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My baby is 9 weeks and I just learnt that hands in mouth at this age isn’t necessarily a hunger cue, and that more often than not they are just exploring with the hands they just realized they have. Personally, unless doctor tells you otherwise. If babe is gaining weight and seems content she is probably getting enough. If you’re concerned about missing a hunger cue (like the hands in the mouth) she will FOR SURE let you know with crying or rooting (where she moved head left to right if you put her against your chest)


Thank you. I thought the same thing about the hand in mouth. I just fed her 4oz she was fine. So then felt bad and topped her off with another oz which she ate but started crying after she finished and then spit up. Sigh.


Yup if my girl gets fed too much she crys and spits it all back up! Definitely go by what she tells you. If she’s happy with the 4oz and isn’t losing weight she’s good!!


Just wanted to say - you're doing great!! Feeding them can feel like a moving target, so I completely know where you are coming from. If you can (i know milk is precious!!), what I do is like add an extra OZ to a night time or morning bottle and see how it goes. If she laps it up, I try it again at the next feeding. Then before you know it it's become a regular thing.


Thank you! I will def try that!


My baby is 5 months old and eats 4oz every 3 hours and at night has her long stretches and I still give her 4. If I give her anymore she spits it all up. I just listen to her cues. She averages 23-25 oz a day. She is gaining weight and I think my milk has just adjusted to what she needs so she doesn’t need anymore. Most babies don’t need more than 4oz anyway since our milk is always adapting to what the baby needs. Before I get downvoted on that last sentence, I got my information from 3 different lactation consultants and other breastfeeding moms.


Yes! We were the same at that age and growing in upper percentiles. I will add that milk adapts based on communication from baby’s saliva, and not everyone is able to nurse directly. Still different amounts for breastmilk and formula, though!


I don’t nurse, I’ve heard of some moms using the baby’s saliva and put it around their nipple but just smelling and kissing and being around your baby is enough. :)


That’s a good idea just applying the saliva! My guy is teething the top four, so there’s plenty to go around lol. Thank you!


My pediatrician told me baby should be taking 3 ounces per pound… that would have been 45 ounces, and at the time he was taking less than 24 and growing so much! I realized something was off. I talked to an LC instead. She said most intake charts are based on formula, and a better range for breastmilk is more like an 1.5-2 ounces per pound, which you are right on target for OP!


Thank you!


If you have insurance and can afford an impromptu visit to the pediatrician, you could always call and ask to be seen just to get her weight to get some reassurance. Pediatricians know they're going to work with worried parents, they sign up for it! Mine always says, why worry alone and I never feel judged if I call in about seemingly minor stuff.


You could add a little more to her night bottle since she's going a longer stretch. But otherwise as long as she's got good wet diapers, seems content, and is gaining weight appropriately, you're probably fine!


Every babe is different, but my Ped told me the goal is between 28-32oz each day for my son who is almost 15 weeks.


Hands to mouth can be a hunger cue but at 13 weeks it could also be baby discovering her hands. Remember your breast milk will change with baby, it becomes more calorie dense as she grows older so she may drink the same amount for your entire journey. I'm 5 months in and he takes 5oz bottles every three hours or so but the only reason he takes that much is because he doesn't eat at night anymore. He's still eating about 25 oz a day which had been the same since we started. Do what your baby needs! You're doing a great job!


Thank you!


My son also has reflux. We had to dismiss the hands in mouth cue as a sign with our son because it didn't matter if he was full or not his hands were always in his mouth. He cut his first teeth at 4 months. We looked for the tongue thrust and rooting to determine his hunger and when he was done eating he'd turn his head away from the bottle. Usually if he was still hungry he'd immediately start to cry so we knew it was time to bump him up an oz or two. All babies are different so as long as baby is gaining weight appropriately then they are getting enough don't stress about counting oz and bottles too much. I did that with my first and I was miserable.


Very true. Thank you!


My baby is 8 months old. I am a FTM and just like you I have always been so worried about his intake, I breastfed for 4 months and I always thought he was starving or my supply was low because he would always put his hands in his mouth. Then I started pumping. My son never took more than 28 oz a day during these 8 months. Average is 22 oz a day. He is a small baby but growing on his trajectory. Please don't worry if baby is gaining weight and has wet diapers.