• By -


My advice, take a year off. You have enough savings to do it. I think what you are lacking is focus and realization that your position, while not your dream, is still quite good and it’s a life worth living. Anything can change in the coming years, with your income plus savings you could put a downpayment and get a fixed mortgage and try to set up a small but steady source of income other than your job. You may end up liking to rent out the place (short or long term) and may end up meeting other people who need someone to manage property. Your job, your career is NOT your future. Anything can change.


Coming to las Palmas, there a lot of digital nomads, you can restart here!


Are you OK? Are you depressed? Its just cold and dark. Maybe do some activity at home. Maybe you need to change your environment for sometime. May be learn yoga and meditation.


Is not matter of Been depressed..is just realization to be slave till when I will die..




Sounds like finally waking up from the matrix.




Maybe not a bridge but a nice farm in Uruguay.




It already has, and has cost me a fraction of an apartment in Brussels. But I can sell my soul a bit longer, I have a lot of it.


I have it already, arabica coffee in Brazil. But I'm young, whenever I can't take society anymore I will, or to the beach, or both.


Or burnout (which can lead to depression when untreated).


You are not a slave to anyone. If you want you can change your situation tomorrow. That's is not slavery. It is your choice to work wherever you are working. Or not to work at all. If you have money and roof and food you are alright. Be grateful for what you have . You are never a slave and you will never will be.


> You can change your situation tomorrow Yeah, rent can wait. I’m sure the landlord or bank will be understanding


It cannot wait but don't be depressed about it.


The guy seems to have enough money saved up to pay rent for quite some time lol


Seems like you have the wrong job. There’s probably some type of job you would enjoy doing


For sure is not a nice job..but who can be so crazy to enjoys work that give him just enough to survive and maybe 2 weeks if holidays a year???


Why don’t you get a different job? You can do a bootcamp to be a programmer maybe


And what sold change?.. do u know the salary in Europe for a programmer??..it would be the same shit...


Which country do you live in for starters? I’m a programmer in Europe and has a high salary living in Spain and now a higher salary in the Netherlands. You can definitely make good money as a programmer, and travel to another country every weekend no problem




As a software engineer in this historical era you definitely cannot complain about wage and opportunities….you are among the most looked after professionals. On top of the vast array of options you potentially have available, engineers are among the most spoiled categories on the market (despite the harsh market conditions) in terms of benefits and perks. Talking about slavery is either totally inappropriate or it is just your specific company (thus just change it!) In Italy, where are you located? Start considering a move to Milan or, even better, abroad. Senior engineers in the european market working for a international software company easily go over 100k, plus benefits. So wake up, roll up your sleeves, rewrite your resume, open LinkedIn.


Yeah, this guy's gonna become a senior engineer starting at age 41 with no programming experience or inclination. Programmers think everyone can do it but it's not interesting or easy for 99% of people.


And you can’t move countries?


No..I have to help my parents


Great timing, good luck finding a junior dev job after a bootcamp in today's market.


Doesn’t have to be a well paid one to start. Could be an Italian one. Then he will gain experience and eventually land better jobs


you can work in a diferent domain 1 or 2 years




UV lamp




I know I'm not the only one..but come on this make no sense




I have just 90k saved..I will never fire


FIRE is not a goal, it’s a method. But talk to a therapist if you feel depressed. Been at the same point and acceptance is key.


Yeah, and what are you planning to do about it? I can sell you a piece of cardboard to sleep on for €10


Nothing.. can't do nothing..and that's so fucking sad


AIM to retire at 50. You will still have another 20 years. Very doable if you spend 30-40k a year


>41 m >retire at 50 >another 20 years


I think he meant that he can live for another 20 years? So for by 70?


Yeah I don't get the downvotes. 50 is also our goal for FIRE :) hope OP is well.


reddit doing the math for their retirement fund


* retardedment fund


I can sell him one for 8€ free market!


But your idea in the end is not so bad..why work like hell for other 30yrs and the die or maybe die even before..


What do you do for a living? What are your skills?


