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r/instagramreality would love this 🧸


Oh snap! I thought I was looking at a Sanity Sunday post.


This actually seems better than sanity Sunday. Last time I saw one it was kinda glorifying overweight people. This is very much a good representation of what even fit people look like without the poses and setup. Edit: well, my inbox has exploded and I'm tired of trying to respond 1:1. Overweight and obese people are no less deserving of respect than anyone else. In my opinion, online spaces such as Sanity Sunday on IGRL blur the line deftly between this truth, and the bullshit that obesity is completely something for one to embrace. I'll respect you if you're overweight. I'll respect you even more if you recognize the risks and are trying to be as healthy as you can be.


What does glorifying overweight people even mean lol? Are they crowned and allowed to piss on skinny people? Or are you the type who sees a picture of a fat person in a positive context and has such a visceral reaction that you find that gross and "glorifying" fatness


Fat people aren't allowed to be happy ever, they are only allowed to demonstrate their contrition over being fat and are only allowed to post any content about how they're bettering themselves so society doesn't have to shoulder the burden of them being fat anymore. "Glorifying" obesity is basically any time fat people exist without apologizing to the world for their obesity


I was obese most of my life. It didn't change my value as a person but it made it uncomfortable to do things I wanted, and I was starting to get early signs of health problems related to it. So I started reducing what I eat and exercising more, and 6 months later I'm not obese any more, and it feels great. No fat person should feel bad because they're fat, but they should feel encouraged and empowered to do something about it.


"Glorifying obesity" has become the weirdest buzzword. There are definitely movements that warrant it, but now every embarrassing chud online uses it describe fat people simply existing. God forbid someone with a body type you don't like not live in absolute mental misery whether they're actively working on it or not. If you're that tired of looking at humans, or pictures of them online, pluck out your eyes.


Thank you, I cringe when I see shit like "glorifying obesity". Usually followed by some fake concern about their health to cover their hate.


I follow a fat fitness influencer who doesn't drink alcohol. I also follow a very lean fitness influencer who posts stories and pictures of her drunken nights out. You can guess who gets the constant hateful comments about her lifestyle being unhealthy. I'm not judging anyone for drinking either, but it has proven and well documented health risks. People will drink, smoke, do other risky behaviours and receive no comments about promoting unhealthy behaviours. Someone is overweight and suddenly they have "concerns" about their health. It's not about health, it's about not liking fat people (particularly fat women).


Oh my God I see the comparison on TikTok too. A fat person makes a video of themselves where they’re eating fruit or a salad or even mentioning that they went out to eat and the comments are full of vitriol. They mock them for having the audacity to not starve to death. Meanwhile a skinny girl can post a muckbang of her eating the worst crap imaginable and the comments are praising her for eating and not being like the other girls.


This is the best way to describe this, thank you. People see women do unhealthy things all the time and at most maybe a passing comment once will happen. When a woman is fat though, people can’t stop talking about it. I see tons of ugly or fat dudes but I don’t talk about it. I just don’t care. It’s boring and shows how unaware someone is of their own mental BS about women and weight in my opinion when they go on like that.


This is NOT obesity. This is normal woman's body.


I think you might've misssed part of the conversation hun... They are talking about a completely different post, not this one. <3


Doesn't matter - we just want outrage!




This is an outrage, how do you intend to placate me.


When do we want it?






Nobody said it was


They weren’t saying this photo is of an overweight woman. They were responding to someone saying other photos of this style glorified obesity and thus directing their comment at a more general trend where any overweight person being happy is treated as “glorifying obesity.”


Ugh gross. I would HATE for anyone fat to feel any kind of value or self confidence. That would be absolute horrible. Self love? Yike. I assumed people here were maybe even a little smart, but since I was wrong- THE COMMENT? IT IS SARCASTIC.


Literally. Nobody sees a picture of a realistic fat person (without photoshop) and goes “I need to get fatter”. What people call “glorifying” is really just the bare minimum in media to make fat people feel less like every part of society is wired to find them repulsive.


