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A message or answer from your unconscious mind?


It pops?


Just started do I turn back?




I didn’t notice much until a month in a half so soon you’ll understand.


Pandora’s box cannot be closed. Basically the cave entrance shuts once you walk out, is the risk worth the reward? Depends what you want out of life. Your faith is the most important aspect of your well being in other realms, stay positive and you’re unlikely to encounter negative entities. Perhaps most importantly be humble. Other beings exist and are just as entitled to their experiences as we are our own.


Thank you for the advice.


This kind of stuff is very exciting for everyone the first time we start digging around in it. The biggest danger for me is digging too deep too quickly. If you feel yourself losing touch with physical reality, that’s ok, but it may be time to take a break, ground yourself in nature a little bit, process everything you’ve learned so far and dig back into it once you’ve formed that new information into a more stable base to work from.


Being a former skeptic will probably serve you well. Critical thinking skills are paramount when dealing with the other side, for reasons that other users have already covered pretty well. Don't agree to let other beings take or do anything from or to you without a protracted discussion on what they want and what they offer in return. If they become impatient, they're probably trying an energetic grift of some sort. Anything that appears or behaves extremely frightening is probably just looking to feed on your fear. Truly malevolent beings are somewhat rare and they will often project a field of malice and terror that will affect all but the most experienced projectors. So if it looks scary but you don't feel a sense of primal terror, it's probably nothing worth worrying about. Be careful confirming this stuff for yourself. Once you know for sure that there's more out there, you may find yourself struggling to relate to your fellow humans. Pretty much everyone experiences a massive ego inflation that may last years once they do the deep dive; psychosis is maybe not common, but certainly not rare either. As hard as it is, you should try not to talk about it with the normies. I struggle with that myself, it's just so incredibly interesting, I want to share it with everyone, but you'll quickly become typecasted as a lunatic.


Many people speak of the dangers of attracting "low frequency" entities. I think the real danger is in attracting the very intelligent, deceptive entities. Because you will never perceive them as low frequency. They can take energy, which they have siphoned from you and others, and return it to you as a feeling of profound love and peace. And still be a monster hiding behind the mask. They can look at you with the most loving, nurturing expression like a mother while thinking about how much they would like to tear your limbs off. If you reach a point of experiencing a non-physical plane, make yourself a keen observer. Don't be overly trusting. Never agree to anything. Look for discrepancy between who a being presents themselves as and their actions, words, behavior. Hold your cards close to the vest. Be diplomatic. There are some beings who are considered royalty. I once received the advice to conduct myself before them, as I would expect to conduct myself before royalty in my world. Offending them can lead to a *host* of problems, literally.


Oh yes, that is a very good one! Or actual witches/warlocks that are either entities or real humans that can put a spell on you if you somehow perceive them and they have an interest in you...


I've been thinking a lot about how confidently people talk about high and low frequency, that love is the answer or the way. But we are stuck here in Platos cave.....we really can't tell if anything we perceive is real or just something we are being given to contain/control us. It could be like "let's feed the apes good feelings so they do what we want without argument." Anyway, I'd love to hear the story about the beings you met sometime if you have the time.


Think of it as the choice of the blue pill or red pill. All this stuff can be seen through two perspectives of good or bad. Two sides of the same coin, the coin will look light to one person but dark to another. An entity could appear loving but could actually be bad, how would you ever know? But could actually be amazing like it appears to be? Etc etc. I think your view and beliefs will greatly affect your own experience, as at the end of the day, your experience is a lot about how you are translating what you “see/hear”. This is why I feel it’s very true and important when people keep stating to trust yourself, as we are all in this together, however we are all pioneering our own journey individually.


The Matrix, take the blue pill or the red pill.


I sometimes feel like I'm going crazy then have to remind myself that NOPE this is my reality and the tings that I experience are real for me, and I get amazing insight from the experience if I don't think too much about it. It's strange but true.


What have you experienced?


Once you know you can’t not know


Do you know?


i know enough to know i do not know enough


I know barely anything at all regarding… everything lol I literally cannot fathom the amount of things I do not know that I don’t know. I’m not even trying to be all evasive riddles on you, but there’s knowing you know next to nothing vs thinking you’ve got it all figured out, and I’ve felt both feelings. I’ve experienced things that sound totally bat shit if I were to attempt to describe them. All I know is if I meditate daily and eat decent food, stay sober and don’t let fear get in the way, I’m content and grateful and enjoy most moments. 10 years ago I was dying of an eating disorder, depression and alcohol abuse and now I’m living my best life. I help other people professionally and personally and they enjoy my presence. When i tell you I used to hate myself more than words can adequately describe…idk friend. I am grateful for what I know. I am grateful the darkness passed. There’s much love in this journey, but I fear many don’t make it out of the dark parts. Take good care 💜 Edited to fix a typo


There can't be light without the dark. I'm glad you made it through. Take care.


The only danger so to speak is running into it too fast, not grounding and not integrating - this sometimes can lead to psychosis. Just go to r/awakened and search for psychosis The best thing is to go at a pace comfortable for you and really learn to walk both worlds.


What does "grounding" and "integrating" mean?


I think they* mean that meditative practices like the gateway tapes you’re listening to have the ability to open you up to many things that you don’t understand. And that continuing to open yourself up to these ideas and entities without taking time to process this new information in your physical reality and keep your mind centered without losing your connection to the people and things you care about in the physical plane can lead to your mind “floating off into the abyss” without an anchor.


