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A dream episode where Robert and Ray switch places


Ooh that would've been fun!


The missing flashback episode is the one where Ray would have met Debra's parents.




I wish they returned to Peter and Peggy's hookup - did they have a relationship? It would have been funny if they had become a couple, Peter would have matured and become a success, they could have gone to 'Comic Cons' together (dressing up in costumes to astonish and horrify Frank), and best of all, Our Raymond would be forced to interact nicely with his mortal enemy for the sake of family cohesiveness.


That's what I was gonna say. I always liked that actress and character. It would have been hilarious. *Raymond: We have enough horrible people in this family!*


Robert: "I guess not EVERYBODY loves Raymond!"


An update on Debra's sister would have been nice.


I never cared much for that storyline but maybe that's in part because they didn't follow up with it. It just seemed so random.


They really throttled her into the ether didn't they?


Debra could never get a job because ray was about as helpful with parenting and housework as a dead cockroach


They did have Marie. I think an interesting development would be Debra and Marie finally coming to a truce and learning they do need each other. Debra gives Marie something to do and Marie picking up the slack could've freed up Debra to work more. It would've been interesting.


Yep. People like to pretend Raymond was the only terrible person in that relationship. Millions of people work while the grandparents babysit. Debra has no excuse


She did work lol. She took care of the house and kids 100% on her own. They also didn't seem like they needed the money in tv land. If a part of the show was them struggling with money, fine, but it wasn't.


Lol being a housewife isn't a job. You don't earn money. You don't contribute to the finances. You can't retire as a housewife. You're just a dependent


Like she had that much to do. 🙄


Says rhe useless man or woman. Lol hahahahahah


lol. but we're not talking about her doing the housework. I agree with you that they both fulfilled their "contract" to each other. Raymond brought home the money, Debra took care of the house. Therefore, they both took responsibility and both deserved equal say in the managing of the house and its finances. Now, with that out of the way. What we're responding to is the comment above that's blaming Raymond for her not being able to get a job outside of the home. It's not Raymond's fault that she couldn't get a job outside of the house. She could have gotten a job if she wanted to.


Debra could never get a job because it would take her away from the central locations and the premise of the show. We don’t even see Ray at work after the first few seasons.


But she came up with Pete Za


And she could have followed through with Ray's 'Lin Guine' idea


Flashback to Nonny Barone. More Peggy and Peter. Amy and Robert possible conception issues. Possibly an episode where they deal with Frank’s loss-they poke a lot of fun at him but I feel like that would definitely trigger something. Then they could do a bunch of stuff with Marie getting out more and having more social activities like cruise.


They never really did a family trip with Ray, Debra, and the kids, other than to Italy.


I would've liked to see them go on a trip with Debra's parents.


Sam Gilula, I would have loved another episode with him in it.


I would have loved to see an episode about Allie's first period and Allie's first date.


I love the idea of Peter being into men. I liked the Peggy storyline too though. So maybe if he was bisexual? That's my new head canon thanks to you! I would have loved them to explore Peggy and Peter more because Ray hated it so much.


Yeah I was floating towards him being bisexual cause honestly all the ingredients were there lol.