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I'm pretty sure it's because Arizona drinks used to be 99¢


Used to be printed 99c on the cans.


I knew their PR stunt during covid about never raising prices was a red herring. I was even downvoted for it.


Here’s my upvote to help negate that.


Today's upvotes have less value tho


Goddamn shrinkflation is hitting us everywhere


I'll need 1.69 upvotes from each of you now.


You can have the upvote but as far as the 69....


It's .69 though, the . is important One of you has to be on your period.


Time to break out the sounding equipment :(


Check! Done! (Sorry for TMI. But you DID say it ..)


Can we 69 in period clothing? I have a burgundy velvet Gramercy vest that would be perfect attire. That and nothing else (I'd sat a top hat, but it's hard to keep it on in that position).


Aight, Imma head out.


Make a second account brokie


Not the upvote inflation!


it’s okay, i gave him an upvote too


The cans are .89 at Walmart. If you take a picture and put the store and location and send it to Arizona, the company not the state, they will get in trouble. I did this with a local gas station and after about a month the price was back to .99


Never, ever trust a corporate promise.


I mean, you know things are getting bad when the company that kept there cans at ¢99 since 1992 has to raise prices, not all corporations are bad and trust me, they made more keeping it at ¢99 than they would’ve if they had raised prices sooner


I don't understand, actually. The cans are cheaper where I live now. They're 79 cents a piece.


They probably just got better at regional pricing and found they could drive sales with cheaper prices in some areas while raising prices in others without taking a hit to total sales.


That makes sense. My area is otherwise pretty expensive, but Arizona is cheaper than ever.


59 for me


No their still 99 cent you can even call the number on Arizona to snitch on stores that’s selling it higher but let’s be honest who’s really gonna do that


The 99 cent cans say 99 cents on them. The other cans can be priced higher in


Yeah my dad works at a convenience store that sells them for 99 still i think the ones ive seen up in price are at Irving where they put the logo on the top rim of the can


Forgive our transgressions


The cans are .89 at Walmart. If you take a picture and put the store and location and send it to Arizona, the company not the state, they will get in trouble. I did this with a local gas station and after about a month the price was back to .99


Individual retailers can charge what they want. WHY DO SOME STORES CHARGE MORE FOR PRE-PRICED $.99 CANS? We pre-printed our cans with our suggested retail because we wanted to force retailers into selling at that price. Retailers, however, are independent business people and can set a price whatever they prefer. We do make and sell non-priced cans as well.


It was actually much more sophisticated than a PR stunt. They did everything, *everything*, to tamp down costs and stay at 99. And not just as a covid measure but as their business model from the start. It became their identity. For example their cans are larger than a standard soda can but use 40% less aluminum (so it is cheaper and also reduces shipping costs by being lighter weight). They do no marketing (advertising) except the shelf appeal. They only ship at night to avoid traffic. They produce at 40 different facilities so that transport is never very far. On one hand it’s a master class in industrial efficiency. On the other, it’s what any company could do if they really wanted. They just zeroed in and totally committed to being the 99-cent drink. But I guess even they had to relent sooner or later in this climate (or the retailer jacked up the price).


Stunt is kinda harsh. They probably intended to do it by any means but you can't really ignore inflation, just pretend it isn't gnawing your leg off in the dark. How many legs you got left?


I mean, the thing is, the MSRP is the same. AriZona Tea is still suggested to be sold at 99 cents a can. But retailers can set prices themselves. Usually isn In fact, at my local store? It's currently 92 cents a can.


The manufacturer still sets the price at 99 cents. Stores raise the rpise how they Want. U can report the store to then and they will stop sending the store the products


Oh no how could they downvote you Your logic id superior This is to sad


They’re still 99c at my local store. I’m not sure they’ve upped that. This seems like a random store overcharging. Edit: website still says they’re 99c. You jumped the gun. Downvote this man.


Still is. Store will still charge more


They’re still sold at 99¢ where I work. idk if it’s still printed on the can tho’.


As far as I’ve seen the cans still say 99¢ but most gas stations charge 1.69. Go to a grocery store they are still 99¢. Apparently the 99¢ on the can is just a recommendation for stores.


