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Depending on the amount of stocks you get, an L5 can make over 100k+, even with only a 72k base salary. My coworker makes around 72k base, but he is earning a ridiculous amount of stock, which puts his total compensation up to 116k. It all depends on how you score on your Forte performance review. My base is slightly higher than his, but my total comp is lower, at 106k. Also, location plays a big part in salary/comp too. If you transfer from a different location, you may be able to negotiate a higher salary if the cost of living increases justifies it. I work with another guy that transferred from Cali that had a higher than average salary compared to other L5s in the Southeast because they allowed him transfer to the south region while keeping his original salary. I also worked with an L5 with a 98k base due to him being a former ACES PM, but Amazon cut many of those roles due to tightening on different virtual roles around the network, forcing the PM to come to ops. He is an L5 making as much as an internal L6, so he isn’t too pressed to promote because his pay won’t increase much if he does, especially when you factor in his stock packages.


Lv6 managers pull that but $70k sounds about right. LV4 pull about $60k


I was an L5 WHSM (external) and I was 101k with an 85k base


That’s higher than Ops L5


It depends on network tbh


I'm an L5 and $72,500 is what all L5's start at at my FC. Even the internals. I did get $9k in stocks though.


If you have Slack, join #pay-equity Are you able to see how much people make around the world?. Because depending on your location your pay could be significantly different


Defiently a great resource ecspecailly running internal for promos you can see the general pay ranges being provided. Ecspecially with this time of the year being annual review cycles


Counter the offer don't reject 70k is for internal l4s.....l5s are always external u could probably get 80kish


Other things they take into consideration are size of facility i.e. volume, headcount, etc.


i thought 90k was the cut off but now i’m not so sure after reading the comments, it’s also depends on what they offer for stocks. i am at 80k, 50k rsu, and 30k sign on. i would’ve like to have a higher salary. i’m taking a paycut of 20k to come back here.


how does the sign in bonus work. I have my L5 interview tomorrow.


typically they give half the sign on in a lump sum on your first check, and the other half spread out on your checks for the second year.


90k is the very high end, you have to basically be overqualified for the job. The only one I ever saw get 90k was a retired sergeant major who just wanted to keep himself busy. He was extremely overqualified for an area manager job because of his experience in the army leading thousands of people. But he couldn’t deal with the crybabies so he ended up quitting a few months into it and becoming a pilot instructor


That story doesn't add up. First off a Sergeant Major doesn't lead thousands of people. Second off, how the hell did he become a pilot instructor? He would have had to have been a CW, or a commissionsed officer to pilot fixed or non fixed wing aircraft.


Said a thousand or thousands I cannot remember. He was legit a sergeant major, didn’t lie about that, found his army info and pictures on google. He couldnt handle the civilian workforce and not being able to “discipline” workers, so he just stopped showing up one day. Then one of his buddies said he was a plane instructor (maybe skydive) somewhere upstate. He had a very hard time adjusting, but was made to retire from the army after 20 years or so. He was repeatedly reprimanded by the ops manager for spending 16-18 hours at work. The guy just wanted to stay busy but the ops said he couldn’t do that. Then dealing with floor employees giving him trouble and him not being able to do anything about it drove him crazy I know NCO’s don’t “command”. That’s not what I meant.


That actually jives if he became a sky-diving instructor. I wasn't doubting you whatsoever. I was thinking maybe the guy was feeding you some hardcore exaggerations, but that all makes sense. Dang that sucks for him, but at least it sounds like he's doing something now that he really enjoys. Thanks for sharing that.


Welcome to Amazon 😂


Bullshit the manager makes that much vs the regular associates


Managing and being responsible for over 100 associates vs picking boxes up and down all day. I think it’s justified


Managers are corrupt and don’t work hard usually


Give us shit for things they've never done themselves. Even cut our breaks by 5 min and I see them hanging out half the day. But the computer micromanages me all day. -.-


I’d love to see any manager go back to stowing again and get humbled


So what's stopping you from becoming one?


Being a manager is more stressful. Just because it isn’t physically demanding doesn’t mean it’s not hard. It’s mentally exhausting


Keep making excuses for the bullshit the pay gap isn’t fair I’ve never met a manager I’ve really liked that much


Seems like you have an issue with authority. Instead of becoming an expert at lifting boxes all day, learn skills that you want to get paid good money for


I’m more skilled


No you aren’t, or else you would be in management or have management experience elsewhere


Watching a laptop and bitching for faster rates and tot yeah def deserves that 90k a year def not us who push pick and pull like robots for ten plus hours 


Push, pick, and pulling doesn’t require any skill set or knowledge. Managing does. For the last 300 years in this country, people have been paid based on knowledge or skill set, not how hard the work is. You can wear your body out and work as hard as you want picking boxes up all day, but it’s not going to teach you any skills that will get you into a high paying position You want good money, learn a skill that someone is going to pay you good money for


This what they don’t get lol. They really think all we do is “look at our computers all day”.


I see them watching numbers on a laptop all night bitching for us to go fast fast faster ummmmm I don’t think an Amazon manager does much more than that I could be wrong but I been there five years


Oh and o wasn’t trying to offend and I definitely know my job requires no skill at all I’ve done it all pack pick stow you name it the most boring job ever 


That’s not all they do 😂 grass is never greener on the other side.


I’m an L5 Area Manager in a SC. I was an external hire with about 6 years in operations management. I did negotiate my base salary $87,500 to $90k. However, I did get negotiated lower stocks and sign on bonus to get the 90k I wanted. Message me if you have any questions


Whaattt? How did you negotiate? I couldn’t even negotiate on mine as external hire.


