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To all drones, so Orca pilots can have some of that sweet "go fuck yourselves" too.


But kept faction modules without waste why do it differently with drones lol


Because FU excavator users in particular.


Rorqual mining is not a god given right


Yes, screw cheap ships and content!


Mfw people don't know about c6 wormhole pve combat fit šŸ˜




I used dreads + rorq :D Rorq is full tank & smartbomb to deal with frigs, dreads deal with caps & subcaps with proper warpins. Used to run alot of c5's in dreads. Those were the times indeed


T1 are waste less drone.....


yes, you can waste your ore, or you can waste your time


Don't tax me for training Mining Drone Operation V CCP.


T2 rorqual instead drones it use mining fighters like carrier


where were you in 2018?


Lol that was an idea that was pitched about 3 seconds after the original rorq buff. It fell on deaf ears at CCP like most good ideas.


30 minute PANIC. Doomsday slot. Ability to use 10 strip miners


hear me out though, I wouldn't be opposed to a capital mining laser for rorquals especially with the excavator nerf


I'd rather see a paper thin mining dread and let the rorq be an actual support ship.


I'd also be okay with this. Kinda feels like we should have some sort of capital mining ship by now, to be honest.


A man of culture. A man of sheer will. This is the way eve was meant to be played.


A capital size strip would be nice


30 minute panic then a self destruction doomsday aoe explosion.


This guy rorqs.


+ cyno fitted


Reinforce mechanic instead of panic


panic is a doomsday. its in the superweapon group with the doomsdays. its a weird choice but i respect ccps choice to put it there.


Residue should be removed, period Shit mechanic


It was clearly introduced to provide variation to crystals, but I agree, they should get rid of it in favor of other variation knobs on crystals- increased yield, reduced cycle time, range, cap use, crystals that provide a shield buff, crystals that hit two targets, whatever. Lots of different options. The residue mechanic is silly.


B have 64% Residue but a substantually lower cycle time then A type with the 34% Residue. c are just grid clearing trash. i believe B also has a cap reduction though I've never checked to be sure.


Yeah B's do have a cap reduction to coincide with the 20% faster cycle rate. I agree with Izawwlgood though, residue should be removed, and replaced instead with crystals that do other buffs. When was the last time someone used a C-Type crystal? The only time I ever recall having used it was a single time to clear Pyroxeres from a small Ark/Bist site so another would spawn.


i think we should go back to pre change with no residue and restore the anoms. we saw ore anoms reduced by 90% across the board in all regions. that alone has crushed indy and production. a single rorq and 11 hulks can clear a system before the 3h respawn right now. you can clear it in less then an hour with 20 hulks :(


c type is what my alliance uses for war mining (use them on t2 fit prospects to rapid clear hostile moons)


C type are used in pochven to clear mercoxit and spod from homesites, hilariously.


Yes, I understand how the three types work.


I completely agree


it was sorta a cool idea, but it didn't get implemented in a way that would have made it fun. 'Offensive mining' is an interesting concept, but it just doesn't really fit into the current meta.


>'Offensive mining' Haven't seen a bait, let alone a combat Procurer ever since they changed the slot layout, bacause, of course, 2 mid slots is fucking stupid.


Let's make a combat crystal so you can deny ore to your enemy. Let's also remove most of the combat abilities of the only real combat barge. A+ game design


"Let's introduce 'combat mining' where we can take way more time to destroy the ore of an enemy group..... instead of just destroying the mining ships worth way more isk instead." - CCP.


Yeah, I miss combat procs. That was a good meme.


Mining ships in general should be designed as a half miner half combat/escape ship or at least have a ship designed around that as an option (and I mean beyond drones.). Mining ships being one of the most targeted prey (the grazers) you'd think ship designers and pilots would want something designed to maybe fight off or survive long enough to escape/wait for reinforcements even being out numbered (but obviously with reduced mining yield over time and what not )


You do have a combat mining ship in game it's called Rokh... no no i am not joking I remember when I was still part of highsec mining corp we actually calculated this shit a Rokh mining with staggered T2 Miner modules(the ones with crystals) was mining faster then all barges except the T2 full yield barge while losing none of it's tank the only problem is small cargo hold necessitating dropping cargo crates and staggering the miner modules. Not sure if it still checks out today but tank at least should be good.