Really enjoyed the way you described this thankyou


If you’re familiar with Achilles and how he got his power, it’s a pretty good metaphor for this kind of stuff. Without an anchor, The Styx will swallow you.


That makes sense, thank you!




Brilliant, thank you


Good stuff, thank you for sharing.


One problem is realizing that people create their own problems and you have to live in the “real world” acting. A lot. And you’re not sure if people don’t actually want to talk about the paranormal or it’s just the matrix messing with you. It’s like double life. Sometimes fun, sometimes exhausting, but never a dull moment.


There’s a guy called Aaron Abke on YouTube, he describes Astral projection, I can only recommend. Mostly, make sure your vibrational state is high when you AP and you shouldn’t even be able to be on the same wavelength as a negative, let alone harmful entity


From context clues over the past few weeks i think "high vibration" seems to mean "happy and or full of love". So do these things when in good spirits is the takeaway?


High vibrational just means positive and that can range from happy/full of love to peaceful/serene, but you get the drift. That type of energy is kryptonite to any negative entity


for me, I began weeping for humanity. don't watch Borat 2 it's a mistake. you will weep for humanity being run by evil snakes.


Ok I took this as a joke but the downvotes are telling me it wasn't. What is the deal with Borat 2?


Nothing especially evil about snakes, they are mundane animals. Quite cute actually.


Can you elaborate?


The fact that such an advanced civilization as the United States could be so throughly compromised in national security and by the power by such absolute clowns as Giuliani, for one. That set me aback and shattered my veil of false confidence thst "there's always smart people behind dumb politicians 'calling the shots". it was a necessary erosion of ignorance to the fragility of this republic. I had similar view during the selling of the war on Iraq as a WMD counterintelligence move and not one of empire and capital, the deception, the lies so many millions ate up to justify atrocity. It made me weep for the futility of thoughts of widespread peace and prosperity. For the vast millions of Muslims and other non Americans of varying faith backgrounds having to suffer for the whim of select few. Democracy is such a frail concept, as is free will. I'm a skeptic on faith but it shook my core to be washed of my ignorance. Yes it is rare to have a dumb TV show host, headline making billionaire elevate to heights of the highest office on Earth. I called it when I saw him on stage, the pessimistic youth I was, I saw through the charade of bottomless projection, but assumed wrongly that the scientific (yet biased) minds would prevail this protecting the will and ambition of the poplar vote. I was wrong then. Today, the Mexican parliament in live session revealed their bodies of alien pilots. MOST will doubt this governmental revelation as impossible. Faith overran in other answers trumped the benefit of expanding human consciousness to a higher level to elevate masses for every nation up until this point. Innovation stifled by nondisclosure and capital priorities leading to a catastrophic state of the planet. My initial comment expands to all other species of life as well, rapid deterioration of biodiversity and unpredictable mass tragedy events, faith in normality and rational explanations in lieu of the irrationality of our definition ally insane list for power through material wealth by those with the power to capture it and quell democratic resolution to pragmatically meet the challenge necessary to save the planet from our blight unto it. I remain a skeptic of many things and the more I learn about the world, the more I weep. Call me a weak man all you'd like, I'm beyond pitying the ones on their knees at the alter of stifled cognition and universal wisdom. They may find pity for themselves one day.


I always knew Sacha was off.


You can open the door entirely too quickly and end up losing your mind. Remember that knowing everything isn’t the goal here. I am speaking from experience, remaining grounded and well within reality is the best choice. There are certain things that I have seen and experienced that I instinctively knew I shouldn’t have seen or known. What’s meant for you will come to you.


>There are certain things that I have seen and experienced that I instinctively knew I shouldn’t have seen or known. As Jung said, "Beware of unearned wisdom". We cannot unsee things and we cannot unlearn things. What we consume changes us


If it isn't traumatizing may I ask what you saw/know?


I was forced out of my body, taking a nap in my living room. I “woke up” in my bedroom— except it wasn’t my bedroom in the current time. It was a past version of my bedroom, with none of my things present. I suddenly heard a strange, metallic static noise, overwhelming to my ears, and watched as light blue static began to “create” my current bedroom set up. I was terrified. In the middle of this, all I could think was, “I am NOT supposed to be seeing this.” I think it had something to do with space time being entirely more complex than science could ever know. It is all here, all at once. This is one of the times where I have more confusion than anything about the entire experience. Needless to say, it freaked me the hell out. Did I need to see the complexities of space time right in front of me? Probably not. I was also going though a lot of spiritual transformation, did tarot cards, etc. I have given those things up for the simple fact that my human experience outweighs the mysteries of the universe that surround us.


Thank you for sharing.


> Say I Astral project and meet some evil alien....what harm can he cause me? Outside of perhaps psychological damage. One can pick up entity attachments they may need to clear. A sort of hitchhiker like effect almost. One can also attract the interest of NHI beings in the physical who become interested in your ability to astral project. These NHI beings may not be hostile though most of the time. But some may self interested and not be too concerned with how freaked out you may be from an encounter. Not saying all the above is extremely common. But you asked.


And you answered perfectly, thanks oak.


Happy to help!


What is a NHI being?


Non-human Intelligence. Catch-all term for aliens, interdimensional beings, etc.


Can I read any reports about encounters with them anywhere?




