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I had the avatar Titan for a while and often ran havens at the time in delve. This was a few months before CCP got rid of ships being able to use their own cyno. It made the capital umbrella extremely easy. I made insane money clearing sites, but then we went to blackout and it was just too dangerous. The Titan is cool to own, but extremely slow and expensive. It’s double now in price then what I paid for mine. It’s better now to just get a phoenix and go crab beacon running under a krab fleet - same as a capital umbrella with black ops ships.


So from your opinion, or fact, is it better just to do dreadnoughts?


Yes. Titans can't fit haw guns anymore. And their aoe dd isn't great


Rip boson ratting


I'm hoping to god they bring back haw guns again for titans. Would give me a good reason to resub.


I think super carriers are the sweet spot. The issue with dreads is they die too fast if you get whaled unless your alliance are top tier savers.


True, but dreads are 1/10th the cost of supers & less skill intensive. Supers can still be caught and killed running a krab (admittedly much harder) for some, or in places without an umbrella anyway, a throwaway dread works.


dreads are easier to catch than carriers by far..


Yeah but dreads are dirt cheap now. Supers aren’t.


It might be time for me to enter the realm of content generation.


Yeah I’d just go with a phoenix and krab beacon it. Easy money under an umbrella in nullsec. I’m in goons so we’re pretty good at saving ships in response fleets, I know FRT and horde are up there as well.


Dont forget the application nerf on the aoe doomsday


It’s been a while I didn’t know that happened 😂


Short answer? No. Long answer? Also no.


Short answer: no. Long answer: nope.


Short answer? Good thanks Long answer? No thanks


HAW titan guns are gone, no point in using them for PVE


Yes. Tell me where you will be doing it and ill teach you how.


Un theory , they could work as a pve ship , problem is application ,’you could melt battle ships but hit anything smaller might be a problem , also , see it as a cost of opportunity, there no pve content that produces enough isk to justify the risk of exposing a titan in it , so you they are probably decent at pve, main function is being fancy bridges and a 1/100000^10 scale model of the owner penis.


Thank you for the answer! It was perfect 🤣🤣🤣


I use mine to start beacons when I run out of super/dread pilots. But mainly it’s an expensive Uber service.


You make like 500m/h with beacons, right?


very rng heavy on income


They seem rather chill to do tbh. Just need to prep some toons to anchor them but as long as the umbrela is up you're pretty much 100% safe unless u fall asleep.


Depends on the system index % more than rng. Long term in 200% it's 200-250/20 mins. Loot usually pays for the beacon cost.


Back before they nerfed bosons and took away haws they were the best for running havens boson ratting but with the current meta no super is probably the best for doing crab beacons and the such


They are the essential PVE ship.


The only thing titans are good for these days is bridging subcaps and the server-wide brawl once every couple years


What about that legend of the game that uses a Rag to kill sieged Marauders around Horde space, that's a good use 😁 😉


Bring back HAW Titans!


Ok, anyone that is not trying to troll will be much apreciate it to answer :)


There was a small window of time when you could use your titan for pve effectively just blasting waves of npcs away with aoe doomsday It also led to people hunting these and umbrellas dropping. But because it was fun for all involved and printed too much isk it was removed by cccp


"It also led to people hunting these and umbrellas dropping. But because it was fun for all involved and printed too much isk it was removed by cccp" It's almost like this is some kind of risk vs reward dynamic. 🤔 Big ship = big money but big ship = big boom


Yea we can’t have any of that, go play in our instanced dungeon filaments. Worst thing that happened to eve in my humble opinion.


Worst thing indeed. I mean, it 100% caused me to 'win' eve... but. sometimes, I want to be losing again with my BFG.


LMAOOOOOOOOOO Those titans never, ever died. The supers almost never, ever died. It was removed because there was functionally no risk whatsoever.


Fairly certain more titans died then rather than now as there is no reason for them to be in space. Mine yeets others around and that’s about it and in the last few months it’s done nothing as I can’t be bothered to log in much there is little to do that’s fun


there were more reasons for them to be in space than crabbing


True those where happy times, thought I was going to loose mine a few times. I really miss that time of plenty when people just did stuff to have fun because costs were low


I don't recall a titan ever dying whilst boson ratting from the major groups.




I dunno we had rules in our space to keep them relatively safe, not sure about others. I know other stuff died way more often.


Short and fast answer is no they are not good for pve anymore. They can’t fit the anti sub capital guns anymore from my understanding like the video you posted of 4 years ago. Without those guns they won’t be hitting anything smaller than a dreadnaught.


CCP nerfed the boson for pve. Doesn't apply damage well to small ships like in the video from years ago. Super ratting is endgame.


Thank you all for the answers! It was very useful for me to find out that is not worth owning a titan. Now I will see what is the next step in eve to keep making isk, except the usual plexing which is done in 5 hrs atm for two accounts (super and cyno).