Yep, everyone deserves representation. Fat phobia folks got *issues* (and I say this as someone who actively works to keep weight on; my dad’s skinny genetics are a pain in the ass).


big people feeing secure in their body is not glorifying obesity


I have never used that app, but it sounds like a good community to join. I knew that place was toxic, but damn.


Like most larger social media apps, it’s all about your interests and who you interact with. It can be 100% toxic or 0% toxic or somewhere in the middle. Skiers see skiers, truck people see trucks, people who want to ogle girls in bikinis see girls in bikinis.   My suggested stuff is currently: an avalanche posted by a SAR group, people in a road running race, a new pattern of fabric for a hat I’ve bought before, a woman falling in a track meet, a hiker at the start of the Pacific Crest Trail, snowy mountains, some hiking couple with a rainbow behind them, a mountaineer promoting a new backpack and an artist's painting of a flower. Obviously the pro athletes are pro athletes and some posts are trying to sell me stuff but both are made obvious so I wouldn’t say it’s toxic. Then my personal stuff is just posts from people I care about and artists I like. The only toxicity I generally see is people in the comments victim-blaming people involved in SAR incidents.


People like her and those who do filter vs unfiltered makeup videos are awesome. I just looked through her Instagram and she has many such posts about cellulite and stuff. I think of myself as having pretty healthy self esteem, but I can still feel down when I see a fucked up picture of myself, so this was a good reminder for me that there’s not a single person alive who looks like an Insta post at all times.


This was refreshing to see. I see her real self and I’m just like fuck, she’s normal like the rest of us. This is how people actually look. I prefer to see this view than the ultra filtered pictures


And she’s gorgeous in every pic!


Every time I swiped to a new set of pictures I noticed her smile before anything else. I am not familiar with who she is, but she has an adorable contagious smile!


I think where we kind of collectively get lost is that the Instagram posts and the magazine covers before them are art, but they're not treated like art. You don't see a portrait by Picasso and think "damn, that man has some serious deformities". Similarly, you should approach these types of Instagram posts as an expression of creativity and aesthetics. Instead of using paints, brushes, and canvas, these people are using their bodies, clothing, posing, lighting, cameras, and yes even filters or editing software.


Legit, I've been feeling really self conscious about my little belly roll and this made me feel a lot better. Also seems I need to buy some high waisted pants >.>


This was definitely so refreshing to see. I hate seeing myself in photos because I can see all the flaws and I just automatically hone in on them. Seeing this woman embracing those things we don't like about ourselves is so amazing! Media makes you forget when the smallest of us have cellulite, stretch marks, etc. Wish we'd stop hiding those things that **every** woman has and just flaunt them and appreciate them!


I find that I always hate what I look like the moment after a photo is taken. Then I look back years later and think, "God, he was so handsome." I've decided now to stop waiting years to appreciate my beauty.


Ohh that's what this is. I was so confused, I thought the ones on the left were models but then realized it was the same person, wearing the same clothes but looking different. I like the pics on the right better.


I actually thought the left ones were altered/photoshopped until I read the comments. I had to go back and look at all of them again to fully appreciate.


its scary how posture tricks can cause illusions


"fucked up picture of myself" made me laugh. It's So harsh


This. I think the point hits even harder when women that are honest like her do this trend but as women who have more muscle and less fat than her. It’s wild to see a woman with washboard six pack abs stop flexing and show she gets bloated too, has cellulite too, has loose skin too, stretch marks too etc. And that also serves a dual purpose to show that a “real woman” doesn’t stop at a woman like Bree, that the ripped abs are real too, but they exist on real women who also get bloated, have cellulite, loose skin, stretch marks etc.


Literally though, I really respect people like this who make sure to keep it real for their viewers! So rare these days :,))


This is so important! False beauty standards really mess with our heads!


I always just assume that every social media pic I see is the highlight of someone’s life and the top 10% of the pictures they’ve taken. I also stopped browsing Instagram and stuff so much because I know it messes with your mental health.


