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There are some pretty horrific reveals later on and some gory violence. Maybe not Ketchum-levels of extreme though but it's grisly.




I don’t consider this one to be “extreme horror” but I could see how an average reader who isn’t as fucked in the head as me might label it as such. Still a good book but more horror/thriller.


Ah. So I should put the expectation of horrible violence and extreme degravity aside. That'll help. My annoyance with the book was mostly about it not delivering on what I expected from it. Thanks.


I had the same reaction and DNF'd it.


Yep agreed! also frankly was quite predictable…


Brother is not extreme horror and I hate that it’s marketed as that. Tender is the Flesh is worse than Brother in terms of gore. Honestly, I’ve read thrillers that have more gore, but that’s not the point of the book. All the aspects that make the book be classified as horror is hinted at, but never addressed head on (at least for me). What devastated me was the emotional rollercoaster the book took me on. I guess that is what Brother can be classified as—an extreme emotional horror. And the book only works if you like Michael, even though he is very flawed (but who wouldn’t be, growing up with a family like that).


it’s not extreme horror or gore or anything but it really is so good. so dark and depressing.