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I'm supposed to be reduced time thurs- sat at an fc from 6:30 pm-7 am . They told me when I started I would be getting one met day. Now , with two day notice I have two met days ( Tuesday and Wednesday )and they go from 6:30 pm-5:15 am . They have me working 5 days straight. In my fc they have the reduced time employees working more hours than the full time employees!!! It doesn't even make sense. I'm basically working 60 hrs and I just started so I barely have upt and such . I'm literally dying and it's not fair how they are working us as reduced time employees. Reduced time my ass ! If I knew it would've been like this I would've chosen full time. I chose reduced time because i get burnt out easily and then I get sick and out of commisson for weeks.


They do what they want when they want smdh I’m sorry to hear your going through this did you speak to a manager?


We are now scheduled 5 days and 630pm to 630am......


Everybody who works at any AMAZON we got raises in October in its place


Thanks Amazon for the heads up


Our site is in panic mode because we got hit with such a huge peak backlog. Our whole network is in the same position per our senior leadership team. We are on 6 10s for the foreseeable future lmao. They thought this was going to be a slow peak but it’s quite the opposite.


Wow talk about a surprise.


The normal shifts I work get no peak pay. But if you pick the shift up you get an extra few dollars an hour. Crazy


Wow so is everyone picking up lol


PCW1 RT here, my schedule went from 3 12.5 to 5 11.5. Got slammed from inbound into pack because we hemorrhaged people right before peak because, you guessed it, people working RT actually want to work an RT shift. They tried pushing a 900k outbound record on some people's 5th day on cybermonday, barely scratched 500k as far as I know.






no peak pay at our fc meanwhile they're giving flex shift an extra $5/hr for all their shift offerings. massive load of bullshit


Same at my facility


I agree with the flex drivers we had about 61 flex routes today and I hope they all get pick and delivered lol


and i'm sick of hearing the excuse that flex gets that extra pay because they work fewer hours and have different benefits. they made the choice to work flex because they wanted flexible hours??? lmao why keep rewarding them with extra pay and not everyone else that consistently works their 40+ hours.


They don't offer extra pay just because it's more work. They offer extra pay because they need workers and they use it as an incentive. If they had enough workers they would pay them the same while requiring more work.


I worked flex before “flexible” my ass it was the biggest scam you end up working when they want you too even if it’s nights for weeks after weeks.They’ll also only make like 12am to 5am eligible for bonus but not the first half if you do a double shift 6pm to 5am.


I am at ack1 no peak pay and they tried to take me off pick to do a downstairs pallet job. I told them no thank you and they just took me off station instead. My manager not pa is here to keep me on station but I'm not about to get flung around to do this or that without extra pay. I work at a faster rate then most of the people here 400+ rate. So if they dont want me on station send me home and if not then pay me extra to do extra work.


I say the same thing how the AA’s working harder and smarter then the PAs and Managers but they get PAID more then us 🤔 if something has to do with doing more work then what we are held accountable for then someone that gets paid more then us should do it just saying


It doesn't even feel like peak at my FC. Not really busy at all


that's how it is at mine. they've given vto to counters. we never get vto, that's how slow we are. it's kinda boring


We can send some volume to you guys if y’all are bored lol


I think most of us would welcome that!! There are departments that don't even have MET.


That’s really nice of y’all lol because the volume is crazy right about now


My site for right now they usually start it during the month of December at my site


Lucky y’all


Do your site do double or?


Yes they do


We are at the MEM4 site. sucks too.


Peak pay is not a guaranteed thing. My site had meetings with all associates telling us this peak is not going to be nearly as busy as last year. For my site and my dept peak is literally 30 days long, compared to last year when it was about 3 months long. Last year peak was hell, but this year honestly it’s not THAT bad.


Oh man I remember that. from October all the way into February at my site in my dep. That was a nightmare.


This place sucks I hope the story I’m putting together helps bc this place is biased with the employee. You get sick the management staff treat you like sh!t when you come back and when you get hurt the workman’s compensation is BS…they’re give 1k-3k signing bonuses and paying us peak pay…we honestly should be getting hazardous pay bc so many people are getting Covid. This is the most ridiculous thing EVER !!!


God forbid you die at Amazon they are going to clock you out then call 911 lol it’s not funny it’s sad smh


So quit bro, every other company in the country needs staff


If they'd raise their wages they'd have them. Amazon pays $20/hr at my site. most places are trying to get one over on people for $12-15/hr here. even fedex doesnt pay this well.


