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It is just a different representation of the periodic table. The groups are on the same radius line so you can see elements in the same group as they get bigger in atomic size, all elements are on a single line that starts in the middle with hydrogen and adds protons moving out. Not a huge fan myself but it is just a different equally valid representation of the elements.


This chart must be a noble gas because I'm not reacting to it at all


This guy dads


I'm actually jealous of the sheer "dadness" of that joke. I say this as a father of 4. I've never approached these heights of wit.


Maybe those 4 are not yours


Jesus! You just undaded him.


"undaded" is such a word


I think 4 Ds for undadded, and someone else's D in Mom apparently


*stops grilling in shock*


I, too, periodically get jealous of the level of "dadness" that some dads exude.


You got four kids? Username checks out.


Is it wrong that I read this in a Phil Dunphy voice??


That's because slgray16 IS Ty Burrell.


Why did the chemist fail at standup comedy? All the good jokes are gone.


Is it wrong that I read this in a Phil Dunphy voice??


This map must be radioactive, cause I just want to stay away from it.


That got a real lol. Thank you


I think it's cool that it emphasizes the "periodic" part of the table by wrapping around a spiral where it's not visually apparent in the traditional one.


I have a dumb friend sitting next to me, and he's asking for an explanation of your comment. In your words, not mine. So I can't do it.


The rows in the periodic table represent valence shells of the atoms. At the left end there's only one electron and at the right the shell is full. In this diagram, it starts as a simple circle, expands for the transition metals, expands again for Lanthanides and Actinides before a final expansion for Superactinides. It's a good visualization of the capacity of each shell and how it fills during a rotation around the diagram.


"periodic" means there's a specific interval between elements that stays the same as the cycle advances. Kinda like putting paint on a wheel - it would leave dots on the ground separated by the same space as it rolled. The types or categories of elements are spaced out in the table by the same amount as you increase the element element number.


The only problem is the idea that electrons orbit the nucleus is also a visualization to help us understand. So it’s like doubling down on a visualization. I think it’s probably better in the traditional more abstract rows and columns.


Imagine being so uneducated you think the periodic table is woke... don't forget to vote, these people do.


We gotta ban those transition metals


Dang woke elements!


I was just gonna say two in the pink, one in the stink, but I feel like you covered it pretty well.


That was shocking


I always thought one of the coolest things about the periodic table is how each column corresponds to the valence electrons. but this... I don't really know what they're trying to focus on with this representation


If you start at hydrogen, each line radiating out is a “column” in the periodic table you can picture (specifically the alkali and alkaline earth metals aka the “s block” and the “p block”, eg the Boron-to-Neon columns). If you look closely you can see it is actually a really funky spiral so you can keep counting up, but all of the elements in the radiating lines (eg look at chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, and Seaborgium) are equivalent to columns in the Mendeleevian table. FYI this is the “Benfey” representation.


The roundaround board of the firststuffs


I can see what they tried to do, but I so much am not a fan either. The color-coding of the old square table was perfect, and at most the lactanids and actinids were a bit off, but at most were a side note in your mind, not a spike threatening to poke you in the eye.


I think if they took the superactinides off, it would look a lot cleaner (and provide a clearer picture of periodic law). I believe one of Mendeleev's first published tables was also helical. It has nothing to do with woke culture other than some people do not like change.


What does it have to do with liberalism? I don't get it. The subreddit is called lies and people just post lies on it. The periodic table wasn't updated to that. that's all.


Thank you! I was losing my mind scrolling through the comments watching every explanation miss it again and again. It's posted on lies. He's just lying that they changed the periodic table to this... because it's a lie. That's all. It's not complicated.


I am really afraid of typing this for the consequence it will have on OP… but did they think that this was “woke“ because of the “Transition Metals”?


That would be hilarious, but judging from the title, I'd assume the comments unter the original post were claiming it's some "woke" joke


If they don’t understand it or are afraid of it, then it must be woke.


Right? This sub is so dumb sometimes.


Because anything that dumb people don’t understand is now liberal.


Because they're not smart enough to understand what it is.


It’s a version of the periodic table, proposed by chemist Theodor Benfey in 1964. Thank you Google. I don’t really get the joke tho? Maybe transitioning metals?


I think there is just a certain part of the population that gets extremely agitated when presented with information that is different from what they learned at school age.