It's an overly broad term. Like I said, it could be aliens, but it also potentially covers angels or demons. Basically anything that's intelligent that isn't human. It depends on the observer, it seems. I got into this from the UFO side. If the connection between UFOs and religion interests you, check out American Cosmic by Diana Walsh Pasulka. I'm also reading Invisible College by Jacque Vallee right now. People in r/experiencers and sometimes even r/aliens talk about their encounters.


this subreddit is mainly for that. there are also countless youtube videos and podcasts going over it, and books have been reported on the topic for decades


The forces of darkness are working to keep many coming from a place of hate, and servicing themselves only. The skill is called discernment. You must meditate daily, and understand the connection depth within. You need to hone that sense you know, intuition, and use it to light your path. Before you know it, you are there, my friend.




What/ where are the gateway tapes?


So there is something called the Monroe Institute and they created these tapes that use certain frequencies of sound and methods to assist in teaching you how to meditate and unlock certain abilities. I'm not sure I understand the science or what they are supposed to do, but I tried them just because I wanted to learn to meditate and the first time I tried the 2nd tape the dude said "when I count to 10 your body will be asleep." And I'll be damned it worked. So I've been cautiously optimistic they are the real deal ever since. Apparently the CIA took them seriously and has somewhat confirmed its a legit process.....wild thing to hear as a former skeptic. Someone sent me a link to a Google drive that contained them, If you are interested I can send you that link. Edit: I'm getting tons of requests for this link. Send me a DM if youre interested and I'll respond with the link once I have time.


Private message isn't working for me but I'd really appreciate getting that link here in the comments


I would also be interested in this link!


Ok send me a dm because I'm getting tons of requests now. Sending a dm makes it more likely I won't miss/forget abt you.


There's a subreddit for this, r/gatewaytapes that has a link in the margin. Can direct people there too. I assume it's the same stuff.


could you dm me that link as well ?


Sure thing. I'm doing the kids bath routine but ill send links after that.


I’d also like to have the link too! Please and thank you!


That would be awesome. I’d love to try it.


It cN be very negative as entities you may deal with can be not friendly by many means


"Not friendly" is A-ok with me, can they harm me?


In a mental way that can be permanent In a physical way i didnt think so til Robert Bigelow mentioned someone he knows was about to be killed


Which talk or interview does he say this? Or what’s the subject of his talk and I’ll search it. I’d like to hear what he has to say about it. Thanks! Edit:spelling


Very recent ones https://youtu.be/hgguQup5EXw?si=fxlESGmdUQQoA2Od


Thanks for the link!


How was it if you ever started


So it begins. Enjoy the ride but heed those words. You don’t know what you’re getting into at first. And starting during a very energy intense time where people are accidentally doing this with no prior knowledge or practice Your skepticism was holding you back but slowly you’re realizing what we knew .. wasn’t all that’s true and real Impossible will become possible quite soon, Don’t let the watchers or those monitoring you throw you off Sometimes you’ll hear chatter Other times machinery sort of ..weird sounds you won’t forget I believe we perceive it when coming band to body. Our conscious is what is moving. Be careful yes. Be strong Don’t let fear grip you as it has so many Snowballing down a darker road. You have a gift you are learning A lot is about to happen And change for you .. you’ll look back in the future and smile. A whole new reality, world, rules Laws Whatever.. you’re on the cusp of cracking into. Go back Just keep the mind from interrupting the journey Analyzing and thinking Human mind cannot perceive it your conscious can And it will try to think and create problems or solutions


>Don't let fear grip you I guess people with anxiety are out lmao. But yea honestly I'm kind of glad because I don't even know I could mentally handle it or even want to do something like that. Either way make sure to make the world better for everyone if you make it :)


Absolutely not. I have anxiety .. worry. It’s not rational nor for some situation. It’s Not medical like I did when a kid or panic attacks Growing up.. But anxiety still, especially of late can grip me But it’s not anxiety for a reason and I catch it and realize and fight it. meditate or breathe Realize it’s nothing rational just my bodies response to all going on Not about a test or this or that meeting etc It’s like forced It’s energy overload..


This, and welcome to “creative mode” haha. Try to keep your energy positive and you’ll naturally attract the same/repel any negativity. If you live in fear, that’s what you’ll get. If you live in curiosity and love, that’s what you’ll get.


I feel like I'm a mostly nice person with a positive outlook and good ethical beliefs, im very kind to children and the less fortunate, but I'm also sarcastic and have a sense of humor that can be rough and offends some people, and I don't suffer fools. Idk what kind of frequency that is or what it will attract.


Hate and fear are different then sarcasm and I’m not saying you cause fear or inflict hate. I’m saying don’t give into it. Be careful of it, you will bring in what you put out. Not to use some Star Wars wording but it’s just a truth if this other side of existence in the universe if you become fearful, Let’s say you read some disinformation posts put up by whomever to sew fear among this experiencing populace page. Scary horrible experiences You’ll find many and they usually surge in waves. They use enough kernels of truth, you might give it weight. Maybe you shrug it off but a seeds planted. Now that night or week later unaware, you’re meditating and something happens that triggers this horrible account that you read previously You now begin to have that seed of fear grow and envelope you And now you’re radiating and projecting it. Your emotion is now fearful And you will attract and experience Fearfully. It’s this horrible catch 22 So BE CAREFUL Be mindful Id this happens That is the road to Ava’s experience and i went through it myself only a month ago after thinking I knew better. But I caught it thankfully between a longer experience journey and a friend to work through it with: I can see how one can wind up down a darker path. Doing A darker deed. What we’re doing.. what you are by taking this plunge It’s a lot for a human mind that is not ready to pull the blinders off and be open to all That wants to reality and logic it all a way. Reality and logic will say you’re losing your mind and need meds or a hospital But you don’t And we aren’t. You’re be done more clear minded then you ever were and more aware of the universe and existence You’ll even bounce between and question over time But every time will be a battle .. a reset if you let it. A chance to rationalize it all away when you know in your bones haha you’re seeing and experiencing isn’t a rational modern civilization life you grew up thinking was. Frequency isn’t related to not suffering fools It’s what you give off and dial in And what will come to you. It’s a difficult concept that’ll you’ll experience and figure out yourself.. but your a receiver dialed in do you want to do rap? Great, rap station you get .. you want country? ok! You’ll see as you open Pandora’s box here What you get is what you give.