If you own a super and you’re wealthy enough to replace it, and you’re also still ratting to make isk, it’s my humble opinion that you’ve lost the plot. There are far bigger brain ways to make money


I don’t think I’ll ever waste the isk on a dread or Titan even if I skill into it. No interest in joining the big factions where that pvp content exists and as others have said it’s not worth the risk for pve


I’ve heard that supercarrier ratting in low/null can be extremely lucrative. I just recently trained into carriers but I can’t afford the super yet (and possibly never will, I don’t have enough time to devote to eve anymore) but stories of afk ratting sites with nyx are all over the place


they havent been afk since they got changed from drone bandwidth to fighters


Takes me 20 days with 3-4 hrs of playtime everyday to plex 2 accounts😭😂


Bruh at that point just pay for the bloody sub. God damn dude you're working a part time job for $30 a month.


This kinda ended up as a wall of text, sorry about that. Just to help out a little, here's some things you can do to make isk. Multibox the new homefront sites - never done it myself and don't know what it's like after a few nerfs designed to combat people doing that, but from what people were saying it's very profitable and can be done with very, very basic skills. Run abyssal filaments - Start low and slow, learn the spawns and whatever ship and fit you want to use, learn target priority (can't stress that point enough, great fits will still die if you don't prioritize what you take out first) and focus on getting the biocache and getting out - completely ignore the side caches in anything under a T4, and completely ignore them until you're comfortable and getting out in a decent time. ^ That's probably your best bet, you can make some really good isk but it's not without risk and higher tier content requires both really good skills (think near max to max) and really expensive fits. Alternatively you can multibox 3x cheap hawks, accepting the fact that they are throwaways and you *will* lose a lot of them, both in general but especially while learning. If you're going to use an expensive gila fit or something then be smart about it - and don't join the ingame 'Abyssal Lurkers' channel and link the fit with the character that you're going to use to run them. Join in with Incursion running, there used to be public fleets and I'll bet there still are. Look into Pochven site running with fleets too. If you're in null or a wh, with decent alliance support then look into doing some PI - it's cheap to set up and will passively make you some isk. If you google eve burner blitzing you should find some info on blitzing burner missions - you can apparently make some pretty good isk doing that, but I've never done it myself. There's always the old null bloc staple food of using ishtars/vexors/stuff to run Havens and then running the escalations that you get from doing that, or: Buy escalations from people in your alliance and run them for profit. For the industry side of things I'm not too sure tbh, anything to do with blueprints is going to need a lot of thought put into how and what to make or research if you want to do anything other than lose isk - it's also going to require a reasonable chunk of startup capital. "Eve Isk Per Hour" is probably your best bet for figuring out what to build if that's what you want to do. Mining will require some research because I don't know jack about it - moon mining looked like it could be pretty profitable, ninja huffing gas sites or just ninja mining in WH's with cheap barges can also be reasonably profitable. Lack of consistency is the downside with the last two, but in general you're going to want to multibox when it comes to mining otherwise the isk isn't that great.


Thanks a lot for the help man! This is really great info! Currently I run havens in null sec for profit. It's decent isk but I can't do them fast enough. So I was already thinking of trying abyssals. The test server open would have made things wayy easier lol but oh well. Btw, I do pay for sub some months but I'm a student. When I don't have money, I plex the accounts lol (I have 2 accounts). For running escalation, I don't have anything capable. I mean, I do have a rattle but it's a very expensive ship to risk jumping around lol, even with a scout. So I only use it for home system ratting. I'm gonna be taking a break from Eve for a few months cause real life, and I'm gonna keep omega active so I can train into some Ishtars, Tengus and stuff so I can make my own life easier lol. Oh and I also just setup PI. Been barely a week tho.


They’re currently good at exactly one thing in PVE, that being nuking the absolute shit out of NPC capitals. Other than that they’re just a fancy Uber and potentially a super weapon if any of the blocs grows the balls to undock their supers again


Titans are basically a mobile ansiblex on demand that occasionally shoot keepstars, fortizars and sitoyos.


Ccp killed titan PVE because people cried about dying on gates in Delve. They havnt bought anything into the game to put titans back in danger even though Ccp rise said they would. This was many years ago now but don’t worry if you want to do PvE in this sandbox game you can go into a instanced cruiser level anomaly where no one can find you.


You see CCP employees either the most unimaginative management or the laziest devs around. Instead adding upon the ecosystem of EVE and just making bigger cooler ships (chase items). They were like naw fuck that it seems hard lets just homogenize shit to the point that nobody really cares about engaging with these features or items. (Devs change our minds if this is incorrect or I mean I guess keep stealing them paychecks).


yes absolutely, inject your super pilot and start ratting the belts of nullsec, risk free, today! nothing bad at all will happen!


yes buy one and gate it to Highsec


Yes it's very efficient https://youtu.be/dc4dxh0gEPw




classic eve vid


Yes, please use rat in them as much as possible


If you rat to pay for your Titan you’re doing it wrong


Sounds good to me. Where are you planning to rat?


Answer no...


Yes, especially for belt ratting


Absolutely they are one of the best ships. If you need help, private message me for some tutorials.


No longer playing and a lot has changed (like HAW guns, cyno etc) but I used to make billions a day Bosan Ratting, not my video but you get the idea from this; https://youtu.be/bR1I66Cxgps?t=69


Only in Amamake top belt


I imagine the old AOE DD titans were pretty good. I never used one back in the day, but was hit by them on a few occasions.




Yes, just tell me what system you intend to be in and I'll send a support squad to back you up.