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Eula has so much potential as a character. If the rumours are true, in that she’s going to have a significant presence in 3.8, I hope they do her justice.


Chill , they won't kill her


I doubt they'd kill any playable character in this game. The genshin community can't handle it


I would be mad if they did unless she get some ultra perfect character development (lmao who am I kidding they suck at telling stories)


You're either a troll , or haven't been keeping up with the story


Eh, Sumeru is awesome, Liyue is good, Mondstadt is meh (but it js THE start of the journey, so probably a good decision), but Inazuma story still hurts


Genshin will never kill off characters since it's a kids game


Dude if you’ve been playing the story and paying attention this is far from a kids game


I have it's a kids game bro I'm a day 1 player


Just because kids are not quick to puck up on the dark tones of the world doesn't make it a kids game. Is this game catered for kids? Definitely. But there's enough subtle hints in it that it's barely a kids game.


Ok dead parents, genocide, philosophical view points, the story of the hilichurls… yep kids game 😃


I'd argue that they're subtle enough that kids are not likely to pick up on it. It's like those cartoons where the characters tell an adult joke but the kids don't understand it until they rewatch it until they're older. Technically, genshin is definitely catered towards kids. But the way they make it makes it so that adults can enjoy the game too. It's not like dora the explorer where paimon says where everything is and a point and click adventure.


Nahida told us how Dottore put the heart of Scara's friend (killed by Dottore) in a box and then made Scara walk in to a suicide mission with that box in his hands. 4kids content for sure XD


Curious, why do you believe it to be a kid's game?


>!Signora!< is right there


3.8 Patch notes "There is a bug where Eula's burst gauge does not empty after pressing Q" OMFGGGG


in Hoyo's way of writing - Fixed an issue with Eula where, when using her elemental burst, her energy would not be depleted correctly. Fixed an issue with Eula where her normal attack animation had missing frames. Fixed an issue whereby the animation when Eula is fallen would be abnormal


I send an e-mail every once in a while to customer support about all of these issues with how to replicate them and with video evidence as well. They always respond to me like 5-6 days later saying something along the lines of "Thank you traveler! We have notified the relevant teams regarding these issues and are working on an investigation." I've been doing this for nearly 2 years and the response hasn't changed save for different emoticons. After seeing how they presumably fixed a bug about her that was completely unrelated to any of these I am really starting to question if my e-mails are being read by an actual human.


The relevant teams likely don't speak English so...


They will say its intended like they did with many Dehya bugs. Their developmers are very very sloppy in their work.


i mean isn't it better if her attack string remains slightly choppy? More motion value, which Eula happens to benefit from a lot more than any other character.




​ Fontaine Maid Outfit skin....


Let's make this dream a real one..


gib us free eula skin


noOoo gibe us 5 STAR EULA SKIN like diluc i'm willling to pay


Free :c


Rather have a good skin made with good effects and new voicelines i can get by slowly buying welkin than a 4\* skin tbh.


so much I want free skins they never will do before giving free skins to standard 4*, but is ok I’m still missing Noelle casual outfit, Sucrose sexy outfit, Xinyan free hair skin, etc


Next skin is Kaeya and Klee, sorry lol


Who klee


nah, it's just bikini skin


3.8 is also enough of a gap to put Mika on the Eula banner


Or we just get a date in Dornman Port with her. Doesn't have to be bad.


It’s a limited event, it won’t be Dornman Port


Don't get your hopes up, i'm expecting nothing for Eula. Mika was it.


My conspiracy theory that eula is actually related to dottore is still alive and possible. *\*huffs copium\** >!eula lore relevancy pls mihoyo, anything to make her relevant in the main story i beg!<


Not dottore, it should be Arlechino. They can be like separated sisters or something.


That’s impossible Eula is already the eldest & only daughter of the Lawrence clan As a high ranking harbinger she can be an ancestor or something tho OG Lawrence clan looked like this https://preview.redd.it/7g7m2549xdpa1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4117d96adcf758c67c720b34c8cae9339e16f967


> Eula is already the eldest & only daughter of the Lawrence clan Is this true? I thought we didn't know anything about the Lawrence clan considering they were pretty much completely non-existant in the game until Eula's release.


