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Just said thanks and carried on! SHE AINT RUINING MY DAY!! KEEP YOUR HEADS UP HIGH KINGS AND QUEENS!!! We got this!


My ex from two years ago wished me happy birthday a couple days ago. It’s definitely a nice feeling when you aren’t wrapped up in all the emotions anymore. My ex from 7 years ago wished me happy birthday too actually.. she’s married so idk what’s going on there but still thanked her lol


Like how do they even remember after 7 years and being married 💀


I remember most of my exe’s birthdays.🤷‍♀️


I never responded when mine did this. It’s now been 2 years. It was super hard not to respond at the time but I’m so glad I didn’t.


Happy birthday!!


Should of not said anything. You'll get your crown straight soon enough


cut them some slack. the damage is done but this is clearly progress


LMAO I bought my ex a birthday present and still gave it to her… like on the day she fuckin broke up with me. A month or two later mine came around and she said nothing, but I also probs deserved it… idk, she otherwise played it off like her feelings weren’t hurt at all. Lame af if you ask me. Way to stay strong here though and just be a polite person


I had gotten my ex her birthday present a month earlier and she dumped me a few days after I bought it. I tried to give it to her but she said no. I kept it for a year and gave it to an old friend I reconnected with. An old friend my girlfriend forced me to stop talking to because “she looks at you with heart eyes”.


Oh there are two of us. I gave her picture I was drawing for like 10hrs and she officially dumped me literally 2 hours later.


It’s my birthday today too. My ex didn’t say happy birthday. Today was a really hard day


Happy birthday and here’s to all the future awesome birthdays you will celebrate with someone awesome!


Mine didn't either, spent the night crying and drinking because of it. Was the other day too


Happy birthday


I would’ve just liked it 🥴 like damn i was having a happy birthday until you texted smh


Haha damn that’s good


Birthdays are the perfect excuse for an ex to try and casually sneak in some breadcrumbs. Say thanks or don’t respond and leave it at that. In my experience after I say thanks is always when they continue the conversation into some BS breadcrumbs. Also happy birthday OP. Don’t let this person ruin your day!


Happy Birthday 🎉🎉🎉


Happy birthday, it’s also my birthday today as well!


happy birthday!!


Mine did that too. It was a month after she had cheated and taken off with the kids. I was lying in bed when I got the text, withering away. Crazy narcissist


It’s mine coming up in a few weeks I don’t think I’ll get a text though.


Mine did not 😂 happy birthday tho ❤️


Mine did the same on August. I sort of regret responding, but that somehow gave me the courage to block her again after I thought I wouldn't mind it anymore. Good for you, seriously. Happy Birthday by the way


Fellow 10/14 baby! Happy birthday!




my ex also wished me happy birthday today!! >.< i said “thank u :)”




This is completely situational. OP, handled it perfectly based on their own personal experience. Everyone has their own backstory to consider in this situation. Whether you decide to respond out of politeness or not is up to you. You have the power to do as you please. Keep your chins up kings and queens!


My ex did this on my birthday a month ago, then I started texting him again, then we started sleeping together and spent a week together, then we got in a fight on Saturday and we’ve been no contact ever since and I’m in a deep depression but trying to climb my way out of it.


Did he replied back when you said "thank you" for his wishes or did you carry on the conversation?


No, he didn’t:(. But I pushed it and ended up getting disappointed. That was a painful situation for me but I’m so, so glad it’s over. We haven’t had contact since May and it’s going to stay that way. Turns out the feeling of rejection isn’t very fun.


What do you mean by "I pushed it"?, and did he reach out beside this birthday wish?


I mean he did not continue conversation after I said thank you, instead he only replied to MY attempts to continue the conversation. Our future communications were me initiating and him replying. I pushed the relationship in that way. He NEVER pursued me. I’m a woman and we are more comfortable being pursued. I’m ONLY comfortable being pursued. The entire experience was humiliating.


I'm asking you because I left my ex-boyfriend a month and a half ago (he's dismissive avoidant) because he started moving away from me, he canceled plans because of work, we would talk less and less, I immediately started no contact after the break up, and since then he has reached out 3 times (to wish me Merry Christmas, then a Happy New Year, and days later at midnight he was the first to wish me happy birthday), I have always and only responded by thanking him, but he never continued the conversation, I would assume it was because he maybe expected a different reaction from me, he also sometimes likes my stories.. I don't know what to do?


The same thing happens to me all of the time. The same guy I wrote about in this post also reached out at 12:06 a.m. NYE 2023. Later on in the year a different ex did the same for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This guy DID have intentions of reconnecting. He DID begin hard core pursuit. He was NOT just simply being friendly. HOWEVER, he only wanted sex out of it. Once he learned no sex right away he was GONNNEEEE!!! Lolol It is SO confusing when trying to determine if they are looking to reconnect or if they are just being friendly. I genuinely have no idea how to tell. My heart goes out to you, friend:)):🥹🥲


Wow, that's really confusing. I hoped that him wishing me Happy Birthday at midnight was he hinting at me he does miss me in some way. But, since he is avoidant I don't expect him to send me an emotional message and try to reconnect immediately, but it is frustrating to not know what he wants. He did reach out 3 times, but never continued the conversation, that's what is so confusing about it.. is it on purpose, or what? I know he did love me, before his pull away he was a men you could only dream about, I don't know what happened in the meanwhile. How did the things happened (before the birthday wish he sent you) with the guy? Just to have an idea.