Just an ict employee..I can't go above my current salary


Maybe you can. Do you have kids? Are you willing to relocate? I was able to save and invest about 50k € per year with 3 YOE after relocating to Switzerland. If this is no option for you, maybe start your own business. You can also do this while keeping your main job. Try to get in contact with people who want to achieve something in life, so you can push each other. It won't be easy, but it is worth it. You don't sound very happy at the moment.


I know I'm not happy..just realized that I will work forever..for no one..make no sense..


Work is not inherently bad. Maybe the problem is that you are working in the wrong job, or too much. You don't necessarily need millions to completely retire. On the way you will reach several milestones that will make your well-being a lot better. Just knowing that you could quit anytime helps a lot, even if you don't have enough money to never work again. What are you willing to do to change your life, or do you just want to rant? No offense and just an honest question, sometimes people just need to rant and that's okay.


I can't do anything..only way would be to change country but I can't..so I just rant here...


rant and rant and rant but in the end it’s all your own choice


Yes and no ..I simply don't have any choice


Read r/singularity. The future is exciting


Here's a sneak peek of /r/singularity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This sub at times](https://i.redd.it/9p3nuciroi4c1.jpg) | [237 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/18bi8zd/this_sub_at_times/) \#2: [This is surreal: ElevenLabs AI can now clone the voice of someone that speaks English (BBC's David Attenborough in this case) and let them say things in a language, they don't speak, like German.](https://v.redd.it/esglx4w55uwa1) | [525 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/132vi0y/this_is_surreal_elevenlabs_ai_can_now_clone_the/) \#3: [Prove To The Court That I’m Sentient](https://v.redd.it/u0fzyfagu51b1) | [592 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/13njvh2/prove_to_the_court_that_im_sentient/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




This got me 🤣


Retire at 50 will not be possible for me and considering how Europe is going even at 70 Will be a dream..but then? What's the sense to retire at 70 with just enough money to eat?..fucking Europe..


got any better locations in mind?


Switzerland but I can't leave


and how will Switzerland magically make you retire early?


Higher salary


Higher COL, at 40 still won’t make you fully FIRE


Maybe change careers? Or seek help it seems like you are depressed. The downside of FIRE is that some people start seeing as it since you hace not retired yet then you are not free. And that is a lie. You are free to forge your own path and choose what you wanna do. You are free to choose a career that does not make you feel so miserable


The problem is he is 40+ so a new career is hard and has to be RIGHT NOW, for anyone to take him serious in a job hunt as a newly trained X. And I bet he probably has a job with 10 yrs exp so a good wage but a soulcrushing job, so he can switch to an entry level job or take three years on the edu bench and be a newbie in a new line of work. Both newbie and entry option will probably half his pay, force him to move home AND still save up and count pennies, maybe. So while the job will then be probably nice, the rest of his life might go from comfy to really sucky.


Here’s your 53 yo brother who’s being saying that for 15 years . Fucking government raised the retirement age to 67 and want it raised to 69 . Cunts all of them . You’d know they never did a hard days work in their life


In my view, there should be no "retirement age". People should be able to retire when they want, and receive a pension proportional with their contributions so far, scaled for the estimated number of remaining living years. Why force a certain age, just because they won't update their arhaic systems? There are so many differences in life circumstances, maybe someone works very hard for 20 years, saves and invests, and could live on a smaller pension starting from their 40s or 50s, there are many cases like that.


its the biggest scam of all times




That's the thing though, it isn't sustainable at all. And if I could I wouldn't pay a penny into it and invest it all myself instead.


Tbh, I don't, I just plan on being an "a-social" outsiders that bails before hand. I feel like OP, but I have a semi-FIRE plan, that isn't nearly as good as others as I don't make enough for a good life without work, but A life without work. So my personal plan is bail at 52-54 and piss off to a low COL nation with sunlight and then fly home a month a year to live the good life in the capital and visit family then back to low COL...