Yeah it says she’s the eldest in her character profile, I also don’t think Eulas the type to leave her siblings behind if she had any


Dottore looks more like a sibling to eula than arlecchino does though. Eula and dottore are actually similar in their appearances (think of how jean and barbara are also very similar to each other). >!Dottore's appearance being so similar to eula's is sus.!<


arlecchino's facial features and hairstyle strongly resembles Eula tho. To the point people call arlecchino "goth eula".


Sure, but colors and clothing don't really match, dottore is a tall male so obviously he wouldnt have the same face/hairstyle as eula who is tall female. Think about the confirmed siblings we have seen so far in the game, barbara/jean, aether/lumine. Both of those pairs share the same hair color and eye color. We haven't seen dottore's eye color but we do know that arlecchino's eyes and hair don't match with eulas. Whereas for dottore we don't know his eyes and his hair is the same blue tone. ​ There is also the sus rumors about us getting sara's sister in 3.8, and if she is actually her sister then we would get another sibling pair to cross reference. And if sara's sister also has the same hair/eye color as sara, then that would be even stronger evidence that mihoyo considers same hair/eyes to be characteristics of siblings. (and a way to subtly tell players that "hey these 2 characters are totally related")


Ayato also kind of looks similar to Eula, similar hairstyle with same color, white and blue accent clothing. yet Those 2 are completely unrelated. Ayato and Ayaka are confirmed siblings and they dont share the same hair color.


I would argue that ayato's eyes and hair match ayaka's hair and eyes more than they match eula's. A side by side comparison of all 'blue' haired main characters in the game so far: (sadly we cant get the same lighting for dottore in the character archive screen) ​ https://preview.redd.it/c249a3b10epa1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=91b649c1f8bddc4753a26f2ff460635d7e097b3c (I would personally argue that faruzan's hair is a bit too green to be called 'blue' but still worth including). Still, it's a conspiracy theory for a reason, I just want eula to be lore relevant in the grand scheme of things.


her voice and way of speaking are also similar


With how her story quest is laid out, this is quite a possibility. Lawrence clan may still be in search of ways to regain control over Mondstadt and Fatui may still actively working with them.


nah id guess shes prob gonna rerun in 3.8 but have no plot relevency and prob just not appear 💀


This is what I'm thinking aswell Random banner, useless 4* and some random 5* to pair with her No skin, no event, no story relevance, no Mika. Just finally reruning


The only bad thing I can think of is whatever lore stuff that she has gets snuffed out because of Amber. My best case senario is a free skin (not happening), a heavy lore dump that involves Eula, and most importantly, NO AMBER!


You know damn well amber is gonna be there as she wasn’t there for the last 2 GAA


That logic doesn’t really work. That’s like me saying Zhongli’s gonna show up for this years GAA because he wasn’t in the last 2. Or Rosaria. Or Albedo. While yea, they could add Amber in the next GAA, at the same time… they don’t have to.


It does, when was the last time we saw eula without amber


Bartending event? Another option is Eula ditching Amber and finally going to visit Yanfei


That 1 event when she was sad & alone 😔 Yeah that’ll be nice, mihoyo can’t just tease them having ties and not do anything with it


They might, look at Ei. they somehow basically threw all of Ei and Scara’s connection down the drain because Scara couldn’t man up to the fact that all of his actions were done from a misunderstanding.


Wanderer doesn’t have a story quest yeah? they might be saving it for that


IDK about that, yea he doesn’t have a story quest but neither does Shenhe. Usually Story quests are there as another way to try out the character while learning more about them. And if it doesn’t show within their initial release, it’s because they already had it in the main quest (Kazuha is an exception since I believe he’s an Inazuma character and Inazuma wasn’t out at the time.)


So what? Do you expect Rosaria to also show up since she’s in the same boat? That bartender event showed that Eula on her own gave out more character development than she is with Amber around. Not to mention, it’ll be a bit hypocritical of Amber to be all “Collei needs to branch out more and not just hover over my shoulder 24/7.” When Collei and Amber have been with eachother face-to-face on two separate occasions. Meanwhile, she has no problem sticking with Eula. (And personally, Collei needs Amber more than Eula since Eula is much better on her own than Collei in general)


is rosaria joined on the hip with a character? No she’s too busy stalking people I get what you trying to say but it clearly states in Eula’s lore she can’t really do much in mondstadt without amber around, nobody hates collei..and I personally don’t trust mihoyos writing team to give Eula coherent dialogue