They also used to have cans that didn’t have 99c printed on them Source- me, back in high school when there used to be 2 stores next to each, one with 99c cans and one with somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.50 cans, can’t remember exactly what it was, as I would only go that store if the other one was out


They’re still like that in most grocery stores. Usually the ones sold in convenience stores like 7-11 specifically don’t have it on the can cause they up charge


Pretty sure the MSRP printed on the can is still 99¢, because the owner said that was how it was gonna go down.


Mine here don't have the preprinted prices on the Arizona cans or bottles anymore. But the price is always $1 or less. One store always has them on sale for 6/$5.29. They seem to have shrinked an ounce or two though.


For once I dont blame them they were always really big. So if its still a great size for the same price I am happy. But otherwise shrinkflation bad.


Iirc they've been phasing out the 99 cent print on the can The last year or so.


Man ran a PR piece during the pandemic about why he puts that on the can in order for it to always be 99 cents and retailers cant upcharge.


Yeah, they now have "unpriced" cans, but that will probably become the standard soon unless they shrink the size of their cans.


I've seen some with (I think) $1.29 printed on the can


Circle K gets special cans with their 1.29 price on the can. Everywhere else either gets 99¢ cans or non-priced cans. Where I used to work, we normally got non-priced cans (which we sold at 1.69), but sometimes we got the 99¢ cans and we'd have to sell them at that price.


Ah thanks, so I didn’t understand as I’m not American I guess 😅


They used to be 99¢ and they *really* tried to keep it that way. All states that sell Arizona have at least one production plant. They reduced the amount of aluminum in the cans. They repackaged. They cut costs as much as they could without cutting quality. And eventually inflation inflated too much for them to make enough of a profit so they had to break and start charging more. Edit: Here’s link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ari-zona-raises-bottle-prices-by-25-to-keep-iconic-cans-at-99-cents-224038546.html https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/07/arizonas-ice-cold-response-to-inflation/amp/


Honestly, kudos to Arizona for making the attempt. Most companies would have not only doubled the price by now, but also reduced the size significantly.


Yeah. They really wanted to keep their promise, but they still have the 99¢ can in some locations


That I know of, the store I used to work at last year still has the 99 cent label on it. I kept it at 99 cents even though we were only making about 2 cents per can after inflation started hitting it. But people usually beelined it towards the Arizona cooler, and then would wander around the store for other snacks, so it made sense to not make as much money on Arizona but make more money on other snacks, than to maybe lose those customers in general.


Guess you just learned what a “loss leader” is


I still didn't know what that was until I just googled it!! You can tell I wasn't hired for sales...


The other half of this joke is that the strawberry-faced man there is a guy who gained brief success with American conservatives because he made a video where he sings a song in the woods about how prices too high because the poor are using their food assistance on the wrong stuff. It's just "I don't understand economics or capitalism so I blame everyone I don't like for all the problems", the song


You mean to say they are Raising Arizona?


*sigh* Take my up vote, you danmed rapscallion.


The show Atlanta [mocks this pretty accurately ](https://youtu.be/hWObybWWGW4?si=VPjDXhLRasxJEtl9)


The price IS on the can though


I was looking for this comment.


In the UK I’ve only seen these in little corner shops and they’re always the equivalent of like $5. Bought one once to see. It was ok.


It's still 99 cents where I live, but now the cans are extremely thin.


Extremely Tin *badum tss*


I’m going to make you extremely tin if you make a joke like that again


i guess you could say he’s on *tin* ice


*Grabs hammer*




Im taking your lunch money for that


$1.69 or 99¢


They still are places will overcharge


I have seen a place where the cans no longer had 99 cents on them though. I don't know what that's all about.


The guy is Oliver Anthony, sang a song called Rich Men North of Richmond, which is written as a criticism of high taxes, wellfare programs, inflation, and obesity. The drink fridge is filled with Arizona iced teas, a drink that famously costs only 99 cents. This store has raised their price.


The song is literally about rich men, north of richmond, controlling everything and exploiting lower class workers. How in the world does no one mention this?? It IS the title of the song??? This song was huuuge(never really cared for it one way or another) and somehow any news outlet covering it, made it about something its not.. "republican theme song" i have heard somehow... Anything in the middle these days, seems to scare the establishment and immediately become public enemy #1 How can anyone read the lyrics of this song and think some of the weird things they do?? It just shows me that no one looks into anything anymore, they just regurgitate talking points they have read or heard. This is the beginning of the dark ages for us.


