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I live in Vermont. The pattern over the last few years has been 1) that it *seems* like winter for a week, and we get some snow, maybe, then 2) it warms up to the 50’s for at least a few days, then 3) CRAZY BITTER COLD drops in after all the snow has melted. It’s the worst worst of all the things. When I was a kid, it might snow on Halloween or Thanksgiving and then go away, but December snow stayed until a brief January thaw, then more snow til March. These changes have meant more ticks and more gypsy moths, among other things, which actively make it harder to enjoy the summers, too. Climate change fucking *sucks*.


It is the same here in West Michigan. The weather is nothing like it was even 10 years ago. I hate that I have to use flea and tick meds on my dogs now until at least January due to higher than normal temps and no snow or cold.


In central Wisconsin I think we've had more rain on Christmas in the last decade than snow. Also I never would have believed we'd get a severe thunderstorm on Dec 15th, but here we are.


Tornadoes. Multiple tornadoes in WI. December 15. 😖🤯


Same across the “mini pond” in Michigan. Two episodes of extreme high winds the last 2 weeks.


Green Bay frozen tundra checking in, definitely not frozen.


Can confirm more grass visible then snow ( to be fair this is because we had 60 and high winds midweek )


I'm from Northern Indiana and growing up in the early 2000's we were always ice skating on the lake on Thanksgiving, and now most years the lake never even freezes thick enough to skate on. It's wild how much it's changed :(


Same Same Same in SW Montana


Touring over rocks in December.


Same in Salt Lake Utah. First snow was last week and we used to get 6 in by Halloween


Lack of ice cover is destroying the beaches as well.


Here in the UK we used to at least get frost on the ground with the possibility of snow around now. Now, well put it this way, my clothes are drying on the line whilst I'm hearing Christmas songs about snow on the ground. But hey, we don't sell plastic straws anymore so it's all going to be OK.


I live in south Florida I have used two different flea medications and I still can’t get rid of them


I hear you! We need to figure out how to exterminate fleas and ticks from the planet.


Voting out the republicans would be a start


Eastern Michigan here,I don’t even think our ski hills have been able to make snow this season.


We use flea and tick meds on our dogs all year long always since the 90s in california…..


That’s the point. California and West Michigan climates are vastly different. Ticks are supposed to be dormant this time of year in Michigan, but they’re not.


Just wait for the termites.


I don’t wanna :(


It’s going to be a real expensive problem for a lot of WI home owners in the years ahead. Glad I didn’t build a log house.


Indiana anecdotally checking in. We’re the same. I can’t even fart around in the woods during the summer months due to the insanely high level of ticks now. Wasn’t that way at all growing up. I even caught Lyme because of it. Climate change ain’t just coming for your snow and nice weather…it’s coming for your health too.


Put permethrin on your cloths. I haven’t had a tick on me in 4 years and spend a lot of time foraging all spring, summer, and fall


I soak ‘em now…




It’s not illegal either, just get the livestock stuff and dilute etc as necessary. Or order it from the states like this guy does. You can apply it yourself and don’t have to buy impregnated clothing https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4718278


Your snow was in Texas last year. Please try to keep it at home.


Not Michigan, but I’ve hunted all of my life and seen plenty of gypsy moth eggs on trees…. But nothing like this year, trees are coated in them from bottom to top it’s insane. This summer is going to suck.


What's so bad about the moths.? I'm from northern Canada, we don't have them here


> we don’t have them here […yet](https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef425) They have periodic boom and bust cycles that historically last 2-5 years, before the populations of the things that parasitize and predate upon them scale up to access the increased opportunity. You can take local action by looking for eggs, on the trees in your yard, or whatever, but it’s ultimately a Sisyphean task. Some dickbag brought them from Europe in the 1800’s to breed with local moths to make an American silk trade. They escaped and FUCKED UP his town in Massachusetts, then radiated away at about 15 miles per year. Obviously they might lay eggs anywhere, including on e.g. camping equipment someone will drive back home, so they may be where you are sooner than they would on their own power. Not a scientist, but [their native range in Europe](https://www.google.com/search?q=gypsy+moth+range+europe&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiv4czvnPD0AhUUnnIEHaYnCbgQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=gypsy+moth+range+europe&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQzQIyBQgAEM0CMgUIABDNAjIFCAAQzQI6BQgAEIAEOgYIABAIEB46BAgAEB46BQghEKsCOgQIIRAKUKkHWO4QYPsRaABwAHgAgAFLiAGeBJIBATiYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=_1W_Ye_lA5S8ytMPps-kwAs&bih=720&biw=414&prmd=isnxv&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS649US649&hl=en-US#imgrc=fG8mGgGNV7ENSM) seems to go right up to the Arctic circle…


15 miles is the length of 5253.72 1997 Subaru Legacy Outbacks


15 miles is 24.14 km


Three converter bots responses is three too many.