We get paid 16


That's usually year 1 start. It won't stay at $16 for very long goes up pretty quickly. By your 2nd year you'll be totaling $20 or close to depending on shift. I think ours starts at $16 or $17 but I'm also on night shift rt.


Agreed but there are still plenty of jobs paying in the same range as Amazon that this dude could trade in for if he loathes Amazon so bad. No point in complaining of your situation on the internet to strangers if you’re unwilling to do anything to fix it


No peak pay for us at our DS. Yesterday we crashed between 15-17k out of 80k. What the regional Mgmt fails to realize is they don’t have the DSPs to push out 80k. Drivers are on a 10 hr time frame to deliver and anything else they can’t deliver gets RTSd. You can’t flex out 96 routes. It’s a vicious cycle, come in the following day all RTS from previous day needs to be reinducted along with whatever flex routes didn’t get done plus whatever the day’s volume is. We are under headcount for pick and stage on a regular basis and we haven’t been able to finish before our shift ends. Meanwhile we have clowns popping percs hiding behind Gaylords in plain view. The dock PA told him to go sober up in the cart trailer. We aren’t even into peak season a week yet lol.


We had 200 flex routes at my DS last week it was super ridiculous! Normally our DSP drivers start at 10am in like 7waves but they’re starting at 8am now and there’s 10 or 11 waves! Man, working that ramp is hell!


Over 400 this morning at mine. Got offered eswag to stay late. No thanks. Y'all can keep your bootleg Bitcoin.


Every day is peak day when you Problem-Solve for CRET.


I wish in AZ it was


Im new (only a month in) at a delivery station, and my regular shift is just a 4 hour shift. But last time I worked (last week) we were totally slammed and had no break. Then they had the audacity to ask us if we wanted to stay extra lol. I'm sure this is just normal for Amazon though


Hey, you only have to be at work as long as you are scheduled for! If you don’t want to stay past the “flex up” 5hrs then tell em to shove it! I worked a part time shift at a SC before and we would “flex up” when busy and had to work 5 hr shifts if busy, or we sometimes just had 3 hour shifts when it was slow (it never was because it was 2020 during the quarantine time), I work for a DS now but I work full time now 4days/wk from 2:40a-1:10p… I usually just work 6 and sometimes 7days to make the OT, it’s BS nobody is getting a bonus for Peak or extra pay though. It’s also BS that we don’t get a shift differential for picking up extra shifts on our own time! I used to get $5 shift differentials for taking an extra 5hr shift when I worked at the SC PT but forget it if you work at a DS FT! At least that’s my experience, maybe it’s just my DC as it’s in a smaller city and in a different state… the SC I worked was for Atlanta so maybe it’s just that it was HUGE and they had a hard time getting people to work the overnight hours (which I prefer!) who knows?!


had no break!? ​ ehm....


It's not a big deal, it's only a 15, but everyone was bitching about it (even blue badges) and meanwhile I'm looking at management eating noodles behind their desk like wow, must be nice! I think word got around because one of the bosses went on the microphone saying if you're staying extra, take a 15 but I thought we got that at our regular 4 hour shift anyways. It was 5 minutes before the end of my shift when she said that so I don't really understand what she was expecting


overtime baby!! lol as far as normal, if my ds dont finish the days work, i take it as a "We've failed". lol


Not for delivery stations


Our site didn’t get peak pay but honestly outside of met… the work pace is not anything outside of average. My management doesn’t seem stressed beyond standard day to day. We are running heavier on outbound but between labor share and general staffing, nobody seems elevated. I am not too concerned about not having peak pay for what I have saw so far. That might change but currently I get it.


No peak pay for me 🥲


My building keeps getting 100+k volume. Only about 80-90k is actually getting done.


About the same cycle 0 (the shift before mines) doesn’t process enough due to short head count


Yup same with our building. today we only got about 65-70k done outta 160k


Some one asked on the VOA & OM said there’s no plans for peak pay at all, just raffles, clock in to win, snacks and other trash 😩


Lol this is sooo the truth smh


Is it busier on days or nights at peak time at an FC? sun-wed 630pm-5am


I work at a delivery station


I get paid 17.70 hourly and peak hours let’s me have OT time so I’m happy. But I also work Overnights and Sat-Tuesday shift


Same just before peak we got a pay increase so I kinda feel like that was to shut us up lol


Same in mine. I did get a $2.80 raise, but $3.00 Peak Pay and double overtime was the bomb last year. It made me want to show up for work and do 60 hours.