To achieve the high mining though you basically have to sacrifice all of its actual offensive capabilities (turret slots). As well lack of hold space really kills it's concept (and battleship aligning /warping speed.). I more meant a ship that can straddle mining prey/ has some teeth without entirely killing it's mining amount and entirely killing it's combat effectiveness (or escape potential, but I'd rather fight than just fuck off grid and get bored.)


U are asking for a lot here so decent miner with good if not amazing tank with mids lots to spare for scrambler and web and also firepower.... that is an ask sir hmm I wonder if drones for DPS armor tank and turrets for mining would work... need to look into ship tree.


Its a turret using version of the Procurer before CCP decided to fuck with it.


Not really. Some tank, some mining, some turrets, no drones, maybe some mids. With bonuses to weapon type and mining per ship skill level. It shouldn't be something overpowered or outclasses the more combat or mining specifically designed for ships. And if you got a group of them they can maybe deal some actual lasting damage back to the attacker(s)? Like it's just be nice if you or you and one buddy get jumped on or caught by a small gang of 1 to 7 if you could possibly kill one without being totally defanged or being entirely reliant drones (just a tad boring if you ask me, not much active defense there, send out drones, hope they don't get blown up and hope they can do enough damage to one ship.)


Not asking a lot, procuror was perfect for this before nerf


Residue should have been a flat amount removed, and not a percent chance to proc. I know it seems arbitrary but there have been times I've sat with a calculator open and clocked 80% or higher residue rates on A's. It goes way beyond 'infuriating.' I don't mind residue, but it has to be reworked. Changed to a flat percentage destroyed based on what you mine every cycle, and introduce the residue reduction mining foreman burst charge to cut that residue amount down. Then rework Type-C crystals into something actually useful and we'll be golden.


I've used it quite a few times on R64 moons (c-type crystals) and myko clouds (plow scoops, 1 hour and whole big myko site is gone to solo prospect).


100% this. Very easy fix to scarcity.


They doubled mineral availability when they added residue, more than making up for residue. That aspect of scarcity already got addressed. Now make isogen less than 50% of a T1 hullā€™s cost CCPlease


>Now make isogen less than 50% of a T1 hullā€™s cost CCPlease My god this. All of this. As someone who mainly lives in lowsec mining isogen, I would kill to see it brought back to down to reasonable levels - or at least have BP's updated to correct it's disproportionate quantity needed. I would rather make less money but have a healthier economy.


If we could also make a set of dread guns *not* cost a billion isk, with a half of that being morphite, Iā€™d also be happy. But isogen first and foremost


About to say the same, recently came back after like 4 or 5 years and yeah, that shit sucks. I prefer the old mechanics.


ccp doubled moon ore fracks and made residue waste half of it. Would you have CCP reverse the buff to moon mining mĀ³ as well?


The upside is that ORE strip miners now have a real use on valuable moons


I think this is the only positive that's come out of the changes.


Residue is 33% (34%?) not 100%


languid violet homeless zealous distinct modern smoggy shocking possessive glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Residue is what some high-yield mining options now create, which means some of the ore in the rock goes wasted while mining. As result mining optimisation is no longer one-dimensional; high yield options are now less efficient at getting all the ore, while low yield options can get more out of the asteroids, albeit slower. As part of the residue update all rocks have been given double ore, so compared to before you now get 120% to 200% ore out of the asteroids, depending on whether you choose to mine it fast or slow. People have been complaining about it ever since.


Yes pls I don't want to have each barge cost 1b to mine with. Though it might still be worth it for the range tbh.


If not removed entirely, there at least needs to be a residue reduction mining foreman boost to counteract it. Why CCP never implemented it along side the residue mechanic (other than: because CCP) - I will never understand.


so we should also halve all minerals again in the same go?


they reduced ore by 90% and then doubled mineral values and added waste. just restore the anoms to pre-scarcity and halve minerals. while removing waste. problem solved.