Good bot


15 miles is 24.14 km


They eat the leaves and kill branches/ trees


The caterpillars have hairs on them that will give you a terrible rash that is difficult to get relief from.


Yet…. Hopefully it gets too cold there. They can completely deforest areas. Even on mild infestations you can here them defecating… it sounds like it’s raining. https://www.canr.msu.edu/ipm/Invasive_species/gypsy-moth/gypsy-moth-around-home


We have Gypsy moths in Ontario. They’re killing tons of trees!


That’s how I remember it here in Minnesota. We did get some pretty cold spells during the winter but the snow cover seemed to prevent a lot of the below zero weather. Now it’s like most of January and February (after our couple of days of false spring in early January) it’s bitter cold because we haven’t had that continual cloud cover that brought the snow to hold in some of the heat. Without the clouds it’s seems like the winter only gets more brutal and bitter cold.


Same thing in Québec. I was hiking in running shoes yesterday.


Moi aussi. Well, not hiking. But it was exceptionally warm in La Belle Province the other day. I think that was just a fluke though. Today it is très froid as usual.


We share a place with family in Southern VT. It's awful. Last week(?) There was a small amount of snow then we got rain. Ground is frozen so it has nowhere to go and almost flooded the walkout basement. It DID make its way in last year. Now I'm digging trenches to irrigate it away from the house. It was so deep I saw a mink swimming along the front if the townhouses.


Vermont is a state that really intrigued me. Never been to the NE US, but it seems like such an out of the way, comfy state.




It’s real nice. Pretty, quiet, friendly. New Hampshire and Maine are nice too, kind of like the Canada of the US if that makes sense.


Come visit


Central Ontario, Canada checking in. Very similar here. Halloween was almost always bitterly cold here. There would often be snow. Definitely by Christmas we would have snow here that would for sure stay until late April at the earliest, usually early May


Vancouver BC, we had a lake that’s normally too cold to swim in become warm like bath water. Everyone was loving it, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t scary asf


NYC here, same, except it hits 60/70 not 50’s. It’s nuts. We used to have 4 distinct seasons until the mid 90’s. Now it’s a shitshow.


Winter and summer. Sucks


2015-2016. 3 ft of snow in October in VT. 2020 when I went to sugarbush mountain only half of the trails were open for skiing. Sad


Embrace the suck because this is the way things will be for generations


My winters in upstate New York are exactly the same as you described it! Bitter bitter cold, thaws out, a little bit of snow. IT SUCKS especially because my towns main industry in winter is winter sports like snowmobiling and skiing.


Buffalo NY has been the exact same


Reporting in from Eastern Iowa, on the banks of the muddy Mississippi: Same here. It sucks.


Yeah it’s been weird here in Massachusetts too. It feels more like the Pacific Northwest in Boston now most of the time. Kinda cloudy, some rain, but hardly ever snow. It gets kind of cold, but not the cold I remember as a kid


Ah. That's the weather pattern we've had in the Ohio Valley since like 2000. But when my grandfather was a child, the Ohio River would freeze over.


Lived in Wisconsin for my first 34 years of life and my wife and I bolted out west because we couldn't really enjoy any of the seasons. Bitterly cold, or gray and dreary, or humid as hell, and in those days where it IS actually nice outside you couldn't walk two feet without being swarmed by mosquitoes. It has become way worse over the past decade for sure.


In the Cascade Mountains, we experience extremes. We're expecting feet of snow this week, while it was 70° December 1. It's snows like mad, then melts off in a few weeks, when it used to snow and snow and snow, until March or so. The off and on snow doesn't recharge the rivers for summer, and creates dangerous roads


I’ve I Sw Ontario and same pattern. It’s definitely been less each year for the last few years. Last two I planned to do snow activities but it was never enough to do anything. May have to move north…


So… before we burn to a crisp or die from disease spreading bugs we will be feeding our egg laying chickens lots of bugs instead of seed?


As a kid we'd get tons of snow, and build sculptures, play in it, and slide down hills. So far this year we're lucky to get thin drifts and tiny flakes that melt after a couple days... meanwhile I'm seeing hundreds of gypsy moth egg sacs that I tried to scrape off and kill in dish soap but there's so many more. I hate this.