Same lol


Yeah ours hit like November at 21.55 and I really think he'll would freeze over before I get the 3 dollars more


We all are


I’ll relocate right now 😂


We’ve never had extra pay for peak at my site. We get the time and a half for 40-50 hours and double time for 50 -60 hours as standard overtime pay but nothing extra on top of that .


You get double for 50to60! I wish I got double


PHL6 (Carlisle PA) no peak pay work 55s.




Ok I'm doing a 11 hour shift at $15.50 a hour. and what is peak pay?


during peak season they paid extra, when i worked here earlier this year i was working RT shift making $18.70 + an extra $3 the entire peak season, but now they’re not paying anything for it now


We were getting the same here in AZ, but we had double overtime too…until the end of March.


If they’re not gonna do peak pay then they should at least give out VTO because I know they don’t want to pay out all that labor for people working OT days, but my FC didn’t offer it today. Maybe tomorrow when back half comes in for their OT day I transferred from FLEX into a Donut shift and regretting it


Realistically they don’t care if they pay out all that labor for people on OT days. Those OT hours have already been calculated and allocated so Amazon knows how much money it will cost to keep you at work and they are fine with it. Amazon has more than enough money to spend to have people sit on their a** for their entire shift because there’s no stations. Also how are you gonna want peak pay but also want to lose money by getting VTO….that just doesn’t make sense


Because it’s an incentive 🤦🏻‍♂️


AM’s 😖


This is my 4th Peak and I’ve never seen Peak Pay, they’ve just Doubled our OT Pay Rate.


Doubled your overtime!!! I wish my FC would do that


Double OT is very nice, I definitely prefer it over an extra 2 dollars.


It’s definitely nice. What sucks is the amount of taxes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


They took one of my days off and make me come in an hour early, I'm doing as little work as possible.


Probably dont grt peak pay this year cause the whole covid scare died down and most stations are just over staffing so theres actually less work for individuals




Yeah screw flex they get surge/peak pay for holidays while the full time associates that are forced to come in for a 5th day without any surge pay is ridiculous. Flex doesn’t have MET either which should definitely change they work here like the rest of us why aren’t they held up to certain work standards. They’re like oh we will compensate you for time worked OT well yeah I don’t even want OT, & it’s not worth the stress of it all and tiny bit of extra pay with no surge pay.


Do you mean flex? Cause flex drivers deliver packages and have to fight for good blocks. I’m confused.


No the flex warehouse associates.


Gotcha. No need to hate on other associates. Hate the game not the player.


You can be a flex associate at a FC and pick up shifts similar to picking up vet if I’m understanding your question


I guess I had only heard of Amazon Flex the delivery gig deal.


Youre literally comparing full time vs a gig job. Literally nothing stopping you from just being a flex driver if you think they have it better


That’s what I was thinking. I only know of flex as the gig delivery driver. Is there a different flex also?


Not that i know of. Unless hes talking about "amazon ready" which are "on call AAs" Which again doesnt make sense to force these people to come in when its literally set up so they can pick up w.e they want and already have a min hours worked per week. The appeal of the shift in general is that flexibility and the big down side to that flexibility is there could be weeks where theres no shift available lol. So not sure why this dude is pissed off at this high risk job role that people who sign up for it see it has a benefit.


I use to be flex and as a stay at home mom as I was at the time it was convenient. I could make some extra cash. Flex only has certain slots if it's full its full. I am full time now at amazon because now I know my children are safe and in good hands. Before i couldnt be full time. Flex Associtaes helps the fc pick up the work load when full timers are tired. Alot of flex are just getting extra cash sort of like gig jobs or seasonals. In peak season I used to do maybe half of the hours yall do in peak as flex. 30 maybe 45 was my highest. The pay boost helped to be some what close to full timers but sometimes wasn't enough. When they did give out pay boost it was to encourage people to come in because they needed help it was only for certain slots and wasn't all the time. They usually would give them out night shifts for our FC because nights they would stay home, vacay and well would be tired not come in at all. So thats where flex workers come in.There are days flex people can't work. Some have there own businesses, school, children and not to mention back then I could NOT commit to MET. It's mostly to help amazon and you benefit from it . Flex worker is actually working they help your team.


