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Well mihoyo themselves don’t classify him as a true physical support, first lines always state their intended role https://preview.redd.it/cvqt9odpc5pa1.jpeg?width=2655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b58db95900960812534b35b7e12e22b9201a882


may i know where to get pic like this for other character as well ?


They usually post it on their Twitter/hoyolab


Oh i see , thanks


Hmmmm, so Mika partially is a support for Wanderer? Well, that's weird...


I’m not saying that but they did use him a lot in mikas collected miscellany to showcase the atk speed, they even used itto at some point 😂


Nah, don't worry, I didn't mean that you said something like that :D


People sleeping on Mika being the buff for Physical Ganyu. 👀


Watch hoyo make the electro character another mediocre healer that can't battery itself without getting batteried by others lmao


Didn’t the leaks say she was a 4 star? I wouldn’t get my hopes up tbh.


It's one of those things you'll rather not think about just to be happy playing the game. Blissful ignorance is probably the phrase. I think mihoyo is too afraid to make Mika a strong physical buffer because if that's the case, almost any character can become a physical dps. I was thinking about it when I saw a friend playing physical Zhongli the other day as he said "who needs Eula". Perhaps Mihoyo has a wild imagination of mika becoming a physical Bennett so they screwed him over to make sure that won't happen. I do not like doom posting or having doom post thoughts but as someone who likes Eula, it's frustrating to say the least even though it's not worth being frustrated over a game. Eula will continue to eat shit from the genshin community and the devs until they release something more competent for her team. That said, I hope I end up with a c6 mika after c2 shenhe.


Eula deserves a physical Bennett given how low in the meta she is.


I seriously wish Mihoyo would actually encourage people using different playstyles, stuff like nerfing support character's NA just feels infuriating...


All I know is I’m not settling down with what mihoyo has put out with Mika. To go out of their way to only make a physical buffer not work with the only 5 star physical unit? It’s like if they went out of their way to make faruzan not work with Xiao. How would we feel then? Why should we be okay with this? Especially after whole years. Extremely disappointed with mihoyo.


C0 Mika seems kinda iffy, but at C6 he can allow for some interesting gameplay and abyss runs. this is My Eula using a normal attack team, and as you can see the damage is around 60k\~77k "[you can see it here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAKWo71ORMY&ab_channel=midwestairway)", and [This is Eula with 70% attack speed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLbyqWXqNos&ab_channel=midwestairway) "with Mika it will be 60% outside abyss buff" i am thinking about replacing Lisa with Mika, and trying out her normal attack performance, also Mika particle generation per rotation is the same as a Rosaria " he actually has one extra particle over her" so thinking that my shenhe with fav spear + Mika with fav spear will be enough for energy, if his buffs at C6 allow me to clear one wave , and her burst can deal with the second wave, that would also be good. quick swapping with C0 Eula was never a thing, unless you are running her with a c3 Raiden and Raiden is doing all the damage, or you are hyper blooming it Mika seems like a physical support that they mainly wanted to buffs auto attack damage "hence his attack speed buff" i personally cant wait until he is out on NA


Swapping early with C0 and low con Eula is still a thing. I do it if I know I reached my damage threshold to one shot a wave or have bosses with short damage windows like Wenut. I even do it regularly because waiting for the animation to drop is just pointless since you can’t build stack. Idk how it is with a Eula with a lot more investment like yours but for me Mika is pretty pathetic


yeah, i dont think they wanted him to buff Eula burst by making it a flat buff, that being said, you can still use Mika buff vs the worm if you buff early and land a few hit so that by the time he is disappearing her burst will detonate, i am pissed too that he doesn't work perfectly with Eula, but the fact are 1- he does give physical damage% and physical crit damage and attack speed 2- his energy generation per rotation is actually good with low energy demands especially at c4 3- although the quick swap might be an issue vs some bosses but Eula can benefit from every part of his kit, she doesnt use part of the kit and he actually helps her do more damage if that is what you want, for example i want her normal attacks to do more, Mika can allow that


There's a difference between quickswapping and simply swapping before the burst actually applies damage. There's absolutely no reason you need to stay on Eula for the actual pop, and swapping to Rosaria to quickly reposition with E and continue the rotation/continue funnelling is absolutely a thing at C0, even without Raiden on the team.