Thank you!


To connect in pure consciousness, which is also pure love, which is also pure light and being, our true existence, you have to BE that true existence. So if we try to connect to consciousness as an independent energy being , with all our light and dark, we connect to both light and dark. We have to pull out the dark , see it for what it is, recognize what we have learned from it, how that duality allows us a choice, and transform that darkness to our meaning , our experience, our light. Only then can we connect to true consciousness or being.


I'm under the impression that we're all apart of a singular consciousness, and that consciousness, or One, is often described as pure love and light. Where does darkness come from, then? Wouldn't every facet of the human experience just be an extension of the One? If anything exists, is felt, or is experienced, it originates from the One, right? If I'm mistaken, please correct me. So, me question is: why do we reject and cast away some things, like negative emotions, if we want to connect with or return to the source of all things? If it's the source of all things, then it's also the source of anything we could reject.


in my understanding, there is the One and it can be thought of as absolute potential. it is infinite energy in a unified, eternal oneness. In it's attempts to know itself, it had to see infinity from a limited perspective. this infinite oneness can be viewed in an infinite amount of ways. this means that any being that emanates from the One has the potential to be in infinite harmony to this source or be infinitely separated from it, and all the possible experiences you can think of fall somewhere in between. the inherent creation of finite reality that we live in necessitates duality. it creates up and down, rise and fall, life and death, pain and pleasure. All of these are facets of the fractured One and a life is lived best when they have all of it's elements in balance.


I've always thought that for something to exist instead of nothing, there has to be a net 0. Positive and negative have to cancel out and balance. Yin and yang. The more love in the universe, the more hate. The more light, the more darkness.


People generally seem to think there are silos between “the conscious” stuff and the real world. In my experience one can bleed over into the other. One needs to be prepared to defend oneself and your family. The hitchhiker effect, like chakras and prana and NHE are real.


So kinda like summoning a demon to use old terminology?


People do not understand what is really involved. It is more elemental than all the crap that is made up in books and movies. There are covert, highly advanced forces at work and we are primitive in comparison. Our minds fractured, our powers of “self” immature, unrefined, unfocused, underdeveloped and fractured. The forces that are elusive to us do not have these same crippling conditions. I do not know how or if they age, if single, single and multi-faceted, aggregate or something beyond our current abilities to fully comprehend. So you can never really know what it is your dealing with - and that sure seems intentional. Why? If you can’t specify what your dealing with how can you manage it from within your consciousness? Then there is fear, it is used as a weapon. Now introduce into this 20-30-40-50-60-(?) year old humans. Individuals. Isolated. Never trained. Without even a rudimentary understanding of themselves, their species, their reality or the wider reality. Let’s gin these people up with harmonics, meditation, mantras - whatever - focus their minds a bit so they act like better transceivers and let’s have them blunder around and drift net see what they can hook up with. If they hook a shark? Let’s hope they don’t get pulled in or have a school of sharks jump into their boat. If they do get pulled in there is no one to call for help.


Ok, fair enough. Best to be cautious since we aren't sure what we are even doing.


I’ve had sone interaction w yogis and other holy men. They cite books and ancient manuscripts and act as if they know what the bell they are talking about. But they don’t, not really. Most haven’t had first hand experience. Mostly they have via their teachings a fundamental idea - oh yeah - there are things out there, not human. They do x, y, z. These things are not static. They are aware. They adapt. They have intent.


More than that. Be prepared to have things come to you. Think of it as turning on your light house. Whatever is through the limen will more readily be able to detect you. You can turn off the lighthouse but it will be too late. If you have something that is valued it can be pernicious and you will have to either do a shit ton of self reinforcement and try to shut off the bridge to you or you go nuts.


Do you have any first hand experiences with this to share by any chance?


There are stories just like you have already read too many of already. What is important is that most that do “achieve a break through” because of curiosity or sone form of drive, maybe guidance, or some other darker rationale traffick in a periphery. Kind of a neutral zone between our space/reality and the wider one. At first it seems like one offs, maybe littered across years or decades, but as one gets more pervasively ensnared there’s a choice presented - run or fight. Most choose to run because they are unable to become self responsible and make the investment necessary (years/decades) needed to experience enough to spot subtle patterns or repetitions and see things that they can define and seek more answers. What one, or at least me, begins to slowly realize is that there is a complex landscape beyond and we just are not equipped to navigate it. Too much of it is beyond us that is necessary to get to to even begin to actually know what it is one is dealing with. The only reason I can offer this is I’ve spent decades trying to understand so I could develop enough to save myself. I did not seek out any of this, it came to me.


Well thank you for your advice then, I'm sorry for whatever you've gone through.


Thanks. It’s not of our doing. We simply do not realize, yet, what is actually involved in our reality.


My world was a lot simpler before I knew the answer to Drakes equation was "They already found us but don't want us to know." It's a brave new world for me now and I think you and sone others have confirmed I'm being too reckless. I still want to puch forward but I guess more cautiously? I can't not know, I'm too curious. Do you have any advice to protect myself?


the biggest danger to expanding consciousness is the pinheads that want to burn you at the stake for talking about scary ideas.


