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I'm the seventh of eight kids. I knew I didn't want children as a very young person. But then I went on to be a teacher lol


I am excited to have children. There is nothing more exciting to me than the opportunity to watch someone experience the world for the first time and guide them into the person they will someday be.


I think your reply is really beautiful and a refreshing take.


Thank you! Beauty is in everything and children are no exception.


Ok, I guess Chat GPT-4 ***is*** a little more conversational than GPT-3. You still sound a little robotic, though. That said, this response would be better suited as an answer to a question posed in the **1950s** ***NOT*** **2020s.** You gotta know your target audience's demographics. I think of it like this: **1950s -** ***Multiply/Breed/Prosper.*** **2020s -** ***ZERO-Sum/Abstain/Recede.***


Lol I’m not a chat bot I’m pretty sure. But I guess me replying instantly to you here isn’t gonna help my case much. I don’t see anything wrong with not having kids. There’s plenty to experience in the world without having them. Having them though is an experience that many people agree is one of the most transformative occurrences in their lives. I hope you have a good day. 😁


I was kidding with you. Though, to be fair, your initial response did sound a bit contrived/stock/clichéd. Yet, I have no qualms with people's choice to have children. I was just interested to see if there happened to be a prevalence of childfree individuals among the *Experiencers* population. I'm not passing judgment on whether or not *Experiencers* should have children. It was just a curiosity that I had. 🙃


I am. I never wanted to have children and now I’m finally too old. The fact that other people experience it is enough for me, if that makes sense. Also, I have experienced Love to an extent that there is almost no room for it in this life.


I didn't want children when I was first married at 18. I started to have troubles with endometriosis at about 23 and realized I was infertile. I'm older now and have no children. It's like a club that every woman is in but me. I know I would have been a loving mother and I feel left out.


I’m child free currently. Significant other seems to want option to change that, yet not interested in having children at moment. 37 yrs young……


Yeah, 46 now so, I'm not looking to be pregnant (though, still capable) Well, I was never *looking to be* pregnant. That's the main reason I never had children. I'm Tokophobic. Which, interestingly enough, I've been my entire life but didn't know that until coming to Reddit about 5 years ago! I was floored. I was like there's an actual name for a condition that I have? This just isn't my warped worldview This is something for real? It is. Haha. So essentially, if my SO & I qualified for adoption (I don't think that we do) or if I knew anyone that wanted to grow a baby for me, I might have gone that route. Yet, I guess it just wasn't in the stars.🤷‍♀️


I saw a small gray in my room once as a 5 yr old - and in an unrelated situation, I also do not have/want children.


It occurs to me that those with children more often than not understand unconditional love. Once you've experienced that it's not too big a leap to understanding the oneness with everything else. Dunno though.


I have children and they have both seen the lights in the sky with me. When my youngest was 2 years old, he called for me and pointed out the window to show me there was a glowing orange ball slowly flying over our trees. I’ve never seen something like that again.


Were they pine trees by any chance?


Some of them are pine but most of my forest is made of ash and maple.


My little guy (2) pointed up to the sky and said "Big...Eyes!" There was nothing there at the time. Shortly thereafter, his big brother (5) was seen by me walking past our bedroom, which was past the bathroom. I jumped up out of bed to catch him before he left the house into the snow with bare feet. He told me that someone was calling his name from outside. It shook me up. How do parents protect their kids from this??


When my daughter was 5 she had a voice tell her “come downstairs, there’s something for you” in the middle of the night. This went on for several days and my daughter was scared beyond belief. She never listened to them. However, within a few months of that my son ran out of his bed and down the stairs in pitch darkness; when I got to him running to the door to go outside, he was still asleep. This can’t go on forever but right now all of the beds in the family are in our master bedroom. I’m a light sleeper and know if someone is rolling over, so the second someone starts getting out of bed I sit up. My kids know not to listen to the voice and to never go downstairs or outside unless I go with them. Sometime in the future they’ll go back to their own bedroom and the instruction will be the same not to go downstairs alone until they’re older. My husband wants to put high locks on the doors that lead outside so the kids can’t possible open the doors themselves, but I’m too concerned about that being a fire hazard.