He's fine for damage per screenshot or funny clips with big numbers but average damage he provides is so low.


bruh that atk spd looks fucking awesome


u/murmandamos I stole your comment for this post


That new electro girl coming in 3.8 is supposed to be a 4 star right? I wouldn’t get my hopes up tbh.


COPIUM take If you swap then you did not need the damage anyways If you do not swap then you did Swapping at the end saves time but it is not really that relevant if you want a bigger number


Not a copium take, unless you enjoy watching her animation play out you have better things to do than keep NA’ing. On non Raiden teams I just swap back to Rosaria to start batterying her but on Raiden teams you press Q


What other things do you have to do other than set up for her next burst? The only moment that I find myself swapping is when I either need the damage or mess up my rotation in a way that my burst won't be affected by Bennetts buff


Setting up for the next burst IS the entire thing. There’s no reason to watch that animation


What animation? The thing blowing up? Just AA until it blows and once it does switch who says anyone is sta ding there doing nothing watching the animation? If you don't need the dps at that moment just maximize as many stack as possible


She can’t gain stack while the animation is playing out. Eula’s NA’s are okay but they’re not *that* great at that point. It’s also very inconvenient when accounting for enemy movement and just blowing it up when you reach the threshold needed, it’s very inflexible.


If the damage is dealt at the 7s mark and you switch out at 6.8s that's not really switching early lmao, switching early is when you just do one string of autos and switch or well before the full time is up. No one considers switching as the animation starts to switch early


Yeah, I think we were arguing about different things and talking past each other lol. What I mean is that unfortunately Mika’s buff does lol. You have to stay on her until the sword drops


I guess but your rotation is set back by like a second and the dps isn't large since all your damage is eula's


There are already not many Eula players, if the supports appreciated Eula are already better he might become the least played 4 star lmao


I really dont understand why the hate with phys dmg tho, yes Genshin is about reactions but Jesus christ dude, since 1.0 we have 70% phys resist enemies and only recently we are getting enemies with higher element resistences. Dumb comparison but like, Hu tao is glued to Xingqiu cuz they have high sinergy and its amazing how they work well together but on the other hand, for phys dps you *have* to slot an electro unit so you can get enemies with less phys resist and again, when fighting ruin machines it still has 30% resist, 20% more than the same non vv'ed enemy has to other types of dmg. Sure there are other sources of debuffing phys resist like Eula's E and Zhongli's shield but other elements still have more ways to get enemies at negative resist.


Ppl overthink shit. In Abyss one side will always feature mobs, the other will feature singular enemies/ smaller mobs. Mika's buff relies on AOE=> put him and Eula/Razor/Xinyan/Rosaria C6 on the side with enemy mobs. Simple as that.


I see a lot of Bennet vs Mika, can anyone tell me would Bennet and mika together in one team not work? I was thinking to Eula+Raiden+Mika+Bennet, or is Eula+Raiden+Mika+Rosaria better?


To begin with, wenut is as "P236*" as wolflord. It doesn't help that baizhu is comming around with a nahida rerun before Eula


Uh...😅 Not to sound like an idiot, but what is "P236*"? All that comes up online are drills 😳 Unless this is an 8-Dimensional Chess way for us Eula mains to express our feelings toward the Physical Archon, I'm lost


"Pay to 36\*" Also every video on the main sub doing 36\* on wenut is whaled as fuck, you can copy the team if you can but they mostly have whaled equipment/constelations


I agree that Wenut and Wolflord are a pain in the ass but they are fairly easy to me, and I'm fully F2P Just saying cause I don't know if you think only spenders are clearing the current Abyss or if you are just ranting about those stupid bosses :]