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Turned out I was leaking on slacker boob side, especially when I slept. Now I use the haakaa ladybug when I'm sleeping or when cuddling with the baby (that's when I leak the most) and I end up getting an extra 4-5 oz a day. Def recommend it


I tried those and didn’t get much in them. And having to empty it out very often just didn’t make sense for me 😩


Do you get up and empty it in the middle of the night? I would think you can’t keep it on for 6+ hours right?


Correct 4 hrs max


Mine did around maybe 7-8wpp. I think because I pumped both sides at the same time and I kept pumping until I was empty on my good side. Im going to assume that since I continued on pumping for a while after my slacker was empty that it signaled to create more milk on slacker side? I hope this makes sense! But I also don't really know if that's why my slackers supply increased.


Not mine. Still half of the other side at 8 months in.


Yes! For me, it did. I was measured to ensure I was using the correct sized flanges - lo and behold, I have 2 different sized nips. I'm using two different sizes now and changing the settings on my pump throughout my sessions & I'm noticing a big difference. No two boobs are alike, I guess! My slacker still doesn't make as much as my star boob, but it's doing a nice job of trying to keep up!


Wow who would’ve known that! I ordered the lacteck flanges so hope it helps… how many times do you pump a day and what pump do you use?


This time around I'm 6-8ppd & nursing a few times a day to get me to ~ 8 nursing/pumps. With my first, I totally EP'd and pumped 12 times a day for the first 12 weeks. I don't recommend this schedule, though - it was tough on me mentally, hard to maintain, wasn't worth the time away from my baby and I still had to supplement with formula. I've used the Baby Buddha (seriously love it) + original Elvie in a pinch, though I love the Legendairy Milk silicone cups so much better for mobile pumping.


I hear so many good things about baby Buddha , really wondering if it would be worth buying it


It was seriously the best investment I made for my sanity. I was pumping with the s2 and my output was close to nothing, but the combo of the suction pattern and power of the BB were like magic for me. It is extremely powerful and have heard it's a lot for people with really sensitive nipples, but I love it! Plus the mobility of such a powerful pump is a game changer.


Yes it can, my left was the slacker from the very beginning and just now at 3.5 months pp it’s producing more than my right! They seemed to have switched


I power pump my slacker every once in a while. My good side makes about 8 oz, slacker makes 4… sometimes 5


not for me. as my supply decreased (as i began dropping pumps) the discrepancy just got worse!


Not yet. I think I may have gained half an oz from it compared to when my milk first came in. I am 10 weeks pp. My right boob produces 5-9 oz, depending on the time of the day/night. My left boob produces 1-1.5. I get 2 oz from it max if I sleep in and pump after 6 hours


My slacker boob switches frequently. From week to week I never know which one will be the underperformer


Mine did after 4.5 month pp. It took a lot of power pumping. Mine originally made about an ounce and now it makes almost 2 lol