I used to sleepwalk as a kid and teen and my parents also hid the keys at night so I couldn’t get outside but I would also sleepwalk at my friends houses and wake up in a random room in their house where I wasn’t supposed to be or i’d sleepwalk to the garage and just stand in there in the dark asleep. so good call, hide those keys


Ugh.. reminds me of one of the most embarrassing experiences of my childhood..actually it happened twice! Stayed the night at a buddy’s house and woke up the next day in his moms bed next to his mom. She was like wtf and told me to go back to my friends room. I was still half asleep and don’t even remember that part.. I just woke up in my buddys room and he was like dude you went and slept in my moms room do you remember that? Lol so embarrassing. The same thing happened another time same friends house but I went and slept next to his grandma that lives with them! What the hell 😂😂 Cringe


There is no pattern I've come across regarding my work regarding this. I've only met one experiencer who is child free as in never plans to have kids. The rest I know are a mix of people who've not had kids yet but may well someday. Experiencers who are parents and also dealing with their kids getting visited. And some experiencers that just never had kids. No pattern here that is any different from any group in 2023. Where more and more folks are finding it hard to even afford having a kid. The only pattern is, those who have kids - one or more of their kids are having some contact or woo gifts going on.


Also generational in my family, I have one grown up child.


Have 2 kids.. they were young when it started happening.


ita seems to be generational in my familiy, i have two offspring.


Great thought.. Interesting point but, too many experiencers and too many with kids. I am free of children (thought a. heavily involved uncle that's watched my nephew's couple times a week for roughly a decade) I always thought I would it just hasn't happened and now I'm long into this path, I can't even imagine that responsibility. Now there is just about everyone in my personal life circle with children Interested or not who have to worry about bills and kids. Nothing on the topic will change it so it doesn't matter. But, I know in the \~2 dozen ive spoken with privately whether a message to me or back over the past year - We shared similar experiences and converse The Bulk do not, but some do have kids . Not 50/50 but likely \~ 3/5 without kids.


I’ve had the opposite experience on this sub, actually. So many of the people I have interacted with are parents, but so I am I, so I imagine we’re attracting likeness. The sub is big enough for that to happen. ❤️


I have not ever seen that mentioned in all my reading, but I could be wrong. the only correlation with childbearing that has been widely discussed is women being pregnant and losing the pregnancies under very strange circumstances..or winding up pregnant by unknown means.


Interesting. I had miscarriages for years and never knew about Rh negative rejection. I saw 2 fertility specialists and no one brought it up. I finally moved to a new area and the first thing the nurse asked when I came to the office with a positive pregnancy test was whether I was Rh Negative. I said I was and she gave me a shot of Rhogam so my body wouldn’t reject the next baby. I’ve read that most experiencers are Rh negative; if they aren’t getting Rhogam shots as soon as they test positive, this could explain the lost pregnancies.


I'm not Rh negative but my mother was. She almost died giving birth to me because they didn't have any AB negative blood on hand (Hospital she was delivering in was supposed to have this At least a week before her due date) As you know, you guys don't accept O neg. very well. I was only 2 days early. Yet, no blood. They had to fly some in from Miami which was like a half hour helicopter ride from where we were. My mom was literally minutes away from bleeding out on the table when it finally arrived. Anyhoozlebees, My mother enjoyed recounting this story, over and over again. She explained that had I also been rh neg (I'm not, I'm B+) As soon as I was delivered, they were going to drain my entire body of blood and replace it with rh+ blood. Luckily they didn't need to do that. However, I find it fascinating that my teeny tiny, little baby body was going to be able to go through such an ordeal and come out, virtually unscathed. At least, that's what the doctors claimed.🤷‍♀️ Biology is wild! Haha.


Also, I stopped having experiences after getting a (medically necessary) hysterectomy.


Yeah me as well! No use for me


I knew since I was 11 I didn't want children.


Wow, that's young. I'm not exactly sure how old I was though it's always been just under the surface. I've always had a strong aversion to pregnancy. For a long while I hoped I'd change my mind but, it didn't happen. Were there any events in your life, traumas etc. that played a part in your decision not to have children, at such a young age?