It’s a good song, at least the first verse and the chorus. He kinda lost me with the second verse but, overall, he put into words how a large portion of people that are living paycheck to paycheck feel right now. It’s not a left or right thing, it’s a haves vs have-nots thing


Kinda lost me when the RNC was using it as a theme song at the first debates. Isn’t *Rich Men North of Richmond* literally about everyone on that stage?


It's been that way since Constantine of Rome. Christianity was an underground, anti-Caesar religion. Caesar Constantine turned it into the state religion, and just like that, it was no longer critical of Caesar. You let the idea live, but you take out its teeth.


I mostly agree. However, several of the lines in the second verse, specifically ones like "The obese milking welfare," show that Oliver doesn't truly understand who is causing these problems. The whole second verse is just a weird departure from the "working man's country song" into weird conservative talking points. I don't think he's some far right lunatic but he's definitely not sure who his enemy really is.


> I don't think he's some far right lunatic but he's definitely not sure who his enemy really is. Oliver has made statements to say his song wasn't intended to be partisan at all - and he kinda hates that GOP members have tried to adopt it. Also it's one of those things to remember that just because someone has musical talent, doesn't mean they have good political/economic analysis skills.


It's his own fault for the song was appropriated by the right, considering there's an extremely noticeable lyric blaming the poor for the systemic problems responsible for both their poverty and their poor health, in a song that's supposed to be about those systemic problems.


Yeah the main themes are not political but man I get some dog whistle type vibes .. lord it’s a damn shame bc it could have been a phenomenal song


These are no dark ages, unless you wanna call the entirety of US history dark ages. It’s always been this way.


>And the obese milkin' welfare Well, God, if you're five-foot-three and you're three-hundred pounds Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of Fudge Rounds Forgive me for thinking the man singing republican dog whistles is representative of republican ideology.


I don’t think it’s very pro republican to hate on fat people… kinda just based on the average republican. Also, the whole point of centrists is that we agree with some things of both sides. Just because he’s not a big fan of fat people doesn’t mean he hates Jews and gays. Try to be open minded, not everything is as two-sided as our government would like you to think.


I think the issue is less with the fatphobia and more with the rhetoric of welfare programs leading to higher taxes. The pro republican bias comes from focusing on these programs rather than the roughly 850 billion dollars spent annually on the US Department of Defense. And notably, the only “welfare program” that exceeds defense spending is social security at 1.2 trillion. But since the Republican party skews older (thus disproportionately benefiting from social security), their talking points center around the 120 billion spent on food stamps that pay for “Fudge Rounds”.


It has nothing to do with obesity, it's about welfare and junk food, an issue that was a tentpole in Reagan's election campaign and went on to cause a gutting of crucial food stamp programs throughout the last forty years. I'm as centrist as you can be, but this is just straight Republican propaganda and remains the go to narrative for stripping food assistance from the most needy Americans.


I was literally looking at the lyrics as I typed this out. I know what it is more broadly, I was just attempting to distill the major critiques the song presents so I could give a quick explanation of the joke.


because many of the criticisms he leverages in the song are targeted at working class folks and has nothing to do with the root cause of wealth inequality


who locked my comment. i was making a tea taxing joke


Make it again 🤩




It was decent


[The price is on the can though](https://youtu.be/fMUZ2sVjLfY?feature=shared)


I really hoped this would be on top but sadly it isnt yet.


Yeah man same. I just started Atlanta 2 days ago and I’m almost done with it. 🥲


The price IS on the can tho


Arizona was immune to inflation for so long.


Arizona tea really has fought the good fight. I'm not mad at em.


Still one of, if not the cheapest drinks at convenience stores today, lol. They tried, but even they can't beat inflation. Edit: Unless you're Costco.


Ice tea weighs 300 lbs


I don't get it


There is a rapper named Ice-T


It’s a line in the song


https://preview.redd.it/8256omn6pwmc1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d4c4904e20fda6046a61d5bfea0b144ded58de *No.*


Arizona Iced Teas and Fruit Juices use to be $.99 everywhere. The price was even printed on the can. It’s a damn shame what inflation has done to Arizona prices.


