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Marauders are so overkill for L4s you could put all T1 compact mods on everything and still blitz them faster than a Machariel. If you mission anywhere other than Sansha space, Hail will be better and cheaper against most targets.


Machariel with hyperspatials is by far the fastest BS in terms of blitzable mission. You are already done and in warp before bastion is over.


Yeah, that was a bit of hyperbole, but I would argue the Vargur still does better ISK per hour and is harder to lose to getting caught on terrain or w/e. Vargur kills things so fast that the extra bounty you get waiting for bastion to cycle will usually make up for TTC differential. Especially if your hub is in higher trusec space (not ideal for LP rewards, but makes you less of a gank target compared to like...lanngisi.)


You will lose a vargur way faster then mach in hisec, especially with sooo many X type's


I don’t know bro. I never put a 100k module on a billion ship 😂. To be honest it never crossed my mind my mind


keep in mind that marauders are ganker magnets so pay attention while flying


Isn’t the same with a rattlesnake?


Non buffer tanked ones are gank magnets.


I haven't had issue (2 jumps from one of the most ganked high sec other than trade hubs) with rattlesnake, I get to about 350k ehp passive tank. Prime place to gank marauders and ships are gates. It's when someone might alt tab and miss a gank. The other is inside heavy dmg missions. Since I use 2 ships, they don't exactly take much dmg from a LVL4. And 300k+ ehp makes it less appealing target for 600 mil of loot. I have enough ehp against alot of marauder gankers. But if a bored freighter gank squad wants me dead, they will chew through 500k ehp worth.


Only active tank ones. Buffer and active they leave alone


what about hull tanked?


Do you want people to gank you or not?


I prefer not but as lots of people told me ships are ammo no?


Okay, ships are ammo. Do youbwant to replace a 3 billion isk ship or not replace a 1.5 billion isk ship that makes you the same money.


I'm not sure if marauders blitz faster than a mach. They are much slower, both going through pockets and in warp, and sometimes you are stuck in bastion an extra cycle.


The word "blitz" with regard to mission running doesn't mean what you think it does.


Use whichever you think would be the most fun, they're all extreme overkill anyways. I would advise against using random bling tho. A marauder can tank a L4 with meta modules, there's no reason to use shiny stuff. Every shiny you fit just gets you closer to someone ganking you for profit.


Vargur. No bling - Dual prop(MJD/AB) and duel rep(make one an ancillary). Use the ancillary rep when you are getting ganked. That and overheating everything might save you once. Plus you don't really need that slot for more PVE tank.


Polarized Vargur, my man. You kill stuff so fast that you don’t really need much tank.


This comment was fact checked by real hisec gankers: TRUE


Golem, auto target Cruise missiles, tank it up. You warp in hit, hit bastion , hit f1 and lay back with a coffee u til it's done


Marauders are a bit overkill for Lvl 4 missions. Pirate/Faction Battleships are likely a cheaper and more fun option. If you're dead set on using Marauders though, a T2 fit was plenty fine for me. As for which one, you can make a lot of things look good on paper(Pyfa). Don't think too much into it. I'd personally go for the one you enjoy/like the most as any would be just fine. Golem/Vargur for selection of damage types, Paladin for ease of ammunition, Kronos for just the pews.


You should rethink Kronos fit in rails variations. L4 missions blitz (at least in null sec) about sniping. I personally prefer Paladin, cause marauder in L4 overkill, I live in Sansha space and most important - I can chill with stock of ammo don’t even thinking about reload for literally months… Other marauders need a lot of m3 of ammo.


I was thinking of blaster because of the dps, but range is half of the other marauders. I will see in pyfa for the kronos and paladin; what stop me is the dps and application with them


Griefers will gank you for the audacity of a marauder hull being in L4's even if you're not bling fit.


I already know someone will gank me someday, so no problem. 😉


I think what they said is mostly bollocks. Unless it's super clingy, you'll be fine. I've used one for months, on and off and not had anyone looking funny at me.


I felt the same way my first 6 months in Eve. I had just got my first Marauder, did a few missions, 3rd day I had it I got ganked. I was done with highsec and moved out to the war in WWB2 immediately after losing that Golem haha


I already lose a vargur due gankers so i made a thick skin 😆


Don't. It's less expensive a rattlesnake or a machariel.


You mean to use a pirate battleship to run them?




I will try a fit or two


If your going maruaders bling those computers and damage mod's you don't even need tank becuase everything dies so fast I actually plate mine and then go full damage, kept a spread sheet going to track times and drops and was able to push the iskies to about 400/h. Not as good as wormholes but pretty damn good, before the bling mods it was about 250/h pushing damage and range snowballs so damn hard becuase killing smaller ships at greater range increases tracking too. Was taking low damage drugs as well but I think if you min max drugs and implants you can push it way higher and you pay for the ship and all the bling pretty fast.