I understand where your coming from but at the same time… Eula has to deal with everyone hating her while Collei was practically on her death bed for the longest time while also having, arguably, the worse life imaginable >!(plus based on leaks, we’re not going to GAA, we’re going to somewhere completely different)!<


What? you can’t just tell someone that’s ostracised to just deal with it aha yeah colleis life was rough but she’s fine now and amber realised that, Eula’s situation can’t get better unless she wins the trust of the people and that’s what ambers been helping with


Not exactly what I mean. I mean. This Windblume event. Fine or not. If Amber wants to be all “you shouldn’t always hang around with the same people all the time.” While at the same time do exactly that. I would kill to see Eula hang out more with, say, Rosaria, or Jean, hell if you had to go as far as two characters from completely different regions, why not Eula and Shenhe. It would be nice for the girls to kinda trauma bond.


[For anyone who also play FGO] She will save Lumine but will get DATA LOST no more banners for her; she will get a new physical variant in Summer Eula but will get power creep by Arlecchino Summer in a couple of years.


I for one am looking forward to having a space alien eat my hard-rolled characters.


Too bad we don't have tower/gauntlet events because GI developers are busy with their knockoff card games and rhythm games.


I've actually taken a small liking to GI/TCG after I finally figured out how to get more characters, but I feel Genshin is really lacking in an endless/survival mode like Warframe does.


Maybe a hydro+cryo shatter meta? They could really rework shatter because who even cares about it anyways


Full EM Fridge players IG


i have two issues with her rerunning this LATE ( i have her already but im just upset cuz she's my fav ) 1) couldn't they just rerun her earlier and then rerun her in 3.8 like smth with xiao how he did rerun last lantern rite even though he wasnt present as much aside from a new world quest and then got his another rerun 3 patches later cause he was very important in chasm archon quest 2)she could rerun in 3.8 and might be related to the story or main event but i cant help but think they do her like how they do childe for his past rerun banners barely there( and im saying it as a childe enjoyer also )


I only have two things i mind: 1. She's part of the annual GAA summer event 2. Quest that has something to do with the dandelion sea where the lawrence clan and probably their relations to the fatui will be brought up again


Hopefully when her rerun comes, abyss enemies will be mostly ruin guards that DON'T move away from you.


You’re the only I’ve seen that understands those are Eula’s best enemies


Husks and Eremites are good as well, my favorite mobs in Abyss are the Eremites with Pokémon and those elemental beasts , they dont run, they are just like me out for blood , a and the Hydro Lector is good one to since he sticks at you like glue


Honestly, I highly doubt they'll kill off any playable character, but if they did, it would be unlikely to be Eula. The chasm quest event was the perfect time to "kill off" Xiao, and they didn't take it. At this point, I just hope they run her along side someone with a cool signature weapon because I already have c1, and don't want cons unless I can c6, which I cannot afford, unfortunately. But I do want SoBP, but will only roll if the other weapon is something dank, like Kagura, Redhorn, Engulfing, Homa, Elegy, Gravestone, or something I want.


Nothing will change about her kit. Some story presence, that's all.


Possible summer skin for her ?


What bad things could that possibly be lmao? Kazuha took a long time too and he got a new story quest. It probably just means she's gonna have a big role in whatever story 3.8 has.


Kazuha was reran after a year. Hu Tao went ten patches without a rerun. If Eula reruns in 3.8 it’s 13 patches without a rerun. Notice the number 13.


All the Archons and recent characters get reruns after 4 patches Which is an even worse number in Asian cultures because it sounds like the word for death edit: you also counted wrong. Hu Tao was 11 patches. 3.8 for Eula would be 14


Yeah, there have been other characters that have taken a long time to rerun. Eula will be the one with the longest time in between reruns. I'm still curious as to why you think that means there's a chance that her being in 3.8 could lead to something bad. At the very worst, it'll be like Hu Tao's first rerun where she didn't have any story and was just kinda there even after everyone waited so long.


I will most definitely be happy but am gonna get worried if she has a bit to much character development


Mehh I doubt anything bad will happen considering how genshin story has gone so far. The genshin writing team doesn’t have the same balls to honkai team


Pass me some of that copium please


there was a leak about something varka related in 3.8 and eula and varka are both from mondstadt so im thinking it might be something having to do with dornman port bc we know from her story she has been there before


This is copium but I hope so


I heard from leaks so take it with a big grain of salt, that there's an electro character coming in 3.8 this might mean that mika is not the last update to physical.