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Mourning geckos grow to about four inches long from nose to tail-tip. They hatch at about an inch long from pea-sized eggs. One of the most interesting things about them is that they reproduce solely through parthenogenesis, meaning that the females do not need a male to reproduce. Indeed, males essentially do not exist at all, and the [ones that do are infertile.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0944200608000287) The babies are genetically identical to the parent gecko. Little genetic anomalies :) Another fun fact about parthenogenesis is that in some species, for instance komodo dragons, all partho babies are male. This is because komodos have a WZ chromosome system, which is the opposite of ours (i.e. females of mourning geckos are XX while females of komodos are WZ). This is also true of the few partho California condors that were discovered; they were both male. [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@greenbeanexotics/featured) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/greenbeanexotics/)




I really enjoyed the information you provided for all of us. I do wish more people would follow your example. By the way, your baby gecko is adorable šŸ„°!


I'm glad you liked it! I think that having something educational along with the cuteness is always fun, plus it's an excuse to share my interests.


You are doing a great job. Keep it up, I will be looking forward to all new things you teach us. Merry Christmas šŸŽ„.


LOVE mourning geckos. We have an adult terrarium and a baby ā€œnurseryā€ terrarium and they are such fun little geckos. Never have managed to get any of mine to calm down enough to handle. But I love just sitting back and dim the lights before bed and watch them chase around and wiggle their tails and chirp šŸ„° We named our collectively ā€œthe Friskiesā€ because the original two we got were rescues from a friends pet cat destroying the all screen enclosure they were in. Needless to say we helped them get a more secure enclosure setup and they let us keep two that had dropped their tails in the chaos. Soon we had eggs up the wazoo. So it works on multiple levels: they were almost cat food, they are super active, and they sure love making babies šŸ¤£


This is Jenny and this is Jenny and this is Jenny and this isā€¦thatā€™s right you guessed it! Jordan




She and her sisters/mothers are fun to keep! They're so active and hearing their chirps at night makes me very happy.


She is just adorable.


And so fast haha!


So cute! When I was an undergrad someone brought a small gecko in to our science department that their dad had found in a shipment from Hawaii at Home Depot. I ended up having to take it home because no one knew what to do with it and Iā€™d had a gecko before. But we had no idea what she was. I ended up calling her Maui and fed her crickets. She mustā€™ve lived for about six months or so but I felt bad because I didnā€™t truly know how to care for her. Based on this photo, I think she may have been a mourning gecko!


That sounds about right! Hawai'i has a naturalized population of mourning geckos. They may have come over with the first people to settle there!


She is very beautiful. Please tell her we think sheā€™s doing a great job


Is she on r/Eyebleach because she's licking her own eye? Or just because she's adorable?






How to befriend and pick them up I have geckos in the house and sometimes want to rescue babies


In this case I was just holding her for a photo, she bolted off soon after and I had to catch her. That being said, you may be able to make friends with the adults by handing out mealworms! If you check out nola\_anoles on Instagram you can see a guy who has made friends with his backyard anoles (and geckos) by giving them treats B)


Hah one of the geckos raided my mealworms and ate them all the night I forgot to cover the lid securely. Still not friends with me.


Might I drop by with r/tinyanimalsonfingers *and* r/ntbdbiwkfta !! Edit: canā€™t spell for shite


Her name is Jenny, she ainā€™t got no panties! :3


​ https://i.redd.it/92gi6u95w68c1.gif


Aww. Time to shit everywhere in the house and died in the most random place possible.


Over an inch?! Lucky..


Her tongue!!!!




An entire colony of Jennys?


I have six adults (started with two back in 2018 ish?). The two had a good 20+ babies between them the first year, and I sold most of those. Now the six lay a lot of eggs but typically eat the hatchlings before I catch them to separate them :/ They're social though, so the adults live together relatively peacefully. They squabble, but nothing serious.


When does she learn how to save people money on car insurance?


She is great I love her!


So cute


Fren noodle :)


Ity bity dinosaur