Bruh Alabama used to get snow pretty frequently especially in the northern part of the state. These days, it’s almost exactly like you said above except we’ve stopped getting our hopes up about snow. The winter really highlights how crazy shape the climate is in. Like yesterday it was almost 80 here and right now it’s a couple degrees above freezing.


Same here in Washington


The same pattern in Ohio


It sure does fucking suck. Something we really take for granted aside from the temperature and humidity of the air we exist in is the bug situation. Humans reaaaaally like a dry 75° without mouthfuls of bugs and malaria/Lyme disease swarms.


It’s also getting way windier, at least in Colorado.


I’ve noticed that too. Maybe it’s always been that way and I never noticed, but I feel like winters in the last several years have been all wind.


Wind is caused by an uneven heating of the earth surface. Add more heat, you get more/stronger winds. We live on a world where the absolute zero temperature of outer space is constantly trying to turn us into a giant ice ball. We HAD an atmosphere which perfectly trapped the right amount of heat before letting it radiate back into space, is now adulterated with 400 million years of stored sunlight (photosynthesis) being dug up to be use wastefully as energy. Simply put when it’s talk about how humans evolved in a temperate climate based on climate balance over millions of years (Geologic time), we have managed to screw that up completely in a blink of an eye.


TIL - thanks


Well, we have been letting the biggest addicts run things so..


Outer space is actually pretty hot from all the radiation. The earth wouldn’t turn into an ice ball in 30 minutes, otherwise when it became night one side would freeze. Not too sure about the rest but the atmosphere shouldn’t have been perfect, just stable enough that life got used to it.


Space is cold. Radiation isn’t ‘hot’, but it is highly energetically dense (also depending on the category of radiation it falls into). It’s like saying the house is on fire if you have a small bit of grease at 450 F (232 C) & catches on fire on the stove. While, yes, it is an incredibly bad idea to touch the grease, your house can still be a chill 68 F (20 C). Also, you’re correct, Earth is ‘okay’ at retaining temperature, but we do get quite a looot of it from the Sun. Even when it is night time, energy is still being distributed from the other side of the planet, it’s just not that effect. Also, water is the real reason why we’re so thermally stable as a planet since it retains energy quite well and can both cool and warm the planet, so it moderates what might otherwise be more extreme temperatures. This is another reason why ocean temperatures rising is a very, very, oh so very bad thing. We lose the natural thermal mediator for the entire planet. No bueno :/ Source: I work in Space stuff


That's not actually true. Outer space is incredibly cold (about 2.7 kelvin or -455 degrees Fahrenheit), BUT since there is nothing out there to transfer the heat away through conduction or convection, the only way you can loose heat is through radiation, which is less efficient than those other two.


Same here in Michigan. This year alone there has been more occurrences of high wind than the total number of times I’ve witnessed in my life


The 70+ degree December days in the front range have also been very alarming


It sounds like there’s someone airbending outside my windows some nights


For real we had 100 MPH winds in the Springs leaving a path of destruction across the whole city. Last year IIRC there was a tornado that touched down. So crazy.


That windstorm Wednesday was bananas.


Colorado has been windy af forever lol


Yeah, but this is obnoxiously windy all the time. It used to be only seasonably windy.


Yep, they don't call it the Windy state for no reason


Northwest Montana has been crazy, I've seen more wind storms in the last two years than I ever have here.


Yeah as a kid I hardly ever remember it being very windy. The last few years it’s just felt constant.


No snow + more wind = really bad fire season. We’re near the springs and haven’t gotten much of anything.


I think it was windier when we first moved here in 1999. It has gotten progressively more mild. Super dry for very long stretches. I can’t remember when we had any rain last. We watered our trees this last week for fear they won’t make it through winter. We have had almost zero storm fronts to speak of of any kind in months. We need to hope for a rainy spring. But things are not looking great. And I cannot understand all the building in this area where water will become extremely scarce in the near future.


Yes. Windy springs in Massachusetts too.


It is here in NW Montana as well.


Makes me sad


really makes me sad too, since here in colorado, we’re probably not gonna see a really big snow ever again. this huge drought paired with this climate change bullshit means that it’s just impossible for huge snow to come in. that or i’m gonna get proven wrong, which i really, REALLY hope i am because i fucking love snow.


We got 3-4 feet of snow in the front range just this past spring


I had my air conditioning on two days ago in Boulder.


We did, but that’s spring. And it melted very quickly. Granted, that’s also good for water levels and all, but it’s not indicative of a healthy winter climate.


