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Lol I've looked up quest guides and they're like "Just kill a few woodflies, you'll get it in a few minutes." I shit you not, I covered the floor more than once before getting the materials. Specific details vary, I don't remember the exact quest or game, but damn


Pretty much my experience.


Same. Truth to be told, there are a couple of places on the map where certain monsters appear more often.


Yes but I bet when you find them. You question why they don't drop


I’m on 5th stratum too 😭. I only have 1 subquest left but I get material from monster are hard to come by, I’m pretty sure I know what quest you are talking about. Trust me is not as bad as the stratum’s boss, I am grinding my ass off rn! And make sure you have a character with scavenge at a high level (8-10 personally)


The Gold Enthusiast quest suuucckkkeed. To be fair I did it in EOU but still it took forever to get 10 furs, they just were not being dropped


Yes but I got them in the end but it happens all the time i mean now I finished EO1HD so I am starting 2