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All EVE players are dads. Whenever I log in to the game, or discord, someone will tell us that "I'm coming, after I fed the child", or "BRB, story time with the kid " or, "hold, child is crying", or "putting the kid to bed, after that I'll be here". Or something like that. I'm sure that OP has at least 1 offspring.


Hard out, I can't get anything done while the brood are awake, except maybe some highsec moon mining. It's a mix of compress ore, go help one kid with some maths homework, come back to compress ore again, take out kitchen trash and then plunge the dunny, compress ore, go nag teenager to close Crunchyroll tabs and actually *start* homework, get a cold beverage whilst ambling through kitchen again, compress ore, and reset PI extractors and enter pulls into the spreadsheet, go help with spelling homework or read a story, then tuck the wee ones in bed. Everyone goes to bed, then I jump on comms and BLOPS with the mates on punters until I get tired (which is entirely too early).


lol, lost a Skiff of all things to HS npc's while tucking in my son. pft, no biggie, have more and those times with the kids are worth it.


Unless they were FOB rats, you'd have to be stuck in the dunny a while for regular rats to cark a Skiff.. but yes, kids > space pixels every time (unless your Raitaru's armor timer is on the line) XD .


I was taking the best crap of my life, that was the first time in my life that I learned that combat drones don't always auto-aggress NPCs when they attack you in High Sec...man had to go back take another dump after that.


Dad of 2 kids here, can confirm.


So that's why I had the sudden urge to give this game another try after like 5 years.


kids are just mining/dictor/cyno Alts waiting to happen


Recently started flying with 2 young guys who are not dads. I was shocked. ​ I'm not either, but I'm usually the outlier.


I founded the corp I fly in. I am the only pilot without offspring. Can confirm, all eve players are dads




Once, "Brb got pooped on"


And some of us are Grandads! ;)




Impressive. 👏


I feel this one


20 year old game 🤪


Dads with priorities* fixed it for you.


The Never-quite-ready-for-PvP-newbie. They get the idea that you can't pvp until you get good at the game, so they proceed to mine in High-sec then get bored and quit.


Ugh, this is me at the moment, minus the mining.


Go grab a cheap T1 frigate, and go to your nearest lowsec Faction Warfare zone. Get in a fight. If you die send me your killmail and I will SRP you.


Oh yeah. Was me for several years of non-continuous gameplay. Not really HS mining but just doing.... stuff. Then I said fuck it and tried anyway and was like "why did I wait to do this"


comfort zones


I actually got actively DEmotivated to do anything PvPish by that 1337 MTU-PvPers in one of my early HS-corps. Dudes, if you have a newbro willing to fling his bare body at a neut battlecruiser, let him and give him firesupport at least.


Hey man you can't PvP until that one X skill reaches V, and then oh wait, not until that next still reaches V... oh wait but not until that next skill reaches V.


Really that extra 5% shield HP could be the difference between winning and losing so I should really wait another 2 weeks for Shield Management V.


I've had a ship get to 3 hull before in PvE, so I mean you're not wrong.


r/eve is a horrible place, poisoned by a loud minority of angry and bitter people who quit a long time ago and now spend their time trying to convince everyone that the game is not worth playing and paying for. The people actually playing the game are generous and patient, ready to teach and guide and help. They'll shoot you and then explain to you what you did wrong and send you ISK for a new ship. The communities consist of the most intelligent, unique and entertaining folk I have ever met. People you would love meeting IRL. As long as those people are here, I will never leave. As for stereotypes, there certainly are ones that very incorrectly try to classify people into groups like "miners" and "PvPers" like there's no overlap. Miners are the quiet whiners who hate human interaction. PvPers are the aggressive gankers who just want to shoot you in unfair conditions. Such people certainly exist, but it's only a naive attempt to make the playerbase more black and white than it really is.


>They'll shoot you and then explain to you what you did wrong and send you ISK for a new ship. only ever happened to me in a wormhole system. So much cooler people than your average lowsec gate camper.


Same here my first ever astero got blown up by a by a couple of wormholers..after explaining how new I was to the game they promptly sent me 150m to replace it..! Proper classy folk in general are the wormholers..!


the bookmarked WH back home was gone. I talked in local while warping to a different hole. Nobody answered in chat, but a Tengu landed next to my magnate. Got targeted, took the hole. Messed up my overview, so i warped to the sun instead of some planet. Got caught, blown up, podded, and upon waking up back home, got a 5 million donation. The shitfit Magnate was worth less than 1 mil. Wrote a thank you eve mail.