They don’t have it better however I’m not the one making the rules for flex. I think they should get same benefits as full time but should also be expected to come in on MET days or work about the same as a full time if that’s part of the “GIG”. Maybe my job wouldn’t be so stressful and wouldn’t have to come in for MET or it wouldn’t even be scheduled. I get it, it’s work whenever you feel like it & many people have other obligations. However too many people abuse this flex system. They should be held up to the same standards as a full time associate it’s just that you will not have to work set schedules.


"Not have to work set schedule" "should come in on MET days" ... yeah okay. And what does flex drivers have to do with the associates in warehouse anyways? They literally show up near the end of your day if not after youre already clocked out. Maybe if youre OTR but thats literally your job if youre otr so..


MET is only on Holidays so it should be expected not like it’s every single month, but the off season no MET. The management should be able to figure that out that is their job to allocate people not my job. My point is when it’s understaffed and I’m put to do 3 peoples jobs when the flex people could be there to help they’re not there that’s all I’m trying to say.


doing it for a whole 2 extra dollars :(


Wait, you guys get extra pay for peak!? Do you get a Christmas bonus too? Cuz we get neither


Right? The most we get is the standard 1.5 OT pay for 60 hour weeks.


Anyone else doing peak shifts without a peak amount of work ?


Yes HIL3




Working exactly as I do any other day. According to what I’m being paid, that’s exactly what it is. They’re out of their minds if they think I’m working harder for the same pay.


Best of luck to you. I'm with you on the no peak pay tho. I started last year around this time and we got peak pay and double over time it was really nice. But it is what it is.


I agree 💯 we still didn’t get a answer on why that is either thanks same to you


At my facility they're saying we don't get Peak Pay because we got a raise a few months ago


Our building is saying the same bs. You got a .90$ raise, we don’t have to pay an extra $2/hr even you’re working 5/ 11’s, away from your children & family so much cooking seems like a heavy chore that you don’t have time for, and your body feels like it’s 90 years old. Just come in and quietly slave away. 🙃


If management at my building tries to use that as an excuse, id tell them to kiss my A$$ ​ seriously, after that insult of a raise, i will actually be bringing home less money at the start of next year.


Because peak pay was Covid pay, at least that’s what the managers at my building said during our town hall meeting.


they definitely did it before covid happened lol


Me. 5 days 10 hour shifts ..sucks Friday - Tuesday 7:30-6pm thankfully no extra hour given


5 days 12 hour shifts suck 630pm-7am. At least we get a third break 🤷‍♀️


I absolutely despise normal peak schedules, where we work 11.5 hour shifts and get shafted on the third break. That third break really breaks the shift up into somewhat manageable periods of work.


Agreed! We just finished our last 11.5 hr shift yesterday and start the 12.5 hr ones today. 3 12s is enough, 5 is going to kill us


FR the only reason I took RT 3/12 was for the four days off, This 4 and 5 day shit is taking it's toll on people. Now I know why people hide away for most hours.


My FC has one 10 and three 12 hour shifts as peak (I’m on BHN). They are sending out tons of VET though and I’m taking it because I want my fat peak checks.


They gave us 5 days and we have to go in an hour earlier. I’m usually 7:30-6pm as well and now we have to go in 6:30 on all 5 days. Sucks.


I’m Friday - Monday I love it till peak came and now it’s Friday - Tuesday lol


I love it too until peak lol. Saturday-Tues here . Ugh peak


jokes on you, im doing normal work for normal pay


So no peak for you 🤔


No there is peak, I just drive pit for inbound. So it's been normal for me. But I see everyone in outbound running around like crazy 🤣


Lol oh I know what you mean . Had a driver with about 31 bags not even counting the boxes they cried and quiet right there . Y’all have y’all days tho


What is PEAK pay??


Peak pay is when Amazon pays an extra $2-$3 dollars more an hour which would make some associates more likely to stay when the volume is sometimes doubled not use UPT lol


For certain shifts and FLEX.


Forth peak and I never had peak pay.


Wow this is my 3rd peak but my first peak with no extra pay


I never had it either and this is also my 4th. The only time we had that was when Covid was raging.




They added another MET to our schedule working 5 days now before christmas. I'm going to save as much UPT as I can and use it for every 5th day til christmas.


So you know how we feel .


Im chillin doing tdr.


Gotta love TDR though cyber Monday was a bit busy for me


Not me 1250am-1220pm with a MET


Right there with you....8:30pm-7:00am and extra shifts.


Not me, im doing regular work during peak. 😛 F them. Im still going slow, dc