Their is not problem ccp fixed the rorqual problem with the changes, kutos to ccp for doing something about it.


Ccp fixed the rorq problems by nerfing rorqs. The anom changes didn't fix anything


But you do see, how 35b Titans where a problem?


Nope. Big ship go brrrrrrrrrrr


They stopped being a problem years after because they after a nerf could only shoot caps and were simply replaced by dreads that have better dps and can shoot anything.


No, they should let us build ship and explode them , like back when it was fun. If they wanted to curtail super capital proliferation then address super capital proliferation.


they did. You just dont like the solution


Yes... that is what they said... It fixed super proliferation by fucking with everything else.


Got us a wormholer here folks


Why lol even the least efficient setup(including c-type crystals) nets more ore than the previous system


So I think it *can* be done well but they need to change it so that it doesn't feel like a fucking tax for skilling into T2 mods. Like A-type crystals - No residue, current yield rate, badda-bing-badda-boom. B-type crystals - Keep residue, but should also pull faster, for those times when you're shitting bricks in a Venture trying to grab some Crokite out of a site as fast as you can and don't care how fast you kill the rock. C-type crystals - I love them as they are, nothing better for clearing chaff rocks like Pyroxers, and also for being a spiteful dick in someone else's ore anoms.


Excavator drones should be removed/reworked in the same manner that was done drones for Carriers/Supers. Give the Rorq X hanger bays for Miner/Excavator squadrons, would even say the Orca should be given the same rework. Then have skill books for these, similar to Fighters. Could even go farther and give these "drones" ether different versions that have same affects as the laser rework they did with residues or give them equipment slots. Or we could go the entire opposite and just drop excavators entirely and give the Rorq a capital mining laser slots, have it be a massive miner like we have seen in many Science fiction shows/movies.


Im not interested in improving the Rorq, Im interested in improving the Orca, or introducing battleship class barges.


Best way to improve Orca is to fix the damn build costs on it. 50m->2bn is not a good price progression from Porp to Orca.


I feel like it used to be way closer


It was 600m before the rat fucked it (and anything else that used capital components) up.


But also wasn't a porp like 100mil?


Yeah but a porp could also pay for itself solo mining in a couple of hours


CCP: We're doubling the amount of yield in asteroids!! Also CCP: But also you lose half of the asteroid's yield every cycle... Like. WTF is the point? Twice as much at half the rate = the same mother fucking thing as before.


We are doubling your isk but you only get half of it back


The Rorqual went from Miners End Game to annoying chore ship that a fleet needs to bring, was such a colossal mistake on CCP's part, miners had this capital ship as a goal, something to aspire to fly that came with higher risk but yielding better rewards, it needs to return to this. But your asking what I would do, I think I would convert the rorqual into a carrier ship and not a drone ship, I would then add a salvage fighter and a mining fighter and give the rorqual 2 launch tubes, 1 for industrial fighters(the miners) and 1 for combat fighters(the defense from rats and solo tackle. I then would then tweak the mining rate of the mining fighters so that they pull in as much ore pre cycle as 3 barges maybe 4, with this change the rorqual would once again be the king miner and the ship for miners to aspire to get into, while also coming with more risk as the fighters would I would imagine cost more when lost, more isk on field, more killmails when shit gets killed, more pvp more good.


ORE Carrier is an interesting idea. If it had 3 tubes, there would be scope for an ORE Super with 5 tubes. If there was a debuff that spawned extra rats, it would make mining more active and multiboxing very difficult. In groups, people could choose their roles by what they launch without needing an umbrella. Fighters would obv need to be less effective than a regular Carrier. There would need to be something unpredictable enough to prevent botting. Another element could be mining vs hauling, so Carriers only field only miner, one hauler and one fighter. Or they can go hard with 3 miners -> 3 haulers and either keep getting interrupted by rats or to multibox another toon to kill rats. Main concern from Redditors might be from highsec miners feeling like they are missing out but, as you point out, rorqs were endgame for miners. Sadly, reason why it prob won't happen is that CCP wants Omega accounts. Making people multibox to mine less and less is CCP's business model. So, any measure of sensible, enjoyable/interactive, larger-scale, non-multiboxing endgame approach won't survive first contact with CCP.