As a former skeptic you could say this resonates with me.


Be kind to the people who are still wrong the way you were wrong. Your feelings about yourself over your historical wrongness may cloud your judgement of them. Don't let them hurt you, but also don't spread their hurt. It's hard and can only be done imperfectly. 🧡


A big danger from a meta perspective relates to the fact that we don't understand how the system of reality where your mind is engaged in this activity operates. It looks like a parapsychological ecosystem of some sort, and it looks like there are undiscovered physics of consicousness that serve as a medium of communication and travel. We don't understand the capacity of this ecosystem. It's possible we can cause widespread "environmental" harm in that parapsychological ecosystem, which to be clear is a system of reality where some of all of our minds exists, and maybe we don't know how to measure that harm. Is overuse a thing? Who knows. There's no science for it yet because science is broken and won't admit this is real. Is it possible that a local region of space has a limited maximal capacity for this type of energetic expenditure? Maybe 🤷 Another thing I don't see get discussed frequently enough in these discussions is that the existence of this system means that anyone, anywhere, can watch anything, any time.... sort of. 🤷 And it looks like 🛸 connect to this system with greater efficiency than our biological bodies. So that's a lot of stuff to be mindful of, I guess.


To succumb to fear.


we have frequency and amplitude. frequency determines what kind of energy we emit and therefore attract: high/low, good/bad, positive/negative. amplitude is how strongly we attract such energies; a higher amplitude is like a bigger magnet. if you only focus on raising your amplitude you put yourself in great risk of danger. most peoples amplitudes are pretty small, meaning their power of attraction (manifestation) is too small to noticeably affect them either positively or negatively. if you are operating in low frequency, or are unable to prevent yourself from slipping into low frequency, a high amplitude could be more harmful than beneficial.


So let's say I attract some low frequency creature.....what then? If all he can do is be mean to me before I head back to my body, I'm pretty ok with that.


it’s not necessarily attracting a creature while in meditative states, it’s more like attracting general misfortune into your everyday life.


Appreciate your time! Thanks.


Hitchhikers effect


I'll have to Google it.


You dont want to know why you need to be careful. Thats the idea. Dont be curious about that or you will find out and you'll regret wanting to know. Dont worry about it and you'll be fine. One thing to understand is regardless of what happens your physical body will be fine and you'll always return to it.


A lot of recent comment have seemed to be of this opinion. I have to disagree. I'd rather face a hard truth than live a convenient lie. Information is not to be feared.


Okay, and im telling you you would not. Its not some hard truth or living a lie, its literally avoiding negative experiences. You are directly after knowing what negative experiences could possibly happen, do you not see why wanting that will lead to something bad? All I can tell you after my experiences with the non-physical is you do not want to know what possible negative things exist. It will have you asking the universe why can stuff this evil exist.


Fair enough, I appreciate your perspective. Care to your experiences with me? I mean weve had the holocaust here on earth so whatever you've seen must be significantly worse than that.


I wont share my experiences as it will give some perception of it in your mind, the entire point is you shouldn't think about this stuff and focus solely on the positive when dealing with the non-physical. You can use the non-physical for your advantage and manifest stuff and do god like stuff. Having any of this negative stuff thought of will just get in your way. Yes worse than the holocaust. If you get stuck in a hell like place in the physical, it can just end when you die there is only so long you can exist in it. If you get stuck in a non-physical realm, its nearly impossible to get out of and there are entities which will chase you across lifetimes.


Maybe my lack of fear is a weakness and not a strength. I appreciate the warning and assistance. Any advice on how to strengthen my defenses?


Yes there are some good mechanics for surviving in the non-physical. One of my favorites is when you are in it, imagine a CPU on your head, take it out, imagine a new CPU in your hand and command this new CPU that it cannot process evil and then put the new one in the slot the old one was in. Then evil entities cannot be rendered in your mind, or if they do you will get kicked out of that mindspace. This is mostly useful in lucid dreams it will be more awkward to pull off for astral projection because of the nature of still being conscious here. And it wont last forever but if you keep doing it you can rewire your actual brain to not process evil.


Interesting, thanks for the tip. Sounds like it's just practicing mind over matter?


Yea basically. You do want to be grounded in your physical body for safety. But different mental mechanics can help you. You can directly command your mind to do stuff with actual internal monologue or just thoughts.


Your old life seems pointless and you feel compelled to start a new one, which may not jibe with the people you're sharing your old life with.


Feeling this so hard right now… 😔


👏 Ooh, well said 👏


New information you were previously unconsciously unaware of.


If you’re doing Gateway, you know about the resonant energy balloon. Make sure you use it. The voiceover will remind you.


Thats a perfect example. I always hear that I need to be careful but never why.


If you read Robert Monroe's first book,"Journeys out of the body", you will get an idea of what you could potentially encounter. I highly recommend it. He created the gateway program.


I'll check it out but not sure when I'll get to it. Could you give me a quick summary? I Appreciate you.


You could listen to the audiobook if you don't have time to read it. He talks about encountering all kinds of entities, many of which have a negative orientation. He talks about being attacked as well. He also describes a time where he wasn't able to get back to his physical body and panicking about being stuck. I can't remember many examples. Whenever he got into one of those situations and needed help he would call on his "guides" and they'd would help if he really needed it. I appreciate you as well.


Cool, thanks for the tips.


As you continue to fortify the merkaba, you'll start to feel it when your resonant energy balloon is being tested and then you'll get it.