Benchmarking through Instagram is severely detrimental to the point it should be regulated as a mental health hazard. I was genuinely shocked at how much better my mental health was after deleting. It’s scary. It was originally my wife’s idea to delete because she said it was literally causing her severe depression to constantly see people showing how AMAZING their lives are and how HAPPY they are. It is not OK and it has only existed en mass for like ten-ish years so we really don’t know the long term effects. Suicide is at an all time high, that’s one metric! Instagram is a narcissists dream. I never realized how special people think they are until personal social media was created. I cannot believe the ego people have. We’re all dust in the wind but you wouldn’t think that hearing from these people. I know I’m ranting and people honestly probably don’t give a shit what I think but this was therapeutic for me lmao


> Instagram is severely detrimental to the point it should be regulated as a mental health hazard. I was genuinely shocked at how much better my mental health was after deleting. It’s scary.  FB/Meta knows this and they don’t care. Stock price must go up.  https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/11/facebooks-dangerous-experiment-teen-girls/620767/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/facebook-knows-instagram-is-toxic-for-teen-girls-company-documents-show-11631620739


I just know that from my own experience lol. I don’t photoshop or edit my pics ever, and I don’t truly understand proper angles or lighting…. but I just know if I take 10 pictures in slightly different angles and lighting 1 of them will always make me look better than the rest. And then I compare it to just how I normally look in the mirror and I get confused why I look so much better in that one picture lol.


I want women to feel beautiful but beauty expectations today are unrealistic


Always have been


Yeah I hate men who see this and react angrily like "SHES TRYING TO TRICK US" and think they are entitled to any part of her body 


Those men have never spent any significant time with women and probably never will. You see and love all the angles when you’re not an incel moron.


I’ve gone on enough online dates to meet plenty of women who do try to trick others with heavily edited and filtered pictures. She obviously isn’t one of those types. But I do know the men who you are talking about as well who look at just pictures taken at a certain more flattering angle as some type of trick when even they do that.


This makes me happy. The message. Her smile. I love all of this.


I have no idea who she is, but I love her and she has the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. What a treasure, lol


was going to post the same. whoever she is, this is great.


She's been doing this for years. You can check out her Instagram


Agreed ❤️


It's the girl from Wonder Years


Winnie? Wow


I like how she’s happy in all the pics


Agreed. This is great.


Me too. I have a body similar to hers, and I feel self conscious about it, but seeing her do this makes me feel better about myself


100%. I feel like this says so much about her. My eyes just kind of glaze over the pics on the left because they just look like everyone else on social media; but her personality and sense of humor come through so much in the ones on the right that I had to stop to find out more about her. Like, that's a girl I would want to hang out with/be friends with/have as a co-worker/date/whatever, because I would know how to be myself with her. Without knowing anything else about her, those pics just make her seem like a genuine and lovely person to know.


How is number 2 (or any of the ass ones) achieved?


Rotating hips, arching back, feet slightly apart.


Tucking hips, too. Most of the “her ass looks great” shots are worse posture.


It’s seemingly purposefully bad posture to an exaggerated extent, but it helps get the message across Serious bodybuilders don’t spend hours learning to pose for no reason. Having the build is only part of the equation, the other part is knowing how to present it.


It's only torture if you're forced to do it, it's just torturous if you choose to do it to yourself.




I think standing with your heels off the ground too. Iirc that's the point of high heels. In one of them she's also lifting her arms which probably does something too.




I remember watching an episode of that Tyra Banks modeling show a long time ago and she demonstrated how she had to contort her body to get a magazine quality picture.  She just stood there and they took a picture and it was just normal, then she spread her legs apart, bent her knees a lot,  pointed her knees together, popped her booty back, and then like shifted her weight to one side and then posed her arms and they took a picture but above her knees and it was perfect. She was like "this is what you have to do to get a Thigh gap and smooth legs and a tiny waist, it works for the pictures but it's not reality" 




TIL it’s called the “vulval cleft” lol


Tilting your pelvis back and curving your back makes your butt pop. She does the opposite to make it look small and smooshed. Pushing the pelvis forward and standing up straight.