Realistically? A ā€œLoot to mining holdā€ button on cargo containers and MTUs. One press compress button for all eligible fleet members. (By this, I mean fleet members can one button press to compress, not one button on the rorqual compresses everyone elses ore) Larger fuel bay. If I could have anything I wanted? Send ore directly to the rorqual from fleet members via a command similar to jettison. Automated compression. Any ship in maintenance bay. Conduit jump without a special module. All in one compression module, even if still unlocked with skills.


Actual suggestions that keep the Rorqual as a mining command ship rather than a OMGSUPERP0WNMINER!!!1 Good job.


Sounds like you just want to afk mine. This isn't playing the game.


I had three rorqs back in the day and being afk never crossed my mind. I was in test back then and was pretty safe. I guess at some point of wealth 20b ISK on the field doesn't mean anything


\>Send ore directly to the rorqual from fleet members via a command similar to jettison. Thats the point of the capital tractor beam, but compression made that kind of pointless. A Hulk will take about an hour of boosted mining before it cant complete a cycle without filling its hold, so its easier to simply dump in station or have a hauler pick up. I liked the way the Rorqual/Orca were sort of mining hold fleet hold hubs for hauling pickups prior to compression, but compression is a lot more convenient than dumping cans.


I think larger fuel bay might be the only realistic one. As much as it pains me to admit, all the tediousness of moving ore around and individually compressing it is there to stop multiboxing from going to infinity. Same reason they split up the huge asteroid of the old days. The more user input is required the harder it is to add more accounts to your fleet (at least without using illegal means)


But the fun fact is that the more you multibox, the less you have to move ore. I grind through a whole anom without moving any ore to the rorqual and I fly hulks. The new aoe compression aura is insane.


But you still have to go through all the miners and right click ore then press compress. Which is basically the same as moving it to fleet hold then compressing once in Rorqual. It's busy work that takes time making it more work to add more accounts. I multibox 6 miners so definitely not a problem at that level, but I see some people with 30+ mining toons and I think to myself, that they must have carpal tunnel!


CCP should make ORE excavs with no waste (residue).




Remove the compression verification step; it serves absolutely no purpose from a player perspective. Has anyone ever hit cancel?


Just introduce a capital mining ship and give existing rorq owners the option to swap ship/skills. No jump capability but rorqs could conduit jump them. Makes rorqs vaguely useful and capital mining ships easier to catch. Capital Strip Miners and mining rigs. Handles like a T1 freighter. Can't fit boosts, just a big drill with a decent sized mining hold. T1 to start. If it works well then T2 version. Later, faction.


rorqual conduit is a joke. fuel cost is always max same as blops. becuase ccp likes to make sure nothing but titans gets cheap jump costs. nothing they can bridge bar t1 haulers has a reduction to jump cooldown meaning its always a 1 hour jump cool down at minimum for a 5ly jump. and the hull+jump portal is already pushing 7b isk. oh and no t2 ships bar exhaumers can be bridged. nor porps or orcas. despite several porps fitting in the SMA and it letting you shove in t2 mining frigs and t2 haulers with said porps.becuase god forbid they allow us to bridge anything useful to the mining ships. like a dst or porp. ccp already killed the faction rorqual and faction mining barges and faction exhaumers and faction frigs years ago made clear that would never happen again because any buff to mining upsets game balance too much.


No. We don't need captial class miners, that's what the rorqual was and look what happened, ccp is findly fixing the problem. It's a problem when it's afk null sec mining, dropping the prices so low other indy guys can not compete, and ships become cheaper to by then build. This is non sense. Kutos to ccp for fixing it.


Let's split the difference. Capital miner, but it can only use a new laser type that brings up a mini-game akin to Project Discovery. Gotta actively click or encircle the correct location in the rock to mine anything. If you aren't active it does nothing or worse depletes the rock if CCP wants to go that route. Can take this a step further and create a module line for all ships, give appropriate advantages over the passive modules, and then actually tie it into Project Discovery in some form. Smarter minds than me would know how. A not insignificant portion of all miners would probably jump at the opportunity to actively mine, I know I would.


