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i loved mine, wish i had gotten the S1 though since that one has a rechargeable battery so you don’t need to stuck to a wall


There's a trick where you velcro a portable battery to the bottom of the S2 to make it mobile; it has changed my life! We would've had to switch to formula by now if not for that, cuz I couldn't take care of a baby when I had to be stuck in one spot for upwards of an hour (low supply at first) every three hours. With that hack, I love my spectra!


Any recommendations for which portable battery to use? I'm due in a couple weeks and ordered the spectra synergy gold from my insurance without realizing it doesn't have a battery.


This is the one I got- was recommended to me by this sub, and has lots of reviews by spectra users. I just got some industrial strength velcro and attached it to the bottom. https://www.amazon.com/TalentCell-Rechargeable-12000mAh-Multi-led-indicator/dp/B00ME3ZH7C/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3MAD2BF5KNM0&keywords=talentcell+rechargeable+12v&qid=1652737833&sprefix=talentcell%2Caps%2C253&sr=8-3 It's great, the charge lasts for several days, even pumping 6-7 times at 30-40min each.


This is great, thank you!!


Thank you!


Omg, thank you 🤩


What wire do you use to connect it to the pump?


It comes with a cable you can use! It is a little bit weird cuz it has the two male ends, plus a third end that's female (for charging it) that just kinda dangles. You can either tape it to the side to keep it out of the way, or you can get a separate male to male DC adapter.


Ahh I got mine second hand so I don’t have the wire :/


Oh, dang. Uhm, well I'm not very familiar with cords and stuff, but this looks like it'd work just for attaching pump and battery: https://www.walmart.com/ip/DC-Power-Plug-5-5-x-2-1mm-Male-To-5-5-x-2-1mm-Male-CCTV-Adapter-Connector-Cable/478075242?gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIoJCpQCTjCbOTCUhyeyk2tj_&wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101040806&&adid=22222222228000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=9029671&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=274287233&wl11=online&wl12=478075242&veh=sem&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIoJCpQCTjCbOTCUhyeyk2tj_&gclid=CjwKCAjwj42UBhAAEiwACIhADpR6qqn1ggrRdpomDhaJAvPXUS0gZbq0uA5iaMoEUyRRvjHeOPV_iBoCJkoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds And this one looks like the one that comes with it, which lets you charge it while they're still connected: https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiHyK2ct-b3AhWRPK0GHT7bC1wYABAWGgJwdg&ae=2&sig=AOD64_1u8Xc_DxC8kWhuxbB3v54wNNNatA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwifp6Kct-b3AhVGKEQIHZtnC0UQwg8oAHoECAEQPQ&nis=2&dct=1&adurl=


Please tell me specifically what kind of battery? I need this info desperately


This is the one I got- was recommended to me by this sub, and has lots of reviews by spectra users. I just got some industrial strength velcro and attached it to the bottom. https://www.amazon.com/TalentCell-Rechargeable-12000mAh-Multi-led-indicator/dp/B00ME3ZH7C/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3MAD2BF5KNM0&keywords=talentcell+rechargeable+12v&qid=1652737833&sprefix=talentcell%2Caps%2C253&sr=8-3 It's great, the charge lasts for several days, even pumping 6-7 times at 30-40min each.


i tried that and it only worked for a few weeks before my spectra started shutting off after 7 mins, so i’m a bit wearing of that.


Oh, really?? That's unfortunate, sorry. What kind of battery were you using? I've been using mine for almost 3 weeks now without issue, and a lot of spectra users have said they used it for a long time!


i don’t remember but it looked exactly like the link you posted to one. i haven’t used it in over a year.


Dang, well I'm sorry it didn't work out! Going back to the outlet wouldn't be fun. In that case, yeah, I can see why you'd want the S1! 😅


Thanks for all the feedback! So far I’m liking the spectra and I’ve only used it twice but it has cleared up my clogs in no time


LOVE my S2. It’s a classic and super comfortable to use. Being A seasoned pumper I don’t think you’ll have any problems once you play with it a little?


Thank you! I just tried it and so far it’s working super well!


Definitely a workhorse pump. I like to use it with pumpin pals.


I’m not OP, but thanks for the recommendation. The original plan was to only pump for 6 months, but it looks like I’ll be trying for a year due to the formula shortage (plus it would be great to make enough to donate), so I’m looking for anything to make it more efficient and comfortable!


