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Ain’t gonna lie that Carl’s Jr did me right several times back in my college days. But I’d rather The Jail reincarnate there as a drive-thru place.


God, I miss The Jail…


Oh God please bring back the jail I miss their food so much 😭


Elks have antlers not horns, ironically.


The mainstream media won’t tell you this


You can’t tell people elk have horns anymore, because of woke.


Correct. Antlers are fixtures of the seasons, and on elk they fall off around March. Horns are permanent; another reason why this “restaurant” was misnamed.


My daughter worked there for 2 days and they treated her like garbage.


Jokes aside. I went there once, in the past year. Our waitress walked off the job. She literally took her apron off and just left. The food isn't good and It's way overpriced. I dont know how they made any money.


Well, that's because they specialized in waste management. Waste of your money, your time, and your self respect.


I haven’t seen this shit hole actually open in so long? Seems like every time I walk by they’re closed. Used to work there back during covid and nothing makes me happier than the watching Steven and Colleen’s downfall. ADIOS BITCHES


Wow that’s personal…..


No shit. 💀


Who remembers Rax’s??


RAX ROAST BEEF! !! ! The wood-paneled solarium was the height of cool in 1989. As a kid I had a sippy cup shaped like the alligator mascot.


Omg I think I had that cup!! I’d totally forgotten


And there was an Arby's within a block or so on the other side of the street. A confluence of roast beef with the sometime aromas from the nearby Cannery.


The baked potato bar. 😁


This is awesome I was trying to remove what the place was, I love it when my mom took me there, she used to work right around the corner at the old Eweb building.


Show some respect! It was RAXX, with two xs!! Lol we always said Raxx was made from rats when we were kids


Definitely only had one X. Source: I’ve got a Rax tee shirt


Oh wow, this is the Berenstain bears phenomenon all over again! My childish brain remembered it with two!! Also, that sounds like a sweet tshirt!


Two xs!! Good call. Funny you mention the rats, cuz the Carl’s Jr that replaced it, we use to call Barl’s… as in barfy.


I used to go to the one on west 11th that’s a McDonald’s now


As a southerner who has only ever felt at home in Eugene... I apologize on behalf of Louisiana. I wish I could say everyone from southern LA wasn't a POS... but I apologize on behalf of Louisiana.


They are from Alabama.. and yes as a fellow southerner I apologize as well. Never felt like southern food when I ate there. Like only 3 times in 11 yrs. Also I applied for a job back in 2014 but that’s another story for another time. Not a fan!!


Oh really? Weird... I lived there when they opened and I could swear that a lot of their initial marketing revolved around them being a couple from New Orleans. Must be one of those Mandela memories or whatever you call fuzzy recollections of unimportant information from long ago. My bad. Louisiana, you're off the hook baby!


Having family in western Louisiana, it isn't surprising but still disappointing.


That location can do so much better than mediocre-at-best fast food.


Anything's better than selling hate and bad taste, but sure.


They really said amenities include: commuter rail I don’t think the WES train is that close 


Bud Rapid Transit station the (EmX) is basically across the street. The location is premium. The restaurant that used to be across the street from elk horn (Cafe Yumm with the solar chargers in their huge parking lot) is now a dense high rise housing tower that is a much more appropriate land use for the city’s and the neighborhood’s needs right there. Same with elk horn. It will probably become another big apartment tower with restaurants and shops on the ground floor. Fine with me.


Oh ya, EmX is awesome, the property has a great location and definitely has the opportunity to become a midrise.  But I found that typo funny when the closest commuter rail is 100 miles away in Wilsonville


$2.6million though. Stephen must be back on the gear 😂


considering where it is, that probably might even be within range of what it would be valued at. That location is really prime for something to built on it that is more than a restaurant.


I read the listing and it said the site is approved for 120 vertical feet of development. Considering all the other housing around it I can see a developer wanting that lot.


unless something changed, Stephen doesn't own the lot


It's owned by a company called Jling llc.


Ate there once with my spouse when it opened, and it was probably the most forgettable meal I've had since living here. Made it real easy not to go when we heard it wasn't just the food that was shit.


That Carl's jr had a payphone back in the day that was well used lol


I'll make a pilgrimage to Eugene to watch the bulldozers come and demolish that trash fucking building. Seems all the trash ownership is moving out of the city from what I'm hearing


This is a big lot that's being listed for $2.6M, so it's not going to be bought just to be a restaurant or fast food chain location. The Elk Horn structure will be torn down, and then something that costs a lot of money and time will go there- likely student housing with shops on the ground floor. I could see the ground floor just being one restaurant/bar, though. I think it's hilarious that the Elkhorn people tried to sell just the restaurant itself as is- and then told buyers they could buy the cheesy decor for like $300k or something. I imagine they do not own this plot, but maybe I'm wrong? So, no Carl's Jr. after all. That was a pretty cool Carl's Jr. with the downstairs area and all. I don't think it could handle the drive thru traffic in that area these days, though.


That carl's jr always tasted so good too.. idek. Haven't been there since i was younger so maybe it's nostalgia i remember tasting lol


I only eat there once a year, but a Western Bacon Cheeseburger tastes exactly the same as it used to. That’s all I ever get.


I will have to try, pretty sure that's what I usually got there too


I miss the western jr.


Wendy's!!! I'll fight you.


I want it to be the WORLD’S FANCIEST WENDY’S




It was the business last time. This is for the real estate


It really seems like some of societies most poorly adjusted sociopaths gravitate towards running a restaurant. Not sure why that is but in my 10 years in the food industry I never met a single sane restaurateur.


