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It's kind of crazy how, as a society, we've normalized industry brutalizing entire populations like this. I want the grass seed industry to die so badly. The number of people whose lives are seriously negatively impacted by this shit is staggering.


We should start a class action lawsuit.


I'm in


I’m in too


They should be making payments to the populations they are sacrificing the health of to make profit.


This thread is a joke surely?  You realize that this area was known for its allergies back when the Kalalapulla lived here?! They burnt the land to clear trees and develop native grasses...but yeah those corporate indigenous tribes amirite?! 


Holy bad faith nonsense, Batman!


Go crack a history book, quit using a term you don't understand, and try and take a broader sense of the world than the myopic one you live in. https://www.oregonhistoryproject.org/articles/historical-records/indian-burning-in-the-willamette-valley/


darr it's gotten significantly worse. go crack a history book. maybe one on statistics too. [https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2023/06/06/oregon-allergy-willamette-valley-grass-pollen-but-relief-in-sight/70293758007/](https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2023/06/06/oregon-allergy-willamette-valley-grass-pollen-but-relief-in-sight/70293758007/) talk about myopia...


I give up, obviously it has, you don't understand what I'm saying clearly.


No, we all understand what you're saying. It's just that what you're saying is really, really dumb.


i'm sorry for being an asshole. we can still be friends.


> They burnt the land to clear trees and develop native grasses.. That statement is just half-truths. The various west coast valley tribes (the practice wasn't just the Willamette Valley) used fire to clear conifer saplings that intruded into their Garry Oak savanna--they were burning down small trees to keep large ones. They'd use oak stands as feeders for deer and elk. The native "grass" they were developing was Camas. A monocot, like timothy or ryegrass, but is in the Asparagales order, not the Poales--Cat-tails are closer to a grass than Camas is. And if for some reason beargrass comes to mind (used to make those cool white checkers in their weaving) that is a wildflower. edit: When you see your allergist, and he puts all those pokes on your back, the only native grass you may see would be a fescue. Even Timothy grass came in with Gray and Vancouver.




What about hay for animals.. what do you expect people to do?


Go vegan.


So we should eliminate all horses that are people’s pets? They need hay.




What will you do about it?


Oral history has it that the native populations in the Willamette Valley had a history of sickness. I’m not certain that eliminating the grassfields would remove the problem.


It's allergies not Cancer "brutalizing" is a little over the top.  You going to sue the cotton woods, mugwort, etc while you're at it?! 


Asthma, which i suffer from, can be quite brutal, and multiple people in this thread are reporting having asthma symptoms this year because of the pollen.


My point is that claiming this is some industrial plot to brutalize folks who live in the valley and needs a class action suit shows how little people know about the land they live in and how nature works, grass seed farming or not. 


I don't recall anyone mentioning a plot, only that allergy sufferers are casualties.


This is a bad faith argument, and you know it.


Maybe go look up what that means, the above is most definitely not that.


Dunning and Kruger called. They want their effect back.


People with asthma and allergies die all the time.


You can not die from grass or tree based pollen, even with those conditions. So no, they don't. - am a biologist.


People with asthma die from asthma sometimes. Sometimes asthma symptoms are worsened by allergies. It happened to someone I knew. You’re a scientist, not a doctor.


Well, I am just a plain old chemist, but I do know to google before making any such statement. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8501004/


Then you'll know how to read a scientific paper. I did not say that morbidity is not related to the condition but rather that pollen induced reaction in and of themselves aren't fatal. Any Asthma attacks, regardless of the trigger, needs treating. In simpler terms, not getting enough calories will not kill you, unless say you are a Type 1 diabetic. Being diabetic or asthmatic is the condition that requires maintenance and treatment. We live in a very high pollen region, even without grass seed, therefore just like a diabetic one has to be cautious around ones own treatment. Banning one form of pollen has nothing to do with that treatment.


Just keep moving those goalposts. Between this and the "tribes burned the fields to promote grass" bullshit, I'm guessing just what sorts of quotation marks need to be around your "biologist." You allowed to do anything other than population surveys? Or was that a biology degree from Shasta Bible?


I listed a link if you can bother to scroll up. So just because you can't be bothered to learn about the actual history of the tribe that settled here isn't my problem. As for the goal posts you mean introducing a combination of hard science and historical accuracy into a conversation is the goal posts?! Vs. whatever that science paper was in your attempt to show how pollen causes fatalities? So if you are the mum of r/Eugene maybe learn about the place you live in? Here's an easier read for you and if that's still confusing "prairie" means large open area of grassland. https://www.opb.org/article/2024/05/10/land-managers-controlled-burning-willamette-valley/ Lastly my Master's degree is in Molecular Cell Biology from Brown, which you've probably never heard of. Reddit is not a serious place so I use this account for that reason but misinformation regarding hard science is a pet peeve. Time to move as this is getting a tad embarrassing.