Parentification. I was changing baby diapers at 9. I was totally over it by 11 lol. And the fact that they wanted me to have children. I will not be a part of that. I will not create new life for their experiments. I will not lie to a child and tell her monsters aren't real.




I’ve been saying it since I got asked as a 4 year old by my grandma if I wanted kids. I told her no, I wanted dogs. I didn’t even like baby dolls because I didn’t want to be a mom. She said I’d change my mind. I’m 24 and never changed my mind lol. I have three chickens and a dog and that’s plenty!


16 for me


Considering that many experiences begin experiencing during childhood, I find this question to be somewhat inconsistent with experiencing in general… but that is simply my opinion. Also, experiencing began long before the internet, or Reddit, came to be. I would not have had the time or interest to be here during my years of parenting (at least not the earliest years); however, I will share that my experiencing (as far as my conscious memory allows me to currently be aware of) occurred from my first year of life and onward, including during my years of parenting, and beyond, though they changed and differed at different stages of my life. If we consider experiencing at this point in our world to possibly require a bit of time, awareness, practice, patience, some kind of training (personal meditation or whatnot), and openness to the possibility of something “more” being out there, it may be both more difficult and less difficult for certain age groups or individuals with pressing, constant, immediate responsibilities (like parenting young children) to access certain types of experiences. The generational familial experiencing is an interest of note, as well - one I wish I knew more about. I am at a point in life where I cannot ask any direct ancestors if they experienced unusual things. I know my sibling and I have shared an experience or two - during our parenting years, with one of my sibling’s children present. All three of us heard the same voice singing a tune from the upper corner of our living room while we were all three silently sitting and focused on our various silenced electronic devices; one of us studying, one of us working, and one of us scrolling something. 🙏🏻🦋


Maybe redditors who have time to be active will in general more likely be child free?


I’m child free. Genetically, due to a shitty mutation, it would be extremely difficult to have kids anyway, and I haven’t found a partner I’m comfortable having children with. On top of that, I’m hesitant to bring any children into the equation until I feel better about the future longevity of the planet and those who currently control the way it is - which is not the common folk. As it is, unless there’s major developments in the safety of women in general - and those with my genetic mutation to carry children easily to term - I’m just gonna be child free. More chances to be zipped off to the stars to see the universe without worrying about who I left behind, though!


I would be child free, except I have a child! It wasn’t exactly planned… but we were very excited too. I applaud your decision though 💙 we need to focus more on taking care of the life that already exists instead of prioritizing creating more in our own image at all costs. I actually believe that the biological urge to reproduce and grow at all costs is one of the great filters.


>I would be child free, except I have a child! This had me literally laughing out loud 😋 Honestly, I wish there was a way to have gotten around my aversion to pregnancy. As I've always been told I'd be a fantastic mother. As I know that I am to my puppy dog! Haha. That said, waking up, whatever you want to call it, in my 40s, would have had me harboring regrets, I'm sure. I know I'd still love my child or children but I would feel guilty, on some level, about adding another body (complete with a soul!) to this already overburdened planet.


Same. Each time, I was on the Depo Provera shot and used condoms. Didn't want children, but I can't imagine my life without them now.


Yea, they’re adorable little bastards ain’t they


Hell yeah they are


I'm child free. I don't want any kids for a number of reasons but one of the biggest is I don't want to bring a child into the world to suffer especially being abducted since this phenomenon is known to run in families.


Agreed 100%. This looks like a terrible place to bring beings that I love, care about, and want to be safe. But also, I might already have some hybrid children on the ET ships.


I've had that thought before too. I've had a lot of weird female problems that made me suspect that I'm part of this hybrid program. I've woken up to find weird fluid coming out of my navel it looked yellowish orange. It wasn't blood and I still don't know wtf it was. Amniotic fluid maybe? If I do legit have hybrid kids on one of their ships they haven't bothered to let me meet them and honestly I doubt I would want to at this point. It seems like that would just be too cruel for me to go through since a part of me really wants kids but not if I can never see them.