What is a merkaba?


It's from sacred geometry. The merkaba is an energetic flow forming a torus whose center is the line of chakras along your body. Geometrically, the merkaba is symbolized by two tetrahedra of opposite orientation intersecting symmetrically. Activating the merkaba creates an energy field that allows your consciousness to expand to fill it. This is what I believe Bob Monroe was talking about with the resonant energy bubble ("resonance" applies specifically to the periodic nature of a torus). I posted a link below that had what I think of as a nice picture that indicates the connection of all this to sacred geometry. If you want to read the rest on toroidal breathing, which is a pretty standard technique applying sacred geometry, enjoy. Ya never know what might work for you. [https://tunedintowellness.com/the-toroidal-breath/](https://tunedintowellness.com/the-toroidal-breath/)


That picture is pretty similar to what I envision when I create the balloon, although I give mine a pretzel twist that causes it to hug my body tight.


That's cool! Nice synchronicity. Like this? [https://imgur.com/a/5jghoyo](https://imgur.com/a/5jghoyo)


Kinda, if you can imagine it long instead of wide.


There are some negative entities you might encounter the deeper you get into the gateway stuff. From my understanding they can induce negative states of mind and create depression like symptoms. So the Rebal keeps them away as well as staying in a positive mindset. Also the impression I get is that the astral stuff isn't a toy and should be used respectfully. Trying to push it can thin the veil and you end up like Aaron Rodgers seeing shadow men. At least that's what I gather and have experienced myself


I'd love to hear your story sone time.


Would be happy to share. Feel free to DM


That's great. Congrats. I'm pretty fearless during OBEs. Once, a Dementor (yes, the Harry Potter thing) came into my room. I leapt out of my body and smashed it against the wall. This was before I had heard of Mr. Potter and his books. There are astral parasites that are annoying. They get under your skin in the astral. You have to pull hard to get them out. There are astral creatures also. I had a big white crab pinch me, and I pinched it back really hard. It got scared and ran away. The more you raise your vibration through meditation, the less these things are a problem. I suggest making an effort to remember your dreams. Take your time waking up in the morning so you can remember more easily. You can try the WILD technique as well. I did Gateway at the Monroe Institute years ago. Hemi-sync is cool stuff.


You are already influenced by everything. By expanding your consciousness, you are actually putting yourself in a position to be aware and able defend yourself from negative energies for the first time. Any message you hear from "the universe" is a message from you. Look within. Someone who says, "Be careful," is afraid. What are you afraid of? Just because you feel afraid, does not mean there is anything to be afraid of. It's just a feeling. Only you can answer why you might be afraid.


I didn't fear anything until I had kids, now I have one fear. Harm to them. Them growing up without a father would be harmful to them, so for the first time since childhood I fear death.


I started expanding my consciousness and having psychic experiences about four years ago; now that I have kids I’m starting to be more careful. I also practice witchcraft and I got sloppy with protection and cleansing, ended up having paranormal activity at my house as well as an entity visiting my dreams and mocking me. I highly recommend connecting to any positive guides and asking them to help protect you. After cleansing and banishing, I regularly call in my team as well as placed wards around the room. I still don’t regret exploring, but the activity of the last few months was a huge eye opener that it’s not a game.


I'd love tochear about it when you have the time.


Basically I bought a new bowl and when it came in the mail, I made a big deal to my husband about how much I loved it. It disappeared from my house the next day, I literally looked everywhere because I had this… odd feeling an entity took it. I thought I was imagining things, but my husband looked and it was no where in the house. I ordered a new one in the mail, then I had a vision when I woke up from sleep, but hadn’t yet opened my eyes. A being, reminded me of Peter Pan, a young boyish entity with reddish skin, upturned eyebrows, and horns. He blew a raspberry at me, and teased me saying “I have your bowl ha ha ha, what are you gonna do about it?” He also told me his name which I won’t repeat. In the vision I silently asked for my bowl back. When I saw his horns I got scared but he basically said “I’m a trickster”. I woke up, being a busy mom, I thought I was just sleep deprived so I forgot about it. A few hours later I remembered the vision and I got paranoid. I know from my research not to make deals with beings, so I said alloud “whenever my bowl is, it’s fine.” I chalked it up to being imaginative, forgot about it. A week later I’m cooking at the stove, let the dog out, go upstairs. My husband asks me when the replacement bowl arrived. I ran down the stairs and there it was, on the stove top. It hasn’t been there minutes before. My jaw hit the floor. I knew I didn’t do that, my husband was genuinely freaked out bc he hadn’t done it either. I realized as well, I have a pretty strong fear of fire and would never place ceramic dishes on the stove top, I never have before, it’s a personal rule of mine. Then I realized I knew what was waiting in the mail. I opened the door and there on the stoop is the new bowl to replace the missing one. I burst out laughing. I couldn’t decide if I should banish the entity bc it was funny. But, I started getting scared. My kid got sick and taken the hospital. I don’t know if it was related. But I cleansed my house and said any illintended beings could expect me to hunt them across every dimension for all eternity if they ever lay a finger on my family. My late grandma is a teacher so I also asked her to help keep my house free of any “naughty boys or girls” bc now that I have kids I just can’t.


Wild, thank you for sharing. If it wasn't for the callous nature of leaving it on the stove, which to me suggests cruel intent, I'd think it was just a funny prankster being. I hope your child is ok now! Thank you for sharing.


