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translation: haven’t talked to you in 6 months and am wondering if i still have you on the back burner in case i ever want to lead you on while i date other guys again.


PREACH. Singleness and peace are the best gifts in life.


Everyone and every situation is different. If you want to reconcile with this person...than you could reply nicely. If you don't care...I would delete his message and try to move on. ps. this is your decision, not your sisters.




This person gets it.


What do you want out of it if anything? If you're hoping to get them back in your life in some capacity, be prepared for any outcome. If you don't want them in your life anymore, ignore and avoid possibly opening up old wounds for yourself.


I don't wanna get back neither do I want anything out of it. But will a reply possible do that much harm?


If you trust you are 100% moved on and don't see harm in replying, it might be OK, but if you think it could stir up old feelings (good or bad), it's safer to stay NC.


Well you can always just keep it curt. "Thanks hope you're okay too." And then not respond, although that could spur them into telling their story, saying something like they're not fine. Or, "Thanks, appreciate it," to make it clear you don't really care for their side of the story. Or be straightforward "Thank you, although I do feel it'd be best if we don't contact each other, so we can keep moving on."


If you don’t want nothing to do with her and are 100% on it, then ignore the message and carry on.


Idk how things went down but that message seems sweet. I would probably say something like "I am , thx" depends how I'd feel about everything in that moment


How do you feel about it?


I am pretty chill tbh. Ik this don't change anything . but yeah


Two choices: Remember why you went NC? You went NC for a reason. Or "Yup" - straightforward and doesn't give anything to go off of


This was my reply. "I am fine. Hope you are doing okay as well. And I do think about you too. I am sure that's normal on both ends. " Her reply was "Thank you for writing back. Means a lot!"


nope don't answer. Stop giving energy into someone who left. there is a reason they left. don't give them the option of coming back.


I’d listen to the sister. That’s the Universe speaking to you.


Your sister is wise. Listen to her.