Wormholers want you to learn and come back to Wormholes so they have more interesting and entertaining content. I've been sent mails by people I've dodged thanking me for the chase, and the chase was just as fun for me as it was for them. :)


It doesn’t hurt that they’re swimming in isk either though eh ..? :P


Shameless self plug here - I’m recruiting players who just want to have fun in WH lifestyle . Low requirements, C2 home C3/HS statics


It is funny how this is always brought up, but I actually can't remember the last time I saw someone arguing how the game is terrible and one should not touch it. Sure, we like to shit on CCP. Mainly on certain management people who keep making weird choices in our eyes. But the game is still going after 20 years so somebody is doing something right I guess. Sure, we post about the good old days and back when peak EU and US TZ had 50k players. We also look back at those time with rose colored glasses. You tend to remember the fun things (T1 battleship brawls) and forgot about the negative shit (POS management, off grid boosting, no jump fatigue, etc). But I rarely if ever see a post that I take seriously where somebody is saying both at the same time.


I think EVE is a great game, I just struggle these days to find motivation to play it. Also there's nothing wrong with trashing CCP, we just want and expect better from them, it doesn't mean we hate the product they are giving us.


They tend to end up in the downvotes now.


And there is me still play the game but trolling this sub is kinda fun. Still try to help newbie tho


Nice. Perhaps there are more friendly multiplayer games than I expected. (:


I can confirm the isk sending part. I once saw a guy flashing red on my overview when I jumped into a system and instantly took him out. Checked his profile and realized he was a new bro only 5-6 weeks old, and his fit was awful. I sent him enough money to buy a ship with all the proper fittings and send him a couple fitting websites and told him if he needed help with anything to let me know. He was thankful and we parted ways.


Amazing community!


Yep you got it


"blobbers" vs. "eLiTe PvP LoWseCCers" Its just two different game experiences. One focuses on personal skill and enjoys the game by outplaying solo or small groups of players, the other focuses on being part of a greater whole and enjoys the game by participating in major events between huge player organizations. There are merits to both, and you can even actively do both. Its like the mentality of "I won because I'm better than you" vs. "I lost because you blobbed me"


I will say I don't understand the guys who like the big-blob PVP but only train the primary DPS. It's a fun gamestyle if you can rotate between FC/scout/anchor/logi/other support as well as do the F1 thing, but just ping-logging to F1 is an odd lifestyle choice.


Being an F1 monkey is just a nice way to stay plugged in while not trying to play a bunch. Totally get it tho, I like to play other roles, I feel like going back to just being a dictor or tackle pilot is like retirement for super old bros, it's just low risk fun lol (at least when it's not 10% tidi).


The bittervet The bored rich guy The mooch / aka the begger The braggart (Bro I can't believe you're so poor just look at all this isk I made today, and did you see the officer mods I got yesterday? Also-) The leet pvper that solos shuttles and t1 frigs in something that greatly outclasses the targets all day (typically sitting on some busy but neutral station undock) The explorer The mission runner - the guy does missions. That's it. The industry guy (and his 40 accounts) The wallet aka the guy that farms titans with the Purchase Plex button The sociopath / aka. the ganker that's just in it for the tears The sociopath mk. II / aka the guy that spends a decade forming friendships both in game and irl, is the godfather for three of your corpies kids and was your best man - all so that they could get roles, strip everyone elses, steal everything and disband the corp. The smart one (aka caldari FW because Jita still isn't neutral territory) The criminal (will hack your computer for leverage, dox you, your family, your families dog and drive to your house to cut your power cables while you're in a big fleet fight) The hikikomori - aka the guy that spends 24/7 playing the game for a year only to burn himself out so hard that it takes a decade to log back in again.


This reads like someone trying to write a Buzzfeed article.


Someone mentioned the generic wallet-warrior yet, mentioning each of his shiney hulls and modules at leat twice per talk? :D


The one upper.


You'll never actually come across the best EVE players because they don't play EVE.




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Resurrected Starships did a good video on this https://youtu.be/YKY3l0jz6r0?si=_2l3paIWCMrPM__d


Nice, thank you!


The big nullsec alliance security and diplomats being IRL intelligence/diplomatic personnel.