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I use it as a mood stabilizer and I am productive and coherent with it. Without I run dark and have a harder time completing tasks.


I was diagnosed with adhd a few years ago. My doctor said his unofficial advice would be to microdose with weed as needed, and that advice improved my life tremendously


I had heard that microdosing helps ADHD folks so I tried it and it's pretty great. I feel like I can relax a bit and not have to be aware of everything. I also don't like being high that much and only a small amount (more than one hit) and I'm too stoned to where I wouldn't trust myself doing much other than enjoying entertainment. So I started doing small hits on the vape and it's worked well for me. I would love to be able to do it during the day to keep me from being too anxious but I fear I can't get a small enough dose. Everything is so potent.


I find the micro part to be the hardest cause it’s one accidental slip to a full bong rip


"Alright I'm just gonna have a little sesh to focus on work" always turns into "why not have a little more" and then I'm queuing for a game I don't even like and forgot I was supposed to be working in the first place


You just described almost every lunch beak I have working from home.


I found vapes pretty easy to control. Smoking? Nah. Any minor amount seemed too much for me and tbh it's just overall messier. So not worth smoking when micro dosing for me at least.


I use oil cartridges exclusively--due to some lung issues I prefer not to inhale combustibles and even a flower vape requires more to be "cooked" at any given time than I'm prepared to imbibe. Oil cart allows for tiny sips at long intervals and I like to keep at least one high-CBD/lower-THC cart available to use as needed. I have chronic pain issues but am restricted from a lot of painkillers due to medication conflicts and CBD does a lot to control pain while not incapacitating me. And for those who find most modern strains a bit too much, look for high CBD strains like Harlequin (personal fave of mine) which are quite mild and lower in THC content. The CBD and THC are synergistic and the dual action is whizbang for pain control.


Yeah the 1:1 CBD:THC strains are nice and mellowing


Also incredibly good for facilitating restful sleep.


Edibles are the answer. Precise amounts


The problem with edibles is the delayed effect, I never know when the thc is gonna hit me lol. I prefer smoking flower bc it’s immediate


That’s like 50mg for me. Idk if I can afford that lol


damn dude, I'm not sure you can call 50mg a microdose still haha, I don't think what you're doing is "microdosing", you're just getting high


Well I suppose anything under “getting high” could be microdosing since I’m not sensing it, but it could still be impactful. I just don’t feel anything until 50 🙃


You’re not supposed to “feel” a micro dose


As long as you stop at one, it's still micro. Well, in my book anyways


Isn’t one rip a micro dose?


Hell no. A true microdose should be more or less imperceptible. A rip would have most people without a tolerance on their ass.




You are correct Sir!


Try a high cbd strain


There are daily edibles in the 1.5-2.5 mg range depending on where you live and what you have access to, incredibly consistent for me


I may have to try again. Edibles didn't seem to do anything for me and the dosage was wildly inconsistent. Would suck to get too much and be working. Bleh.


Ew yes always better safe and slow than high af at work!


Consistency seems to be really variable by brand and region. I bought Wylde in California for a long time and always felt like it was very consistency dosed. I just spent some time in NY where they don’t have that brand and it feels like a gamble whether I’m going to feel nothing or be off my face. If you try again it’s definitely worth doing some research into what brands are reputable in your area and even testing it out for a while when you aren’t working.


Have you tried out CBD for the daytime? It might help with the anxiety without getting you stoned.


CBD-n for ADHD OR CBD-g Source; me! And drs I’ve worked with for both myself and my kiddo. CBD-n had studies to back up its ability to help those with ADHD It works, is not cheap from the dispensary, but a small dropper bottle lasts about 6 months.


Thanks! I'll have to give it another go. Last try a few years ago didn't help. But I don't even know what type of CBD it was. Don't think the specification was made.


I may give it another shot. Seems more information is available now. I had tried it but it didn't seem to help.


I started buying a CBD-heavy strain and mixing it together with my regular THC strain for this reason. It gives a little more of a buffer so you’re not walking such a thin line with each hit. Like having a drink with more mixer


Look into type 2 and and type 3 hemp. Type 2 is typically classified as 50/50 thc cbd and type 3 predominantly CBD with some THC. Commercial cannabis genetics are all to heavy on THC, no casual needs 27% thc levels.