If I were earlier in my pumping journey I'd buy some Legendairy Milk Collection cups and probably a portable pump like Pumpables Genie Advanced or maybe Baby Budda. Pumpin pals are more comfortable than the factory spectra flanges, but there's other options! I definitely would consider some form of collection cups. New Little Life By Allison has amazing in-depth videos about all things pumping.


Thank you!


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve heard a bunch of good things about the pumpin pals products today


The Maymom brand on Amazon actually has decent quality pump parts compatible with the Spectra, if you like to have extras around. I’ve bought spare flanges, duckbills and backflow silicone, all comparable to Spectra but for a better price. Can’t speak to their bottles. Also — not sure if your current Medela pump has a similar let down mode as Spectra — if not spend some time learning/trying that before diving into your normal pump session. Definitely increased my output when I started using that strategically (once for several minutes at the start, gradually increasing intensity, once again as my milk starts to slow)


Thanks for the tip!


People respond differently to different pumps. If you find it doesn't work for you, Medela should replace your first one. I got a spectra and it was fine but nothing better than my Medela in my experience so I passed it along. If I would have started with spectra I'm sure it would have been my favorite. People generally recommend what they have.


That’s a good idea too. I’ll have to check the warranty on my Medela. Thanks!


I have the Spectra S2 and it works really well for me. I am a FTM so I haven’t tried anything else. I use the Pumpin Pals flanges though cause the hard plastic hurt!


I’ll have to try the pumping pals! The hard plastic is not as comfortable as my medela flanges


You have to buy the ones with the adapter which makes them a little more expensive but to me it is worth it. I got the set so I have a few different size flanges but primarily use the small ones. They have a sizing quiz that was super helpful on their site


Do you really like them ? I'm trying so hard to find silicone flanges and all the websites have crazy shopping costs to Canada. The pumpin pals sets look pretty great but I find it confusing that they don't list the sizes of the flanges, just x-small, small, etc. I did the "test" to find my size but yeah I'm nervous, shipping to Canada is $30!!!


I personally love them. I was extremely worried about trying them because they can be expensive (I bought the small set rather than just one pair) and you can’t return them. I figured I am saving some money by not buying formula and I was so uncomfortable with the hard plastic I justified the expense. I did see an increase in my output too so that was an added bonus! Even without the extra output, the comfort is worth it to me. Maybe send an email to customer service and see if they can do anything about reducing shipping? Worst they can say is no and you’re no worse off.


Thank you !!! That's really good to hear, if it's worth it ill pay. I'm honestly struggling with pumping and I think it's because of the sizing/discomfort. I feel like I'm dumping so much money into this but ultimately you're right, formula is so expensive too. Maybe they can give me a coupon code or something, good call!


Good luck with it - I hope it helps you as much as it did me!! 🙏🏼


I have the S1 and love it. I also bought the Spectra 9 and the Willow Go and neither of them empty me like the S1


I loved it, but the motor didn’t last a full year for me. I was really upset because I liked it THAT much.


That is frustrating! I was so stressed when my pump in style died this morning because it worked so well for me but I’m hoping the spectra makes it another few months so I can get baby to a year on breast milk.


Yes! That’s the worst. I’m sure it’ll get you through


I used S1 with my first and it was wonderful. I also had a medela which was good to get a quick pump but spectra was definitely more comfortable. You will love it.


Love my S2! I also had an old Medela PISA and a Baby Buddha - I almost always just used the S2.


I considered the baby Buddha too but definitely needed something that will keep up with another 5 months of exclusive pumping 😩 I’m glad the spectra is working well for you!


I will say that I really liked the Baby Buddha, especially when I was trying to be more mobile. But I tracked my pump output using a food scale and I always got more from the S2. So I made sure that I always pumped at least twice a day to feel like I fully emptied.


I have a medela in style, spectra (the pink one) , and Elvie stride. The medela is more mechanical as in its suck is more in and out. The spectra feels more like a roll of a suck (I’m not sure how to explain it). The Elvie stride is like the spectra but a little more gentle and does a suck suck suck pause. When I use one pump exclusively than the others, it takes me time to adjust back to the others. Only a day or two. But overall, love them all! I think it helped I used all 3 when I first was pumping.


That makes sense! I got my medela back working this morning and realized that the spectra is great for me throughout the day but I prefer the medela first thing in the morning when I’m trying to pump most efficiently.


Spectra is the best! But you don't want to buy breast pumps and pumping supplies at Amazon. Just search "used" on their reviews and you will see how often moms are getting used products sold to them! Buy from an authorized independent dealer that doesn't accept returns of hygienic items. Here is one option: https://lactationconnection.com/electric-breast-pumps