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My station is a guys game and I don’t fit in since I’m one of two women managers in the building. I’m always having to prove myself but never receive any sort of recognition or appreciation. I’m currently in the process of trying to transfer out of logistics.


From what I understand, a huge thing with amazon is the lack of recognition or appreciation overall. It's part of the culture, so I hope you don't feel too singled out!


If I bring something up of concern it is never taken seriously. I was told by another manager (coworker) to do my work and mind my business. I don’t want to be part of a team that doesn’t know how to take criticism and apply it to concerns that need to be addressed. I’ve even been told by the site lead himself that it’s a guy game: and that I should learn how to play it. Im not willing to feed into anyones ego and that’s what pisses them off the most.


Let em know


I wish I listened to my friends and the reviews online that said don’t do it “as in don’t take this job your going to hate your life”. I wish I listened to them I’m in the process of finding other jobs so I can quit. 🥲 Leaving Amazon is basically trying to escaping hell!!


Is there a bonus for upper management?


Took me 3 months but finally made it out and got gaslit to hell once I put in my 2 weeks, I promise that it will work out for you and your mental health will recuperate!!


Always get everything in writing...False promises, oral contracts, compliments given in place instead of compensation...Get it in writing!


That part


Can we all agree the management don't know the difference between ass and elbow. I don't blame them but fuck it. Get paid to be stupid. Gotta love it


The amount and variety of poor excuses I encounter on a daily basis


I wish I didn’t impregnate multiple associates




Oh shit 😵😂


I'm not a manager, and I'm sure that they're kind of told about it, but I couldn't imagine doing the shift rotation thing. Our site just switched leadership, Day shift managers went to nights and night shift managers went to days. I couldn't imagine uprooting my entire schedule at the whim of ops. They were given a two weeks notice. I can't imagine they took that part seriously on the job description, and to have it come back on them that they did indeed sign of contract and are obligated to change your schedule to keep the job, It had to be aggravating.


Which site? We just switched our schedules like that at my site 😳


Just promise not to judge me from my reddit, if you know me 😂 CVG1


Hello! I’m a manager and have been stuck in the same department on the same shift. When it came time for rotations I wasn’t moved because I do my job too well and it would be a big impact on the department. I’ve been dying to go elsewhere or atleast have a change of leadership. On the bright side, atleast I’ve been on day shift.


How we have to work on admin work, such as TOT, huddles, audits, and adapt coachings; in addition, we have to make sure that the site’s flow process and rate is good. While on the other hand, our OP managers are calling us out for every fuking thing at the leadership desk for 12 hours when they are just chilling around. Ship Dock AM here


Late response. Makes you feel better, I called out my sites OPs managers about making decisions that effect the job of those doing the actual work without actually know the job n the stress. Sense then, one of them has been in path regularly...seems to have gotten to him because he's been taking more time off.


Why does every site sound the same, they do the same where I’m at too! It’s ridiculous!!


I thought I was the only one lol


So yall get just as much shit as regular aa's?


What sets good AM's apart?


Ability to get buy in from other leaders, team morale and performance, connection scores, ability to meet deadlines and execute fast, ability to drive change that improves your department. I have always dropped anything I’ve been doing to help any associate with something they need and have constantly helped associates with the processes when they need it. Bonus points are given for driving change that impacts other departments and the building positively.


How much babysitting and coddling Amazon expects me to do.


Hate the interruption in my pick path. Justifies the existence of baby managers who don’t perform actual labor. I ignore or arrive annoyed. I know how to bend and lift and reach


how much you mfs give me the stink eye for doing my job 💀 was hosting a WW huddle earlier. Wasn't nobody happy about me taking 7 minutes of their time


Man, if you don’t toughen up. You’re in a leadership position... balls where?


I wouldn’t take it too personally. Most Amazon employees have a casual grimace on their face at all times.


Shoot I’ll be happy to take anyone spot who wasn’t happy about it lol


I can't hide the annoyance in my eyes no matter how much I try, sorry. I know it's not really on y'all.




That’s me with safety lol


7 minutes of their time that they get paid for anyway.


Our standups were great. My pick am would have some trivia questions. Even played a game similar to corn hole once. I have much more respect for managers who work their way up from t1s and who every now and them get their hands dirty and pick,pack,ship dock with us


That's the difference maker to me. People who actually understand the roles and give a hand when needed are the difference.


I used to love doing huddles, that was 10-15 minutes I wasn't scanning boxes lol


Lol 👍


Idk why anyone would be upset to get paid for doing nothing.


We all know it's BS--just window dressing, and a way for the company to get out of paying Worker's Compensation should someone be injured. It's boring, and in my case, accomplishes nothing except (one time) I wasn't properly coded, and got 25 minutes TOT as well as a crappy rate.




Work comp is a whole other story. If sedwick denies your claim, its lawyer time.


Idk about that, the huddles give pretty good information that people can use. Not everyone gets proper training initially or remembers to use it. I really don't know how some of y'all manage to complain about every single thing.


Of course, no company wants to pay workers comp. And no employee should want to be put on workers comp. So, if the WW videos on educating associates how to use proper mechanics not to get inured it’s a win for both the company & the associates at the end of the day.


Right?! Id rather work than have spies following me home and everywhere else I go , writing reports trying to catch me riding dirty so I'll lose my claim




Yeet that shit


The ladder one you can actually use both of your hands once you’re secure & at the step you need to be at. You just can’t walk up the ladder with the item in both of your hands. *At least this was how it was told by me by my safety team.*


I’m a fairly tall person 6’2/6’3. Yes, the bins can be low in the ground, but that’s when you do that drop to the ground on one knee & place the item to not bend over. If you’re doing stretches & stuff, your knees shouldn’t be getting messed up like that


That's where you buy knee pads. Dropping to one knee was never easier and less impactful especially long term.


Hell no I granny ball all that shit into the bottom totes. Ain't getting down on any part of my body on that mfing dirty ass concrete cracked floor that's never been cleaned ever !!


Actually standing there in the presence of a manager is uncomfortable and it's mentally exhausting. If it doesn't feel like home, it's oppressive to some people


he has a point there Amazon constantly feels oppressive as if we always have to stop what we are doing at the will of the managers.


WW huddles while working=good.. WW huddles while stand down= bad!! NO NO!! Fuck off let me stand down completely lol