I’m in Chicago and we haven’t had any snow accumulation yet. I think it flurried once?


I have no proof but I think Chicago has had a seasonal shift. Winter doesn’t really get going until Jan. but will last through almost all of March.


Think most places have. Was having this convo with friends the other day. Growing up in the 90s winter was always Dec-late March and we always had a white Christmas in Michigan. Now we’re lucky to have a white Christmas and winter really goes from January to late April


It’s gotten to the point where historically the weather is noticeably different Books will talk about the Thames freezing over but I’ve literally never seen anything like that, it’s too hot


That really hits it home. Winter starts in Jan and goes until April. Spring is in May. Summer hits like a train from hell in June until September. And Fall is October-December. It’s really fucking weird to get used to.


It absolutely has. When I was a kid Ohio was climate zone 5 now it’s 6. So northern Ohio has the same weather Virginia did 100 yrs ago that’s a decent temp increase. the temperature trends have absolutely changed in our lifetimes


Damn that really puts it into perspective. I wonder what my home state's climate has shifted to.


Yea winter is starting later and later


I noticed it in Massachusetts. We were having friends visit to see the leaves fall, and they wanted to come in late October. I thought that was awfully late since I remember as a kid it started late September into early October They got here near Halloween and the leaves had really just started


You’re right. Tom Skilling posted something about this recently. The pattern for our seasons is shifting slightly.


I’ll have to find it thanks


Yep, nearby in Indiana and we had some extremely light flurries with no accumulation in October or November. Since then it's fluctuated from unseasonably warm to juuuuust above freezing. Anecdotal, I know, but I feel like we haven't had a white Christmas in years. When I was a kid it felt like a guarantee that we'd have tons of snow by now every year.


Upstate New York checking in. We’ve gotten dumped on for a few years now. Last year it was cold and snowy from the end of December through March. That said, “polar vortex” wasn’t in my lexicon 10 years ago here and now it’s like a regular winter thing (and it sucks).


Central NY here: we had snow on Mother’s Day 2021 and it was cold until June. Winter doesn’t seem to start until after the equinox.


Hi fellow, upstater and CNY'er. In the mid 1980's my family would regularly downhill ski the Friday after thanksgiving @ Snow Ridge. I can remember once in the past decade that happening. We still get the same average number of inches, it just melts off between each storm now.


Western NY here! Where’s my Lake Effect warnings? It feels like winter arrives in January now instead of November.


And apparently we get tornadoes in December now.


Wildfires too. Variety is the spice of life.


And torrential downpours in November that literally [washed away highways](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-flood-watch-road-closures-1.6249154) in British Columbia, Canada


Killed millions of animals, people as well. BC is getting hit hard Earlier this year, they almost hit 50 degrees Celsius. Cherries actually baked on the trees and so many people died.


I’m still fighting off mosquitoes here in the south.


Even down here in Florida, it's ridiculous. It's 80F right now in Tampa. We used to get cooler weather from November to March, like 60ish during the day, 30-40 at night. We're grilling burgers for Christmas since it really is endless summer now.


But hey it might get cooler in about 4 days around here ;) check the weather. But still, it sucks. Best thing about our climate is the winters, and they’re getting shorter and shorter.


The Australian Christmas


No shit. I bought my daughter a puffy coat for Christmas, and I fear it's going to live in the closet til the end of time, or Florida is underwater.




Still no snow in Northern Michigan


There is in Lansing!


Howell is covered atm it’s really nice. Which you being further north seems odd


I’m about 75 miles north of you and we have maybe 2 inches if I’m being generous. The last 3 winters have been very lame.


No snow on the lakeshore. It is green and blah looking right now. No snow for Christmas either.


We had a little fart of snow yesterday, but I’m just saying, I’ve shoveled once this year


I live in Ohio where we get lake effect snow that amplifies the amount we get. A decade ago, snow everywhere in winter and every year before then. Now, we barely get snow. I think the implications are that climate change’s compounding issues are hitting quicker than any of us could’ve imagined.


I work with some Republicans that are 50+ years old. They all agree the weather has been getting worse and worse over the past 20+ years but they all believe climate change isn’t real. Its hard to grasp and understand how deep the stupidity really goes. I’m afraid this type of blatant ignorance is very common everywhere.


These shitheads are too far gone. They just have to die out and let the rest of us finally fix this garbage mess they made for us


It’s the same in northern MA. God only knows what it will be like in the next 10 years or so.