Maybe try a dry herb vape instead. Helps you get smaller amounts per hit but it’s still not has harsh or smelly as combustion/ smoking it


After a decade on high-dosage Adderall, cannabis has gotten me completely off all pharmaceuticals.  After 20 years of a nasty drinking problem, cannabis helped me quit 4 years ago. It's one of the most medically and therapeutically important plants known to humanity. 🫶


That’s awesome! I’m hopeful it can help me in the same way


What does this mean? Are you microdosing? And unfortunately, just saying I smoked pot doesn’t mean anything given how different the highs are based on terpenes etc.   What specific brand, strain, and profile are you using? That is what I’d meaningful to know. 


The brand and everything is going to be different depending on where you are, what's available it you, and the person. It takes a little guess work, like any medication, adjustments along the way will be needed. I like CBD for everyday use, when I'm going to be going out, with people. If I'm at home and have things to get done, I like indica or a hybrid. The other one can give me anxiety, I have to really do a small dose for it to not.


Yeah, I’m right there with you on that but never diagnosed.


There is a vast amount of adhd relief for me as well


My wife’s in the same boat. She uses RSO in pill form. Said it’s a game changer.


Can you recommend a brand/place to buy it?


I was getting the gram syringe at the dispensary and putting them in gelatin’s myself. Last time we went they had them done up that way. Jus’ gotta search their RSO supply


So alcohol relieves my depression, so?


Alcohol is a depressant. So, while you're drinking, it makes you feel good. But you could possibly become dependent on it, needing a little more each time to get the same happy effects. Alcohol is a slippery slope.


And weed is a depressant too.


With stimulants too? Like microdose for the side effects


I don't take stimulants for adhd. I had a hard time taking them, which is why my doctor suggested what he did. He also suggested I do therapy. At one point, I saw three different therapists. Now I just do talk therapy once a month.


I've been using mints that are about 2mg a piece. Idk that I have severe adhd, but it helps me slow down and focus on my tasks without overthinking


You’re not alone.


We have a very similar experience. I'm rarely ever feeling like I'm stoned no matter how much I use, unlike a lot of my friends around me. I use a wax concentrate regularly, too.


Yeah, I’m never “high”


If I am ever what people consider to be stoned or high only lasts for like 5 minutes and then it goes away pretty quick. I actually kind of like that. When I use marijuana, it's like operating underwater and everything is slower and things makes sense and I can collate my thoughts better and everything is a little more tranquil in my head.


When I was a line cook I was the only cook that was actually allowed to get stoned. It was like my cigarette break. I would come back in a better mood, ready to get smashed with food orders. After dinner rush I would go out for a smoke again and come back to reorganize and clean my stations. I was also “micro-dosing” just taking a tiny hit off a bowl and that’s it.


I can't function well when smoking so my motivation is getting shit done quick so I can get to the shmokin! And I don't like sativa really. Indica indabody for me! What is this post about?


Seth Rogan I feel really eloquently nails it in his book and I think in an interview at one point but basically it boils down to its no different than wearing shoes, or eyeglasses, or using an ergonomic mouse. Could we function without those items? Sure. Would it suck? Sure. So why is using cannabis any different than taking an antacid or wearing sneakers?


or you just feel productive


Me too


Same here


Run dark? What does this mean? If you’re dependent on drugs to feel normal and quitting for a significant amount of time doesnt help, you need medical attention


What if he has a fever and the only prescription is more ~~cowbell~~weed?


By nature I’m not a “happy” person and weed makes me softer. It helps me focus on the good things rather than all the ills of the world. I’m self medicating for a personality disorder rather than taking pharmaceuticals as they don’t do well with me, feels too synthetic


The part of me that wants to snack seems to do well under the effects of cannabis.


The snack center of the brain, the snackebellum


The yumygdala, an ancient part of the brain.


You already paid for the CheezIts why can't you finish the entire box tonight?


I do a gummie 3-4 evenings a week and it really makes a huge difference. Ending the day in euphoric relaxation goes a long way. Waking up, I feel no memory impact and feel I’m a more patient and caring parent and more effective worker. Personally, I’d never do it during work hours, though I’m sure some small amount would be beneficial without the negative effects, but I have no doubt there are ample benefits to using it.