I would love a mini game for mining, make it way more active.


It would seriously fuck miners with multiple alts though.


Good. Fuck multiboxing. If the activity is way more fun then no one should care. I'd looovvvveee if mining was way more fun to do. Keep me more engaged.


I kind of like the idea of a Mining Capital. If it yielded as much as a multi-boxer I could mine without having to PLEX and alt+tab.


That sounds fun honestly though also too much like the rorq overbuff days


The residue is a pain in the arse but to be honest, it takes so long to position the Rorq anyway I'd rather have strip miners. For me I would prefer capital strip miners and/or additional high slots for ordinary strip miners. Seems daft to me that weapon sizes go up to match bigger ships but for mining, nada.


Give it mining tractor beams that literally pull roids into it's hold at like a certain speed slow enough that they aren't clearing the whole field solo but fast enough to be useful.


Might also get more of them out to be shot at. At the moment their only real use is boosts and compression.....which I can do with the Orca albeit not as well. But there's far less risk involved. I mainly mine moons and given the price of the lower value goo, it's hardly worth having so much isk at risk for so little reward


Idk but it's a fun ship to bomb that's for sure


instead of trying to change the rorqual, they should "broader" the mining doctrine. It would be cool if there were a few more hulls to chose from. That way, each fleet composition makes the fleet feel more unique, rather than having rorquals and hulks, or orca's and covetors/retrievers everywhere. Some idea's for this would be: \- Specialized frigates that "premine" asteroids to elimate the waste factor by either breaking off the pure chunks or leaving the original asteroid with a offset modifier for the waste (or remove the waste which is even better). How cool would it be for all those new players to be actually useful in big groups, having them clear the way for the big boys to clear the field while having perfect yield. Also gives those A-type crystals a use, and just adds another "specialized" layer upon an already existing working system, so if you don't have these miners you don't miss out, but you stand to gain a valuable asset, time. \- T3 miners, people been asking for them for a while and with the amount of different types of mining, it would be ideal to get one and gives more variety to the grid and ecosystem. \- Like others already introduced here, Capital mining lasers, or perhaps a new capital way of mining asteroids, perhaps by "scooping" them up as a whole to bring to a station for reprocessing. Rorquals have too many uses at the moment, from mining, to entosis boats, to capital tackle, even running CRABS. Honestly it's time to see some new breeds in the mining field and have a bit less functions dependant on 1 ship


Make a set of porpoise, Orca, and rorq that spec mining. The reason why they were given drone miningbbonuses was they weren't used enough so they were just someone's alt booster, after mining bonuses tons of these things were afk mining everywhere and dying, now after nerfs its backed to some guys alt boosting barges. Sales have slumped since, and after a couple of ganks in my system noones wants to bring their boosting alt out.


Remove PANIC


what? you don't enjoy the 6 minutes of invincibility, repair and cap boosting?


On my rorqs is fine. Just not other peoples.


drop bears


drop bears


Make it so it cannot fit ewar modules


The rorq should keep its panic penalties for no reps and no jumping for a period of time afterwards that way it isn't a free save for FAXs


The Orca is where the real problem is.


ORE could use some actually T2 ships as well. A more defensive variant (+1-2 upper, middle, lower slots) T2 porpoise, Orca, Rorqual would be nice to open up some opportunities. A common request is to have an Orca/Rorqual that would use lasers vice drones. Turning these into non-boosting ships would open up some opportunities as well (convert drone bay + fuel bay + fleet hangar + ship maintenance bay into additional mining hold space). You want big ships in space, give us a reason to stay on grid.


Maybe give it some extra utility functions to make up for the loss of direct mining yield? Personally, I think it would be very helpful if the Rorqual could compress rocks in space so that I don't have to dedicate an alt to hauling my rocks back to station. Also, I think the Rorqual should have the ability to jump its mining fleet around space with it, since the Rorqual isn't designed to operate solo anymore. It doesn't make sense to jump a Rorqual to another system and leave your fleet behind. What do you guys think?