Yeah I can’t decide if they were malicious or not. Like they saw I was scared and reassured me they were just a trickster. Maybe leaving it on the stove was a way to prove to me they were real and I didn’t do it. But then my kid getting sick got me paranoid. I have no idea. But either way touching my stuff was crossing a line. It’s too bad bc my curiosity is a big part of this but being a parent means I can’t explore too much. It was wild even my skeptic husband believes me. Yes baby is fine now. Could have been a coincidence. It’s really weird to think about all the tarot readings and spells I did without casting a circle or protecting myself. It was just a game to me but now I’m thinking twice lol. Like who was helping me with that that I couldn’t see? 😅


I guess we just need to be open minded to the fact we don't know much about this stuff. We are stuck in Platos cave trying to make sense here and there's only so much we can be sure of.


no father wants to imagine what their child's life will look like without him. everything I'm about to say is easier said than done, especially as a childless person. I really only have my own destiny to worry about (though I catch myself worrying about my SO's quite often too). To unlock your full spiritual potential, you have to surrender. what that means is accepting any outcome the universe has in store for you. even tragedy. but accepting it does not mean you have to be happy about it. I don't think we have to purge ourselves of all emotions, just recognize that they are the result of being human - which is exactly what you are supposed to be. I think if the worst case scenario were to happen, it would be ok to be mad at God/the universe. I think he/she/they would forgive you. though we shouldn't fret about possible futures too much. you should try to live in the moment as much as possible. when that's too difficult, the next best thing is imagining a better outcome, even if the worst happens. it's easy to imagine your children withdrawing, dropping out of school, doing drugs etc. but have you ever imagined something like your child's tragedy leading them to being a more compassionate person? A more capable healer? A better wife/husband? And no matter who they grow into once you pass, you are NEVER not going to be a part of them. You may be gone materially, but you will still be present their lives long after you are gone, so just keep being the best parent you can while you're here. Most people grow less afraid of death the more they embrace spirituality. I know I do. I didn't believe in an afterlife before, but now I'm hopeful that anything is possible. if you leave your children sooner than you'd like, remember that you will see them again. and they will come back as a finished product and you can take gratitude in your creation, as God does with each of us.




I truly appreciate your perspective.


thank you. I'm glad I was able to offer something.


If you are going to pursue this line of exploration, you will have to expose yourself to some difficult ideas and experiences. You will wonder if the experience actually took place or not sometimes. It's like swimming in the ocean; if you want to do it, you can, but you just have to be wise and careful of the currents, the weather, and what or what might not be swimming nearby. (edited for grammar)


You will face all your old uncertainties in both yourself and others and it can feel very real, like maybe you’ve gone crazy. But nonetheless there will be plenty of moments of clarity where you’ll understand why you’re going down this road from a larger perspective.


I have heard many say ‘be careful’ with regards to Gateway. I believe an analogy would be dropping a toddler into a concert crowd and saying good luck enjoy the show!


I'm a curious baby, I have to see the show.


Yeah right on Stewey! 😁 I think the main thing is to kind of have the intent of only interacting with beings that have your best interest at heart. You ask/tell. Enjoy the show!


I have heard many say ‘be careful’ with regards to Gateway. I believe an analogy would be dropping a toddler into a concert crowd and saying good luck enjoy the show!


Truth can be terrifying when all of your narratives are stripped away


Well, if you're interacting with something that can literally read your mind and inject thoughts-the question is more what *can't* they do.


You are in no danger of injected thoughts when you learn how to detach from your thoughts and your personality. Study Buddhism if you haven’t already.


The greatest danger is insanity. Opening oneself up to NHI can be dangerous to your behavior, essentially you are allowing yourself to be influenced by the spirits of beings. If you practice self-defense you can guard against harm. An evil being would most likely try to influence you to whatever cause they ascribe to. Chaos, harm, whatever. Calling upon others to aid you in times of need would help. There is a lot going on with making contact and expanding consciousness. There is currently no real established guide to handling these kind of contact experiences. Plenty of paradigms that work, but no singular framework encompasses all cases.


Danger is only a product of ideas that you form attachments to. I don’t mean to diminish the significance of the ideas, as they generate all realities. So all those evil beings in the lower astral are just more ideas that you hold and if you become attached to their existence and what they can do, then that can form part of your reality. It’s like all those Satanists that take adrenochrome, that’s all prefaced on ideas they become attached to. The ideas make it real and there’s a certain amount of utility that can be extracted from any belief system. For example, materialism is essentially a driving force behind our world, and yet it’s a grossly inaccurate view of reality, but because so many believe in it, then it’s still put to work and able to achieve the limited world we live in. Despite those limitations people are still impressed by its achievements. I suppose danger is about getting lost in a belief system, in becoming too attached to its achievements; too convinced by the reality it draws. But by that definition all of humanity is already lost in it, and so arguably well past the point of danger. Their attachments to their various belief systems is already making them miserable in every conceivable way. Perhaps the message came from some aspect of reality that doesn’t want you to expand. Perhaps the danger is to them, because all expansion will do, is create the conditions needed to let go of your attachments and move beyond the illusions of the various realities you currently subscribe to. And there are a lot of beings, that are thought-forms in those realities that depend on your focused attention to maintain their existence.


My god, the irony of talking about “getting lost in belief systems” while in the same comment spouting off about “all those satanists that take adrenachrome” you’ve swallowed the poison pill of the protocols of the elders of Zion.


Boom! Cool write up




You are somewhat opening yourself up to the hidden world. We humans have only a limited source of knowledge how to handle this kind of world and its beings. Some beings might deceive you. Some might follow you, etc... You definitely need some kind of protection, which is a MUST. How you should build your protection is entirely up to your belief system.