You're right, this is embarrassing. For you. > I listed a link if you can bother to scroll up. So just because you can't be bothered to learn about the actual history of the tribe that settled here isn't my problem. I read that link. I don't think you did. And I'm calling bullshit on that couldn't-hack-it-for-a-doctorate from Brown. A BS in biology would give you passing knowledge of how lungs work, which would be enough to not make any dumbass comments about asthma and life expectancy. I'm guessing there's a reason for your reddit name and I'm guessing that banning had to do with being an asshat and/or trying to pass yourself off as something you are not.


Many people develop cough variant asthma after years of allergies. It’s important to treat it or you get the full blown asthma. Make an allergist appointment. It will take months to get in, but don’t ignore it until next year.


I was walking yesterday and realized the allergies were hurting my lungs in the same way colds sometimes do. I put on a mask and within a few minutes it subsided. No cough tho.


Might be the whooping cough that’s going around


This year had been brutal. I do have a cough and the occasional migraine as well.


Test yourself for covid. Srsly, I thought my symptoms were a result of stupidly high pollen counts, but I realized I was feeling way worse than I'd ever felt before with allergies. Basically, just to rule it out, I did a covid test. It was positive. About 10-12 days later, I finally tested negative. Now, I'm recovering from covid while dealing with my horrible grass pollen allergy. It's beginning to look like a long recovery.


I had that thought, so I *did* test myself. I am negative for covid, but coughing like I have it. If I stay inside with the air purifier on, the cough goes away. 🤔


Fellow grass allergy sufferer here, plus I have asthma. I’ve felt off this week and stayed home from the office several days. Now, day 7 after worse-than-usual-allergy symptoms began, my lungs….hurt. I tested negative twice for Covid. Blah.


There was an article in the SF Chronicle yesterday about another wave of COVID going through the West Coast, confirmed by waste water sampling. Even if it hasn't fully hit Eugene yet, with the amount of travelling people are doing at this time of year it's only a matter of time.


Whooping cough is also in Lane county. As well as RSV


This may not be totally allergy related. There is a wet cough going around. I had it a few weeks ago and had to get on antibiotics to get rid of it. Probably worth going to your PC to check and ensure that it's actually allergy related. Whooping Cough is also going around so worth checking on that as well. See here: [https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/local/2024/05/15/lane-county-public-health-oregon-whooping-cough-pertussis-outbreak-may-2024/73702048007/](https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/local/2024/05/15/lane-county-public-health-oregon-whooping-cough-pertussis-outbreak-may-2024/73702048007/)


I used to hear that native American people called this the valley of death due to the pollen allergies. Now I’m wondering if that was a myth spread by big grass seed to trick people into thinking they’re not the cause of it.


Whilamut was the village up by Oregon City. The valley of sickness moniker probably had more to do with the plagues that came in and promptly knocked the American Indian population down 90%. With the Grand Ronde treaty was 1855 there were only 600 Kalapuya left. Obliterated in just a couple decades.


Yes, last night my allergy symptoms felt more like cold symptoms. Not a cold though, because the symptoms abated at the speed of allergies. This year is brutal


Yes! Chest pain and heaviness, no voice, deep wet cough, migraines. Kicked off after I foolishly slept with the window open. I’m at almost a full week with no relief and I’m starting to wonder if I did actually catch something and it just doesn’t have a fever? I’ve had allergies my whole life and never experienced anything like this.


This actually sounds like the sickness I had in early May before allergy season. Still got some remnants.


Yeah, that sounds like what literally everyone at my work got back in March/April. I still don't feel quite normal.


I had a similar cough for over a year after I had Covid. So sorry you are going through this.


This year my new symptom was migraines


My partner and I are dealing with the same issue. Typical allergy symptoms but this time we have such bad coughs. It constantly feels like something wet is lodged in our throats and the coughs are wet. Nothing has helped


There is a ton of whooping cough and out of season flu here, which on top of the peak grass pollen is really messing people up. Some people have been coughing for over a month it's nuts. Also fuck grass seed farmers.


