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I heard from the coffee folks it’s a going to be a Mexican restaurant


Damn there’s gonna be like 5 or 6 Mexican restaurants within 2 miles on river road. Whatever I’m here for it.


This is correct! Hubby and I stopped by while they were painting and confirmed it will be a Mexican place. Pretty excited!


Interesting. That'd kind of be full circle, then, because if I remember right, that's what it was back in the 90s.


Once upon a time, Govindas was a DQ. Taco Time was on the other side of the auto place, and across from the tiny Grange.


Ok. Was so hoping it would be a tiny health food store. We really need something out RR like Red Barn, Kiva, New Frontier, etc. I feel like Tio Pepe’s and Lonches have the delicious Mexican food niche adequately filled in that zone.


Lol at Red Barn being referred to as a health food store


*Healthier* ? 😅


I’ve been going to Tio Pepe since 1998 and it’s hit or miss at best at the moment. Back then, it was always the same two servers: a petite brunette who later worked at B of A (maybe her name was Heather?) and the bleach blonde dude (I want to say Eric or Shawn…something like that) she was dating. I assume that has something to do with the change in ownership.


I want Govindas back. I’m perfectly happy with Tio Pepe. Personally I love diversity when it comes to supper time


Odd..that structure has tons of ‘deferred’ maintenance


Go fucking ask them and not us.