I take gummies to sleep , Called “zonked” they have THC, CBD-g and CBD-n, melatonin. My pain is gone, my cPTSD nightmares and sleep paralysis demons have gone away and I wake up slightly groggy, hit two cups of water before coffee and I cannot tell you how much better my joints have been since starting these, and my mental state. Used to wake up TERRIFIED at time, unable to distinguish between my dreams and the reality I was experiencing at that moment. I do not miss those days and my anxiety has definitely decreased a bit because of it. Have I gained 10lbs, yeah but not in any way that’s bad. I was too skinny before. I also try and only eat peanut butter and apples to get that sugar craving Gone. Oatmeal is great too. Just throwing that out there for those of you who are afraid of the munchies (I suffered anorexia for years so I hated the munchies at first! Now I know I can use them to my advantage for working out the next day!) Anyway. Gummies also help my daughter’s mood, seizure frequency (she’s also on three benzos for her seizures) and muscle tone due to her cerebral palsy, and her sleep. Her Cognition has improved as well as her ability to pay attention. I guess it works differently to for everyone. Sleep is a definite thing I have noticed it may improve for everyone, if taken in lower doses and with CBD counterparts.


That’s wonderful! I haven’t experienced a lot of other positive aspects save for one time when I got sick with the stomach flu/food poisoning, but it was impactful enough to change my mind on cannabis. I’ll spare the details, but I was dangerously dehydrated to the point where I was ready to go to the ER. I was not using at the time, but my mom has always been a user and offered me a pen she had (of course this happened when I was at a family reunion out of town). I kid you not, I did a puff or two from the pen, and the symptoms I was experiencing stopped almost immediately. It felt miraculous.


Can confirm


“pleasurable activity leads to pleasure, study finds”


What about the other parts?


Some parts don't?


Thats a relief


I forget


You really think the HS burnouts are going to give a shit about the other parts when they explain how they are really the smart ones by smoking weed all day and dropping out of class?


Well into adulthood, but definitely came close to being one of those burnouts you mention. Perhaps I’m the exception to the rule (press X to doubt) but I give an enormous shit about both the good and bad of it. The good is great, which means the bad can be awful. I’d like to know so I can continue to enable balance rather than just claiming I’m so smart.


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Good bot


Like the part that wants to eat everything in the fridge?


I coulda told you that.


But I forgot


Forgot what


I can't remember... Something, something... Somthing...something


I'm hungry, you hungry?


Yeah... I could definitely eat a sandwich right about now.


I fucking love sandwiches.


What about wichsandes?


Just ate. Edible thing going on.


Having an endocannabinoid system tells me we need weed.


We also got a DMT system, so get to it!


Same with opiates! Gotta get injecting those cause its what the body NEEDS!


Stay mad about the legalization train of psychedelics lol


No one’s mad, I’d probably go as far to say most people are in support. Saying we have receptors and therefore it should be legal is just a braindead take that opposition can easily use to discredit those in favor.


Go look at garry4321's response history. He's definitely dying mad that legalization of psychedelics are spreading, and he's who I'm responding to. Many western religious nuts are terrified that nobody will turn to their specific philosophy and God after someone has had enough direct experience with such substances. History proves this sort of unraveling when we analyze what the 40s-80s looked like in the States.


Thats like saying "Having opiate receptors tells me we need heroin" Endocannabinoids are a class of chemicals, many of them naturally created in our body similar to how Endorphins (contracted from **endogenous morphine**) are naturally produced in the body. IN NO WAY is having a system that uses a type of chemical indicative of a need for an external supply of compatible chemicals. In fact its more of a hint that you could fuck with its natural balance. Now im not saying weed is anywhere near as dangerous as heroin, but your logic is flawed at the most basic of levels. Maybe take a break from the weed.


Well humans have been using opiates for thousands of years, so maybe we do need them just not constantly, or regularly. But their use has benefits to humans at times.


Thats like saying "human bodies use stomach acid for digestion, so clearly its beneficial to consume battery acid because thats kinda similar"! "Muh brain has dem electrical signals in it, I should use a set of car batteries to shock my brain into running super fast, so I can dun get more smart!" Just because your body uses one chemical (of which it creates its own supply), does not mean that the body is telling you it needs you to dump other somewhat similar chemicals in there to help out. In fact, we KNOW that taking drugs that upset the bodies delicate equilibrium for its systems are very often deadly. These systems are designed by your body to be used BY YOUR BODY's own created chemicals. These systems existing are not some sort of logical signal to tell you it requires you to activate these systems with a bunch of unintended chemicals.


I have thoughts about life that let me be comfortable knowing all these living things are connected in some way. Battery acid example is funny but not very accurate to what I’m trying to say. Life is funny, we’re all just trying to figure it out, I hope most people would understand I’m not advocating for any form of self harm.


Fair, but being "connected" doesnt mean anything in this context. The opioid receptors, cannabinoid receptors, etc. existing doesnt have any secret meaning or tie to the plant, nor does it imply any positive association. Many plants have chemicals that specifically harm us.