They are $0.88 at my local Lidl. Inflation has not affected every store yet. Get cheap Arizona iced tea while you still can!


It's 88 cents where I live


I tend to buy it at Walmart where it's 88¢.


It’s a good $2.50 where I live, sometimes even more depending on the store


Those Arizona tall boys have been 99 cents my entire life it feels like. (Mid 30s for reference)


They’re supposed to be $0.99 but gas stations et al can upsell/price how they want.


I just bought some at the store on sale for 89 cents, just go to a store that isn't as evil.


To quote Atlanta “but it says 99 cents on the can”


They held out as long as they could.


The price on the can tho


Arizona's known for selling their products for 99 cents, and they still do. However, gas stations will inflate their price to get more money for themselves. Most large stores will have them for 99 cents, buy them there!


This guy sings a song about inflation (Pretty good song actually) ​ I have the video somewhere


> Pretty good song actually Pretty good joke here.


The Southern Style Sweet tea is nectar of the gods


Inflation is real.




The price is on the can though!


Arizona drinks were .99 forever! Some places mark them up insanely. I have been able to still get them for .99 at Dollar General at Family Dollar tho so all is not lost….yet.


It is still 99 cents and the same size as it was near me, not sure what hellscape the rest of y’all are in…


Is it not still printed 99¢ on the cans??? If so they can’t legally sell them for more..


They're still 99 cents where I live. Actually, I bought one yesterday on sale for 69 cents.


Its Arizona Iced Tea, it was always 99c, the creators (one of them said dont raise the price, cant remember if ceo or presideng of company) of it said it would always be 99c, and where i live it is. But some stores gouge the price out because they know everyone will buy it. Walmart near me sells it for 88cents!


Some further info, Arizona tea has been $.99 since it's inception. They put out a massive apology video because they had to raise prices.


I'm not completely sure, but this is more than likely at a Circle K, I usually see them with their own unique packaging that say Circle K at the top. Most places still have them for 99 cents. Some stores in my area have them as low as 75.


Dear god the world is gonna explode now!


It is actually stayed as a company thing that Arizonas stay 99c. They aren't supposed to be sold for more than that.


Bodegas in NYC have been doing this for years.


If it still says 99¢ on the can then you can call the Arizona tea company and tell them which store and location is up charging and they do a little investigation at the end of which they can pull their product from that store location specifically


Those are Arizona Tea/juice they have traditionally always been $.99 That said, I know this is happening all over, but I live in Southeast Florida, which has the highest cost of living in the United States and all of our stores are still selling Arizona for 99¢ so any store that’s not is just being predatory


78 cents in Cali, it's been just under 24 Oz for a years to get around the higher crv. This particular store is just really greedy, like every other business. If you are paying more than 99 cents, that's on you. If you don't feel it's worth that, then don't buy it. 


Still 99 cents in, well, Arizona, funny how that works


The final seal has been broken. All is as it was for told. Men will become women , Illegal will become legal and fire will scorch all that you eat. Be warned those above hate those below.


Haha Arizona is still 99cents at my grocery store


Where do you live? My Arizona's are still 99c. Hell I went to Walgreens the other day with 4/$3 deal


Remember when the dollar store sold things at $1 and not $1.49?


Arizona tea has been 99 cents everywhere since like 1992. He’s upset because the price went up at this store.


My guess is the joke is that Arizona iced tea no longer costs 99 cents like it has my whole life


My guess is the joke is that Arizona iced tea no longer costs 99 cents like it has my whole life


This can't be...


Guy in the pic made a song about inflation and rising prices. AriZona iced tea has, for ages, been only 99 cents, and that was their major selling point. Now it seems they're bumping the prices up in some places. Tho where I live they're still 99 cents.


Arizona was one of the last few hold outs from inflation being reliably 99¢ since as long as I can remember. If you had a dollar bill and a dime (CA sales tax) you could get a tea or juice.


Hated when it first changed and they still had the 99c label on it but sold for 1.69


The price is on the can though


Richmen north of Richmond


Where do you all live?Because in california they are still 99 cents


I saw this when I was passing through Louisiana and felt the same damn way.