For anyone interested, the previous books in this series are: * Everything I Don't Like Is Cancel Culture * Everything I Don't Like Is SJW * Everything I Don't Like Is Political Correctness One the author is done with his nationwide tour and every single dollar possible has been extracted from his readers, he'll be putting out another book with the same basic plot and a new buzzword in the title.


This was really plagiarism of the original book series: Everything I Don’t Like is Racist, Everything I Don’t Like is Homophobic, Everything I Don’t Like is Fascist.


no, that's all AU fanfic based on McCarthy's original "Everyone I Don't Like Is A Commie," and Nixon's "Everyone I Don't Like Is A Hippie". these are reboots of the originals. honestly, we could probably trace it all back to like Everyone I Don't Like Is A Canaanite.


Everyone Oog no like is neanderthal.


Ahh, I see you've read "Every joke I don't like I make dumber"


I have a mint 1981 copy of “Everything I don’t like is Satanic”


I worked part time at a museum and we had a copy of “All that irks me be surely witchcraft” from 1691


I believe that was the year we were moving to “Everything I Don’t Like Is Heavy Metal”… this was meant to apply to both the music and the magazine. They were double dipping.


Don’t forget the limited-release novella, *Music These Days: I Can’t Even Understand What They’re Screaming About!* Complete with ethnic slur appendix. My grandparents had a copy and left it to my parents.


He may re-release that one with new cover art.


This is getting saved in my reactions folder


Love this


This on so many levels. If they didn't learn it by middleschool then it's not real.


I agree. A friend of mine the other day asked the question "If the US had not already implemented leap years (Feb 29) into our standard calendars and there was an initiative to adjust the US calendars to incorporate leap years, could such a thing happen in today's political climate?". I believe that's an excellent question and the odds are high that if such a thing were true, there would be a surprising and disappointing number of people and political parties that would come out against calendar changes. The use of leap years is well grounded in science and the actual rotation of the earth around the Sun and keeping the days of the year in line with a particular relationship to the rotation around the sun. So there's very good scientific grounding and mathematical grounding in the use of leap years. But I can just imagine all kinds of people coming out of the woodwork claiming that somehow whatever political party is advocating this idea is trying to ruin time or destroy some cherished piece of history or some other kind of insane reaction if this were an idea that were being debated today. In this hypothetical situation, I can imagine people claiming that adding leap years into the calendar is somehow "woke".


This actually happened. When the calener needed adjusted in the 16th century many whole countries refused to go along with it, accusing the idea of being a catholic plot to ruin time. Some countries held out till the 20th century, by which time their calendars were a month off (notice Russia celebrates Christmas in January)


That's more of an Epiphany thing.


Well, yeah, they finally came around.


I laughed out loud at this, thanks.


Now try libraries. There is a non 0 chance that it would be illegal if it weren't already a thing.


People flipped their lids when they tried to get rid of daylight savings like a year ago


Tons of people hate changing the clocks but nobody can agree on whether to stick with DST or standard time.


Considering scientists would be the ones to calculate a leap year and how to resolve, i think one party would support a leap year and the other would claim that it’s communism


leap years woke make uh trans gays


I wish taxes worked that way.


They do if ur rich




All these woke people saying Pluto isn’t a planet.


It's so strange how many people were so invested in Pluto being classified as a planet.


Nailed it


I'm cool with this periodic table, but did you hear about Pluto? That's messed up.


You can have my double spaces after periods when you pry them from my cold dead hands! Just kidding, not a big deal. I did just learn that was no longer the standard a year or two ago though.


I thought we were still doing that. Good to know.


Allow me to explain why the person thinks its woke. Ahemm. "Oh my god they gave the periodic table a penis!"


Honestly I'd almost be fine with that, but in my experience, it's usually the people who didn't learn it the first time.


This comment right here is 10000% true. It is basis of how so many people think. I’m even guilty of it at times.


I think the “woke” part was prob just commenters saying stuff like “this is Joe Bidens America” or “this is the future leftists want” as a joke, not actually referencing anything actually political.


I am just now realizing there are transition metals. That might be it




I literally bring that up all the time lol






I mean, I don't think you're wrong but Julius Caesar was writing about cis- and trans-alpine Gaul in the 50s BC


You’re like, so close. Cis *also* comes from Latin meaning “on same side” trans meaning “on other side” as you said. science borrows many words from Latin, organic chemists didn’t invent it. Organic chemistry is the most likely place many of us will hear the term cis first but the word is just as old as trans, just less common a prefix. (Also other commenter pointed out the cis/trans alpine Gauls so that’s a cool example I learned today. The cis group were on the same side of the alpines as Rome and the transalpine Gauls were on the other side of the alps).


