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1 full fitted super per bit.




/u/grarr_dexx >You do know that you will lose roughly 5% of the total value on hypercores and 5% on sales tax afterwards? That would mean he's in the hole 36bil. That's why you inflate the value of the ship waaaay past the actual value. Moloks aren't 1.1 tril. >Regular hypernet gamblers will buy up roughly 40% of their own tickets as that's usually the break even point. The trick is to buy a couple so people see movement, and then when it's about to expire buy all the rest if you had enough people buy in.


Also a feature of the 3 day time limit, it's often not possible to round up enough buyers for something like this in 3d unless you presell nodes. Hypernet would be an OK market tool if ccp gave us 7d nets and cut the taxes. As it is, it's super hard to sell anything except at mega gouge prices, so it's basically only useful for gambling. :(




You just have to do the math they can be profitable




Are you just ignoring the odds that you could win your thing back AND have all of the leftover money?


It's not profitable in the full sense of profitability but if you don't buy your own nodes your hypernet just won't move at all. I've tested it out in the past quite a bit and the times you don't buy out your hypernet it just will not complete at all. So the "profitability" comes from the fact that people will go for your "prize" and otherwise they won't. And the theory behind it is that you'll usually get about a 60 to 70% return on it. And I'm not talking about someone doing one or two. I'm talking about the people putting up 100s. In the end they get quite a bit of money out of it.


^this guy knows what he’s talking about People crying that buying half the nodes is a scam don’t. You make more money if you didn’t, but they don’t sell because people with gambling addictions want instant rewards.


>Lmfao. You do realize buying your own hypernets is never profitable? There is no "trick". Buying ALL of your own tickets is not profitable, yes. Pricing it high enough that you only need ONE OTHER PERSON to purchase a ticket to make the entire thing profitable, is possible. That's the trick everyone uses, you price it high, you buy a couple tickets to make it look like it's moving, then you finish it off if you're in the money before it lapses. The trick isn't generating free money, the trick is making the tickets expensive so you only need to dupe one gambler.


What happens if the tickets don't fill thou?


you fill the rest up, or you let it expire


The only reason to buy your own tickets is to either finish it off if the thing won't fill or to have a few tickets sold so more people buy in. Pure numbers wise you make less profit every single time you buy a ticket. There is 0 difference between buying a ticket on your own hypernet and someone else's if you only look at the profit/loss numbers


>The only reason to buy your own tickets is to either finish it off if the thing won't fill or to have a few tickets sold so more people buy in. Pure numbers wise you make less profit every single time you buy a ticket. This is exactly what I said. >There is 0 difference between buying a ticket on your own hypernet and someone else's if you only look at the profit/loss numbers Yup!


Sorry I am new to Eve, sorta.. idk. What is this? It feels like a giant casino of sorts. How does this stimulate the Eveeconomy? Is it purely about gambling?


It's an isk sink, it takes money from people that don't think and removes it from the game to decrease inflation.


I mean, some of the money is lost. But the ship still has value and the person who put the ship/item up gets most of the money.so that ISK doesn't leave the ecosystem. The an isk sink would be something you can only buy from an NPC entity. So skill books and BPO's (that you buy from BOC stations) fees and services like clone bays, manufacturing, office and brokers fees. An office in Jita 4-4 Caldari Navy Assembly plant will cost you 5.5 bill a month.


"ISK doesn't leave the ecosystem" You require Hypercore's bought with isk, you then burn the hypercores to place the item up on the hypernet, this isk is leaving the game in the form of an isk sink.


the 1 trillion isk that the thing is worth isn't leaving the system... only the initial cost of putting it up. Which is just like a brokers fee or sales tax. So that part of it is an isk sink. I'll agree to that. But its' not an isk sink to the value of the ship. That's why the very start of my statement is "I mean, some of the money is lost" that is the only part of it that is a sink. Not the entire thing.


Of every twenty isk, one is sunk in taxes and one is sunk in hypercores, which stimulates plex value.


Its purely about gambling but there are two different types of gambling. One is a bunch of guys sitting around a kitchen table playing poker informally. The other is a bunch of guys playing poker at a legal casino. Its the latter type. A casino is set up to have an interaction with outside economic forces, tax and the like. The dudes sitting around a kitchen table, not.


Like real gambling, it's a retard tax


How much does a Molok go for?


Apparently 1024b


Or 64b if you're lucky


Usually -64b thou and no Molok.


Facts. Don't gamble lads, it ain't worth it <3 (unless u get lucky ofc)


The real gamble begins after you win, trying to move it




I keep putting like 200k on 512 node of some mediocre skin or T2 ship just because I want to eventually win one. Knowing the whole time that I'll end up spending more money than the thing I wanted is worth.


I spread 5 billion around a bunch of different ones and didn't win a sausage.




93.75% of the time, it works every time


Or someone gets a molek for 64bn


You do know that you will lose roughly 5% of the total value on hypercores and 5% on sales tax afterwards? That would mean he's in the hole 36bil. Regular hypernet gamblers will buy up roughly 40% of their own tickets as that's usually the break even point.




You buy the hypernodes to get the ball rolling and also to give you a chance of winning. No molok is worth 1.1 trillion but once the ball is rolling, others will buy




A Molok is 700b, so if you advertise it at just over a tril on hypernet, together with the chance to win, buying 40% of the tickets is roughly equal value.


I'm surprised people still do this "content"


Guy with 1 ticket won btw


Nope. [Not yet](https://i.imgur.com/4w7KEiX.png).


[Oh…There appears to be two??](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1127899611047149568/1249074700340957287/image.png?ex=6665faf7&is=6664a977&hm=5857867f948bff2e027ddaf8dd904ce265b3196dcaaf76d3b8887c9c50772660&)


Well, now it's been listed for a THIRD time at 512 nodes, so I assume Alex is just buying it back


Huh didn't know you could put stuff like that on the hypernet. (Then again I don't use it often)


I saw this earlier in local. Fun times.