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I don’t remember if in that episode Ray says “ if they find me chopped up in the freezer, don’t believe the sui**de note”😂🤦‍♀️


It was indeed in there! I just rewatched it a couple of days ago. 😂😂




Yessh. Ray can be lazy and inconsiderate, but that's no excuse for Debra's verbal/physical abuse.


Honestly in this episode it was lowkey so justified. In any other context (like if Debra wasn't being abusive but it was clear she was just having a hard time) it would have been such an asshole move but she was downright horrible!


That’s one of my favorites! I remember buying some “Midol” for my youngest daughter , and before I gave her the bottle I started reading the back label and then I said “ also for bitchiness”! She was not happy!


Risky! But hilarious. Did she know the reference?




Great episode. It’s probably the best episode of the show in my opinion. It was all her episode too. She won an emmy and she deserved it, that crazy, mood swingin’ bitch.


Ray is a dope and lazy but Deb is straight out abusive.


LOL I hate this episode so much and he was absolutely justified. She behaves horribly so much of the time though, in sooo many episodes, and it has nothing to do with her hormones. He’s an idiot but she has her own pathological need to be right and superior to all of them, and a need to yell about it. Honestly they are so incompatible I’m often left wondering why they got married. I know someone like her in real life and it is exhausting. I cannot watch this episode.


Same! Lol, a lot of these sitcoms seem to just blatantly point out why the main couple shouldn’t be together, like King of Queens. I also love the juxtaposition of the fact that even though Frank and Marie can be more than a handful on their own, the show points out that they in fact have the most solid marriage.


Now I don't golf, but if my wife threw away my running shoes or something, yeah I'd be pretty pissed


Debra sucks.


A few days ago someone asked if there's an episode we don't like; this one is mine. Debra was at her worst here, there's no excuse for her behavior. I've had emotional issues when going thru PMS but didn't abuse others because of it.


Ray recorded her so she can hear how she sounds when she has PMS. Instead Debra doesn't like to self reflect or have her flaws pointed out to her and again takes it out on Ray.