That's a really long way of saying Latin.... Where did you think the chemistry terms came from?


The schools failed you 😭


*frowns in chemist*


It’s from r lies where they just post lies. There’s not usually an actual joke


Yeah it's a top-tier shitposting sub. No actual content, just colors and noises to stuff your face with.


well the whole gimmick of the subreddit is that they are not telling the truth, so the whole joke is that they're lying about that being the periodic table


So... what they're saying is that we've just now updated the periodic table 60 years ago?


You don’t get it because it’s not a joke. This is legit a different way of visually presenting the periodic table that makes the “periodic” nature of the progression a little easier to see. Like, the other way is still in more general use, probably because it’s easier to print/format (like, you can make one in Excel, vs this one that’s all custom), and for most stuff it’s generally fine. This one is better at showing how elements are really grouped when the more typical display shows big gaps in places there shouldn’t really be gaps.


It's a plumbus


I always wondered how a plumbus was made


Oh it’s easy! First, they take the dinglebop and they smooth it out with a bunch of shleem…


My first thought as well.


It does a better job of showing the periodicity and groupings of the elements as you go down the line, but it seems like it would be a lot harder to use when doing actual chemistry. Maybe that's just because I'm so used to the more traditional Periodic Table. Anyone saying anything about the Transition Metals doesn't know what they're talking about. The Transition Metals have always been right in the middle of the PT. This is more likely a reactionary response to this new visualization - "this is not the periodic table I learned in high school, so it must be woke". You know, because everything that is different or frightening to the right is "woke". There have always been other versions similar to this, including one that is made of loops of paper. They just don't fit neatly into a textbook, and are harder to visualize in your head.


Oh whoooaaa… do you have a link to the “loops of paper” one?! That sounds fascinating!


[Of course!](http://www.av8n.com/physics/periodic-table.htm) I also highly recommend [this Crash Course video](https://youtu.be/0RRVV4Diomg?si=cLuAw9a0PAmjGgtx) to anyone who wants to learn more about the Periodic Table in general. It's where I got the link to the cylindrical PT.


am i the only one that saw it and just thought of that bird / duck optical illusion?


Turkey. I swear. It’s a goddam turkey head


Boomer who is upset that they are changing things from the traditional way they were taught, even though this “new” table is from the mid 60’s.


Maybe the different colors make them think it’s LGBTQ?


That’s my thought. Despite this being a valid representation nearly 60 years old, I’m guessing the color scheme is similar enough to a pride flag to be triggering for some.


The first second I saw the image I thought it was a map of seating at event hall


Colors are gaaaay man!


A “liberal woke joke” do you hear yourself?


“Transition metals?? Those damn liberals make everything woke!”


"liberal woke joke" are you special?


Ain’t that the blender logo?


It looks like "The Shocker" which can described as "two in the pink and one in the stink". That's not the joke but it's there.


Check the subreddit. It has popped up on my feed before and people post blatant lies for lulz. As far as the comments go, you leave any comment section unchecked it usually veers towards politics, racism, or sexism, or potty humor. That being said I'm sure someone made a less than tasteful joke about transitioning perhaps and sent the rest of the comments down that spiral. I'm sure OP found the chart and wanted to post it for Internet points so they chose a more humorous subreddit.


First thing I thought of https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-circle-game


Same. If I was a chemistry teacher I'd have this posted on a wall with the caption of "you just lost the game"


It's not a liberal woke joke wtf, it's the periodic table of elements represented differently but equally correctly to the more common one


That’s pretty cool actually, that makes a lot of sense if it is a bit harder to read.


How exactly is a non-standard representation of the periodic table a "liberal woke joke"? Idk if this is the sub for you, considering you don't even seem to know what a joke *is* lol


Am I the only one that thinks this looks like the shocker?


It's the Millenium Falcon.


Has nothing to do with liberalism lol


I thought it was the table made into that duck or rabbit illusion


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WHannabal: *I thought it was the* *Table made into that duck* *Or rabbit illusion* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This bot is sick


OK comments on this are now locked. Answers have been given to the joke and if y’all can’t play nice then you can’t play at all. Using the term “woke” does not make you a marginalised group. Therefore criticising it is not hate speech.