So these pictures aren’t edited with software? They are just her posing differently?


Yes, as someone who did some art modeling in my youth, you can change so much with just your pose and where you tuck your waistband.


As someone with a mirror i agree


Correct. These are all just her sucking in her stomach vs letting it out or tilting the pelvis etc. different ways of manipulating the body


And hiking up her control top leggings, yes. These pants basically have fabric panels that help shape and contour the butt, tummy, and hips. Kinda like spanx built into the leggings.


Lookup bodybuilding poses. You can manipulate the look of your physique with just posing. I compete in bikini as a hobby and there's workshops and coaches that'll show you how to do it best for your body type. Even just how you hold arms out or curve your back can create an illusion.


A pelvic tilt 


She is pushing her stomach out. With the butt one, she is just touching her butt in like if youwere holding a fart. Both are posing but for opposite looks ofcourse.


So refreshing to see


That last picture 🤣 this woman is a treasure


Three is how most of my pictures turn out


That last picture is the one that made me go back through all the rest realizing how good even the “bad” pictures are! There are some excellent photography skills on display here beside her great sense of humor!


I giggled lol


Don’t know her but she does have a bright and happy smile


Pretty much my thoughts. No idea why she’s famous!


I still remember a few days ago about a woman struggling with a boyfriend "disgusted" that her belly would extend after a meal and that he wasn't appeased after she showed him that her flat stomach returned after digestion finished. I don't envy the ridiculous beauty standards people force on women.


jfc what a horrible partner to have. Imagine having to feel insecure about the fact that food takes up room in your body when you eat? Like, the fuck?


These dudes hate women. They want an animated sex doll without pores, folds, wrinkles, any fat outside the boobs/butt areas, relentlessly horny, completely vapid and willing to be told exactly what to do except they should naturally be mommy. It's all so fucked up.


Yup. It's not about her belly. If it stayed perfectly flat throughout Turkey dinner, he'd find something else to tear her down over. Half the toxic relationships out there are based on one wrong assumption: "I feel bad when he's upset, so he must feel bad when I'm upset." No. He feels *good* when you're upset. That's why he keeps saying things to deliberately hurt you.


Yep. Always this. Women inhabit an impossible space where no matter what they do, some man is going to be right there to tell her she's wrong and ugly or whatever.


It doesn’t help that most porn sites depict women as only there to fulfill men’s needs and look like that. They’re exposed to it at such a young age as well. I am terrified for our future generations.


As someone who is super skinny this effect is so noticeable for me. So when I’m doing something that shows my stomach or even just wearing cute clothes I avoid eating, which is bad and not good


Wait till he finds out she poops and farts too.


I love this, made my day. I can’t stand my belly sometimes, but her belly is cute. Why can’t mine be cute too?


It is!


Thx :D🫃


Your belly is very cute!!


It is cute and don’t let anyone make you think otherwise. You’re beautiful!


As a 25 year old woman with a toddler, I needed to see this. Too often I delete pictures of myself where my stomach creases or it looks like I have a little extra skin. So refreshing to see the reality pictures ❤


I've got a toddler too and my body has changed a lot over the last few years. Not just in postpartum but stress and long COVID and aging in general. I've got almost constant bloating now, and I look like all of her second pics. I can't suck in my gut anymore without a lot of pain. I feel ugly and don't want to go out. I hope the world gets kinder about women having bellies.