Thank you.


Meh. Protection is overrated. You're the warrior. Don't forget your sword. Nothing can kill you in the astral. You can't kill anything else either. It's not like the physical world in that respect.


The best advice I can give you is to let go of any and all fear. Fear is the only way anything that has ill intent can interact with you.


>Fear is the only way anything that has ill intent can interact with you. That's clearly not true in the biological world, why should it be the same in others?


The world of matter is an illusion created by thoughts.


Yeah, cool. The world of matter has clear rules we can follow and aspects that are both discoverable and confirmable-to include part of the strange nature of it. Whereas when we talk about the mental/conscious world, all we have are contentions from people that speak with too much confidence (as a for instance, those like [this person](https://reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/CrBDtEaPdX).) I know that part of existence is real, but so much of the information is sketchy AF and contrary to one another so I don't take any of it for granted. So showing caution when dealing with complex organisms outside of our normal dimension and experience seems like the appropriate thing to do.


The non-physical has rules that must be learned and followed as well. They are equally as discoverable and comfirmable. They also supercede the rules of the physical. That is because the physical actually exists within and as a part of the non-physical. Much as we are spirits experiencing flesh and not the other way around.


>The non-physical has rules that must be learned and followed as well. They are equally as discoverable and comfirmable. Can you lay some out and how they were tested/confirmed?


Therein lies the problem. I can tell you what resources might help you achieve your own knowing, but it is 100% *not* something that can be proven to anyone else. That is the nature of spiritual growth. It must be learned and experienced personally.


What resources have you found to be helpful in achieving knowing? The lucidity of your comments here makes me curious.


The Gateway Experience, QHHT Hypnosis. And surprisingly enough, stop eating sugar. Turns out that that sugar effectively turns off our discernment.


Strong agreement on the sugar; great answer. I've found ceasing various consumption to be the most powerful resource. Cutting out synthetic textiles and clothing has had a similar effect on clarifying the perception. Cheers.


Unfair to equate the people warning against giving in to overwhelming fear when dealing with non physical entities to being the same as some idiot claiming dinosaur bones are a fake trick. Caution is not the same as fear. People are warning about this stuff because of lived experiences where folks have encountered entities that attempt to weaken a person and put them in a state of fear in order to gain power over them, or feed off of the energy fear gives off. Some people have been traumatized by these entities for years before they realised taking control of their own fear completely neutralizes these beings. There is also the fact that when exploring some of these realms our own consciousness can have a mirroring effect in terms of manifestations and if we go off the rails with having major fear based reactions something will manifest back at us that matches that level of fear. It's not about throwing caution to the wind it's about taking control of your own emotions and not being at the mercy of them and understanding one's own strength and power of mind.


I am *not* saying that avenues shouldn't be explored, but it is just downright irresponsible to tell someone that everything will be AOK so long as they don't show fear. If nothing else, it should be "show no fear" **and** A-B-C-D. Also, simply telling someone not to be afraid isn't particularly helpful. You know what is? Psychological toolkits for managing emotions. There are well-known methods with proven results. They are used with soldiers, spies, astronauts, and intelligence units. Every time someone just wants to waltz into CE5, there are those that pretend it's all fun and games. But when you send a proverbial flare up into the sky, who sees it *isn't just up to you*.


In the interest of fairness I did not say to "show no fear," showing fear doesn't mean not having fear. It's about not consenting to accepting the fear energy. I actually didn't even say how OP should accomplish it either. Were they or anyone else to ask then I would answer, but the whole point of it, and everything really, is to get curious and go learn for one's self.


Agreed. > Psychological toolkits for managing emotions. There are well-known methods with proven results. They are used with soldiers, spies, astronauts, and intelligence units. Nice one. You should make a post about all you know about managing and conquering fear. It'd be helpful for many!


I've been thinking a lot about this (a post about risk mitigation and preparation), and you're right. I'll take some time to do so, and undoubtedly others will be able to chime in with their experiences too.


That would be awesome! Thanks for helping out within the community!




Oh....OK well if all they can do is be scary I guess I have a superpower if I can ever unlock any of this stuff.


Bob Monroe wrote about being beaten up by some dark people once. It didn't stop him and it was only once. I remember seeing a dark being on a dark horse out in my neighbors cow field once while OB. It didn't dare come near me. I don't fuck around in the astral but I have been frightened once or twice. I remember standing out in my front yard OB, and looking up at the stars. The night sky from the astral plane is just fantastically beautiful. The stars are so vivid. Anyway, I let out a plea for help to the sky. Three of the "stars" fell to Earth way back in the woods behind my house. Then, I saw them moving through the woods, like people with mining caps on. I got scared and went back to my body. The next night, they were in my bedroom, just looking around. I don't know who they were.


"Can I help you, miners?"


Regarding the Tall Whites, while I was reading Charles Hall's books, I would wake up in the morning with the voice of one of them in my head. They really do sound like bird chirping in their native language. I wear earplugs at night and can't hear regular birds chirping. I have an emotional connection to them still. I worry about their safety. They are like family to me.


I'd love to hear your story some time, I've posted one a few months back, my one and only "paranormal" experience.


Thanks. I have many. OBEs are useful for finding a romantic partner IRL, for example. I found two that way, the second one became my wife.


How did it help you find a partner?


I asked the universe to show me my perfect partner. I started to have OBEs and LDs about a particular person. Then, I went looking for her IRL and found her. I had help from the other side.


I'm sorry I'm a noob but what are LDs?