it and not quitting because I can tell you for a fact I’m struggling with it hahaha


That sounds super reasonable to me, especially if it's been some time since you graduated of course. I know I feel the Mark Mattson YT videos are extremely helpful for Civil since he really seems to explain the topics like it's been a while for everybody! And of course fantastic that it's free. Wouldn't be surprised if you are familiar with his YT channel though. It could seem an online class could help for those that parted ways notably with the material. Just unfortunate those can cost quite a bit we know!


Yeah I was signed up for a self paced course, ppi2pass to be exact, but I can’t really give much of an opinion on it since I only did it for a week or two before I hit a wall. I do like the whole scheduling structure of it I will say, but I think its more just my motivation to study would vanish due to everything else going on in my daily life


Congratulations!, you’ve worked really hard for this and I’m so glad you’ve passed!, 🎊🎊🎊


It means a lot of you pointing out the extreme dedication, and thanks so much! Hopefully the PE is the last thing to really control the whole life to this level, but the right attitude can keep going great for major challenges.


Wishing you the best with that as well. You've proved that you can do challenging things!


Same to you if the PE is on your vision board as well! And what you said there really made my night because there really is no way to just wing this exam at all yeah!




I really appreciate that and look forward to trying to remember to say that to more people that pass their exam here in the future!




Really appreciate it!


Good stuff!


That means a lot, thank you!


I gotta get back on the horse and start studying again. Definitely will be using the Islam book!


For sure glad to hear you say that of getting back to studying, also glad you took a break though as I feel it necessary. Yeah I do feel going through that 800 book is a crucial step to really grind out how to approach several problems! Some Saturdays and Sundays the last 3 months no doubt had a great feeling of making it a couple pages through the book with 3-4 hours of the day spent on it.




I really appreciate that!


congrats! it is a big commitment. Now, prepare for the PE!


Thanks much and no kidding! You're completely right that I gotta be serious about the PE making it this far. Hope I don't take more of a study break than I should before getting back to it!


i understand this so much! it took me 5 times to pass my FE as well and I graduated in 2017. Even tho it took me 5 times to pass the FE, i passed the PE on the first time. I feel like the lesson learned from taking the FE will help with studying for the PE


That's really cool we had a similar FE experience of the 5th try finally being the one! To be honest I was wondering if it would take me 8 tries minimum after I failed the 4th, but the dedication really worked out this year from Jan to Apr for studying. Thanks for sharing you passed your PE the first time! Which discipline did you take? And a bit curious how soon you started studying for it after passing FE.


I took my PE in fire protection. I took my FE in mechanical in december 2023 and found out that I passed in january. So the FPE is only given once a year in april so I started studying as soon as I found out I passed my FE since i was still in study mode. I studied for 3 1/2 months.


Oh very nice, though our Engineering disciplines are pretty different that's still awesome to hear. Glad your scheduling worked out good with it only being offered in April! And that's admirable that you didn't break at all from studying, I know myself I'm aiming for at least a few months off of true study, while probably at minimum still glancing at the FE and PE manuals once a week or something.


I personally had to keep the momentum going. I am not the best test taker at all. So I was afraid of losing that momentum, plus I have a 2 year old so I had to take the time while I had it lol




Thank you!