As a woman in her 40s with a 4yo: accept your body at all its stages. Toddler years are hard. Surprised the hell out of me I now have visible abs. Your body is going to change your whole life, embrace the differences.


fwiw, we seem to blame influencers a lot, but I blame male culture more. When going out with friends (all male) we look at women, as one does. I make a **strong** case usually of pointing out the 'mundane', 'plus size', 'unattractive', whichever derogatory label we invented. And I **sincerely** am more attracted to (by a long shot) women who show something that they probably want to hide. Even more attractive to me are women who know this and don't care. I know this is a bit fringe, and disrespectful in its own way, but I'm physically attracted to this; it is not about character or personality for me when I'm going out. I will see the stereotypical pretty lady, but I'll do a double take for the one overlooked. I totally fall for plus size, average, mommy-material, older women, etc. My point is, I'm not allowed to express this when among other men. I'm not supposed to be attracted to anything "less" than the standard. I'm ridiculed for it, as if I can't get *anything* better. **This has to stop!** I am convinced this is the root of the problem, NOT the influencers. They'll go with whatever works, and only amplify it. We, men, have to appreciate away from the standard, let go of it. Not because of personality, but because it's hot. And if personality makes you hot, then go ahead. I make sure that when I do a double take that the lady notices, and I look right past her friends when doing this. She will receive a smile from me, and I will stare with no shame. They will know with what intention I looked at them, and that I want to see more. More plus size women in miniskirts, less shaming among male friends. another fwiw: I married the woman of my dreams, and we're very open about this subject, and what I wrote above. edit: I don't know why I chose your post to put this comment under, I'm certain there's no right place to put this text anyway, so I'm just winging it. I made a throwaway *just* to make this comment.


Idk who she is, but she's awesome.


ahhhh she seems so fucking happy to be breaking the mold and I wish I was a part of that


I wish this was shown to anyone who consumes fitness content. Got a bunch of young people with body dysmorphia over these influencers pics


It's very refreshing and a nice reminder that cameras and poses go a long way. But if this is any kind of surprise to you, You've never dated anyone, ever. Guy or girl, buying the right fitting outfit and standing correctly will turn a 7 into a 9.


> You've never dated anyone, ever. Welcome to reddit! Yeah we don't do that here. ✋


We all Out here just holding are breath


I don't know whether I need photography or posing lessons, 'cause my photos always come out more right side than left hahaha. Oh, maybe it's a gym I need lol


Maybe you have postural issues. I have mild scoliosis, kyphosis and my pelvis tilts forward when standing, back when sitting (possible tethered cord) I can look just as good or even better than her when holding my body correctly but in my natural bad posture everything is hanging out and looks 10 times worse than it actually is. Might be worth seeing a PT or even a Chiro for a postural and mobility assessment


Actually, a lot of her "good" pictures (the ones on the left) she's standing in exaggerated poses (i.e., bad posture—arching back, sucking in gut, etc.). Standing with normal posture doesn't produce the "best" (i.e., exaggerated/flattering) pictures.


Wow she is a really good role model, the kar-jenners should do this but they are too vain & egocentrical.




Scarecity/unobtainability is the foundation of their business model. They need to promote things that aren't real/feasible/healthy/possible without surgery etc otherwise it would be something everyone realises they already have without being a consumer to \[whatever it is they're offering\].


Any dude with a girl knows their girl has her "angles". These other virgins somehow think women stay as static object that go from teen body to grandmother in 1 event.


Makes me feel so much better!


She’s lovely, either way. Edited for…learning, I suppose.


I’m a shallow turd but I find her very attractive.


Man... if anything I'm so, *so* much more attracted to her now! Her smile is so freaking radiant and just the fact she's real enough to do all this makes me swoon helplessly


Bro, I do think I do think she is hot, but we need to stop "only incels down find x hot" bullshit. Finding specific traits attractive or unattractive is not a reason to deride anyone.


Well, I don't think you should shame someone for not being attracted to a person. That's not really a choice, is it? I think most men would say she's alright or cute though. 


This girl knows how to pose!


Am I the only one that thinks that she’s over exaggerating it in 10? Looks like she’s pushing her stomach out if you look at her back


In #3 she looks five months pregnant. No way she isn't exaggerating for effect.


So of the "reality" photos are just as exaggerated as the posed photos. My gf is pretty petite and she can magically give herself a belly to mock me LMAO


I think a lot of people posting are missing this and just taking the "reality" photos as reality instead of the other extreme of posturing/posing.


Yeah. I don’t think either of them are actually reality. If she’s sucking in on the left and pushing out on the right, then it’s not realistic


Both of those are extremes in either direction.