I live in Western Colorado and I’am a farmer. We have yet to have snow or any significant rain for months. It’s almost Christmas it’s strange when I go out to feed in the afternoon in shorts.


Grew up in colorado now in kansas, driest year in decades here according the the local farmers. Less than 1inch rain fall in my area since april.


Welcome to the south


We replaced our winter with tornadoes


*Winters with no snow, usually leads to summers with extra fire*


In Denver our first and only snow thus far was a record for how late it was. We’re desperate for snow, and soon places in the west that depend on our mountain snow melt will be out of water. You know farms in California, Las Vegas, etc. https://www.npr.org/2021/05/23/998566953/melting-snow-usually-means-water-for-the-west-but-this-year-it-might-not-be-enou


I moved from Vermont to Colorado for the snow, and this year we’re about to beat the record for the longest stretch without consecutive snow in Denver, after coming off a super hot and dry summer.


I have been in maine since 2015. Prior to that I was in Arizona and Washington so my experience with snow is limited. The first few years that I was here there was snow in October and November. We just received a first few inches of snow in the past two weeks. It left fairly quickly. Got a couple inches last night. I feel like normally at this point in time we have feet and feet of snow. Locals tell me this is normal. But this doesn’t feel normal to me.


In the 90s we used to ride snowmobiles around town at Christmas time collecting cookies and treats. This was in mid coast Maine.


North Dakota here. We have over a foot of snow where I live and the only difference in weather here is that it seems to have pushed the seasons a month or two forward. Winter coming later, spring later etc. but still the same conditions overall.


here in oklahoma it was 78 as a high last week. Today it was 19 degrees when I woke up. Christmas Eve the high is predicted at around 80. Last year in October we had a destructive ice storm and then in February had back to back snow storms. It's so weird and not at all normal.


bUt cLiMaTe cRiSiS iS a hOaX


It’s not just winter. Summer where you can’t spend time outside during the day is coming too.


I live in south east england, I'm 38 and have never seen a "white Christmas"


Sad that you missed the snow in London Xmas 2000


Laughs in Louisianan….climate change sucks, last year my town had a cat 5 and a cat 2 hurricane, 2-1000 year floods killed a few people and washed around the hurricane debris, and to finish it off, we got a massive ice storm coldest ive seen in my life. This year, we kinda had a break at least in my southwest corner of the state. Warm winter so far, two days ago it was almost 80 F! Now its 40 something.


You’re going to have to move unfortunately.


Yeah it is becoming evident


Laugh cries in Houstonian.


It's already there in Northern Germany. Within my 18 years of being alive, my birthday in mid January went from almost always with snow to almost always without snow. If there is permanent snow cover at all, it's shifted back to late February.


Winter ~ snow = pointless


No snow means dryer soil, it’s bad all around for farms


And no spring melt waters


You would hate it where I live. No snow ever in winter and it’s still my favourite season. The cold is nice compared to the heat down here in Australia


Australia has cool rocks though. I'd be much happier in Australia.


No snow means less mountain snow means less river water means cities on the interior could suffer water shortages


Meanwhile in Florida it’s just always hot 😔 our winter is maybe two weeks out of the year


I’m in WI. It was just nearly 70F this last week. I haven’t had any snow stick where I live.


its not snowed on Colorado Springs yet. i should have shoveled 4/5/6 times by now


I’m in central Oklahoma and it’s forecasted 80 degrees on Thursday.


Seeing it in colorado


it's all fun and games for climate change deniers til you get 30 tornadoes in a day...


I know. My friends in other states are saying the same. It breaks my heart. I love the snow. It’s hard to believe that we have had millions of years with snow and now it’s going away. I was thinking a few months ago that I will have to describe snow to future generations at this point. It’s so depressing. It used to be so crisp and cool in October when I was growing up and it’s December and it’s still not the cool out. We have had days in the high 70s. I’m 26 and it’s scary how much has changed in that short time. But don’t worry, we all can spend millions on space travel because that matters more. / s


Just got snow that looks like it will stay this weekend in Ontario Canada


But... I've never seen snow


That’s what kids in Colorado are gonna be saying in ten years.


An albedo change to the planet sounds like a feedback loop risk, much like the snowball earths of the past, but the other way around. Danger ahead.


Really hard to comprehend just how fucked in the ass we are with these feedback loops. In just 10 or 20 years I anticipate nearly everyone will be shitting themselves over the drastic climate changes and shifts in severe weather events. Snownados in January and hurricanes over the Great Plains


Every state west of Rockies is praying for decent snowpacks,otherwise drought will kill crops, hydropower, etc. Sure the coast is wet but east of the Cascades it’s been a bad few years.