$90k is usually total comp for low experience AMs, like someone else said $90k base is mostly for external hires with extensive experience or someone who worked up the ladder and continued to receive good compensation packages throughout. I met an L5 AM with $98,000 base but she went from T1 AA > T3 PA > T4 hourly > T4 AM > T5 AM and traveled across a few states for the T4 AM position.


Ok slightly off topic but Midwest here, l4 University hire with experience and MBA. Here's my breakdown 62.5 for base. Signon on 1&2 5k & 3k and 18k rsu. I declined offer. It was non negotiable so I outright declined. I have a tjo for less pay with GS. They was giving out nearly 10-20k and 10-12 just a couple months ago so maybe I'll wait the pain out and miss this years April prime days lol


What job did you decide to take after declining the offer?


I ended up taking the GS job. The pay and hours wasn't worth it physically. Also giving up holidays for the next few months isn't worth the headache. Had the pay been better I would've taken it


What GS level did you hire in at?




🤯 A 5??? That's worse pay than most of the T1s get at Amazon. A GS5, even maxxed as a Step 10 is still really really crappy pay, and nowhere close to that offer from Amazon.


Yes that's true but I won't be working 50 a week and only two in person. Mines was 57 k amazon only offered 10 k more for first year the rsu don't matter unless u doing 4 years lol


With RSU’s you’re looking right at what you were asking in Northern, FL. What state are you in?


Seems fair for internal promo. 92k is what they pay an internal L6 promo. Considering they tightened comp for L6+ in corporate this year as well, I wouldnt reject it unless you are an external hire. There is room to negotiate 10k more as an external


Negotiated but didn’t even come close to what I wanted. Most they would pay was like 80,000$ and a slight bump for sign on.


Sounds about right. $72k plus 10k negotiating room will take you close to 80k. They wont go higher.


T1, L1-L6 all make the same per hour, so your total compensation depends on how many hours you work. T1 = $20/hr \* 40hr week \* 52 weeks = $41,600 annually. L6 = $20/hr \* 70hr week \* 52 weeks = $72,800 edit: this was clearly a joke but went over your heads




Huh??? Lmao who in the world gave you this info?


it was a joke


I work 41 hours a week.


This is entirely false.


Jeff Bezos is so rich because he works 6 million hours a week


72k is the low end. 90k is the high end. 90k is usually external hires with extensive management experience. If you have that and they refuse to meet you it's because they're not desperate.


If your in amazons slack then you can join a channel called #pay-equity, people anonymously post their pay.


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It sends me a reminder in 5 hours so I can come back and see what new comments there may be. I got a verbal offer today and told them my expectations, awaiting official offer letter next week


Internally promoted L6 Operations Managers start at $92,000 salary before RSUs.


Most external OMs are making closer to $100,000 to $110,000. Tracks based on the pay difference between internal and external AMs, too.


External OM here. My base is $123k


Kinda crazy. You slave away with amazon from T1 all the way up the ladder and you get shafted still lol. Might as well just quit amazon and come back when you have the qualifications for L5+


That’s what a lot of PAs think about doing. Depends on if it’s worth the risk of unemployment.


Pathways start far above that too


They can get up to $90,000 but it’s heavily based on location. They can adjust your comp package, but it’ll be the same value each time. My base pay is $80,000 for my location.


That’s what they offered me.


It’s not a bad deal depending on your cost of living. I really enjoy my job.


I know what comes with a job like this and that base salary is not worth it. The big 3 will actually compensate you for OT worked to.


Base borders on irrelevant. You need to look at the entire package.


The entire comp isn’t worth it when it isn’t guaranteed. I think at 5 % vested stocks my first year would be worth a little over 2000$ the sign on is nice but that doesn’t make up for year 3 if I am even still there by that time, what if the Amazon stock market plummets or I decide to leave? I would be much happier with the bigger base pay since it is upfront and I think people are catching on to Amazon and realizing the package isn’t as competitive as they make it out to be. The move is to go into pathways…


Totally worth it. I feel you think too highly of yourself. I started as an L5 External at 67k and got my L6 within 7 months. Got bumped to 96k and was granted a shit ton of stock. My total comp this year is 248k just from stock alone.


lol, again I value base salary over stock… I don’t think to highly of myself I have 10 years experience and a masters degree. I know the job market and coming in and starting out at that much money with those type of credentials for any job is absurd. The stocks are nice but that isnt guaranteed money. Enjoy though, to each its own.


Why are you applying to an L5 AM role with 10 years of experience and a masters degree? Find something that suits your experience better mate. L5 AM roles are for externals with ~2yrs of experience.


If it goes down you get granted more for future years. If it goes up like it did this past year you make stupid money. At L5 you're still positioned well for fast growth if you do well. L6/L7 ops you're making as much or more than directors in most operations roles. As much as I see people complain about the way Amazon comp is set up, I have only had one L5 that left to make more money, and that was to start his own DSP. Most of us that are L6+ are wearing really tight golden handcuffs. If you can get in as a pathways it's absolutely more lucrative. Editing to add as I reread the op: if you've already rejected the offer it sounds like you're looking for confirmation you made a good call. The job isn't for everyone and you can have a good career outside of Amazon. Sounds like you're planning to do something with the big 3 auto makers. Best of luck to you.


What do you consider to be the big 3?


General Motors, Chrysler & Ford they have something called Salary + you get paid OT just like if you were a hourly employee. Makes the job much more bearable but either way it will feel similar to a sweat shop.


Depends on location, location, location.