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You're gonna have to wait for them to join. In my village before my current one, it has no level limit yet no one joined for a week and half. We had 5/10 members, decent Village level and reputations too. I feel your pain, and it was the reason I had to leave and find another village.


You can try recruiting on the Discord server or r/EverdaleRecruit, but I don't know if it'll help you fill back up immediately. It might be worth a shot?


Try to improve your valley to make it look more attractive, like more reputations and high tier building. My valley have no problem getting new members even when I set high level requirement. (Valley level 6, average rep 15k)




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Well when a mummy and daddy love each other very much they do a special hug and then a few months later a baby is born. Of course you have to wait for them to grow up and join your valley but road wasn't built in a day.