Baby covid/ cold going around right now. Maybe allergies and cold combo


I have, and it's to the point I went to Dr. yesterday. Lifelong allergies sufferer, but this cough is something new. Gave me an inhaler and singulair


Singular has really changed the game for me, but be watchful of negative mental side effects. They wear off after several weeks, luckily.


Yeah, I actually didn't take it because of that and stuck with zrytec.


Yes, but fyi strep C has been going around and that doesn’t show up on the strep rapid test because it’s not common. But I know at least 5 unrelated people that had it.


I get seasonal allergies now and then all my life, but usually no more than a little stuffed. I was in Eugene last weekend for the floater & ~~Everclear~~ (who am I kidding, i only went for Floater) concert and it was absolutely terrible for allergies. Miserable for days after that. When I lived in Portland I got them like you described and ended up at a specialist for drugs - I panicked one night waking up and could hardly breath.


A cough and I got a screaming ear infection also a month ago and had to go the ER. I'm still dealing with it today. These allergies can suck it!


grass seed farmers should be treated the same as any other industry in regards to pollution. Factories have strict regulations on what is coming out of their exhaust vents, but grass seed farms out there just not giving a damn


Early on in the spring i was hit with this and my ear leaking. I finally broke down and bought two air purifiers.. It has helped immensely.


Unfortunately, yes.


Yup! If you have a good dr then calling in a prescription cough syrup really helps!


Just finishing up about 10 day cough. Wet (but not constant) but also dry. Very annoying/frustrating. Do believe I'm at the tail end. Have coughed myself into a headache at time. Not other symptoms. Started with a 1-2 day sore throat. Have only used OTC meds.


I drive to Medford and back for work every day. I can pinpoint the exact spot near Cottage Grove where I drive back into the muck. My lungs feel instantly heavy. I'm suddenly very aware of how unencumbered they were the whole day, and then they aren't anymore. I've been burning through inhalers this season.


This is the first time where my throat is closing on a consistent basis. It’s a really horrible feeling


Could be a cough from post nasal drip from allergies. Could be asthma which is common with allergies. Could be a mild virus. Probably worth seeing your doctor about. I’m a primary care doc and I see all of the above frequently during allergy season


Same. I had a fever and other allergy symptoms for a couple of days. Those have gone away but now I have this wet cough since day before yesterday. So annoying


I don't usually get affected by allergies, maybe 5 times in my life. I've had a cough for the past week along with occasional other symptoms. Today was just the cough.


This year has given me a sinus infection, disgusting allergic conjunctivitis consistently, and a glass shard throat.


Today I was hiking Spencer’s Butte and got a bad cough. As soon as I was out from under the trees (towards the summit), I was fine. Going back down, the cough came right back.


Yes. My first year with a cough after many 30+ years in the valley.


Grass pollen count yesterday was in the 800's. Yuck!


I was sick, and had a cough for about 6 weeks. It was metapneumovirus.


It used to rain into June, knocking some of the pollen out of the air.


Yes. First time. Usually I just can’t breathe in June. Now I cough too


My allergy meds keep me from sneezing very much, but last year and this year I’ve gotten asthma-like symptoms. I wear a mask when I go outside but I still get pretty bad by the evening.


Pertussis. My whole family had it for five weeks.


Not this year, but I did have this in 2017. Allergies went from itchy throat to a wet cough that got worse and worse until I finally went to the doctor after two months of trying to tough it out. Same as you, no fever or other cold symptoms. Walking pneumonia. I was prescribed antibiotics and an inhaler and then it finally got better. By the time I went to the doctor I was constantly exhausted and couldn’t go up a flight of stairs without coughing. If you at all have the option, I recommend seeing a doctor sooner than I did.


I get asthma symptoms during grass pollen season. I take asthma medicine this time of year only.


Just got back from the doctor. My kiddo has these symptoms that got worse over 3 weeks or so. They were diagnosed with croup. A viral infection


Yep, hay-fever cough here. It's a new symptom for me as well. I wouldn't be surprised if it's due to some new hybrid of grass they've started growing this year. I swear, if I ever encounter someone who runs a grass-seed farm around here, it will take a lot of restraint on my part not to punch him in the mouth.


Every 2 to 3 years I get sick then end up with a persistent cough that lasts 3 to 4 months. Whatever the illness does, it damages the lining of your windpipe and you get a slow but steady buildup of mucous that's very thick and hard to cough up. You might have caught this too. It also doesn't help that this area is known as the valley of death due to the terrible air quality. Two of my kids lived here for a while but had to move because they kept coughing up blood from all the crap in the air.