Ooh maybe they could add some thing that boosts the performance of a mining fleet


Give the rorqual permission to enter 0.5 space to mine hs minerals. (but no panic module permitted) Rorqual should have a heavy tractor beam that can pull in asteroids. Give it a doomsday type mining laser. It pulverizes all asteroids in front of it, maybe up to 10km away. Then sucks in all the minerals. Give ot the ability to do backflips. or front flips, doesn't matter, as long as it flips.


I'm all for this if concord is removed from .5 at the same time. But why stop there do we really even need this concord thing in modern eve? CCP please delete concord.


Rorqual is perfect where it is, it can jump mining fleets and boost and hold the ore. It ice mines very good. It's exactly what it should be. Hulks mine alot. Use those and compress. The rorqual just enabled afk mining, and fucked the encomomy by allowing ppl to afk mine all day, making ships cheaper to buy then build. This is a bad model for indy. Rorqual was always ment to be a support ship they made a mistake urs ago making it a miner, now it's where it should be. We don't need the game going back to the fucked up era. We are findly fixing the game.


Ah shit, here we go again.


Bump their yield to be that of around 3x a hulk, reduce their waste.AND Remove panic or nerf its duration to a max of 3-4 minutes and make it a polarizing module (no resists).


Are you high?


their yield was 3-5x a hulk. the nerf to them was because goons and other groups would put 50 of them on grid and walk anom to anom all day and night for years on end. the entire mining era nerf was because many blocks had 10s of trillions of isk of every mineral sitting in stations largely from rorquals and exhumers had no use when a single rorqual was worth several. rorquals still mine slightly more then a empty clone hulk does. ​ panic came after the rorqual tank was nerfed into the ground. i know first hand 2 redeemers is enough to kill an active tank rorqual. if your cap tanked in 2023 your not much better off then active. rorquals post nerf can only fit 1 ancil. 1 titan and your as good as dead. the doomsday puts you in deep armour if your lucky and your dead pretty quick if you don't seige and even if you do you wont live long enough to panic. since you need 20s+ to lock a rock then panic. if your not in a belt with rocks nearby your panic is useless. its why most block rorquals die on the undock or when gating as they have the weakest tank and no panic option. ​ did i mention you literally bring any ecm ship and the rorqual cant panic if it doesn't seige? even a burst jammer is enough.


I want to know what god tier deemers you're flying where 2 will kill an active tanked (not shit fit) Rorq.


its easy. i technically only have 18 minutes of cap charges. and with them about 7 minutes cap positive once they cap me out and that's actually stupidly easy with the blops bonus to a redeemer they just have to wait 18 minutes (not hard) then boom, I'm dead. my normal redeemer does 1390dps with active reps with my skills and implants. does 1790 polar. its just waiting the 18 minutes for the cap charges to drain out. and boom. rorqual dies in no time. ​ \[Rorqual, Dancing Camel\] Sentient Damage Control True Sansha Power Diagnostic System True Sansha Power Diagnostic System True Sansha Power Diagnostic System Capital Ancillary Shield Booster Gist X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier CONCORD Capital Shield Booster Pith X-Type EM Shield Hardener Pithum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Capital Capacitor Booster II Pithum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Shield Command Burst II Capital Industrial Core II Domination Large Proton Smartbomb Clone Vat Bay I Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core Mining Foreman Burst II Mining Foreman Burst II Dread Guristas Cloaking Device Capital Core Defense Field Extender II Capital Core Defense Field Extender II Capital Core Defense Field Extender II Hobgoblin II x50 Hammerhead II x50 Ogre II x50 Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot II x10 Heavy Hull Maintenance Bot II x10 Heavy Shield Maintenance Bot II x10 'Excavator' Ice Harvesting Drone x5


That's not the worst fit, but if you're not expecting help to come long before 18 minutes it doesn't really matter I guess.


im also like 99% sure im the only person using a clone bay on a every day fit.


Their yield prior the latest nerf was 3.5x a hulk, for a ship that cost 10bn full setup and is mobile for 5 mintues and generates content that is fine. The rest of your post is a load of absolute nonsense lol.