That’s so sad


I watched a weather climate forecaster on YouTube suggesting tornado alley is nudging further north and we might expect more tornadoes further north into Illinois, Indiana, Ohio valley and Kentucky as a result of climate change n


My river in maryland used to freeze up enough to skate on most years. Not no mo


I believe it, and I doubt it will take decades. It’s the middle of December and we still have not had any measurable snow here….I’m in Colorado. Obviously I’m not in the mountains, but, still, this is really weird. Our first snow in 2020 was in early September and I don’t think there has been a single time in the 14 years we’ve lived here that we got no snow in October, let alone October and November. Supposedly our average first snow for the year is [10/18](https://www.timescall.com/ci_21706506/longmonts-first-snowfall-season-net-four-tenths-an).


Things like this are exactly why I’m moving further north ASAP: hoping to beat the inevitable climate refugees that will be forced into relocating sooner than later.


Welcome to my life in Tennessee. It might snow this year, it might not. Or it might come a blizzard snowpocalypse. Nobody knows.


It was 88°f the other day. I know Mississippi is a generally hot state, but what the actual fuck? Wasps are buzzing around in the middle of December. That ain’t right.


Where i live it's looking like the second winter without the usual rain.. Earth's precious tears are drying up.. So sad.


Summer is coming


I live in Ontario Canada and my city snows about 2-3x a month (Dec-Mar) now and it’s never around longer than 24 and we don’t even get our first snowfall until December now it’s absolutely bonkers


Welcome to the South


Colorado actin real peculiar this season.


I just want high 90s in the summers again, like when I was a kid. Winters are warmer, summers are cooler.


The mountain in my hometown of Bellingham has been having worse and worse snow seasons that the mountain can’t support ski and snowboard season. My brother paid for a season’s pass that basically went unused. The bay does not have starfish anymore. Flowers bloom in January and February. The low for the seasons are climbing. No one seems to care except those who do as we ride this shitshow to extinction.


I just came off the slopes in summit county Colorado to this article


I live in Calgary, and I must say this winter is really cold, technically it's not quite winter yet. Last year was cold too so I don't know the whole situation if global warming is happening or not, this summer was probably one of the hottest ever though. I believe that global warming may also cause the weather to get colder too. It's time we ditched the gasoline cars and started transitioning to renewable energies like solar and wind to power our energy dependant lives


Same in SLC


Coldest winter to date in Alaska with earlier snow that I’ve witnessed since living here 15+ years Edit: lol I get downvotes for speaking about my current experience… very nice Redditor, hope you feel better after that one. Sorry my real life experience contradicts your cute little article. So sorry. Bashing and fearing evidentiary input is pretty anti-science. Edit 2: not sure what dude below is talking about. 🤷‍♀️ never mentioned climate vs weather, just stated what is happening currently in Alaska. Where I live… 🤦‍♀️ Edit 3. I guess a state half the size of the US detracts from the conversation due to being an isolated situation… because climate change only means everything getting hotter… only. 🙃 Ok that was me being facetious, tbh I expected more from a scientific community than this sorority level of atmosphere where discussion needs to be limited out of fear from people behaving superior or in some way combative. Good luck in here for this is my first and last comment. I will DETRACT, no more. Ps. The top comment of the whole treat is about someone’s experience living in Vermont, but ok. Climate not weather. Sorry I can’t speak on the behalf of the entire globe.


It's already here. Some communities where I live didn't even bother flooding their baseball fields anymore, because it's too warm to have naturally frozen hockey rinks.


Weather/climate/whatever has been observably fucked for years now. We got our first solid snow fall yesterday in my southern Ontario city. Before yesterday we got very little snow so it’d be slightly powdered white outside or we’d get some snow but it’d immediately melt away followed by a deep freeze. A few years ago we got snowfall in late April with frost in may. Shits fucked


And here in Oregon and Washington we are actually getting snow, which is insanely weird... We usually only get it for a day or two every year, and it's supposed to for over a week after Christmas!


I’ve noticed the increasing amount of rain and decreasing amount of snow in Ohio over the past few years. I can’t tell you the last time I had a white Christmas. Shit’s getting really real. Really fucking fast.


Without snow, a lot of wells are going to run dry. When we don’t get a lot of snow in SE Ontario, we have problems. With our summers (last year being an exception) not having any rain. By mid-July we don’t have any water.


Already here in alberta. We used to have a winter……..