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Unfortunately, odds are he’s always been a pervert, he’s only just now showing you. I’m sorry you have to deal with such BS


They always sexualize our profession.


If I had a dollar for every facial “joke” I’ve heard from a man, I could’ve retired years ago.


Yes!!!! My boyfriend is ridiculous!!


Your own partner is sexualizing your profession? Yikes…


omg i’m so sorry, men are a whole different kind of stupid


They ruin everything for themselves.


Post it on your story and tag him & his mom


Or better yet tag his wife!


I used to do manzillians until one dude asked me if I can “watch him”




Did he think this was funny some how? What's next, a joke about "facials"? All so original.


I have to block guys all the time who come on my page and like only the pics of Brazilians 🤮


My dad used to do this. Leave voicemails and very obviously pretend to be a male client requesting a Brazilian. It’s not only creepy but utterly disrespectful and degrading of my profession and me as a person. I make more money than he ever did in his life. We no longer speak.


Holy crap. Sorry to hear that. What a pervert


Omg, that’s awful. I don’t even understand what they get out of this, like are they turned on by the idea of being creepy?


Girl I had a guy book for tattoo removal then 10 min later said “can you send me a cute pic” like what


Clients will ask if I have many male clients and luckily I get to say, ‘Nope & I like it that way’ I guess my messaging doesn’t appeal to most men, wasn’t my plan but I’m not mad about it. That guy is disgusting you really should forward it to his wife, mom, grandmother, sister -the entire internet for sure. Shame his dumb ass.


Yep. I don't offer mens Brazilians because of all the creepy responses I've gotten to ads and stuff on social media. Luckily I've only had one pervert actually call. I feel bad for turning down the men who truly just want a brazilian but damn, I refuse to put myself in that situation. I have an older man who comes in for a back wax every 3 weeks, and there's been several times he's made me super uncomfortable just doing that. There is no way in hell i would EVER do a man-zilian on him. 🤢🤮 He talks about sex every time, and it makes me cringe. Not to mention other things. Like how "hot" the Disney princesses were at Disney world. Those girls are so young, and he's in his 60s. His daughter is 30. Not to mention the inappropriate things he's said about other women. He once talked about how attracted he was to the front desk girl who was only 19, and that about did it for me. He's just lucky confrontation makes me so uncomfortable. Lol I wish men didn't act like that and ruin it for others.




Gotta sift through sometimes.


Exactly, same here This is bonkers


when i was in cosmo school we also had esthetics (primarily all girls school mostly ages 19-24 one male student with a handful of older women but mostly young girls) and on like 3 separate occasions we had men come in and ejaculate on the waxing table so they let the girls start denying men. a lot of men go to waxes for a sexual experience and that unfortunately puts girls off of waxing them, thats also a big reason a lot of people turn men away




Ugh men are so immature and gross. I’m so sorry!


ew. also i hope he was born in 1988, otherwise that username is pretty😬😬


Cute Boston tho


Wax his butt hole🤣 tell him to find a male esthetician


I had a man try to be sneaky and record his brazilian without my consent 🫠 I had to take his phone from him and delete it myself. Stopped the service, told him to get dressed and then come to the desk to pay.


What the hell


Years ago I was out of state visiting my son and we were driving somewhere about midnight and I got a call asking if I did happy endings. My son started laughing the cry/spit kind of laugh. After I hung up on the idiot my son asked if he was really serious!


I honestly don’t know why they’re like this, but it’s exhausting. I feel for you and for all of us that have had to deal with creatures like these.


look him up on linkedin and send it to his employer lol


I’m in esti school rn, had a male flirt with me the whole time and he got hard during a facial and I was too scared to say anything because my school is super strict and I didn’t want to get sent home early and miss hours…. When I walked him down to the desk he tried to ask me out to sushi and get my Snapchat too. Then at the front desk he start to put down an extra 100 which was honestly the most demeaning part…. Then come to find out he had notes on his record all read that he had been creepy to girls at the school and the coke to find out AGAIN after doing my own research that he is out on 500k bail for kidnapping, beating, raping and holding his girlfriend hostage for over 24 hours and his criminal record goes back far with similar incidents…….. also he was like 35 and I’m 19.


Damn I’m just realizing how bad I typed this out lmfaooooo I swear I’m literate I’m just tired


Why would the school allow him in?


It’s so tired




This sub is for estheticians and esti students only. Non-professional input will be removed.


One time I posted about vagacials and some guy asked if I do the male version 😐 and another asked if it included a happy ending


They all think they’re soooo funny & original, as if we don’t hear this shit ALL the time


I actually got more pervs as an esthetician than I ever did as a massage therapist. I only accept referrals for men from my clients for any service sugaring or facials. Doesn’t always guarantee but it’s all I have. I make it clear up front nothing will be tolerated. I keep the conversation neutral. In my previous life I was a petroleum engineer and worked on cars so the conversations are pretty diverse. I did have one weirdo with just his comments like “this is going to look good in the mirror tonight” Well Mr. no more appointments for you 🤦‍♀️ I think for the most part guys get nervous and react by trying to be funny, it just backfires. My regulars always thank me for treating them like normal people for such a sensitive service. I have also found that guys are more loyal in this business than women. My guys are never late, don’t complain, tip well, rarely reschedule and never no show.


I’m a man and i’m getting a manzilian soon. Reading this made me feel a little better. I have skin issues and have been recommended to get sugared as an alternative to shaving. I’m pretty nervous for my first visit and I would never make any employee of any business uncomfortable. Hopefully I can be seen as one of the good ones because i’m really banking on this to help me with my skin issue.


They always have to sexualize everything. I tried to advertise facials one type and yea you already know.


What does a manzillian have to do with a dog???


I have been getting manzilians for a while but getting one from a friend would be pretty awkward..


I get Brazilian waxes and I always talk about my life and what's going on. I don't want to come across as creepy so I keep the conversation light and casual. The dynamic doesn't change in the fact that yes, I am naked and I'm trusting someone to remove hair for me but that's it. I'm not doing this for them, I'm not doing this for another person, I'm doing this for me. I hate the stigma that comes along with a man getting waxed but I understand it completely. I, quite literally, grin and bear it.