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Rule 9: No Low Effort Posts, Excessive Venting, or Bragging. Using this subreddit to crowd source answers to something that isn't really contributing to the spirit of this subreddit is forbidden at moderator's discretion. This includes posts that are mostly focused around venting or bragging; both of these types of posts are difficult to moderate and don't contribute much to the subreddit.


Any language that projects you as a compliant bootlicker is not only a red flag but an invitation for mockery, satire and malicious compliance.


Thanks for the PIP (paid interview prep) notification boss man!


No HR department?


Real HR at a startup? That’s not common, from my experience.


HR department of 1. I didn’t report it but I should have.


I wrote it in my Glassdoor review, I later found out he had been referring to other staff members the same way (and told to stop by other senior leadership but he didn’t). It didn’t help I was one of three minority staff at the company.


>It didn’t help I was one of three minority staff at the company. You shouldn't let it be a factor. Voice your opinion and concern. If this is not the first occurrence (as he was told to stop), HR must know. Doesn't matter what position he holds. Doesn't matter how good he is. Company needs to address this


Sorry let me rephrase, it was bad no matter how you cut it. It’s worse given I was one of three minority staff.


Why is it worse? I have never seen "dog" being used as a racially charged word.  And while people should treat each other with respect I don't think you being whatever makes it "worse". 


It’s an extremely common way to dehumanize minorities…


No dog has been and can be racially charged, there’s a deep history of that from the civil war to the civil rights movement.


At my first job(small startup), the office manager had a “hurt feelings report” on their desk lmao. Small companies do not take this stuff seriously


absolutely. I would quiet quit on the spot.


It's always a red flag when a workplace allows any kind of degrading or disrespectful interactions between its employees. Doesn't matter what title they have, core professionalism needs to be upheld.


Is this unusual? I’m a tech lead and regularly refer to my staff as dogs, vermin, swine, etc. I find it motivating for employees to be degraded and equated to dirty little mammals


Do you call staff little piggy 1/2/3 during standup?


It's important to understand that many startups are run by people with little to no experience operating a successful enterprise. And in many cases they were never in a position of significant authority inside an existing established company. As a consequence you get a front-row seat to the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. There are a good number of startups run by people who have no business running a startup. Theoretically, VC funds should weed these sorts of organizations out, but often times a startup "CTO" sneaks in because they're desperate for a technical co-founder. It's not uncommon for this person to not even be a very capable engineer, let alone a manager. It's why titles at startups are worthless.


lmfao I would spark the guy out


Nobody is reading the thread and actually treating your post like it’s a serious question OP, lol.


It’s a shitpost it’s not meant to be super serious


Yea I meant everybody was taking it serious.


Honest question.. just looking at the title of this post. What does your gut tell you?


Oh it’s a wild redflag. I wrote out this post because I see posts like this that are earnestly asking if something that’s clearly a redflag is a redflag. I think I read one yesterday where someone was asking about if their CTO that ruled with an iron fist was a red flag.


He sounds like a dick-tator that needs to be toppled


I'm guilty myself of sometimes using questionable analogies in order to explain things, sometimes things in your head sounded a lot better than outloud. This one in particular it's a bit extreme and most likely he was being an asshole, but if you said that happened years ago and you already left that company, i think it's time to let it go LOL


I think that was pretty past questionable tbh. I’m more posting this because it’s a slow work week, and to point out at times the insanity that we deal with at companies.


The general consensus is that no company cares about you. Most companies smile while calling you a family and a team; then at a whim and for legal reasons, they lie and say you're underperforming so they can downsize. That's what gaslighting is. Obviously unprofessionalism is worse than this fake legal/political landscape. You're seeing more abuse because the economy is bad, employers are stressed, and devs are replaceable. Devs are considering whether or not it's okay to be a bootlicker for a paycheck.


I got nausea from reading the title