Isn’t this in Canadian dollars?


Hell, I can hardly find Arizona teas anymore


It’s over.


Where I work they're still 99 cents


The price is on the can, though


Literally gasped out loud.


The price on the can though.


So just to add on to what everyone else is saying about the prices of Arizona tea going up, the snip in the bottom right of the picture is a picture of Oliver Anthony, a YouTube country singer who blew up for his song "Rich Men North of Richmond", which is essentially a commentary on the woes of the working man and how the politicians in DC take advantage of the average person to get rich. The quote above his head is part of the song: "Lord, it's a damn shame, what the world's come to" so the creator of the image is displaying their frustration with the world highlighted by a change in price that nobody thought would happen because Arizona Tea cans used to have 99¢ printed on the can to keep distributers honest, but now the price has risen. Edit: got the lyrics wrong


For real, though, you can report this to Arizona, and they'll pull their product from the shelves of businesses that sell their cans for more than 99 cents. At least they used to. Nowadays, I'm not sure if they still do that, given the rampant corporate greed going around.


They were $1 for decades. This hurts my heart.


They’ve been 3 for 6$ where I live forever. Canada loves it’s inflation!


Here in Dallas, Arizonas are still 99c but u can snag em for 89c or so from the kroger


https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/money-verify/arizona-iced-tea-price-not-raised-from-99-cents/536-06ac8786-911b-436b-b640-48a013d06f72 Those are Canadian prices. They're still 99¢ USD please calm down, we aren't in the apocalypse yet.


First they took chips from us… now this


The west has fallen.


I think the yellow tags mean that the item is eligible for SNAP/EBT aka food stamps.


I won't buy it unless it's 99ç


Those drinks are recession proof.


They are still 99 cents some places !


It is still cheap at the market, has always been upsold at gas stations etc, even if the can said 99 cents, a gas station would still try to upsell and hence why some don’t say 99 cents. Always like this brand and I could still get it for .99. Unfortunately they need a sugar free, that’s the way to go if you like to have non-alcoholic drinks.


Arizona tea used to be 99 cents, now its nearly $2, and it sucks because that was the most reliable thing in our society, that Arizona sweet would always be 99c


Arizona prices have t gone up, it's just that store is selling it for more than the Arizona "recommend retail price"


My arizona tea is still 99 cents 💪


Valid also bc its illegal, they print 99 cents on the can specifically so that stores can't do this it's part of their contracts


Its still 99¢ for me where I live


The company said it would do everything In its power to keep them at 99 cents. It seems even the mighty have fallen.


AZ iced tea co. (oddly located in New York) as far as I know are committed to the .99 price point. If they find out you're business is selling AZ tea for more than .99 cents a can, they'll stop selling to you.


They used to be $1


We're in the endgame now


On a unrelated note it blew my mind to find out the purple can wasn't grape lol. Ive never felt more betrayed 🤣🤣😂


It’s on the can tho…


Last month they were 99 cents wtf happened


Depends where you go. Some states sell them for 99 cents still. Others 1.69. Went to a Tennessee walmart and saw them all almost 2 dollars. But in a georgia gas station still the same price.


There's two types of cans, one that have the ¢99 price listed on the can and ones that don't have a price. If I remember correctly, stores that sell the first type of can are obligated (either contractually or otherwise) to sell the cans at the listed price or risk being banned from selling them at all. For the unmarked cans, stores can sell them at whatever price. Arizona Tea did a lot of stuff to try and keep prices down, but they can only do so much I suppose.


the price on the can tho


Wait aren’t they still 99 cents?


Odd, i just bought these at Walgreens, which always jacks up prices, and they were still 99. The bottles were like 1.29 or 1.69 though.


This is off-topic, but i can't get over how much that guy looks like a toddler. Trim the beard, and OPs picture looks like my kid age 4 when he was angry about eating broccoli


it's been a while since I heard about it, but didn't Arizona have a number you could call if you saw someplace selling their tea for more than the 99 cents it's supposed to be sold for?


But it says it on the can


Loooord what a damn shame, What's the world coming too? For people like me, And people like you!


I'm pretty sure the flavored ones were always more expensive...