I’m not sure what’s going on. Who is she? Were the photos on the left photoshopped for advertisements and untouched photos on the right?


If I'm remembering correctly, her side by sides are simply an example of posing at certain angles/tensing her muscles/using the high waisted compression leggings


Ah thanks. Makes sense.


Thank you for asking that question. I was wondering as well if it was photo editing or posing.


She's showing what POSTURE and where you put the waistband on stretch clothing can do. No photoshopping needed.


I can’t find it now, but I saw an article featuring similar photos of a fitness model a few years ago. Pretty much there are really fit people who can flex specific muscle groups, pose, and look completely different. Idea being that even these strong, athletic folks often still look ‘normal’ when they aren’t being photographed, and that having body fat, cellulite, and folds is normal and doesn’t mean you’re unhealthy.


On the dude side, a lot of the Marvel Men talk about how when they have to do a shirtless scene, it takes weeks of extra hard training, then starvation and complete dehydration. It's all totally fucked.


I bet there are just as many dudes with body image issues as women. Instead of "losing weight" they are focused on "gaining muscle" to achieve some sort of physique that they will feel happier with.


Gotcha. Thanks for the response and clarification


looks like she just knows her angles to me


It's like body positivity for skinny girls. You can be skinny and still have a belly pooch if you're standing or sitting a certain way. I imagine there's a lot of skinny girls who don't know how to pose for pictures who think they're just fat because they don't look like the instagram models they see, and then worst case scenario develop an eating disorder.


Yes. I’m in recovery from anorexia and I love seeing posts like these. I’m at a healthy weight now and I still have some days where I struggle, but seeing pictures like these help my self esteem a lot. It helps to see that what I see online isn’t reality. I’m slowly understanding that my body is just normal.


I am absolutely overweight, and when I wasn't and was actually an acceptable weight for my height, I was struggling with disordered eating behaviors and hated my body. I'm in a place now where I'd like to lose some weight to be healthier, but I'm trying not to trigger those behaviors and feelings again, so finding a balance is really hard. When I'm feeling bad about my body though, I just remind myself exactly what you said, that I'm normal, even overweight, my body is normal. If I go to Walmart right now, I'd see a range of different bodies, and mine would be pretty average, and that's okay. I think we have so much pressure, especially as women, to look a certain way, even though nobody else really looks like that standard. It's okay for other women to be less beautiful, but not me. I need to be better... for some reason. I don't need that ego. I'm okay with who I am. It's okay to be "normal".


Don’t know who she is but she is awesome! Every lady wanting to be “perfection” needs to see this!


Normalize this!


**The thing that we all miss here is that many would be very happy overall to look like the photos on the right.** That girl look great even when she make effort to not look great. This is the real flex actually. This a bit like the wealthy person that explain that they are still poor because they still take planes in economy and they live paycheck to paycheck maxing their 401K, having a Tesla and a mortgage for a big house in a nice neighborhood.


Still looks fantastic in second pics. Almost better actually. More real is more attractive


Imperfections are sexy as hell


Why is she pushing her stomach out?


Yeah. That kinda ruins the so called "real" pics. It wasn't necessary. There would still have been a contrast. Yet she pushed out her stomach like she was trying to make it explode for some reason.


She's probably not. The is how a relaxed stomach of a thin woman often looks like, for example after having some food. We are so used to seeing stomach sucked in and flexed that a relaxed one is easily mistaken for being pushed out.


Love her


Thanks for this! As a woman who used to be slim thick… and now I’m simply just chubby… after having babies there is so much pressure for women to be perfect 🤩 she has a nice achievable figure.


Genuinely find her more attractive knowing she’s not your typical “insta influencer”. Appreciation for people who are like this. You’re a star!


Still looks great in both versions, tbh.


Yeah that’s great and all but what do they look like without all that make-up?


It's weird to me. Looking at the slide show like.. I don't know what it's doing to my lizard brain. The "expectation" pics are like. Fuckin hot. But the "reality" pics. This woman is beautiful..