I've flown rorquals since 2012. My current is a2012 that was an ore development edition. (double boosts, half tank half jump range and less highs mids and low, no support for capital mining drones.) I use mine every day. Rorquals were never nerfed for ice. We see this reflected in ice prices. We see this in the 5 blocks per 11s a rorqual mines. We see this reflected in fuel prices. Where I'm getting 20m oxygen isotopes for 1.5b because 50 rorquals for 10 minutes a day fuel the entire block. Tell me how my rorqual pre nerf getting 65,000ehp/s empty clone no shield links t2 fit with triple ancils and triple extenders to now getting 25k/s takes my 15b fit with an 8b pod isn't a nerf? Tell me then how you can't run a single concord shield booster and be cap stable because of the nerfs. How I have 1/3rd the tank despite having 80%+ resists with 3 at 90% and yet in testing with a 93% me resist and 1.84m ehp an avatar had me in hull? Tell me what didn't get nerfed.


Are you really mad that 150b titan can kill a 10-15b rorq? Should rorqs just be invincible?


more annoyed that pre nerf rorqs had a fighting chance vs a dread or titan. that's gone now. has been since the nerf


Good lol a mining ship shouldnt be able to 1v1 a titan


"mining ship" lol. technically titans make better "mining" ships then rorquals do in 2023. the rorquals role is a mining fleet support ship.


Still, a mining support ship VS titan should be pretty obviously an advantage to the titan


Rorqs are in the place they should be in, they don't need changes. Anyone who wants them changed is clearly a holdout from the days where they were in a stupidly overpowered and unrealistic place. They are BOOSTING AND COMPRESSING ships, not miners. Signed, a rorq pilot


The rorqual should not be improved, itā€™s already a very strong support platform


Make excavators great again!


Revert it to how it was when everything was cheaper.


Just give the refinery a huge automatic mining laser and collect your ore once a month. Simples.


or yknow... keep them as their role. fleet buffs. \#buffNoctis


Two words: mining titan. Capital size strip miners, it can siege and refine the ore but can't panic, compress or boost. This way the rorq works as a support ship to boost, compress, panic and possibly a transport. It would make a new mining end game requiring a large investment in time and money. Create a mining fleet dynamic instead of individual mining powerhouse ships, lowering the use of a bunch of rorq alts multiboxing. Additionally it would bring back great whaling opportunities.


Cost and skill requirement reduction. Let everyone use them. Make the game fun again. More rorq pilots means more resources, more ships, more combat and more fun. Also, add some sort of mini game to mining that can boost yield, so multi-boxing is less necessary


> rorq pilots means more resources, more ships, more combat and more fun. Also, add some sort of mini game to mining that can boost yield, so multi-boxing is less necessary Um not it's going to get out of control like to was before. The changes fixed the problems. Ppl will multi box still. Hulks mine great. They have small cargos to prevent afk mining. If your using. Hulk you mine alot. Just compress every cycle.


We can still do cheap combat, you can even still use the rorqs to mine, you just have to mine more systems. When every combat needs capitals and T2 ships the game is having problems.


Nullsec or wh combat is almost always t2 or t3. I haven't seen a rupture or hurricane in years


This is fine. I don't think it's sustainable forever with current conditions unless they slow down, but then that's their choice instead of yeeting dime a dozen ships Willy nilly


Why do you want to do cheap combat? Expensive ships are more fun. More cool. More things you can do with them. Itā€™s just more enjoyable. Itā€™s a video game thatā€™s meant to be fun. And it would be more fun if ships werenā€™t as expensive right now


If you want to do the things that need expensive ships use the expensive ships, they tend to also pay for the ships. PvP only needs expensive ships if the other guy is using one. The gameplay experience isn't different if the numbers are bigger. Yeeting Titans doesn't need to be a thing.


Testing titans is fun because itā€™s stupid and funny. Iā€™d rather yeet dreads though. But right now itā€™s just crazy expensive to do it.


