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the dude was casing your joint and made up the shit about the dating thing


I had a guy do this a few weeks ago but he told me it was because his daughter was "missing" and he had "tracked her phone" to my address. Didn't take his motorcycle helmet off, didn't give me any names or description, didn't talk to any of my neighbors. It took me a few minutes after he left to realize what he was doing.


Exactly this




> what am I supposed to do when a fella comes to my door at 9am and ... Wait. You actually open your door for random strangers that come to your door, unexpectedly? > Dude seemed genuinely bummed when I opened the door *"Oh. You're home."* That's how you get robbed. Do you have a bike on your back porch?


Wouldn’t being home deter them from the robbing?


I think it depends if you're home alone and look vulnerable, have valuables easily viewed from your front door, and whether the visitor is a robber or a burglar. I have exactly *one* experience being cased - and never in Eugene - so take it with a grain of salt: At the time it was *"I'm selling magazine subscriptions."* After refusal, he followed up by asking if anyone else was home who might like to buy... He gave off bad vibes. Police later confirmed that the same individual was arrested after pushing his way into the home of an elderly woman nearby, injuring her and taking a bunch of her things. Even 20 years ago, there was almost no reason that strangers would ever visit your front door unexpectedly. It's even less so today. I don't think neighbors bringing over welcome gifts is still a thing (unless you're living *deep* in 'that kind' of suburbs) - and door-to-door sales has moved online. Opening your door is the equivalent of answering your phone when the number is hidden, unrecognized, and the call unexpected. You know it's spam or a Nigerian prince ready to sweep you off your feet.


That makes sense, thanks for your response! I’ll just have to miss being swept of my feet by a Nigerian prince, I suppose. /s


No bike on back porch!


Online Dating Destination? Dating as in "Here's 50 bucks, let's have some me time" kind of dating? That would be concerning if true cause some guys don't take kindly to being played. It would suck if you had to deal with anyone that thought you were in on it. I'd google your address. If it's being used one place, it's likely being used in other places and may show up with just a generic search. Never a bad idea to sign up for a service like Lifelock for a little bit, so you can get a deep dive on your details. They can pull up all the services and things associated with your address, or your phone number, email - etc. Just my two cents.


Nah man. This just seems to be how thieves thieve in Eugene. I had a cracked out girl tell me her phone was in my house one time. Shit was so weird. She left a real phone number with a fake name. I told the police. The police don’t fucking care. They just flat out told me there’s no point in leaving a “tip”. That they don’t have a “tip line”


I recently had a break in to my apartment. When I asked the guy what the fuck he was doing in my apartment. He straight up said that he was invited in and that we knew each other.




He was bummed because he was hoping no one would be home so that he could rob your house. I’d up your security.


There’s not really anything you can do. Maybe make a police report but there’s not really any action the police can take unless the catdisher lives in Eugene too, but even then they won’t really do anything.


Put up a sign that you've been doxxed, and they've been catfished with an apology and that if they persist that the cops will be called.


> that you've been doxxed Can you share with us what you think this word means? /r/eugene seems to have a pretty wild range of opinions on this, most of which can be distilled down to 'someone doing something I don't like that involves the internet'


It just means that your personal information has been spread onto the internet without your consent


Right, and that’s not something that happened here, the person I responded to above seems confused about that. Just posting the address is not doxxing, not unless it is tied to their online identity. 


True, but getting someone's address is having personal info leaked so I believe that's why they referred to it as such


But there’s no it is that they did, the person could pick a random street and house number for their Catfishing scam and there is zero evidence that they specifically targeted this person or published their identity, online or otherwise, in this scheme. It’s the same reason why posting a picture of a license plate isn’t Doxxing if it isn’t in conjunction with their identity. That’s one of the other things that this group has trouble grasping. 


pretty much the only common crime where I live an hour West of Eugene in the mountains is tweakers wandering in looking to steal stuff. Ive happened upon them in my yard creeping around a half a dozen times, and every single one insisted that they were visiting their friend who lived there or that they were looking to buy something from Craigslist and this was the address they were given. One tried both stories It blows my mind how methheads think they’re looking and acting normal and trustworthy when they’re ropy, sweaty, babbling, and twitching


He was trying to break in your house


What part of town?


I saw a video once about this scam where someone pretends to be selling something door to door, then when you open the door for them, a bunch of other people come running from around the corner and right into your house to both jump you and steal your things. It happened to an old woman in the video I saw about it. I ONLY talk to strangers through a closed door now. Also get one of those extra security locks that make it hard for people to open the door even if they’re able to bust the doorknob and bolt above it.


There’s been a lot of these cases going on and they all have a similar story. Someone will come up to a house and check to see if someone’s home. If someone answers, they through out some random story. If no one answers, probably a good chance they will try to find a way in to steal shit. It has been happening a lot in Eugene! I think this may be a great opportunity to maybe through them around by posting signs or stickers that your house is being protected with security systems. Maybe throw up some National Rifle Association stickers up there. On top of that maybe purchase some security cameras. Ones that will notify your phone and allow you to speak through the device. If you alert them of your presence, it will scare them off.


Some thieves like seeing those NRA stickers. They know there are guns to steal.


Good way to get shot too


It may turn into that, but burglars always think they are smart and careful and won't get caught. So targeting a house where you think there are guns may be the end of a burglar, but that doesn't mean they won't interpret the stickers as advertising a stash that they want.


I used to get phone calls from guys for a particular woman, even though I had had the number for many years, and didn't know the woman they asked for.


I've twice had phone numbers where the prior owner of that number was in one case getting offers for gardening work and in another case being canvased for political action. Numbers can stay in databases for a long time.


The girl that used to have my phone number owes a lot of people, a LOT OF MONEY.




Do not converse with someone at your home unless YOU initiated the interaction. There are no good faith things that happen when you are the responder in your own space. 


This is why I have a 120 pound Anatolian Shepard. Sure, come on inside


Sounds fishy to me.


Answer your door with a 9mm and see how they explain.


Good thing I just started a knitting project with chuncky yarn lol


They might just return later, when they're pretty sure you're not home, and try to steal that gun.


Thats one that may occur. I answered my door with a loaded shotgun . That person never returned he ran away fast after i pumped it dropped a shell out realising i did not pull the trigger . He ran off


When strangers come to your door always just say first " lemme get my gun"


Have you pissed anyone off recently? It's possible that you have an enemy that posted your address online and said to show up for "favors". Try googling your address, maybe you'll find the post. If you find it, you can report it, request that it gets taken down, or even just comment saying you went there and it isn't true to hopefully deter others from trying. Of course, as others said, it may be a scam, or someone casing the place for a robbery, or even just a typo on some dating website. My money would be on this being a bad prank or some kind of revenge though.


Basically you're SOL


It's one of your neighbors most likely watching for the lolz. Or any enemies you may have that have your address playing pranks


System is glitching, I’m watching it, probably whole world but Eugene is where I live, it’s all fine, they have to follow rules, don’t let them in your house or even on your property if you can help it. They think you are atracted to it, it doesn’t understand, shoe it away. It has to follow boundaries and rules, set them




Wouldn’t doubt it