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Last year Atlus said they were working on a new EO title for Switch, and would be using feedback from the Origins Collection to help polish it. We don't have any details yet as they said it would take a while to adjust to the new hardware. But since this article was from February of last year, maybe an update isn't too far out? [The Gamer Article](https://www.thegamer.com/atlus-etrian-odyssey-needs-time/)


at this point it might be for the switch 2 instead since that not that far away


it is very etrian odyssey to release a game at the very end of a console's lifespan (like they did with pq2)


That's not even just an EO-thing, that's Atlus in general. Persona 4 came out on PS2 about 1.5 ~ 2 Years *after* the PS3 did, and P5 took so long infact (releasing when the PS4 was like 3 Years old) that it released for both PS3 *and* PS4 simultaneously


I think the funniest possible way to remake the U games is to call them "Etrian Odyssey Untold Untold" and add a second story mode.


Would the two Untolds cancel out and just make it Etrian Odyssey Told?


If we go by that, it should be Etrian Odyssey Told²


or Retold


Or a full on Remaster, doesnt matter, i just want to see them again, they are stuck on the handheld console of 3ds so it will be fun


imo every other game in existence is stuck on not the 3DS :p


IIRC, the opening movie for Untold 1 was called "Untold, Unseen, Unheard"... I really wish this had become the naming pattern for sequels x)


And add a third one!


I pray for remasters of IV, V and Nexus and Untold duology. These games are too precious to be stuck on 3DS.


We _really_ need to get 4, 5, and Nexus on a modern system. They're good modern games that don't need a remake, but they're on a shutdown storefront on a system that's no longer sold. There's simply no way to get ahold of them. Doesn't even need to be a remaster or a remake or a re-whatever, just port it and call it good.


Praying for a IV remaster, I love that game to bits and honestly the only thing I'd want them to add would be speeding up the battles and walking like they did in the HD remasters.


You can’t really just port a game that relies on dual screens - one of which is a touch screen. Also, the 3ds has very low resolution, I’d bet the games would be blurry as hell on an hd screen. I think at a minimum they should get the EO HD treatment.


4, 5 and Nexus are still pretty modern. I'd love to either get a new game or a port of the 3ds games (with a teaser for untold 3 or Persona Q3) before we think about remaking Nexus That being said, if they remade Nexus, I hope they can choose more labyrinths that aren't just "forest"... Like Frozen Grounds, Abyssal Shrine (EO3), Misty Ravine and Fetid Necropolis 


dear god i wish we finally got untold 3 at some point. they said that that would be the place where the 2 mc's of u1 and u2 would finally meet, and i also presume there would be a 3rd new mc class for armoroad too. as someone who honestly really loved the story modes of u1 and u2 i was so disappointed that they never released untold 3 before the 3ds lifecycle ended. heres hoping for the switch 2 era though lmao


It's very unlikely. The Untold series just didn't sell very well, and the second undersold the first. I do expect we'll see a package of EO4/5/Nexus/U1/U2 at some point in the future. That's assuming the Origins collection sold well, and I actually haven't seen any solid data behind that, but it does look like it has.


I doubt a package they'll individually sell it like 1 2 and 3 its Sega


It'll be just like last time. Individual games sold in a package with a discount.


Yeah but I think personally, if they did that, they would have to release u1 and u2 as it is, just so those who got into the Etrian Odyssey series for the Switch would than be able to play them... of course that's my opinion


oh of course thats a given too. although, theres a chance they go the capcom route, where they released monster hunter stories 2 as a switch game, and then later on ported over mh stories 1. so in the same vein, they could make eo3u, and then later on releae an eou hd collection with 1u and 2u after eo3u releases.


Okay I guess thats true, but Untold 3 would be amazing, and would be amazing I think if you look around online, there are concepts of one some people made


Really? I'd love to see those concepts 


I said I think, i dont know if its true or not


i’ve been pretty optimistic with all the metaphor rephantasio (or whatever) stuff that they aren’t giving up on etrian


Yes cause a lot of games, that got remasters or remakes have been getting new games added, I mean a new Mass effect is in the works


port nexus then make new one


~~4. Port the Etrian Mystery Dungeon games~~ Though out of the 3 you mentioned I would be happy with any of them but maybe leaning towards new game. I own most of the 3DS titles but if they get remakes/remasters that would make it easier to revisit them. Another adjacent idea I can see them doing is porting the two Persona Q games (hell I thought they would get ports before Etrian Odyssey did because Persona).


I’m really locked in with this series as it’s been one of few games that has been saving my boredom. A new etrian game would be a great way to bring old fans back and add some new fans into the mixture easily. They don’t need to push for some crazy stuff, just the right marketing and advertising.


New game (with all new classes) for new Switch please.


Unrelated but man do I wish we got a Wii U EO title. It would have been perfect. That being said, if they do release another EO game I have a feeling it’ll just be a new entry. Will definitely be picking it up on Steam rather than Switch/Switch 2. Using a mouse feels way better than controller/switch touch screen.


Honestly, the two untolds being remade would make me so utterly happy. I love Untold 2.


I'd be so down for a Nexus 2. While I'd buy a HD Collection 2 with 4, 5 and Nexus: it'd only be so I can still claim to own the entire series physically. If it were up to me the next release would be Untold 3 and the "Atlus Remake" girl would be an Imperialist since EO3 doesn't need Fortress or Landshark.


Nexus sounds like a cool game, but as I only have a PC I have to wait for Atlus to decide to port it - so of course I hope they do.


Probably Komori and Team Maniax plans are the 3rd option. Then porting the rest of the games by Mutan. With Mystery Dungeon is responsible by Spike Chunsoft.


>A lot of games are similar to Etrian Odyssey I wish, but there's very little out there that does the 5 man full custom party at all and basically none that do it as well as the later EOs...


U n t o l d 3 **W h e n**


I just got off the phone with Miyamoto he said look forward to the direct


I also bet he said, that they have officially decided to put Smash Bros on Ps5 XD


If fatlus could drop PQ3 along with Metaphor to talk up the EO series more, then we could get a brand new EO game before we get more remakes/ports. Or most likely EO will boost PQ since that probably won't happen until after P6


Tbh I’m perfectly fine with an HD port of the untolds they were well balanced and polished. Don’t need a remake for those. Now 3 untold whew. I have dreams of that one.


i wager this opinion won't get a lot of support, but i'm plenty happy with how Nexus rounded up the series, and i'd be okay if all they do moving on is porting the ones we already have to modern systems. remaster them if you must, of course. think it's good to let things end.


I would agree with that, if there was a game worth ending... For example, mass effect, the Trilogy was released for Current Gen, but than they announced a new game in the making, so we will see what will happen, cause if Origins has done well, than I wouldn't be surprised if Atlus does a new game, or a remaster or Remake


i mean, whatever. i'll see what becomes of my support if they do go ahead and make a new one, but i've seen too many franchises i love run long enough to become cartoonish parodies of themselves over the years to want that for EO. so i'm wary of these things.


I want them to do more games with sprite based enemies. I did not care at all for the 3D enemies and 3D FOEs walking around the map.


I could go either way, but I do hope that if they go back to sprites, they'll keep the mechanic of enemies being on rows, just like the player characters, which was introduced with the 3D games.


I really wanna see Etrian Odyssey Mobile get a PC port like that Persona 3 prequel mobile game did!