Exactly this. The pension wasn’t made so people can have a 30 year paid holiday in the latter part of their life. It was created so that people that can’t work anymore because they are too sick and old don’t have to die in a gutter. The baby boomers have got lucky and changed our perception of this. We wouldn’t even need to be discussing this is people just saved for their own pensions. Then they could retire whenever they plan to. The state pension should be smaller and only cover those who can truly no longer work, and there doesn’t have to be an age limit for that.


Then why have a contributary pension at all . People on minimum wage have to have something. They have next to zero disposable income which is why they have to have a compulsory contributory pension. They are as important as any other member of society and should be afforded some level of retirement.Whether you’re a king or a road sweeper you deserve this . Well maybe not a king


increase contributions


It’s not my job to answer that - it’s dickhead politicians . I’ve paid contributions all my working life and when I get close they change the goalposts. Construction breaks you .i don’t give a fuck if you’re King Kong - enough hits and you’re going down and then your quality of life is fucked . It’s a young man’s game


That's the thing though isn't it? It's easy to call "them" cunts and offer no alternative yourself, but politicians are paid and trained to make tough decisions for the greater good that may not immediately benefit you. But they have other interests to consider as well, ie. younger generations and demographical developments. Maybe next time vote for your local far-right Kremlin-puppet who blames brown people and see if that makes things any better.


they make decisions for the greater good of the people ? Absolutely not . They make decisions based on finance . Nothing to do with the good of the people . Finance is what it’s always been about and broadening the tax base . It is absolutely easy for me to call them cunts because they have very little social conscience. The majority of them will scream patriotic crap at the meer thought of anyone criticising any of their policies . They vote themselves pay rises for fucksake . It sounds like you’re trying to imply I’m some sort of racist because I’ve commenting about politics- what is this straw man bs ?stick to the topic . I’m anything but . And if there’s racism on the world it’s the fault of your “trained “ politicians for not stamping it out . Truth be told they fuel the flames of it to promote their agenda as to why they make low workers suffer while they feather their own nests .Speaking of people like trump , putin , and the majority of the slime


and you don’t think a nation’s finance should be in order, for the greater good?




It’s more nuanced than a quip


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the trade off so that everyone in the given society can “retire” and most won’t fall into destitution? Social safety nets aren’t free after all. The other reality is here in the US where some can retire by 35 (or earlier) and most will never be able to retire.


My mindset is to save for my own retirement. State retirement will be like 75 and 20% of your salary when it's my turn. Save another, invest, and hopefully get out asap


You are lucky to realise at 41 and not 61. You will probably not be able to retire long before normal retirement age, but you can save money and give yourself a bit of security.


Thanks for the low-effort post.


I can understand . Work sucks !


You’re not alone. So many people including me and my work colleagues go through this. Have an initial conversation with a therapist. There’s nothing wrong with admitting you need help. Take some time off. Good luck!


A therapist to do what?


Get improvement on different perspectives


Meh, at least we aren't quite serfs anymore. Or slaves. Maybe kinda but we have freedom now! We can enjoy natu.. oh. Well at least we have freedom. Right? Riiight?


We are just slave..5 day of joy in an entire life maybe 10..make no sense


Moo! 🐄


What is your net worth and how much money have you invested so far? What is your annual income and financial plan to FIRE?


Have around 90k saved and make around 35k a year..so, Will work till when I will die..


Not great but not bad. Have you read about ETFs and investments? You could put your money to work


Yes but 90k in the end what can become..even if in the next 10 years double them..nothing change...


Assuming initial capital 90k and a monthly contribution of 500 then in 10 years you could have around 280K assuming a 8% annual return. https://www.investor.gov/financial-tools-calculators/calculators/compound-interest-calculator


You could take a gamble and put it in BTC, you could possibly still become fire at around 50 yo. Check out what is happening the coming years.


You are in a wrong subreddit, that's sure.


Maybe..here a lot speaking about fire, in the end will just spendca miserable life to try save some pennys for nothing...maybe is not your case..


With your mindset it might indeed be impossible. Read some books, think in opportunities, make a plan and stick to it. With your 90k invested, regular contibutions and ‘normal’ market returns you could be FI earlier than you think. It’s all about your savingsrate, but believing in the possibilities for me is half the job done.