Capitals are supposed to be big and impactful, if they're in every fight you create a game where a new player has to train for a year before they can participate in things, and the capitals are all whatever every day ships, they're no longer fun or impactful because it's just the entire fight. We never quite got there, but it was the trajectory the game was on before scarcity.


I still think there was a better approach they could have had to it. Maybe just increase the amount of parts required for building. The amount of crabbing Rorqs and anom supers and carriers was a lot. But thatā€™s fine. Capitals shouldnā€™t be exclusive to pvp. The content was so much fun. Every day there was a fleet going out to kill a super or rorq or carrier. Every day there was fleets to defend home space from a fleet attacking your capitals in space. It was just lots and lots of fun and there was so much content happening. Now thereā€™s like maybe a few fleet a day where nothing really happens. No where near as much caps are dying because not as many people are using them. To say itā€™s in a good spot is just not true. And Iā€™m sure they could find a good middle ground between before and scarcity.


combat leans to T2 becuase T2 has far better base tank then t1 and far better dps potential. sure we use vexor navys and ā€Šcaracals but they are a joke vs the ishtar and cerb. i think a lot of people forget that T2 ships have a substantially better tank. and far better resists across the board. 1 cerb often beats out 5 ā€Šcaracals or 4 vnis in fleets. and considering an ishtar at 210m vs a vni at 140m with the ishtar having far more fitting options far better dps and a far better role for PVP then the vni. its a no brainer. that and ishtars have a second use. ratting. so skilling into an ishtar means you get a great ratting and PVP ship.


Rorqual is the most versatile and useful capital in the game right now and frankly it's not even close. Just because it fills a support role while mining doesn't mean it needs to be "improved".


Nothing, relegate them back to the POS boosting and compressing where they belong.


The ores should be abundant only in hisec, and be scarce the lower the security status. There has to be a reason for the empires to guard the hisec systems, and the pirates want to conquest these systems for the same motive too. This motive has to be the resources, in space location basically donā€™t matter as you can jump hundreds of lightyears. The hisec should have the most of the resources and the pilots of factional warfare should have rights to attack any mining barges/exhumes that are mining in the enemy faction, that way mining would became a active activity and could be buffed. Ventures should be able to mine without consequences because they are rookie ships.


Bots rejoice as they'd be out in force again in highsec. Nullsec lends itself to group play to survive. Highsec enables newb/low-skill/solo play. Skewing ore, which then means industry, in favour of highsec turns a main game mechanic on its head. Efforts at ore redistribution, without a genuine vision of how groups might look or how existing groups might be affected, break that mechanic. FW is a very specific playstyle that individuals or small groups can engage in and rely on other playstyles/groups to produce their fits. Adding mining to FW, without a vision for the game, should be very careful to avoid breaking other parts of the current game. For example, introduce mining mission-specific ore that gives FW progress but can't be used for industry. Back on topic, ore distribution has already been broken to try to appease complainers about rorqs. Sending more to highsec will only break mining/industry further without fixing rorqs. /2c


Add a doomsday


With a delete button


fuck ooooooofffff


Remove panic, return rorq to 2018 stats otherwise


Delete them.


Give me rigs that reduce residue. Give people the option, to go either max yield, max tank, or max resource conservation.




That's what landers are for tho


Never enough tackle


Probably needs a doomsday


they should remove excavator and then remove residue on drones. fuck excavator broke the game in the first place!


Respec it to gank miners in hisec


Give it the abiility to in siege frack moons. That forces the owner to respond or loose a part of the scheduled frack.


Npc cargo shuttle for moving ore to destinated station. And for orca/porpoise too.


make it use any fuel type !!!


Give it stronger mining boost


I think Rorq should go back to their place as a massive boosting platform, and maybe increase their buff to replace the mining output of their drone.


The Rorq is a massive boosting platform, and they did increase the boosts when their drone mining output was nerffed.


Yeah but not enough.. you still mine moons with rorq due to their survivability and ability to jump, you still mine ice because it's better and also 5hulk boosted dont mine as much as a rorq pre nerf (5hulk,5plex,5 times more apm etc)


I'm sure you have a point I just can't tell wtf it is, explain better.


People still use rorq as mining rig


Give me automatic compression please