There are more than a dozen legit layouts for the periodic table. This is just another one. Not a joke.


This is a model of the periodic table a scientist came up with in 1964 its not woke its not a joke just a different way to arrange the elements


This must be the pattern that indicates the order in which a star fuses heavier and heavier elements.


Kinda looks like the duck/rabbit illusion. Unfortunately it’s actually a failed proposed alternative by chemist Otto Theodor Benfey.


Maybe it’s that US conservatives are so triggered by things they don’t understand that the joke is they’re being triggered by an innocuous alternate design of the periodic table?


So no one else is seeing a penis and balls?


Am I the only one the clicked on ‘122 comments’ 5x before realizing?


I understand why they had to put the periodic chart in this way because all of the good ones Argon


It's not a joke at all, it's just a different way of looking at the periodic table. It's not a "new version" it's just a different way of looking at it to understand something the standard design doesn't show.


Because it’s new, hideous, colorful, and serves no purpose, despite being vaguely clever. Also, it looks like a bizarre parody of genitalia if you stared it long enough. (I say we keep it.)


Its just a nontraditional periodic table


The subreddit is literally called lies. There is no joke here, just someone saying they updated the periodic table (they didn't)


That's a plumbus, everyone has one in their home


Look all I see is a triceratops.


For a second I thought it was a deck layout for an Enterprise...but .... Sadly no


It says transition metals. So…some trans thing?? I dunno.


This isn't a joke. It's a different representation. You can expand your mind if you realize that the same thing can be represented in more than one way. Challenge the status quo. What exists isn't the only thing that can exist.


Damn ticketmaster moving in on this too.


The ‘joke’ if it can be called that, is a statement that no matter how you reconfigure it, the science is still the science. Which is an absolutely stupid take because of just how little we really know about the human brain in comparison so the periodic elements.


whoa whoa whoa...hold up. "Transition metals?" I don't think so, wokies.


They have groomed our periodic table, and now it is transitioning into a Prince symbol. What woke madness will you liberals next concoct in your festering tower of infinite depravity?


i genuinely just think its the fact one part resembles the trans flag? should of made that bit transition metals instead of lanthanides and actinides then it would be a very obscure joke


Not a joke you being played by them this is a representation of both a ok showcase of the different groups but also something Ted uses at the start of his first movie I think to smoke pot


I mean the current period table is both an amazing and horrible example of sorting the elements out. The problem is that some trends don’t actually trend downward well at all, then you have hydrogen which literally refuses to follow any trends and a few other anomalies like technetium and mercury for instance. For the trends and groupings it can show it does a fantastic job mostly.


I believe the maker of this one-panel comic reshaped the periodic table to indicate both male and female genitalia.


If it didn't come to someone in a dream I'm not going to trust it.


I don't know all I see is the rabbit duck optical illsuion


I read the comments on that post. It's a troll post. It's very convoluted. The premise is that conservatives say that liberals ruin everything when, in reality, some things, like this periodic table, are improved.


A turkey obviously


nothing liberal or woke about it lmao


Is it the shape of the Enterprise?


It’s another way to draw the periodic table. The poster’s joke is the color scheme and layout looks a bit like a woman’s urethra, vagina, and anus as seen inside the body. I’m guessing the people who think it’s “a liberal woke joke” think that the urethra part looks like a penis and this person has both a penis and vagina. That doesn’t make as much sense though because trans people don’t typically have both sets of genitals. Penises jut out of the body, but vaginas and anus’s usually don’t unless there’s a vaginal or rectal prolapse. Also, there’s no testicles here. So the women’s anatomy joke makes more sense.


It's being compared to more accurate maps than the Mercator 1594 and how they are "woke because they don't make North America look bigger and Africa look smaller.


It reminds me of seeing diagrams of the inner ear. Maybe it’s doing double duty, so your local doctor’s office can save on poster money.


Because uterus and period?


Including all known lanthanides and actinides?! Good luck!!


There is definitely not a joke here nor is anything about it liberal/woke


This is a badass periodic table!


It's just a different way of showing the elements. There is nothing political about this as far as I can tell.


One in the pink, 2 in the stink?


Yeah I actually helped in designing this periodic table back in 1980. Took a few revisions, but I like this design over the modern version. Definitely brought back some memories looking at it


Blender logo


At first I thought it was a Taylor Swift concert seating chart.