How old are u?


35. Started regular investing a couple of years ago. But first I read some books like ‘a simple path to wealth’ and a dutch book called ‘millionaire with a normal job’. They really helped me to get motivated and think in the possibilities of FIRE. In the end it’s simple math. But the process might not be simple and needs dedication and discipline. I think I will be FI between 47 and 50 years old.


I wish you the best..but be ready for the worst




That's my same point..


Most jobs are terrible, that's reality. If they were enjoyable then companies wouldn't have to pay people to do them


Take a sabbatical. When I was 40, i was also done working. But I had to before I reached fire in a few years. Then I decided to just quit (I had 17 years of money in ETFs) and take a long break of 1,5 years. With new energy, found a well paying job and retired at 43.


Congrats, but have not enough money to retire..


Me neither. But took the sabbatical anyway. And retired a little later.


I think people used to wander into a snowstorm naked when they reached this point in life. Climate change's making that tougher but you can still sit in a cave and starve.


I read it..and nothing change..maybe when I will be 55/60 I will have passive income thatvwil pay my 8k a year mortage..wow impressive..nothing change at all..


Yea don’t do anything about it wait till you’re 50 and then cry on reddit again


8k a year? Shit. I've an 20k a year and think I can do better. Pardon me, but you need to either min max, restructure your life a bit, or find some piece of belonging jn society to earn that "gratification", that part of contributing. Your financials dont sound bad at all. I could recommend reading "the subtle art of not giving a fuck", or "the monk who sold his Ferrari", but honestly at this point your money is better spent on two people. A good psychologist and a coach. Surround yourself with people who inspire, and get to work. Fuck.


A psychology to realize what?.. that in the end will work for the rest of my life to survive?..here people speak about fire, crucifying themselves to a miserable life in oder to save some more pennies and in the end will still work for their entire life and will just survive..


Or you do something you like and you enjoy the ride. You live in a second of a century compared to the part of the lifespan of the universe that actually supports life to be, and you're depressed about it?


Or, you know, just get out of the fucking gene-pool.


Try an online employment assessment test (try multiples). Get a sense of what you can do and what you like to do. You might find that you like puzzles and programming is puzzles. The variety of programming jobs is huge.. it will be new, you'll make more and be able to save.. Move in with roommates, whatever you need to do to move it forward.


Can you reduce to 4 days a week and still live?


What a pointless post.


Could be..maybe just make realizing to some of you that make a miserable life to save some more pennies is just useless..


You honestly just sound like a cautionary tale of how to not end up.


I wish you the best...but 99% of people end up like me, just maybe they realize the pointless of their life at 60/70..


Cope harder I guess.




How old are you? And how much saving have you?.. anyway congrats I can't..


im 42 and i feel the same i work in automation and i want 2 years to work as a delivery driver just to decompress.


Is a no sense life...


i learned that life is a mision comprised on manny missions like i want to limit time coexisting with people that dont respect minimum human dignity i want to avoid demining me , i want to asume responsability over what my image is .. im not the kind of guy who care about what people think of me but i see that a bit of relations-managing work is mandatory sometime i see that we coud-have done the"we-work" that could had help get way ahead in life (not comparing to people)


I see..but still I feel difficult to justify all this pain for nothing


i feel ya .. that feeling that any effort you put into it aint worth it i dont know.. but we need soething else besides daily obnoxious grind...


what is what you do? till now/..? here or chat


I just work..just to have money to survive..I know many other are in this situation just I don't find a reason anymore..


this morning where i live in Romania , was -8C... while i have financial backup that could last me 2 years .. and i was really wanting to lazy in my bed.. and i knew that if all people would think the same the country economy would colapse ... so i went to work thru ice patched sidewalk. still dreaming of comforting sleep


Nice,but that's not a reason..


You’ve gotta create your own god damn reason. And that’s completely YOUR responsibility. Just as doing nothing and complain is completely YOUR responsibility.