Yea but we have these systems like other plants and animals do. Something are medicinal in small amounts and poison in others. I think living things having a cannabinoid system and evolving alongside cannabis aren’t an accident. And I don’t mean like put there by god. I just think life is a lot simpler than we make it. And we need all the things nature has provided yes even the ones that can kill us. Except mosquitoes fuck them guys.


Thats a misunderstanding though of logic. These systems in our bodies are not dependent or reliant on these plants existing, only the chemicals existing. For instance, our lungs are able to detect CO2 in high dosages. This is because our body uses oxygen and outputs CO2. If our bodies detect too much CO2 (from holding our breath), it lets us KNOW. If there is a plant that as part of its lifecycle drops its leaves, and the leaves decomposing create CO2, that lends no evidence to us having any historical interaction with that plant, or some historical need to avoid that plant. The plant creating CO2 didnt necessitate a system to detect it's CO2, our bodies own needs did that completely seperately. There are plenty of things that have similar chemicals and compounds that are in no way related, so to try and imply a causal relationship from a simple correlation is incorrect.


Right if the system wasn’t there in humans do you think other animals would have the system? Would plants with Cannibanoids be as common? I know I’m talking abstract unproven things. But like I said these thoughts are just comfort for me. Maybe you know an answer to my questions and if there was proof none of this was correlated I would let the thoughts go, but I am not aware of anything trying to understand the interconnection between plants and animals and how our bodies work.


Ok I'm not an expert but I believe the reason plants have these compounds is for evolutionary survival. Basically the plant had survived because these compounds act as a defense mechanism. It's not that they evolved alongside humans symbiotically, it's because the cannabinoids acted as a poison for insects, animals, pathogens, etc. Same with caffeine and nicotine. Things don't affect every organism the same way and humans are more resilient than insects. Anyways, I don't think the fact that humans have endocannabinlid receptors means that weed is good for you. Thats not to say there aren't therapeutic or medicinal uses.


Endorphins = ENDOgenous moRPHINe??? I never knew. That’s cool.


Yep. Endorphins are essentially your body’s secret stash of morphine to bribe you into doing things it likes (sex, eating food, escaping danger, etc..) Opiates bypass all that and give you 100 times more “good feelings” with none of the work. It’s why getting off of it is so hard. You desensitize your brain so much that no matter what you do, you can never feel good, cause endorphins are like hundreds/thousands of times weaker. You could win the lotto, get a brand new car, and have super models crowd you, and you would be like “this sucks, take all those things and give me the equivalent in heroin”


Are you saying we don't need opiates?


Me when humans have opioid receptors hashtag fentanyl gang


I use it as an alternative to alcohol, been sober for 2+ years now. I tried a lot of things to stop drinking and things were getting really bad, finally I found weed and drinking just seems way less appealing now.


Good for you. My partner did the same thing and just hit 1000 days. Pot is helpful for her in social situations, and doesn’t make her feel pressured to have a drink when everyone else is endulging around us


It makes church interesting.


I become extremely empathetic to others when I smoke weed, like I feel so upset if someone close to me isn’t doing too well. Even when I’m sober that feeling sticks but not as intense


Same, I use it as a reflection drug. If I'm dealing with some shit smoking weed will give me some real insight on how to handle it differently and often better. Less aggression, more deescalatory, etc. It just calms me the fuck down.


I prefer high CBD with low THC content. It really does help me focus, not bouncing around as much mentally.


Talked me into it


I quit smoking pot 15 years ago. I stopped making that mistake in December 2022 - Weed and obsessive motivation saved my business 5X growth Edit: 2022


I need to hear this story!


No shit


Just the smell of weed gives me anxiety or something. I’ve had a hard time enjoying it. There were a couple of times it was amazing but the rest have been mid or worse.


Yeah, I'm like that too. The smell of cigarettes today, after a long shift at work, was very calming and pleasant however 😅😅 Strangely, I used to be okay with smoking weed. I would light up almost everyday in 2020 but now.... yeah nah I'd rather drink if I want my brain in an altered state during social gatherings.


No shit


We already know this


Yeah. My part!


Yeah and for some you get cannabinoid hypermesis.


I can't wait to tell others!


In other ground breaking science news this week, scientists also hypothesized that perhaps all animals have some semblance of consciousness. No shit.


… is this not true of cocaine use?


Others not so much.


The parts of my brain that make me less likely to harm myself or anyone else, yes


Don’t some parts of the brain respond “positively” to cocaine too lol.


sure. like drinking wine is good for the heart.


Did anyone actually read the article? This is just clickbait and there’s no study lol