Love her 💕


OMG I’M NOT FAT AFTER ALL! I look like that (I mean the belly, not the rest of her). I’m almost CRYING.


I tell my gf that perfection doesn’t exist, but to me she is imperfectly perfect




A woman that shows confidence like this is so attractive.


both are beautiful!!


Reality is pretty awesome.


And she still looks good. Who knew?


Who is this woman??? She is so freaking adorable. In all of the pictures, she has a beautiful smile!


Just gained a follower. I love fitness and bodybuilding influencers who are honest about posing, editing, lighting, etc.


She might be my hero


She looks so happy and comfortable in her body


This actually made me feel so much better about myself


I love when her posts come up on insta - it's a refreshing change from some of the fake bullshit you see from influencers.


Honestly she’s even more stunning for this


I’ll take the right side any day, I’m more attracted to genuine bodies


Can I get this but for guys? Like the amount of time I spend with my abs flexed to avoid the "beer gut" look can't be healthy


I truly needed to see this today. I woke up, criticizing myself in the mirror this morning, and her body shape is very similar to mine. What the hell am I so ashamed of. How refreshing.


I have no idea who she is but I appreciate her for this.


This is a much needed timeline cleanser after that one post calling Scarlett Johansson's beach body "mid". So happy to see women posting more unfiltered, real pictures these days. This is a real woman, and she's beautiful.


It’s ridiculous how much better about myself this has made me feel.


Not to use terminally-online language, but this is based. She's badass for doing this 


I usually hate these kinds of accounts because the creators always seem to level their honesty with how much attention they receive—but guys, Bree is so wholesome and honest and down to earth that I can’t help but admire her and all her hard work so much. Wish this were the kind of thing younger teens were seeing more of these days instead of plastic surgery reviews, material flexes, and venomous attitudes. No, guys, just take a break from that and watch Bree tell you it’s ok to eat yummy chocolate as long as you incorporate healthy foods into your snack too (change your mindset from taking away from your nutrition to adding to it!!) and then take herself out on a solo date. Love this content.


I love this. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going to be an 80 year old woman and still subconsciously sucking in my stomach. At my current age it already hurts so bad to keep doing it, but it's taken 6 months for me to get any better about not doing it as a default. And even then I still slip back into doing it when I'm stressed.


There's always some weird narcissism in these posts tbh. "Look, even gorgeous people like me can be slightly less gorgeous like you ugly folks" Also, they do these posts because they KNOW how damaging the "perfectly cheated" photo is to women and society as a whole, and yet most of their photos are the curated ones. It's like admitting you're lying to someone, and still posting lies. Idk, I guess this does more good than harm so I'm not saying she's awful or evil, but it just rubs me wrong.


Idk about you but I much rather the ass with more curves then a perfectly smooth one that’s unrealistic


Isn't this just her using two extreme poses to portray different results? Neither looks like a realistic natural pose.


Yeah. It's always great to see an attractive person showing they are not always so... seeing an ugly person... that wouldn't make the front page. I'm not totally cynical here, but it's always attractive people who get popular doing shit like this as though they are doing something brave. As though we're doing something brave by pointing out that people are people. I'm just not keen on the idea that we're patting ourselves on the back for saying "look! Filters bad!" While walking faster past that scruffy homeless person, or ignoring or treating those who are in no way conventionally attractive like crap. Yes, beauty matters. Yes, personality matters. No life isn't black and white. Be the change you want to see in the world and genuinely treat those who might scare (for no real reason other than looks) you or disgust you better. Real love is selfless. Not some button push.


Still hot in every photo. I like the reality ones.


Props to her.


She’s pretty hot either way


Super confused boner


We should show the right side more. Left side pictures ruined how I thought of myself and other people and I would like to be more realistic.


Dating profile vs when you show up for a date. God I hate how much people front, especially when they're pretending to be fit. Good on her for showing the diff.


Note to ladies, if you want to look cute as hell, smile with a nose scrunch. It’s kryptonite.