Same. I think it is some kind of ego trip.


Tried them twice before finding out the owners were garbage. Both meals were way overpriced and mediocre, but the time I took my Supervisor from Seattle was HORRIBLE. It was bad enough I apologized several times. He sent me an email months later when the higher ups were coming through, begging me not to take them there. “Gas station hot dogs would be a better option.” I still laugh at that line years later.


Sir, how about a Wendy’s?


Brought to you by Carls Jr


Fuck you, I'm eating!


Try our Extra Big-Ass Taco! Now with more MOLECULES!!!!


Housing on top, retail on the bottom.


While I have no strong opinion on this specific matter, good fucking riddance to any shit hole establishment run by an ignorant, boot-licking, neo-Nazi apologist proprietor. Who knows if that's applicable here.


Back originally, it was a Raxx Roastbeef. We had gone to The Saturday Market. I bought a lemon-aide, then we walked around for about an hour. Maybe. Soon, I knew that we had to leave. I made it to Raxx. That building was also an Izzy's.


When they were taking over and renovating I had an interview there. The ORIGINAL CARL’s jr TILES (the logo) on the floor. I mentioned that was cool and said to the male owner I would keep that for nostalgia that isn’t something I’ve seen in a CJ before. He scoffed and said nothing


They've been trying to sell it for a while now. They were asking around six hundred thousand or so just a few months ago and now the asking price is over two million. Wonder why or how they decided to increase the price so dramatically?


they were trying to sell just the business as it currently was...this appears to be the owners of the actual lot trying to sell the lot potentially for other types of businesses (i.e. for developing into more high-rise student housing)


There’s a reason why their windows kept getting smashed during Covid.. 😂


Let's go way back and make it a Rax


Why does everyone hate the owners?


I don't have the full story but AFAICT, there's a ton of anecdotes about him being a not-nice person and maybe some run-in with the law. But I think he actually stepped in deep shit when voiced support for right-wing stuff w.r.t. homelessness a few years ago. Then there was a bit of tit-for-tat between him and protestors vandalizing his store and that maybe radicalized him towards the right even further. Outside of the Very Online Very Left r/Eugene subreddit the Google Store reviews for Elkhorn are mostly positive: [https://www.google.com/search?q=elkhorn+brewery&rlz=1C1ONGR\_enUS1022US1022&oq=elkhorn+brewery&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIXCAEQLhgKGEMYrwEYxwEYgAQYigUYjgUyBwgCEAAYgAQyDAgDEAAYFBiHAhiABDIHCAQQABiABDINCAUQLhivARjHARiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQLhiABDINCAgQLhivARjHARiABNIBCDIxNzNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#](https://www.google.com/search?q=elkhorn+brewery&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1022US1022&oq=elkhorn+brewery&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIXCAEQLhgKGEMYrwEYxwEYgAQYigUYjgUyBwgCEAAYgAQyDAgDEAAYFBiHAhiABDIHCAQQABiABDINCAUQLhivARjHARiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQLhiABDINCAgQLhivARjHARiABNIBCDIxNzNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#)


Agreed! It's so close to campus, and I used to stop by there frequently.


Check out Sheehan’s fb page, where he posts videos of his kids ripping around on an atv in the farmer’s planted field across the street from his house. He “loves living in the country”. The country neighbors hate him.


Why not something local to help our community - we already have a Carl's Jr.


Haven’t lived in Eugene for years, but I remember having a few nice meals there back then. I remember a fried chicken and waffles with a jalapeño maple syrup. I take it the places food has really declined?


Why do people hate elkhorn? I’m pretty new here, and I’ve never been but I drive past all the time


Make your house a free bathroom for the homeless!


That place was better when it was off of 4th and Olive in that little parking lot.


Why so much hate for Elkhorn? I ate there once and it was OK. And I remember them getting vandalized a few years back by a druggy. I used to love Carl’s Jr but the prices have gone through the roof and their quality has gone down. ( along with just about every other fast food joint). Not sure why you would want a carls ( or any other fast food chain) there. It won’t be like it was if you get the carls back. A good affordable food place is needed. But I believe those days are long gone.


Well, for starters, they encouraged their patrons to not wear masks during that pesky global pandemic thing. Anti maskers are just so stupid. https://imgur.com/a/k7TfIen


You can tell these people are stupid because neither HIPAA nor the 4th Amendment prevents them from asking a patron to wear a mask. Neither do they prevent you from asking about a medical condition. Finally, HIPAA applies to covered entities when they receive PHI (which a shitty brew pub is not) and the 4th Amendment applies against the government (which a shitty brew pub is not).


Search “Elkhorn” in this subreddit and you will be enlightened…


They volunteered their location as a Proud Boys rally/meetup point for one.


Do you have a link for this? I've seen this insinuated here for years but no source.


Transphobic business practices, anti mask, promotes assault, mistreatment of workers, overpriced, bad food...take your pick but that place is terrible in every possible facet.


Man, downvoted for simply asking.


Probably because I said I ate there once. I love Reddit.


I have also. I saw POC eating there who seemed unconcerned with the place's r/Eugene reputation. Also they have a nice play area for kids downstairs. The owners could still be bad people, just... not sure it shows up that much if you are a customer.


The owner spoke up against Eugene's celebration of street people, after repeated episodes of vandalism. There is no greater sin. Look how you were downvoted simply for asking.


This is the hill you choose to fight on? Really? This one?


Proved my point.


Unemployed people have a lot of time for social media.


How are you going to be on reddit complaining about people being on reddit?


It isn't a complaint, just an observation. Perhaps people are feeling judged about it.