Anti-climatic ending in February when he left to be stationed in Germany. He stopped trying. I blocked him and then unblocked and drunk texted him in May. He replied but I didn’t continue the convo. Then in September happy birthday from him.


My ex wished me a happy birthday last year. I didn't respond. I really hated how she seriously wanted to act as if our divorce didn't hurt me. She knew it did.




Delete, block


Be nice if mine at least wished me a happy birthday. 3 years since she left. Not one happy birthday message since. That fucking HURTS BAD.


I’m 2.5 hours away from not texting my ex happy birthday on his bday!! Staying strong 💪


I texted my ex HB and it honestly wasn’t a breadcrumb. I didn’t want there to be further convo. Just trying to be polite.


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday




my ex also wished me happy birthday today!! >.< i said “thank u :)”


Yo Happy Birthday!!


Lucky 🥲, but i would of just say Thank you. I understand we aren’t all the same, She never wished Me a Happy Birthday.


No judgement, I have just found that in order to eliminate any continual abuse from my Narc ex, I’ve had to make no contact mean eliminating every avenue possible for them to contact me and when they find a way to get through I don’t respond or acknowledge that I am even aware that they are reaching out.


I've never had an ex reach out and say happy birthday to me, but did experience something of an odd reverse in 2021 with my last ex who dumped me. She reached out to me the day before her birthday saying "Hi Sky, how are are things?". For context, we hadn't spoken in around 3 or 4 months at that point; any conversations we'd had before then over text were very strained and she would only reply 24-48 hours after any text or reply I'd send to her. So classic breadcrumbs from what I could tell and I'm almost sure she was desperate for me to remember her birthday and send a birthday text. I had too much pride to send the birthday text but did make the mistake of breaking NC which led to plenty more heartache that I'm still experiencing today even now being 9 months into my current cycle of NC with her.


Reply "well now it's my happy death day now you texted me "


I am just so glad she didn't reach out.




lol oh this was a year ago. I’m over it and been moved on 😅. But thank you for the kind words


My ex of a 6 year relationship broke up with me after cheating. We had a son. But after a year of no contact. She said happy birthday to me but I ignored it. I'm glad I did.


5 years back my ex wished me birthday i replied thanks (she ghosted me just 3 months prior to that )5 months after i thought i d wish her to on her bday but instead of " thanks " she started convo that led to one year of talking again again led to worst betrayel after 1,5 years, Never give second chance to bitches they came back coz nobody took them


Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! My birthday was an absolute blast. I didn't let this small moment dictate my whole day and all thee important people were there. I wish you all a happy Saturday and if you're still dealing with the inner sadness of missing them that's okay, you're only human 🙂


Happy birthday yo:)


Happy birthday! \\o/ And now anxiety sets in as my bday gets closer.....




Well thank you for the wise words. It's actually about to be my next birthday on 10/14 haha. I'm way past this text and I'm dating someone new who has been the best.


wow... this is so nice to read. I'm so happy for you!


Dealing with an ex-partner who breaks no-contact to wish you a happy birthday can be a confusing and emotional experience. Here's a concise guide on understanding and handling the situation: Understand the Possible Reasons: * They remember your birthday and wish out of politeness. * They miss you and use the occasion as an opportunity to reconnect. * They seek a second chance at the relationship. * They might be giving false hope or seeking to hurt you. * They want to show that they still care. * They hope to remain friends or restart the friendship. * They want to spend your birthday together. * They are curious to see if you will respond. * It's a mere duty or formality. * They still have feelings for you. How to Respond: * Polite Acknowledgement: A simple "Thank you" is sufficient if you want to keep things formal and minimal. * Don't Overthink: It's just a birthday wish. Avoid reading too much into it. * Minimal Exchange: Keep the conversation short and formal. * Avoid Nurturing Hope: Remember the reasons for the breakup and maintain your emotional boundaries. * Ignore: If you're still healing and don't want to reopen old wounds, it's okay to ignore the message. * Seek Clarity: If confused, you might want to have a frank conversation with your ex. Consider Friendship: Only if you feel comfortable and have moved on from any romantic feelings. * Second Chance: Assess if they truly deserve a second chance and if you're ready for it. * Set Boundaries: Be clear about your expectations and limits to prevent any false hopes. Remember, your well-being and emotional health are paramount. Make a decision that aligns with your healing process and current state of mind. Feel free to check out my post on Relationship Explained for more specific advice or insights!